Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hi Chell! How you be? :)

I'm not extremely happy about this news, but I feel it's realistic. I mean if D/L are always together and our ship is sailing smooth, there's no challenge in that. I feel that this "distraction" has more to do with Danny than Lindsay. The way Zuiker phrased it, seems as though Danny will go throw some struggles. Will it be Tanglewood? Stanton? Maybe a combination of a lot of things leading to a split with Lindsay. I said a long time ago that the PTB were not just going to hand this ship to us---even if we got our Canon moment. I have a feeling that this relationship is going to be along the lines of Ross/Rachel. Back 'n forth relationship. But that's not a bad thing--those are usually fun relationships if not down right frustrating at times. :lol: I'm not angsty! But sometimes these things turn out to be BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE. In the long run, it may just might make our ship stronger or not. :lol: I have faith in the writers. I'm loving the 'destiny' and forever bonded thing---shows promise. Time will only tell.

*Runs off to shop.* I need to shop now. Mo, you comin'? ;)
^^ Aah poor Mo (and all those other shippers still unaware of this news)! It will be a shock to come here and see all these spoiler boxes.
I know that 'destiny dashed' part freaked me out at first too. But he also talks about "FOREVER bonded" :D :D. So I hope that he was a bit exxagerating to tease us and that something will happen, but not so devastating that there's no turning back; I really like your "blessings in disguise"-analysis, Aud. :) And I agree about Louie. It will be great if they follow up on that story; and I get the feeling they will. I can't wait for new info either. :)
Sorry guys. :( I didn't know anything about this new spoiler until I read it in here. I'll check around. Maybe spoilers for the next ep...21 or 22? (i can't remember) will be out soon and there will be more info.
^ If there's any new info it perhaps is in the spoilers for #22
is the one with the 'freak' show and the kidnapped girl(s). Danny's working the 'freak' show case on location (while Lindsay's in the lab) and among the people involved are two brothers of whom one's in the hospital ;). So that may be leading up to revealing what happened to Louie in ep's after that #22 or #23, but most likely #24. :p
Modie didn't even know? :eek: :)lol:)
I am watching my VHS of LRC. Cable is still out and it seemed fitting somehow. Angsty ep, but dang is it amazingly good.

Aw, poor Mo and everyone else. Wait a minute...
I have to work all day tomorrow... y'all can't do this while I'm away, 'k? :lol:

I like your blessing in disguise theory as well! I can see what you mean by using the Ross/Rachael relationship correlation. One of my concerns (not a worry, just a pondering) is I would really find it hard (sad :() to watch these two paired with other people (unlike Lynny :lol:). So hopefully TPTB don't take it that route. I would rather have them single and longing for each other than have them otherwise paired. One thing I realized about CSI:NY is that since it is a crime drama, it seems to take them a long time to develop and explore the relationships of the characters since it isn't the show's main focus. I mean look at how long it took GSR to go canon, or that it took two years for D/L to get their canon moment when Danny & Lindsay obviously had chemistry from the start! :D And now that they are forever bonded...
1CSIMFan.. hehe thanks kindly modie!! :D

Aud heya!!! i be fine thanks!! Hows about u?? have missed ya! :D

Mer hehe ya know what, im exactly the same as u, i have work all day tomorrow 12 - 22pm :( so im gonna be spending the day wondering about this DL hehe

im keeping my fingers crossed that even though AZ says they are 'forever bonded' , he doesnt mean that its a good reason to have them kinda get together and then end up being kept apart..only for them to get back together again lol i think Lindsay will be the one to stand by Danny through anything that happens.. especially if its anything to do with louie.. seeing as she saw how much anguish, and pain Danny went through with RSRD. I think if anything it will jus bring them closer together.

C'mon Mo, Lynny, Delia, Catey.....!!!! and anyone else ive missed hehe we neeeedddd uuuu to come and discover the news! hehe :lol:

All those who have missed out so far are gonna freak when they read it hehe :D
mercy said:
I am watching my VHS of LRC. Cable is still out and it seemed fitting somehow. Angsty ep, but dang is it amazingly good.
I'm sorry about your cable :( merc; I already thought that the 10 hours it took them to repair mine yesterday was long. I guess I was the lucky one :D. But it's a good excuse (as if we need that :p) to watch tapes or DVD's.
I totally hope they didn't decide to throw in a triangle or something in after all. I have to agree with you, I rather have them back at square one again instead of seeing either of them hit a home run :devil: with someone else :mad:
I have a long work day ahead of me tomorrow too, so I guess I'll have to read quite a lot of posts tomorrow night to find out everyone else's thoughts about this. :D
Hmm, chell we haven't gotten vex, rad, or darx's input yet either. D/L has a lot of regular shippers, and for good reason. :D
(I like the title, similar to a movie I really like, What Dreams May Come, and of course the shakespearian reference) It is here , but it doesn't mention what case Danny is on, just that Flack and Stella are working a case together and Lindsay is working with Hawkes. Anybody who frequents the spoiler thread know?
I'm here! I'm here! *puts on her hand for m&m's and gets ready to stand on her soapbox***

read what AZ said and I have this theory and I may be right or I may be wrong, but I was correct in Danny going to Montana. I think that it may not be as bad as it seems. For one, why would he t ell us that information about the episode? Usually towards the end of the season, the writers are pretty tight-lipped about what they reveal and for him to say that meant that a) He could be completly wrong and b). He may be saying that to keep us on the edge of our seats. Think about it, it makes the both sides happy and sad and that is what make the ratings soar. What I think is happening is that Danny knows something that if it is revealed will tarnish the relationship that he has with her. His ultimate goal is to protecting Lindsay and he will do that at all costs. I don't think it is about another woman so to me that is the only reason.
*pours a bunch of m&ms into vex's hands*

Well said, vex! I definitely agree with what you've said. I think a lot of us are going to wind up seeing it as something along those lines. You made some good points there!
what AZ said/suggested was that Danny might have a fear of commitment. To which I roll my eyes :rolleyes:. Seriously here, the dude went to Montana for her. Sure he was acting on instinct, but time has proven that he is committed to the idea of him and his Montana, together! I think it will be something about his past that he is insecure about, either because he thinks it will cause Lindsay to turn away from him, or that he wants to protect her from. Like if Tanglewood starts giving him trouble and he worries it may put her at risk, he might push her away in a 'noble' but misguided gesture to keep her safe.
Ooh, there will be theories abound!
*munches on the m&m's thanks! :)**

is a gentleman. We all know that he is love with her and he may just push her away but maybe for a little while. Like many have said, the ship cannot sail without going through some choppy waters. We'll just have to see how it goes! This is exactly what AZ wants to do or he wouldn't have said it in the first place
chelliyah, I knew about this last night. I was just
bummed and depressed to come on here and post it. On another site, we've been discussing, ad nauseum, and it doesn't get any better. I'm just so angry that they are going in this direction. I mean, we waited how long this season for something as good as 318, and now, destiny dashed? No freaking way! It was a very crappy ending to my birthday. Definetly not what I wanted to hear. Anyway, I think it is still just speculation at this point. Zuiker has been known to say things before, and been wrong about them. Remember, he's the one who said that Danny and Angell, when two beautiful people get together, there's bound to be chemistry? Never happened, it was changed. So, that might be his way of muddying the waters. That's my two cents.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who posted the lovely D/L pics for my birthday, much appreciated to everyone who took the time. You all are a great bunch!
**Mo tiptoes into the thread...looking at all the spoiler boxes with a sense of impending doom... :( **
So I see y'all are looking for me or something...like I'm gonna bust out with like drama or something when I hear this news?
Well....sorry to disappoint you...oh wait I'm not gonna disappoint you! ARRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :mad: :p :(

Okay first I have to say Chell, Mer you're too cute! I loved the "Can't wait til Mo gets here...she's gonna freak out" comments, you SO crack me up! :lol:
Second, Aud thank you for your PM warning me about this spoiler Fluffy Twin...I appreciated that! ;)
Moving on... *Mo steps onto her saopbox and clears her throat loudly...*
ARE YOU FREAKING INSANE????? I'm sorry, you did give us SUPER EP and the almost kiss...but that's exactly my point...you CANNOT do this! You just got our couple together, clearly together. You cannot dangle that in front of us and then jerk it away like that! YOU CAN'T!!! That said, I like the theories that it's something that Danny wants to protect Lindsay from, that's the only way that this would make sense to me. (Does NOT mean I like it...but it would make sense.) I would NOT believe it if it was another woman...that would be utter crap and no one, NO ONE would believe that!!!
**Mo attempts to calm down as she steps down from the soapbox...*

I don't know that I have much else to comment on right now...I think I need to go recover from this shock and figure out a way to turn this fluffy...that or start to stalk the PTB until they do what we want!
*Mo grabs her picket signs and pitchforks...Aud hon, we're picketing after our shopping trip!* :D
Mo! There you are. I was half afraid you'd run out again after seeing all of those spoiler boxes!
Just give yourself a little bit of time to recover. Reading through our spoilers from earlier today, you can see the progression from screaming disbelief, to cautious speculation, to boldly broaching possible theories. So far, Danny trying to protect Linds seems like the best explanation. Of course we have nothing to back that up with but so what. I am wondering (and I mean this in a joking manner) if Danny's character gets some of his drama tendencies from AZ! (I mean no insult to AZ in that, I have the utmost repect for the man and all he has suceeded in, the thought was just amusing). But yeah, it is a bit of an about face after Super Ep. Hopefully AZ was just being a bit dramatic and overstating what will probably turn out to be a good thing for D/L. Once again faced with an obstacle, they will work through it and come out stronger on the other side!
Why couldn't have been that Danny got on the wrong plane and ended up in Montana unaware that Lindsay was there? Now that would've been original, Danny got on the wrong flight and happened to run into Lindsay while there trying to explain to Mac what went wrong.
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