Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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^^Runs around singing "Love is in the Air." How come I'm chillin' and everyone is like :mad: :mad: :mad: ?

Sh*t Happens! I'm taking everyone shopping---get some great boots, some cool new spring fashions, and some great CD's. It's weird because I bought a country CD!! Dang this ship. I used to not really be into country. Since the country girl came along, every country song makes me think of them...especially anything with "Montana".

Linds possibly pregnant? Something to think about and it could happen. It probably won't. Danny would freak! :lol: I'm not sure he's ready to be Daddy Danny. Although he would look so cute burping a baby! :lol: At this point, the AZ spoiler could be anything. But speculating can be fun---and frustrating at the same time. ;)

Sh*t Happens! I'm taking everyone shopping---get some great boots, some cool new spring fashions, and some great CD's. It's weird because I bought a country CD!! Dang this ship. I used to not really be into country. Since the country girl came along, every country song makes me think of them...especially anything with "Montana".

*Runs off to let my daughters cry on my shoulder* Lynny don't laugh. Where's Mo runnin' off to? :confused:

Have a beautiful night, shippers! :D
So much speculation :D!!!

I didn't have time to read so many posts I've missed (sorry) but I just wanted to post what I saw for the preview for the next episode :).

It showed a scene where Danny and Lindsay are in the lab and she says something about broches and they are both smiling! And then it cuts to Danny holding a flashlight and gun, and then cuts to Lindsay in what looks like the same place (dark background). Then it shows Lindsay thrusting something (against a door??)And then the promo ends..Well actually there is more for the other case..but this is all I remembered for the DL part :)

Everybody keep your hopes up, we just have see what the season finale brings!

I saw the preview, looks pretty interesting. :)
Grrrr :mad: My cable is still out. The cable guy is supposed to be here tomorrow morning, but I missed the promo after tonight's CSI:NY rerun. Thanks for posting a D/L summary, darx!

Aud, what country CD did ya get? :lol: Glad to see that Danny and Lindsay are a positive influence on you.
Retail therapy, I like the way you think. I could use a new pair of heeled boots. :D
Merc! I bought Carrie Underwood. I just love that cheating song. It cracks me up---although I don't think it's good to demolish a truck like that. :devil:

I totally missed the previews. I hope to see them tomorrow night---hopefully with D/L goodness. Thanks for the synopsis Darx. :)

I say we all take Linds shopping for a hot little number to wear on a date with Danny. ;)

**I don't think I'll be wearing any type of heeled shoes for a while. Just feel down the stairs again. I have to stop doing that. It's killing my old injuries. :( Searches for liquor. :eek:
Hey you, be nice to me right now, okay Lynny love! My shouting "CANON" SO didn't make this happen...no way! so yeah...Don't make me bust out CatNip fluff to blackmail you with!

*stares and blinks* I thought you were going to bring that up! xxxx .. Will you stop screaming it for at least 10 posts, please?


Merc! I bought Carrie Underwood. I just love that cheating song. It cracks me up---although I don't think it's good to demolish a truck like that

*sneaks in here* Wrote a ficcie to that song once.


Thanks Darx. I'm like Mer. no TV. I blame you Mer.
Aud that's a good song to sing along to (as long as no one is listening of course)! :lol:
CathStokes said:
Thanks Darx. I'm like Mer. no TV. I blame you Mer.
*smiles sweetly* Oh lynny, I left ya a note at your ficcie of that song. ;) Blame me, ha!
^^Runs around singing "Love is in the Air." How come I'm chillin' and everyone is like....?
Cuz you're cool like that Fluffy Twin...it's one of the reasons I wub you! ;) *Mo snuggles her happy twin!* YAY for you singing that song too...that makes me happy! :lol:

Where's Mo runnin' off to?
Had a meeting, but here I am! Back again! ;)

Aud, what country CD did ya get? Glad to see that Danny and Lindsay are a positive influence on you.
Lol, I love that you bought country cuz of D/L Fluffy Twin! I gotta agree with Mer here, I love that they had such a good influence on you in that area! ;) (I LOVE country music, so that rocks in my book! :D )

I bought Carrie Underwood.
Awwww, yay! That is such a good CD...I really like the whole thing! Good choice!

Searches for liquor.
Here love...*Mo hands Aud an ice pack and a bottle of Scotch...* Careful Fluffy Twin hon, I need you up and mobile for when we raid the CBS offices! ;)

*stares and blinks* I thought you were going to bring that up! xxxx .. Will you stop screaming it for at least 10 posts, please?
Well I could, but where's the fun in that? :lol: Come on Lynny you know you wub me...and my shouting that! You can't deny it! :D *Mo giggles and tackles her angsty buddy!*

Okay time to sleep...yay for a new eppy next week! Bring on the D/L!! :D
^^ Hey, I've missed you tons! :) I hope you're doing well.
Of course, after our beautiful canon scene--for ratings(since that the D/L and Mac/Peyton love is working) and we have been getting amazing ratings this season and TPTB will throw a gazillion things at us to keep the ratings up and all! Besides going through some drama and D/L-angst, that means that they'll come together stronger after and that's good for us! Besides things will get boring when nothing happens! D/L will be together in the end and that's pretty beautiful. I don't see Lindsay getting pregnant, irony... :lol: With Anna's pregnancy and all! :lol: Although Danny would be adorable, it might be hard for the couple to deal with. :lol: I think that we're taking the words "forever bonded" too far, it probably means that they're just together and maybe not anything more than a relationship. I'm holding my brath on the idea of the return of Tanglewood. One theory--Louie wakes up and he tells Danny something completely unexpected. Second theory--Someone delibrately cut Louie's wires and that's the case for the episode and everyone is working on the scene while poor Danny is going through hell and in the end, its to do with Tanglewood. Probably one of Sonny's men who did this. Man, that was a long spoiler box. God, I'm excited for the end of the season! I'm s positive that there will be a D/L-cliff hanger at the end! Which would be awesome and at the same time, my death. :lol: I can't wait!!This is amazing because D/L will pull through it all!!
Txs for posting that little summary of the preview darx2 I think it's going to be a great and very funny ep! :D

Of all the speculations that have been posted
the angsty :p ideas where Danny needs to be away from Lindsay (TEMPORARY) to keep her safe the best. I cannot imagine what would be so horrible to make him take that decision, but there are some things in his past that could very possibly lead to such an outcome. :cool:
I'm glad that everyone is more optimistic than we were yesterday and the day before. :)
I like everyone's speculation. I'll just hope for the best.

I didn't get to see the preview for the next ep because my kids would not go to sleep and CBS still has the old one. Guess I'll have to wait for it.

Delia, I finally figured out how to do the avatar. Now, I will have to work on the Banner.

I love the last icons you did (BTW my icon is by Delia).

Jen :)
My cable is fixed! :) But there is no CSI on tonight. :(

Okay, I have more speculation! Keep in mind that this is in no way based on any facts, just some compiled random wanderings of my mind (scary, ain’t it!). I just love speculating, even if I am wrong most of the time. ;)
Perhaps Louie came out of his coma after a few weeks or a month and had to go through various types of rehab or extended physical therapy due to his injuries. While recovering, he swore to go straight and stay away from Tanglewood, however, Tanglewood won’t stay away from him. When Louie rejects the gang again, they decide to get to him through his family and those he loves, starting with our Danny Messer. When Danny starts feeling the heat, he instinctively reverts to old behaviors, learned on the New York streets, pushing away those close to him (like his Montana) in order to keep them from harms way.
Whaddya think?
You make some valid points in your spoiler post kissmesweet I hope that it is not as bad as it seems. I have faith in that, they have been wrong before! :)

*Hand over that Scotch, please?* *It's going to be a long hiatus**
I agree with your points made in the spoilerboxes, mercy
I think that there will DEFINITELY be Danny pushing Lindsay away to almost... "save" her" and then they'll both realize that they're better together than apart and that they lead dangerous lives as CSIs, but they're willing to risk it for each other!! That's so beautiful! I want to cry since they're too beautiful. AHHHH!!! I can't wait for next week's episode! It'll make me sooooooooooo happy! I miss the previews last week and on the cbs website, its for a rerun. Do you guys know where to watch the new one

Jenn/HillHarperHot: You're welcome and AWWWW! Thanks for using my icon! I'm so happy.
Hello my lovelies! *Mo strolls into the thread grinning, she hands Vex the Scotch and agrees about the way too long hiatus that's coming! :p *

Mer, Delia hmmmm, I'm really liking your spoiler box ideas...I'm too lazy (headache :p ) to respond in a spoiler box myself (plus I don't want to feed Zuiker's spoiler box obsession! ;) ) but I'm thinking those are great ideas! I think if that's how it happened...I'd believe it and be okay with it! Well let's amend that...I wouldn't like it, but I could handle that!

Can't wait until next week, it's gonna be fun! Yay! :lol:

*Mo hugs her buddies and giggles!* :D
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