Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Great job, Jenn. I was in an angsty mood a while back myself---but yet I was happy! I love it from Lindsay's point of view (I enjoy first or second person the most)---I've written several that way. I know what Lynn is going to say about this one! LOL!

What would D/L fight about? Lunch. She wants to have lunch at the lab;he wants lunch at her apartment...she's all focused on work;he's focused on her! I have a one track mind. I'll think of something later. That's what I get for trying to talk on the phone and type at the same time.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

that does sound like them Auda-- I like it... to be honest I don't even really know wht they would fight about.. I'll have to think aout it a little more too!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Auda, why do you always pick food for? You know you want to come up with something angsty, come on. Do it! {throws a pie back at you} It comes with M&M's!
haha. You noticed nobody called her Auda, till I did. Thats right. She's my minion though, Hope yall know that ... Wait, How did I get a fluffy minion?

{waves} To my twins, and the rest of the Angsty!Clan and the Fluffykins and to my pet, Smiliee
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

They'd fight over Tanglewood.

I think if they got together, it would definitely influence the relationship. No one knows exactly how involved Danny was, so it could be interesting what he tells Lindsay and what he tells everyone else.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thank you Auda. I am glad you like it. Yeah, I find it so funny that when I am in a depressing mood, all I want to do is write fluff. And the opposite goes for angst. But maybe it's because when I am depressed, I want to be happy, so I write happy things. *shrugs* Who knows?

Haha. Lunch! Yeah, you know what, knowing the writers, it wouldn't be something meaningful that they fight over. It would be something totally simple. Like lunch. Or who got the remote. Or who got to ride shotgun in the SUV. (Because we ALL know shotgun is amazing).

*points to Lynn's comment*
Wow, we sound like the fluffy bunny named by a two-year old. Haha. It's cuuuute. :D

I need like three more comments before I can get an icon. Woo me.

And just because I thought this was funny: "Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it." - Alfred Hitchcock

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Wow Sophie I didn't think of that either. That's a good one. I agree with you there too. I think they could get in a bicker over that.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Okay, I'm almost to 100 posts and my first avatar. Woo hoo!
*Audrina does a happy dance* Don't mind me, it's the cold meds. *sniff*

Anyway: My opinion of where I'd like to see this relationship go is somewhere in the middle. I don't want mushy gushy vomit-inducing kisses and "I love you, pookie!" I would like to see an continuation of the flirting, looks, tense moments. One cool thing would be to see them with each other after a bad case or something and exchange a hot kiss ... then end scene. Maybe?

I don't know. Anyway. Great thread. Love everyone here!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad, I just have to say, "I love you avie!". It's cute the gummy's and the missing gummy csi.

I actually hoping for the relationship to have a mixuture of fluff and angst. You have to have angst to give the audience excitement and you have to have the fluff to keep the audience attracted to the show.

It has to work both ways.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
Anyways, maybe she's just pre menstral and needs some Midol...lol!

:lol: Oh my gosh that is hilarious!

*Waves* Hi Y'all!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I just want more angst then fluff, so I can annoy Auda when we watch it. :D

My twins are lovely though.

Jenn, your my fluffykins :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ah, Lynn - HAHA.
Yay! *claps* I get to be your fluffykins!
Does that mean, I'm like, your fluffy minion?
*evil laughter*

Uh, that wasn't me.
Ta-DA. And now I have reached 100 posts!

You know, I really think that Auda is on to something here. If they fight, I think it'll be about something completely absurd that has no value to the show whatsoever.

However, I could be completely wrong, and their fight could tie in with something relevant to the show, and something of equally important value.

Who knows?
We'll just have to wait 6 more Wednesdays to find out. ;)

I am off to bed y'all!

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iheartnickcath said:
Auda, why do you always pick food for? You know you want to come up with something angsty, come on. Do it!

To annoy you! :p And to also remind myself to eat---actually I'm not all that fond of food---go figure! :rolleyes:
Pie is good though. ;)

The reason I chose a silly little fighting issue like 'lunch' is because:

1. It seems like Danny is always trying to get Lindsay to lunch with him or get a meal out of her---"COD," "CH," and "Super Men." Her answers---'I gotta get back to the lab,' 'I'm not giving you anything unless you get going,' and that last one, he didn't get an answer at all...Lindsay feed that boy! He's hungry.
2. Couples tend to fight over stupid things. If not lunch it would be Lindsay getting jealous over a suspect flirting with Danny. Or maybe Danny would get jealous over a lab tech or maybe Pino flirting with Lindsay or calling her 'Montana.' I could just see it now:

Pino: Hey Montana, could you hand me that...(interupted)
Danny: Wait! What did you say? Lindsay, since when does he call you 'Montana?' That just ain't right. :mad:
Lindsay: What's wrong with him calling me, Montana? I thought you liked that nickname?
Danny: That's my name for you. Danny *pouts*
Lindsay: Poor baby, did it hurt your feelings?
Danny: Yes! Now leave me alone! :rolleyes:
Lindsay: Is there anyway I could make it up to you?
Danny: NO! Well...maybe...a nice meal at your place might do the trick... :D
Lindsay: Okay. We can have dinner at my place and I'll cook for you.
Danny: Well, that may not be enough...
Lindsay: What else are you looking for here?
Danny: A meal at your place with you in an apron and nothing... :devil:

Oops, I can't finish my story, shippers. It's a little racy... ;)

IMO: I don't care if they fight a little as long as they make up a lot! :devil: :devil:

Sophie is on to something. I think they might fight about Tanglewood or something deeper like Lindsay's dark secret. Audrina made a good point, though about them fighting about something somewhere in the middle of angst and fluff---sounds good to me. :cool:

Thanks, Smiliee! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh my gosh I can so see that! And then Pino would be standing there completely stunned! :lol: That's awesome!

And Rad I really love your avatar!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lynn has more fluffy minions than she realizes. i happen to be one of them. she bribes them with hot csi boys. :p

and i don't know what the discussion question is, but i agree with the option that involves fluff and food. :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I think they would also fight about one of them being in a dangerous situation on the job.

I think that Danny might also argue with Lindsay over her being so closed off- he wants her to open up to him, but she won't.
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