Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"
Welcome to our little shipping community,
If anything we have a lot of fun here. Broom closets, pie, M&M's,
Iheartnickcath, etc. It gets a little crazy in here!
Misery, I love your thinking and point of view...where have you been all this time?
I love the theory about the bet between Mac being almost payback for the 'you don't know him as well as you though' thing in "Stuck on You."
I also like the idea of Danny cooking for Lindsay---I could see him all nervous and wanting to impress her---then he burns himself and curses like nobody's business---making Lindsay laugh and shake her head! :lol:
Congrats to
Allie and Dingbat for remembering exactly when they started shipping D/L. I don't exactly know myself. I saw something in "Zoo York." But really began to see something in "City of Dolls." Then by January, I found out that others shared my love for D/L too!
Okay, so do we wait until September 20 to let D/L out of the broom closet? Or should we keep them in there until Lindsay gets over her fears??
Moriel, if you go and grab D/L, I'll cook the dinner. Then you can sneak them up to the roof, were they will enjoy a nice dinner by moonlight. Of course, Lindsay can't say no to that! Damn, I bet Danny looks good by moonlight!
