Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*Waves* Hey y'all!

Loved the wallpapers in the last page! They were awesome.

When did I start shipping D/L? Uhh... The beginning of Zoo York! :lol: As soon as I heard the whole 'sir' deal I knew they were awesome!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I read your story, I think it's so good and I gave you a review for all your good work. Every once in a while I need a dose of fluff to keep me balenced. :)

I haven't abandoned my angsty!twins , so don't worry! :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

smiliee started shipping D/L because I told her too. Much like the other ship... I'm glaring at you.

No.. Fluffy fic! How could you Em.. wait, its you. Of course its gonna be a fluffy!fic.

I didn't start shipping DL to pick on Auda, although it was in there.

Did you just say you heart me? Scared of you... Its not really the meanest thing I've said to you.. Remember the one about you can't throw. :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^Okay, so you didn't start shipping D/L because of me. And true about the meanest thing that you've said to me...Hmmm...you say I can't cook, throw, etc. Do I have any talents then? Well, I certainly do have D/L intuition! LOL!

Em---great D/L fic! :)

It's hard just waiting for the new season to begin---I miss D/L! :(
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

their locked in the closet, how could you miss them?? :D

come on auda, cheer up, please...and yes you have talent.. :D I'm playing, Auda can cook, moriel :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey guys well i wise going to sleep, and thinking of some interesting moments that could happen in csi ny , it's totally random but i thought i'd post it cuz i'll lose, and it's kinda dumb but oh well! hehe
Ok, what if like the team had a high profile case so they were all working on it, and they came across a sex tape, and they all had to watch it.... :devil:

*mac, stella, flack, danny, lindsay, and hawkes are staring at the screen, heads tilted to the side*
Stella: That cannot be comfortable! *her eyes suddenly widen, at what the couple attepts to do*
Lindsay: Trust me it's not!
*everyone turns and looks at Lindsay questioningly, with eyebrows raised*
*Lindsay turns to see their expressions* What!?!? There's not a lot, to do in Montana!!! Plus, have you ever tried to have sex in a broom closet that's like 6x6!?!
Danny: Oh My God....
*Stella turns her attention back to the screen* Now you can't tell me you've done THAT!! *she says pointing at the screen*
Lindsay: Trust me Stel, I've done everything they've done, and more!! *turns to Danny* DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT LOOK DANNY MESSER!!!!!

hehe, i know it's dumb, but i just thought it'd be fun for Lindsay to be a little kinky, hehe! and yea i know it's like the 'Walrus Documentary' but still! hehe i know it sucks, cuz like i'm a totally sucky writer and all!! hehe

Well night everyone i'll be back on in the morning, wish me luck for tryouts!!!!!! G'night!!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad I know I'm bummed you're back in school... :( I miss my Raddy honey! **huggles!** I'm doing fabulous though...how are you? School not kicking your butt yet? Hope not! :D

Smiliee howdy! :D Yeah I didn't get to see Zoo York the first time around, but I know if I had I would have fallen for this ship in two seconds after that "sir" thing! :lol: The chemistry from the get-go between D/L was contagious and hot! :devil:

Em Yay! You wrote a fluffy fic! Wohoo :lol: I will go read that right now and then rave to you about it! ;) :D Yay for fluff! :D Em I LOVED it! Totally cute...fluffy, fun...fabulous! Check it out y'all...it's great stuff :D

Lol, Vex yeah even you angsty's need some fluff every once in a while! Way to be brave enough to admit it! :D

Lol Lynny you gotsta be nice to my fluffy Aud...or...um...or I'll have to stop being your minion! :D (Heehee, just kidding hon...about the not being your minion I mean...I can't really stop being your minion...but be nice to Aud!! We don't wantsta make her cry! :lol:)

Aud yeah I'm with ya honey...I miss D/L too...it needs to be the new season already dang it! I want it...ready everyone with me.... **new season now....new season now....new season now....!!**
And Aud for the record hon...you do have talents! :D You have a freakin' degree in D/L Body Language...a talent I'm definitely jealous of! :lol:

Svet Oh my gosh...that would be hysterical! Linds' is a closet kink...hmmm, interesting! :devil:

**Moriel looks around innocently...whistling as she does so...and then sprays caramel sauce ALL over the thread and all y'all....and runs!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey watch where you're aiming that thing Moriel! :lol: You guys sure know how to cheer me up! :D Love the senario Svet, that would be hilarious! :lol:
You guys are lucky, you don't have to wait til next year for the new season, which is probably when it's gonna come out here. I hate living in the uk! :mad:

Anywayz, peace out :cool:

ETA: Yes! I'm a rookie! Woot!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iluvroadrunner said:
i have a present. my belated yaynewthread!present. it's winter!fluff.

Snow Angels

go! read! :D
dragging her to the broom closet hehe loved it
*mac, stella, flack, danny, lindsay, and hawkes are staring at the screen, heads tilted to the side*
Stella: That cannot be comfortable! *her eyes suddenly widen, at what the couple attepts to do*
Lindsay: Trust me it's not!
*everyone turns and looks at Lindsay questioningly, with eyebrows raised*
*Lindsay turns to see their expressions* What!?!? There's not a lot, to do in Montana!!! Plus, have you ever tried to have sex in a broom closet that's like 6x6!?!
Danny: Oh My God....
*Stella turns her attention back to the screen* Now you can't tell me you've done THAT!! *she says pointing at the screen*
Lindsay: Trust me Stel, I've done everything they've done, and more!! *turns to Danny* DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT LOOK DANNY MESSER!!!!!
you brought me right to the gutter Lol :devil:

I been thinking about it and i think the Minute i became a D/L shipper was in City of the dolls the scene when he ask her to lunch and she say she got to get back to the lad and he says me to me to love that scene :devil:

congrats on becoming a rookie YoBlngnSnckrsfan
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
Misery, I love your thinking and point of view...where have you been all this time? ;)

:D Well, right here. :D I just wanted to watch all the eps before making comments. I always love to have all the facts before commenting on them. :D I'm glad you liked my POV, Auda .

Svetlana , that's a great scenario. It would be great to see some moments where Lindsay shows to Danny that she's not as innocent as she appears.

I've got an idea for a fic, although I'm still not sure where would I go with it. Lets say that Linsay recieves a video tape, and Danny sees it on her desk. The tape is of her prom, and he decides to have some fun and watches it...and that's all I have. :D

But, I have another question, a bit OF. I've read somewhere that Catherine (from LV) is also born in Montana. Is that true? I can't remember where that was said...Maybe this fic will be a crossover (Danny on undercover assignment in Vegas - Carmine's Thumpy G role, so he knows Catherine and Catherine knowing Lindsay from Montana).
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks guys! *hugs everyone* and i think that would be funny to have danny watch Lindsay's prom, and it'd be cool, for Catherine to have known Lindsay back in Montana! it'd be like a long awaited reunion or something like that, hehe.
It'd be like totally awesome to see the way, Lindsay and Catherine, would get along together!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iluvroadrunner was fic was very cute & fluffy!

Svetlana wow that would be interesting. The reactions of the others would be to die for. And no matter how crazy you think your ideas are, please share. Because we are all crazy. ;)

Misery, were you thinking friends? I do wonder what he see on that prom tape.

YoBlngnSnckrsfan (Soph) CONGRATS! Its so much fun when your title is changing alot in the beginning.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Well, I was thinking that maybe Catherine dated Lindsay's brother (since I've read that she ran away from home when she was 16 with her boyfriend). So I was thinking that maybe Cath comes to NY, sees Lindsay again and in a conversation (where Danny is also present), she can say:

C: "You know, I remember, you thought that I was some b...., haven't you?
L: Well...no...not really...
C: Come on! And I admit it, I was a bully. However, I still remember; you were still a kid and you walked up to me and said: "You stay away from my big brother."
L: (glances over at Danny) That's what anyone would do for their brother.
Danny smiles and realizes that she really does understand.

OK, I'm babbling. :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks guys, but please call me Soph, it's easier to type :lol:. The Cath/Linds crossover thing would be interesting. Love the senario, Mis. That would be so cute!And i love the fic idea too, i hope that gets written sometime.

Peace out guys :cool:
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