Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

umm thank you..all im so happy..umm to answer your question Moriel..i will have to say A. Even though i do enjoy the times that they sit in the break room and share bug pasta..but you know a resturant would be cool too!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I would like it if option C or D happened, but I don't think it will. So I'll go with option A. I think that would be really cute.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

P3k hiya! :D Nice job on the wallpapers hon...I think the 3rd of the 3 is my fav, but they're all great! Good job :D

Smiliee hey hon! **waves!** Yeah wouldn't it be cute to see either one of them cook for the other, I'd love to see that! :D That said, I'm not sure we will actually see that...but I'd sure love to! If we don't get to see that then I'd love to see them at a cozy romantic restaurant...but my wish is still for Danny cooking for Linds! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said:
Dingbat said:
I became a DL shipper the second Lindsay came on ;) :lol: Which would have been Wed Oct 12, 2005...at about 10:12 pm...(I have a good memory...)
Lol, DB you rock! :lol: You do have a good memory hon...that's impressive! ;) I was hooked the first time I saw D/L together...how can you resist them together, they are the cutest together EVER!! :D (Hey real quick DB are you excited about Jack's appearance on SG-1 this Friday?!!)

Thank you. I can even remember the day I moved to my current location...pretty bad eh! ;) And YES!!!! I am so excited for Jack's return!. I've been counting down for months. Can't wait for the Sam/Jack moment! Shippers around the world have been waiting for this momnet...Do you know of which moment I'm refering to? ;)...but I don't want to spoil...

I'd go with C for a date. It's romantic, and I could so see Danny doing it. It'd be so sweet :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi D/L shippers!

I'm going with option A. I like the idea of them going to a nice, cozy restaurant first. Maybe an Italian one with dripping candles, soft music, and some good wine...okay, that sounds a little unlike Danny. But I think Lindsay would bring out his romantic side! ;)

After their first date, they should probably have one or the other over for dinner. I could see Lindsay making some good ol' country cookin', then they share a kiss from across the table, knock everything off the table, do it right there on the table, and then finish with a nice apple pie a la mode! :cool: :devil: JK!

If not, they could always eat some hot dogs and have a few beers at a baseball game! :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I became a D/L shipper... well i don't have a very good memory, but i'm also a D/F shipper...but i don't see that happening soon or ever.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, DB that's not bad, that's cool! I have a fairly good memory...well when it comes to certain things anyway! :lol: As for the Sam/Jack moment...I'm pretty sure I know which moment you are referring to...would it have anything to do with a white dress? ;) I'm so excited he's coming back...I just love them together! :D
Maybe an Italian one with dripping candles, soft music, and some good wine...okay, that sounds a little unlike Danny. But I think Lindsay would bring out his romantic side!
Aud! Hi my fluffy friend! Wow, great minds think alike that's exactly how I was picturing the restaurant scene when I mentioned it...sweet deal! :lol: And I agree I think Linds will bring out the romantic in Danny! :D
I could see Lindsay making some good ol' country cookin', then they share a kiss from across the table, knock everything off the table, do it right there on the table, and then finish with a nice apple pie a la mode!
Rock on! I LOVE that idea! **high five to my fellow bad girl!** I think that is a fabulous idea! :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

hahaha :lol: i can see that happening, going straight into dessert, yummy.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

You know, it's weird, but I could see Danny being all flustered that everything had to be perfect for their date. I think he'd try too hard. LOL. You know what would be cool? If he asked Stella for advice. Like, they could have an adorable scene together:

Danny: [trying to look nonchalant] So, I have this date tonight and I need your advice...
Stella: Lindsay?
Danny: [shifty eyes] No...no...okay, yeah.
Stella: [laughs] Lindsay is a simple girl, Danny. Don't get yourself worked up about this. Just be yourself, alright? That's what she likes about you.
Danny: [raises eyebrows, because we all know his ego is like *flails arms around* THIS big] So, you two talk about me?
Stella [smirks]: That is for me to know, and for you to never find out. [walks away leaving Danny holding his arms up in the air, upset]

Yeah, so that last Stella line was from my story "Chasing Hope". My OC Anna says it to Danny in the same smirking know-it-all tone. LOL.

So, I am gonna go with Danny cooking for Lindsay.
I think it would be cuuuute. :D

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

hahaha i can see that happening, going straight into dessert, yummy.
Lol, yeah feenx dessert first sometimes is fabulous! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Jenn that'd be really cute if Danny went to Stella for advice like that...I'd love to see that! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Jenn , really cute! :D

It would be great to see Lindsay going to Stella for advice after Danny asks her out. Of course, she will accept, but, maybe she will ask Stella if Danny ever dated anyone from work or something like that. I always remember their conversation when Aiden died: "Danny talks about her a lot."

Maybe Stella will convince her that Danny really cares for her and that he didn't ask her out only for a few hours of fun.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Welcome to our little shipping community, Feenx. :)

If anything we have a lot of fun here. Broom closets, pie, M&M's, Iheartnickcath, etc. It gets a little crazy in here!

Misery, I love your thinking and point of view...where have you been all this time? ;)

I love the theory about the bet between Mac being almost payback for the 'you don't know him as well as you though' thing in "Stuck on You."

I also like the idea of Danny cooking for Lindsay---I could see him all nervous and wanting to impress her---then he burns himself and curses like nobody's business---making Lindsay laugh and shake her head! :lol:

Congrats to Allie and Dingbat for remembering exactly when they started shipping D/L. I don't exactly know myself. I saw something in "Zoo York." But really began to see something in "City of Dolls." Then by January, I found out that others shared my love for D/L too!

Okay, so do we wait until September 20 to let D/L out of the broom closet? Or should we keep them in there until Lindsay gets over her fears??

P.S. Moriel, if you go and grab D/L, I'll cook the dinner. Then you can sneak them up to the roof, were they will enjoy a nice dinner by moonlight. Of course, Lindsay can't say no to that! Damn, I bet Danny looks good by moonlight! :eek: :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Danny: [raises eyebrows, because we all know his ego is like *flails arms around* THIS big So, you two talk about me?

LMAO. I think this is probably the funniest thing I've read all day.
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