Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Lol, believe me Mer I was very tempted to do just that...morbid curiosity was the only thing that kept me around...that and a hope that y'all would make me happy! (which you always manage to do...sometimes it just takes more doing than other times! ;) ) Yeah I know, I am SUCH a drama queen, totally! :lol:
I'm starting to simmer down...well okay maybe not, but I think the initial shock might be wearing off a little...I do like the "forever bonded" comment, that's for DANG sure they are! Hello! It's called LOVE, Mr. Zuiker, come on now! And I liked the "pondering taking their relationship to the next level" part...that makes me think of Carmine's comment on how by the end of the season D/L is "SO gonna be making sweet love!" OMG, I'm about to be brilliant and totally fluffy! What if, this pondering taking their relationship the next level thing is Danny thinking he wants to propose to Linds, but then thinks either that she won't want to marry him or that something with his family comes up and he doesn't want her to have to face something else hard, so he holds off asking her, thinking it's the right thing...Can't you just see it...Season finale, Danny standing outside Linds' apartment door, just hanging up the phone from talking to Louie or something and then he looks at the door and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little square jewelry box...and stares at it for a long time, then looks at the door...and then....fade to black *To Be Continued* flashing across the screen....OMG!!!!
Okay longest spoiler box ever sorry...but I think I just made myself happy again...or deluded, but hey it's practically the same in my world! :lol: :lol:
Moriel21 said:
...but I think I just made myself happy again...or deluded
:lol: I think it's just called 'shipping' :lol:

It gets better. Besides, it was probably just an off the cuff statement he made to draw interest in the show. I am really interested to hear the actual episode spoilers once they start emerging. Just because he makes a comment like that doesn't mean the writers have written it his way (well one of his ways, he suggested a few angsty plots) and if it was written it could still wind up on the editing floor. Or they could even take one of his ideas and make a small/short story line off of it that gets resolved within the span of 2-3 eps. Lots of possibilities here. So, if anybody gets any episode spoilers, bring them in here with all due haste, pretty please?!
Oh my God! I hate it when you guys get so freaked out over a spoiler... :lol:
I think that why AZ didn't mention any thing about his past is because IT WILL BE THE STORYLINE. He's not going to give us tips and I always knew that before the end of the season--they'll be covering Danny's storyline with Louie. And besides, after TWO HARD SEASONS OF GETTING D/L FINALLY TOGETHER--It's obvious that we won't get broken apart so easily... :) Have faith, guys and that's really all I can say. I can't wait and besides they'll stand by each other through the thick and thin and that way, D/L (and us. :rolleyes:) can see just how beautiful and perfect they are!! Bring on the angst! (Sheesh and I'm supposed to be a fluffy!) But the storylines sound amazing and I can't wait!

I'll post some things to cheer you guys up!
I think it's just called 'shipping'
Thanks hon! ;) I think you're right! :D

Really I think Mr. Zuiker just has a secret obsession with spoiler boxes and so when he visits here (which lets face it, he SO does) and sees the number of spoiler boxes start to dwindle he thinks up some outrageous comment or storyline in order to boost the number of his beloved spoiler boxes back up! (That's my current theory...seeing as how my brain is beyond tired right now and dwelling on the actual spoiler anymore is probably going to result in fatty Mo tears!)

So yes...please, I agree with Mer any new details, theories, info, spoilers...do please post them ASAP and please everyone remember (and remind me often) that as my banner says...WE ARE FREAKING CANON Y'ALL!!!! :D
^^ Anthony Zuiker is amazing and he sure does like D/L & GSR too from what I've heard(which has nothing to do with me, since I'm not a GSR fan. :lol:). :)

YES , WE ARE FRIGGING CANON!-Thank you for saying it again, so I can restrain myself from screaming it out loud!!
oh danny/linds shippers!

kissmesweet, i never knew that about AZ. thanks for passing the information along.

Mo, i loved your first reaction a couple posts back, it had me screaming in agreement.

not sure exactly what to say. obviously disappointed in the new spoilers cause i was hoping more for fluff and intense bantering for our Danny/Lindsay or comic-relief-like scenes (sorry, don't know my tv/movie jargon)...the angsty is okay but not to the point of soap drama (i love my soaps, but those are my soaps [with their love triangles, betrayals because of love/revenge, etc.]; csi pairs are in a whole other realm [different but good in its own way]). when I read "forever bonded...", I thought Lindsay would come back pregnant with Danny's kid or something. This also made me think, does that mean they made sweet sweet sweet love in Bozeman? or even did a quick one in vegas! but more realistically, bonded by soul. at least Danny/Lindsay fall under the possible category of being destined to be together...! holding out that TPTB have our wishes somewhat in mind. *breathing* & *hangs onto EVERY nano second of Ep. 3.18*

Some dreamy thoughts to sail:

-Isn't it ironic that they got together in Montana, not in New York? ;)

-Danny finally saw the wheatfields!! :cool:

-After Stella said in the Super Ep. "she [Lindsay] says hi...", I love Danny's partial open-mouth reaction. heeheeheehee. :lol:

-And I'm still pondering the hand-holding just before the almost-kiss... :confused:
Good morning all...*Mo skips in happily, blatantly ignoring the silly spoiler that she's decided is simply fabricated by Mr. Zuiker to freak us out!*
I do like Mr. Zuiker, don't worry Delia hon he has given us some wonderful D/L moments and for that I will always think he's awesome...but the man has a mean streak that he likes to tease us shippers with I think and that's not so awesome! :lol: Lol, and yup...We're CANON! And heck, scream it if you want to hon, works for me! ;)

Lol, xxAnGeL yeah I love that they got together finally in MT, there's something fitting about that and you KNOW Linds took him to a wheatfied at sunset and then turned and just looked at him like, "Now do you see what I mean?!" :D And I LOVE the hand holding/Linds-not-letting-him-leave-pulling-back-sexy-face-before-the-almost-kiss! That's LOVE! :D

I don't want to go to work today... *Mo pouts!* I know I'll come back and y'all will be on like page 9...I want to stay and play! Silly work! :p

Alright I should go though...have fun y'all and come up with some more good theories...I'm liking most of all y'alls so far! :D

Peace out buddies! :lol:
that we're gonna get a freakin cliffhanger for the end of the season...i hate that!!! when i first read the 'forever bonded' part i didn't get further and clicked out lol.....den i read 'destiny dashed' and it was like ahhhh noooo....but i'm comin round a little (my fiance think i'm crazy cause i won't shut up about crazy tv writers lol) ....maybe AZ is just tryin to drum up excitement for the end of the season and if so i do wish he wouldn't do it with D/L i mean he could have played up the Louie part or SOMETHING OTHER THAN THIS SHIP ...that said i do like teh idea that Danny thinks he's protecting her or that Louie is involved cause i wanna know what happened to him!!!!

in other happier things for me!! i'm goin to New York next week so i will be able to watch the next episode!!! i'm soooo excited that i hope my friends don't have anything planned for that night hehe what is really depressin is that i was supposed to be there over the period of Super Ep too but i changed me flight date!!! was gutted when i realsied this !!! i could have witnessed it all lol!!!
Good evening y'all! :) I so love to read all you guys little explanations and speculations about THE spoiler. I'm starting to look forward to seeing which one was the closest to what TPTB came up with. ;)
Really I think Mr. Zuiker just has a secret obsession with spoiler boxes and so when he visits here (which lets face it, he SO does) and sees the number of spoiler boxes start to dwindle he thinks up some outrageous comment or storyline in order to boost the number of his beloved spoiler boxes back up!
Hihi, Mo I'm so giggling about this :lol:; with every spoiler box I now put up I imagine AZ keeping score, rubbing his hands together from pure joy behind his PC :cool:. So to keep AZ happy:
LOL Angel, when I first read that "forever bonded" part I was thinking about Lindsay being pregnant too :eek:. And Montana101 I agree about the cliff hanger. So far there doesn't seem to be anything 'wrong' between D/L or happening to Danny in ep #19, #20, #21 and #22. So if something's going to happen it will be in either one or both of the last to ep's of this season :) and that will probably lead up to a very, very frustrating cliff hanger. :mad:
I cannot come up with any new theories right now, there's been so many great (and)reassuring :D ones added already.

MONTANA101, it's great that you're going to NY (I love that city!) and don't feel too bad about not being there for Super Ep, because....
will be a D/L ep too, since they're working a bug :eek: case together
Evening my Lovely Shippers!! how are we feeling tonight?!


Hmm, chell we haven't gotten vex, rad, or darx's input yet either. D/L has a lot of regular shippers, and for good reason.

hehe and dont we know it!! :D i think my head was in such a rush i had forgotten about all the others hehe Sorry guys! :(

Mo hehe hey huni!!! :D
Okay first I have to say Chell, Mer you're too cute! I loved the "Can't wait til Mo gets here...she's gonna freak out" comments, you SO crack me up!

Well, ya know.. w knew how much you would get crazy over it hehe.. and we were jus dying to get u in here so we can hear ur thoughts hehe :D
oh,oh,oh, ..... i jus love your 'Longest spoiler box ever!' hehe that was soo cute! i love it!! PTB please do it! hehe :D

chelliyah, I knew about this last night. I was just

hehe awwww bles ya.. well i saved u the trouble :p

Delia!!! Great pic Huni!! u know i have missed u lots!! :D**hugz**
aww i totally agree! hehe Once DL are together there is no stopping them! They are the ultimate.. and CANON!!! hehe :D
I like how the mood has totally shifted...first we're all bummed, next we're feeling a bit better and making up our own theories (which all sound great btw :)) and now we're all happy, well kinda anyways...or at least have a good outlook on things. Unfortunately after next week we have to wait yet again for a new eppy. Oh well. Anyways yah just keep holding your heads up high like you always do and see where everything takes us. As everyone said before, this ship will see some rough waters...but we WILL pull through and head off into the sunset! :D
Hmm, chell we haven't gotten vex, rad, or darx's input yet either. D/L has a lot of regular shippers, and for good reason.

Who's needing my input? I know things have been on the downside in here these days. I'll continue in a spoiler box so I dont get shot.

I think I posted earlier about how from the moment in that court room where they became all canon, I knew that TPTB were going to tear them apart. Firstly it's primetime TV, they need the drama. But, It's frusturating, and I don;t want it as much as the next marvolous DL shipper, but I think if a "break up" or step bacwards does happen, it'll be interesting to see how they interact with each other because of what has recently just occured. I'm not fond of this, like I've said. And so far on all my other shows that I'm obsessive over, my ships are either sinking or not going at all. This is frusturating, we'll get through it though folks. If not, we'll charge CBS. :D

If that's not what you needed my input on, let me know!
^^that was right, rad! we were hoping everyone would weigh in on AZ's commentary. :)

dl_shipper34 said:
I like how the mood has totally shifted...
We D/L shippers totally rock! I think after the inital trepidation we have all come to the conclusion that through ups or downs, D/L is canon and will be 'round for a long long time. The writers just need to handle them with care.

But just as a precautionary measure, I've got a big thing of colored markers and glitter glue if anybody needs any to help them spruce up their picketing signs! :lol:
What did I tell you about screaming that word, Mo?

Wow, First I heard of all of this. Its weird being an angsty and no TV and all that jazz. Anyways, told ya not to scream that word. It always bites ya on the ass. and I agree with Twinny, its a drama show what do ya expect, and I agree with ya on the ships, their evil. Anyways::: Maybe this way Linds can explain herself, who knows!
Howdy, howdy shippy buddies! :D
Hihi, Mo I'm so giggling about this ; with every spoiler box I now put up I imagine AZ keeping score, rubbing his hands together from pure joy behind his PC . So to keep AZ happy:
Lol, I'm telling ya...the man has a thing for spoiler boxes, that or he enjoys watching me freak out on him...maybe that's it! He loves to make us freak out! He gets his kicks out of panicking fluffy shippers! Careful Zuiker man, freak us out too much and we'll be going "stalker" on your ass!
Linds being preggers...now that'd be funny...or ironic I guess, what with Anna just coming back from pregnancy leave and all...I'd laugh a little! But if they had Linds be pregnant and then they had Danny break up with her, I would KILL them...if you thought I was pissed over this spoiler...if they did that, I'd freak on them! The only way this "break up thing" would work and be good is if Danny did it to protect Linds...because he loves her, admits that and says he can't be with her "right now" to keep her safe...it'd still be angsty and sad, but I'd accept that! But yeah either way, I'm thinking we're guarenteed a cliffhanger! Rar!
Well, ya know.. w knew how much you would get crazy over it hehe.. and we were jus dying to get u in here so we can hear ur thoughts hehe
oh,oh,oh, ..... i jus love your 'Longest spoiler box ever!' hehe that was soo cute! i love it!! PTB please do it! hehe
Lol, yeah I'm a drama queen...what can I say?! :lol: :lol: Glad y'all enjoy my freak outs though...makes it better! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Rad I say we just charge the PTB now...no need to wait! Let's grab our pitchforks and picket signs...come on y'all, let's go! :D

What did I tell you about screaming that word, Mo?

Hey you, be nice to me right now, okay Lynny love! My shouting "CANON" SO didn't make this happen...no way! :D so yeah...Don't make me bust out CatNip fluff to blackmail you with! :p :lol:

Aud love, come share your optimism in here! :D

Okay y'all gotta run for a bit, I'll be back later tonight...don't go too crazy while I'm gone! :lol:
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