Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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^^I wish it was like that here. I don't think it's raining but it's still kinda grey. It was supposed to be like 20 or something today but I duno lol.

It is an amazing scene and I think I had to watch it about 5 times before I could manage to settle down enough to actually see what was happening
:lol: I watched it sooo many times too. Just can't get enough of the D/L love!! I really want them to get together...and if that doesn't happen then at least give us loyal shippers a kiss!! Seriously how amazing would it be to see our lovely Dantana kiss. *sighs dreamily*
kissmesweet ya that's living proof!! Somewhere out there is a pic of him and the rest of the cast of this submarine movie he made where it shows all of them with NOTHING on and their backs turned to the camera... HOTT STUFF BABY!!!

Ya still searching for that pic... i found it earlier! grrrrrr...
**Chell pops in giggling at Aud before handing out a fresh batch of cherry Muffins**

Chell, yous bes a naughty girly! I knew there was a reason why I liked ya! You just know that Danny was telling Lindsay afterwards, "Don't tell them my new nickname." Danny---the new Nipple Marker!!

:lol: who?! Me?! hehe well, u can't help being dragged into the gutter when it comes down to Messer & Montana!! :devil: omg, i can jus imagine the nipple discussion between them both while on the way home from the lab :lol:


:eek: :eek: hey, am i seeing things again?!! how the H3|| does Danny only get 6th?!!! i am amazed... he should soo have been crowned 1st!!! I dont like Sayid lol

First of all this epi is definitley one to go into the D/L vault... actually... i'm gonna make one!

hehe psst!! can i have a copy of a key for that vault too?! hehe love the kiss at the bottom... lol someone really should make a cap of Danny n Lindsay with that lipstick mark .. pop it right on his cheek! hehe :devil:

His body is just... whoa. Need I remind you? Locker room.

you'll probably explode, because its such a romantic and beautiful scene

hehe i can never get tired of looking at that gorgeous cap, Hun! U sure know how to make someone get deeper in GV!!! hehe

I loved the interaction between Danny n Linds in SOoH... basically because it was silent.. no words spoken, jus the look of love in each others told them this was it, this is where their new life together begins :D .. **well until AZ smashes all hopes!! :( hehe Jus playing AZ ;) **

Seriously how amazing would it be to see our lovely Dantana kiss. *sighs dreamily*

lol u know when that happens.. the Squeeeees u hear around the world will be like a mexican wave lol and i cant wait!! :D
^^:lol: I think the entire world will shake from all the squee's. Can you imagine that? People just doing their daily stuff and all of a sudden the ground shakes...ok so it's a little far-fetched :) Hey a girl can dream can't she? Anyways we WILL get that kiss!!! Hopefully this season and if not then definitely the next one :D
who?! Me?! hehe well, u can't help being dragged into the gutter when it comes down to Messer & Montana!! omg, i can jus imagine the nipple discussion between them both while on the way home from the lab.

I know! The conversation would be one for the books I tell ya!

The Nipple Marker and the Tongue! My new fic that will be dedicated to Chell and Mo. Just kidding. :lol:

A D/L Kiss---it's forensics show, so I doubt we'll see much if any. We can dream though. :devil:

Kiss me for your love is better than wine! Gah Mo, I so totally have banner ideas! :D

A D/L kiss---*the squee heard round the world!* Who came up with that one again? :cool:
A D/L Kiss---it's forensics show, so I doubt we'll see much if any. We can dream though
Mac and Peyton have kissed several times so that keeps me hopeful :). I see what you mean though, and even if they kiss once it's fine by me. Stella and Frankie also kissed, although that was more for an actual case. Still I'm hopeful for something from D/L :)
See you guys did see that Danny did make a "puckering" sound. I knew that I wasn't going crazy! :)

I do hope for a kiss from Danny and Lindsay. But I'm also loving the amount of d/l time that we are getting. Sometimes, small doses is just as good as big scenes too! :)
Hello my fellow shippers, I come bearing some good news for the next new episode! It is now listed as airing April 11, instead of April 18. This is according to The Futon Critic. I know it is still a couple of weeks away, but it is one week closer now than before.

Also loving all the new fics and pics that everybody is posting. Sorry I haven't been over here in awhile, but I do like to drop in with good news. And since there isn't a new episode this week, this will be my contribution for now. So, can I have some M and M's? Please, pretty please?
^^catey dear...thank you for that wonderful info!! I'm currently in D/L mode as I am listening to 'Far Away' :). Makes me a very happy camper indeed. At least it's not as long as we originally thought. Love your icon :) how beautiful was that episode?

Cheers to D/L!! *passes M&M's to catey and all her fellow ship buddies in celebration of all that is Danny and Lindsay*
Catey darling! Thank you so much! One less week to wait is awesome!

So... I was looking for m&m images to insert to give you and made a little thingambob...


But I digress... as I was looking for the m&m images I came across another kind of m&m image... lookie here. :D
^^^How cute is that baby??? 1...2...3...AWWWWWWWWWWWW

Love the M&M icon mer. Very nice :D. As for your avvie...teeth porn!! Oh be still my heart.

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my ficcy. Here's the link to keep y'all busy until the new eppy: Wheat and City
If I am not allowed to post this more than once I apologize.
dl_shipper34, my avie was from Dingbat over at DLC. She made some great ones after the super episode.

And Mercy, thanks for the avie and the pic. The baby is so adorable! Makes me think D/L and family, actually! I think you've had this discussion before, they could dress their baby up on its first halloween as an M&M like your pic. Adorable.
Cordy -- Who's siggy?

haha, I understand, sweetie. D/L to me is like C/N to you!

I fear you then. lol.

Aunt Mo said:Danny...I mean um...something fun! heehee! Lynny yay you finally popped back into our lovely thread! Hi hon! So yeah, I'm with Mer what'd you think of having our fun-loving-teasing Linds back? Come on you know you liked it!

I gotta admit, seeing that Linds, did make me happy.

Mommy said:
Lynny, is there a reason that you keep picking on Danny?

*looks at a copy of picking on Danny, page 23, underneath Flack pwns all* How in the hell did that part get in there, FLACKIE!.. Anyways, it says *coughs* Lynny will and shall pick on Danny at any given time do to the fact that she pwns him. *closes book* Nuff said.

Mer said:
ROFLAL (rolling on floor laughing at lynny) Awww, yous so fluffy!

*stares at you* What??
CathStokes said:
I gotta admit, seeing that Linds, did make me happy.
Yeah, hopefully the PTB can keep her going in the right direction for the rest of the season.
I think the 'season two' side of Lindsay bodes well for D/L.

Ms. C/N Fluffy said:
Mer said:
ROFLAL (rolling on floor laughing at lynny) Awww, yous so fluffy!
*stares at you* What??
Anyone who makes a shippy episode guide for a pairing (as you mentioned when discussing delia's fab list), especially a pairing covering seven seasons, has got to be fluffy in my book!
"Monday's done, Monday's done...lalalalala!" Yay! :lol: Good evening my lovelies, how are you all this fine evening?! :D

What's that with the most sexy brainiac list...who's Sendhill? and what's the top 10 list? I do think Sayid is sexy, but there's no way in h*ll that he's sexier than Danny.
TVGuide magazine listed their "Sexiest People on TV" for various categories...and Sendhill (from what I don't know) was the sexiest braniac and Danny was 6th on the list...which I think is fairly ridiculous! :rolleyes: Cuz Danny is...well, he's Danny for goodness sake! :devil:

The Nipple Marker and the Tongue! My new fic that will be dedicated to Chell and Mo.
Fluffy Twin! *Hugs!* That would FREAKING rock if you wrote us a ficcie with that title! If not though then that should SOOO be a thread title option!
Danny/Lindsay #16: Nipple Markers and Tongue! How awesome would that be! :D Or I also LOVE...Danny/Lindsay #16 "More than Buffalo Burgers and Beer!" :lol:

Kiss me for your love is better than wine! Gah Mo, I so totally have banner ideas!
Awwww yay that sounds fabulous, I love new banner ideas Aud wub...go for it! :D

I gotta admit, seeing that Linds, did make me happy.
Heehee, yay! I knew you'd like seeing our happy Linds again honey...it was pretty fabulous wasn't it!

Mer said:
ROFLAL (rolling on floor laughing at lynny) Awww, yous so fluffy!
Lynny said back:
*stares at you* What??
Lol, careful Mer hon, I think I'm the only one Lynny let's call her that! ;) Heehee! :lol: And even then she whacks hard...so I'd be careful! ;) Wub to you Lynny honey bun! :D

Anyone who makes a shippy episode guide for a pairing (as you mentioned when discussing delia's fab list), especially a pairing covering seven seasons, has got to be fluffy in my book!
Lol, or obsessed Mer...that one at least I know Lynny will admit to! *Mo looks at Lynny...* What? You know it's true! ;)

Alright my friends...I'm off to play with my latest toy...WMM rocks! :D
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