Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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*Mo shuffles in, still a little sleepy, but so very happy it's Saturday...tries to come up with a "Saturday" song, but since she hasn't had coffee yet...her brain doesn't quite work yet! :lol: *

Yeah Delia I loved how totally at ease they were with eachother...I'm tellin' ya buddies...after all the "tension" we're used to with these, there's really only one good explanation in my head as to why they are this at ease with eachother...tension was "released"! :devil: I really do think that's what all those smiles and gazes meant...I mean clearly they were "I love you" glances...but I think there were plenty of "I can't wait to get home and love you more...!" :devil: glances in there too! :D Heehee! ;)

Okay so this hiatus :p lasts until the 18th, yeah? That's not as bad as I thought...I mean what is that, 3 weeks? Wait no...it's longer huh...sad day!

*Mo goes back to thinking about Carmine's "comments" earlier this year and drops happily back into the gutter for the day!* :devil: :D
*looks at clock and calculates time change* Hmm, sleepin' in there, Mo? :lol:

Dutch, you are so good at those wallpapers!

So the 18th is what, 24 or 25 days away? Gah, that sounds like a long time to be without D/L! Someone remind me, what spoilers do we have for 3x20 What Schemes May Come?
Is this the one where they don't work together? There aren't any promo pics of Danny, but there are of Linds with Hawkes.
:lol: No doubt about it Mer! Saturday is my one chance to pretend I'm still 17 and can sleep as long as I want! :D I usually never make it past like 9:30 but that's still a good 3 hours later than normal, so it works for me! :D (where do you live by the way...that you had to figure the time change? ;) )

Yeah I think this is the one where they don't really work the case together...which will be interesting to see I think, not that I want them to work apart, cuz I DON'T, but it will be interesting to see how the show feels different, cuz the teams we had this last week flowed brilliantly...and so it will be interesting to see how the dynamic changes and how the show feels with D/L not working together...here's hoping they still manage a look or convo into the eppy still...cuz hello, they're in LOVE!!! Heehee! D

And can I just say, I love how clever CSI is with their eppy titles...never fails to make me smile or laugh when I read the titles! It's great! :D
I’m from Indiana, of course! See my location? (no I didn’t take the pic, it’s a stock photo :lol:) In fact, I’ve even been on the playing field of the RCA Dome multiple times (see), you know, the home of the Superbowl Champs, the Indianapolis Colts! It's less than two hours away. And by time change calculating, I just mean counting backwards three hours… 1:30pm here, 12:30pm, 11:30am, 10:30am wakey wakey! ...right? :lol:

No D/L working together? :( Makes me sad. But maybe we will get a few lab scenes. We had a lot of those in season two when they weren’t working together. LOLD ring a bell? :D
No kidding with the eppy names! Let’s see what we’ve got for season three since Lindsay’s reappearance: Sleight Out of Hand, A Daze of Wine and Roaches, What Schemes May Come, Past Imperfect…
Almost 4 weeks hiatus sucks but hey, after that 5 eps in a row, at least one we know so far D/L will work together again and I hope for the big (positiv) bang in the finale :D I can't stop watching 3.18 & 3.19, they fit so perfect together, the looks, the hand holding, the hug, the almost kiss, the back touching in 3.19, beer, wine, buffalo burgers... LOL I need a beer and a burger too now LOL
Lindsay_Montana I absolutely heart your banner!! :D

How are all my shipmates doing today?? I'm quite depressed at the moment...my D/L fic is finished but FF is down :( *tear* Ah well.

Almost 4 weeks hiatus sucks but hey, after that 5 eps in a row, at least one we know so far D/L will work together again
Yah, that's one way of looking at it :) The last 2 eppys have been wonderful in terms of D/L so I'm not complaining there ;). As much as I don't want to wait for a new episode, I'm kinda glad it's in April because that's when all my *lovely* assignments are due and I'm finished my program. AS SOON as FF is back up I'll post my ficcy here so y'all can read it :)

cheers everyone xxx
Lindsay_Montana said:
Almost 4 weeks hiatus sucks but hey, after that 5 eps in a row, at least one we know so far D/L will work together again and I hope for the big (positiv) bang in the finale :D I can't stop watching 3.18 & 3.19, they fit so perfect together, the looks, the hand holding, the hug, the almost kiss, the back touching in 3.19, beer, wine, buffalo burgers... LOL I need a beer and a burger too now LOL

Me too! Me too! We have some great interactions in 3.18 and 3.19. It will just have to hold us over till we can get a new episode and if you think about it, it really is not a long time away. What is going to be bad is the hiatus between May and September. :(

I have a one shot fic!

Since FF is acting up I have posted my fic:

The Staten Island Welcoming Committee!
^^ mercy, vex loved the fic's! :) Left a review. dl_ship FF.net is on again...looking forward to reading your next story. :)

"we-so-did-it-last-night-just-look-at-these-huge-smiles-on-both-our-faces-and-now-I-can-comfortably-tease-and-touch-you" teasing!
That's a great sum up of what we were seeing last wednesday Mo!...too bad it's way to long for a next thread title ;)

Dutch, you are so good at those wallpapers!
Txs mercy and everyone else for the compliments :D...I sooo love my Photoshop...that's my current WP and that smile just makes my knees go weak everytime I start up my PC. :devil:
Rad[/b], Smi)]I just can't stand those contradicting statements. Both Carmine and Zuiker have hinted that we will get to SEE D/L take the next step in their relationship on the other hand Zuiker said that 'something' could happen that will dash their current :p destiny. Since we will have just a few D/L scenes in the next two ep's I wonder if everything they've talked about is suppose to happen in the last three ep's? :confused: There are just already so much loose ends that they need to tie up before the season's finale why add another one? I'm more and more getting the impression that AZ was exaggerating, :p it seems almost implausible to have all those upcoming stories for the various characters AND some decent cases ;) all in just those few ep's left.
Okay I know that was a long speculation and I'm sorry for that :eek:, but I just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys and I'm rather curious what others think about this... ;)
there's really only one good explanation in my head as to why they are this at ease with eachother...tension was "released"!
Oh my and I think I'm joining you down there in the gutter, multishipping with you, Mo! I know and Danny's grin was so happy. Like "We-screwed-our-minds-out-last-night!!" kind of happy. :devil: haha! They may lie to Flack (unless he already knows), but they can't lie to us!

Oops. I need to update my little episode guide.

Darn, the episode guide was on the LAST THREAD. haha, thank god I didn't miss it!
Posted by kissmesweet
Season 2:
1 & 2- Linds hasn’t even arrived yet!
3. Zoo York - yes. Plenty of bantering and gazing.
4. Corporate Warriors - Nope.
5. Young Blood - Nope.
6. Dancing with Fishes - Yep. Some "work" and some more gazing.
7. Manhattan Manhunt - Yep, he was clearly worried about her.
8. Bad Beat - Nope.
9. City of the Dolls - YES. He was holding her hand and then-- awkwardness. and flirting.
10. Jamalot - Nope.
11. Trapped. Nope - but Linds seemed so worried when Danny was trapped in with the dead, crazy guy.
12. Wasted - Nope.
13. Risk - YES. "You clean up nice..." Man, that was so cute!
14. Stuck on You - LOADS OF M&Ms. So adorable! Flirting... "Rough Sects"
15. Fare Game - not until the end. The have a very "buggy" first date.
16. Cool Hunter - Yep. even though they were on different cases, Danny helped Linds' case by carrying her around to check how deep the footprints were. So cute! I bet though Linds only got him to do it... because well obviously.
17. Necrophilia Americana - He teases her about eating bugs. Not alot of M&Ms since they're on different case.
18. Live or Let Die - flirting & "Does it turn you on?". So... yes.
19. Superman - yep. A sort-of marriage proposal.
20. Run Silent Run Deep - lots of M&Ms. He seemed to be only looking at her when he got pulled off for a while to the office.
21. All Access- he comforted her and she put her arm on his shoulder very naturally.
22. Stealing Home - LOADS OF M&Ms!! Plus Sid's infamous comment. "Danny calls you that (Montana) because he's got a crush on you."
23. Heroes - A bit. Lindsay talks about Danny talking about Aiden.
24. Charge of this Post - lots of D/L. He realizes that it's her file... la dee da. He tells her to check her wound out and then at last, "Still want that ride?" Hmmm... OH SO MANY meanings behind that!!
Season 3:
1. People with Money - nope.
2. Not what it Looks Like - THE HUG, THE gazing. How he didn't want her to go!
3. Love Run Cold - angsty and God, you could totally tell that he wanted her so badly as much as she wanted to cry in his arms and kiss him! "If there's anything you need from me, just let me know."
4. Hung Out to Dry - Nope
5. Oedipus Hex - He helped her to talk to the mother. Goofy smiles and he turned down the Suicide Girl despite that the "old" Danny would have turned her down anyway... but still.
6. Open and Shut - nothing, except Lindsay looks at Danny during the beginning.
7. Murder Sings the Blues - nothing
8. Consequences - nothing
9. And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael - nothing, except Danny said "Beautiful" during a scene and it could have meant something to us D/L shippers. Later, they stand together during the interrogation.
10. Sweet Sixteen - nothing, but Danny asks how Linds is doing when she gets bitten by the snake.
11. Raising Shane - Danny comes and helps her with the evidence.
12. Silent Night- No D/L, but we find out that Lindsay survived a terrible crime and her friends died. Lots of Stella and Lindsay friendship though.
13. Obsession-- No D/.L
14. The Lying Game-- No onscreen D/L, but it seemed like they were together... Danny saw her talking to Mac and Stella and was upset that he didn't get a hug. We learn that Lindsay has to testify and would leave the day after. When she takes a cab home, she sees Danny was about to stop... but he didn't see her. But not before leaving a card on his desk and Hawkes asked if she wasn't going to say goodbye to Danny. And Danny smiled when he read the card: Dear Danny - I'm not good at long goodbyes. Or short ones for that matter. But Montana calls and the cows are heading home. MOO - See you soon - Montana. And on the side it read: You're in my thoughts.
Danny holds the card and chuckles to himself.
15. Some Buried Bones --No D/L. Lindsay is still in Montana.
16. Heart of Glass--No D/L at all... but Danny reads "I love DL" aloud on the mirror written in lipstick.
17. The Ride In--No D/L
18. Sleight Out of Hand--Lindsay testifies! Danny loses his mind in the lab, thinking about her. Stella talks to Lindsay as well and Danny asks about her. Danny is tired, but when he gets home--he tells himself to "go with your instincts" and he grabs his keys and he goes to Montana. He arrives in the middle of her testimony. She's sooo suprised to see him and they stare at each other for a really long time. Then she smiles to herself and continues her testimony. When when the jury reads out their decision, she holds his hand and takes him by surprise. The jury decided to convict the suspect and Lindsay sighs with relief and puts her head on his shoulder. Then they get up and he wraps his arms around her. He is about to lead her off the court, when she's still holding on his hand and he turns to her and smiles nervously and blushes a little. Then they inch closer together and are about to kiss... when the DAMN reporters snap photos of them and ruin their moment!! Grrrr. Then they smile and he takes her hand protectively and ushers her out quickly when the reporters follow them, taking photographs.
Don't worry though, guys. I know that we'll get our kiss.
19. A Daze of Wine and Roaches--they're on the same case. He tells her that his favorite wine is beer... I'm guessing its because she ordered him one before in Stuck On You. :D They work together in the lab and she makes it clear that she isn't just about beef and buffalo burgers. Danny looks so happy because Mo told us that they got their "release" last night. :devil: They are at such ease and comfort again!! The shot each other little gazes and looks. She put her hand on his waist. They're happy and in love! Oh and they stared at each other even with cockroaches an inch away from them! Apparently our favorite lab geek, Adam knew what was going on. So did Flack and Danny gave Adam a grin that meant "That's my girl" referring to his Montana.
And all is right with the world again.

There we go. Updated! :D
know and Danny's grin was so happy. Like "We-screwed-our-minds-out-last-night!!" kind of happy. haha! They may lie to Flack (unless he already knows), but they can't lie to us!

The grin was priceless! I don't think Flack knows, he has too much work lately LOL But Adam noticed the banter about Beer and Burgers so maybe he knows... well at leas we know! :D Thanks a lot for updating the D/L Episode guide, I love to read this guide and made this :D :

Afternoon shippers!! how are we feeling today?! :D

ok.. Daze of wine and roaches?!
Wow... thats all i can say lol i managed to watch the whole episode on youtube hehe and i have to say, its the best Dl one so far as to where the bantering and flirting is concerned :D
Oh, and wat was up with them practically playing a whole song through the episode?! lol Not that im complaining cause i like that song lol (hey, Do ya think it was a secret message.. lindsay wants Danny to give it to her?! :devil: ) hehe

Ok, so its gonna take me a while to catch up here lol so sorry if ive mentioned anything anyone else has lol

Danny's face as crazy guy's talking about how "we've barely scratched the surface of what these bugs could tell us!" yeah...I think he was trying not to laugh at how insane this guy was sounding!

lol that was a funny scene!!! lol i loved it at the end when he said "You killed a guy.. over a cockroach?" :lol: man that was funny :p hehe

awww hun! i love ur avie!! Lindsay looks gorgeous when she does that smile hehe bless her!!!

Hello huni!!!! welcome back to Gutterville! hehe **hands some M&M cookies** U have been missed!!! :D

Screwed to death. (What a way to go!)
-Roach Broach
-Nipple Markers
-Beer and Buffalo Burgers

hehe i loved the look on dannys face when Lindsay said "nipple markers" :lol: he was like nipple .. what?! :lol: We all knew wat Danny was thinking when Lindsay mentioned Nipples :devil:

aww i jus had to snag that beautiful wallpaper... so cute!! how can u not say that smile is gorgeous?! :devil:

Hey y'all...check out Mer's ficcie...it's really good!

hehe i already have!! its great stuff Mer! Cant wait for more!! :D

There we go. Updated!
Woo!!! you know how much we love ur DL guide huni!! u rock!! :D

and finally....


^^ Ahh, love your siggy. Mine's similar and yep we're canon. Oooh and Chelle you're welcome with the guide. I love it too!
I love to read this guide and made this :
Very cute, Lindsay_Montana! haha, whenever I see the bit where Danny asks her at the end of CoTP. "Still want that ride?"--I'm tempted to say... "Hmmm, what kind of ride?" :devil:
But Adam noticed the banter about Beer and Burgers so maybe he knows...
haha, Adam is so awesome! Of course he knows, he saw they looking at each other the way lovers do!
Gahhh!!! I can't get my fic to work on FF. It says 'story not found'. Can anyone please help me? I think I messed up with the chapters but I don't know what to do. My story is finished but it won't work. I've never uploaded more than one chapter and I'm trying to follow the instruction but it's still not working.
^^Sorry dl_ship I did get it to work for my stories, but I suck at making tutorials. :( I believe it has something to do with making each chap a document first, but I'm not sure... :)

kissme txs for updating that episode guide. It's a very good sign that the details for the most recent ep's are so extensive. :D

And the way Adam raises his eyebrows is absolute proof that he's on to them ;)...so funny...Danny sees him looking and knows that he knows and can't help but smile THE smile :D...love that scene...

Lindsay_Montana that's a great avvie. I still don't know how to make animated ones *sigh* :mad:
^^thanks dutch I managed to get it to work :) Nearly made me go insane lol but I'm a happy camper now.

Here's the link for my newest fic: Wheat and City

It would have been up sooner except for my little problem, but it's all good now :) Hope y'all enjoy it.
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