Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"
*squees in excitement for no reason - except only 39 days left! yay!* 
hi all my is everyone?
Moriel - be fluffy happy hon,

cause I was in an angsty phase a week or two ago and have now crossed over into a fluffy one. Ahhh yay for fluffy happy D/L goodness!

Mmmm better than a choco chip cookie, or a chocolate covered choco chip cookie...ooh ooh I know! I'll take Carmine feeding me a choco covered choco chip cookie from his own lips...AHH!
*fans myself* ok whoo, heated myself up there a little! :lol:
okay anyway, on to a relevant question. (btw, thank you to all who answered my other one, and especially you Auda, cause that's so awesome that you know all that *
so jealous *)

alright, here it is folks: what if TPTB made Lindsay go through a little bit of PTSD after what happened with Flack...y'know, cause she was supposed to be in the building and all...what would y'all think if that were the reason Lindsay pulls away from Danny? hmm, just wondering about your thoughts.
allie : loved that dream!

I had one too the other night, but nowhere near as good as yours. I really think you should write a fic about it...cause I'd be the first to read and review!
welcome to all our new friends here in D/L heaven...I know, I know - I say this all the time but - don'tcha just
l-o-v-e the awesome sweetness that is D/L? ahhh, yeah, yeah I do! :lol:
*squees again! grinning wildly!* 
Oh! get this guys: I was watching TV the other day and flipping through and on CSPAN the one senator from Montana was talking, and I screamed and said "Lindsay's home state! Ahhh!" My parents thought I was crazy :lol: ...haha...and then when I was driving to work I saw this pickup with a bumper sticker that said: "My money and my kid go to the Univ. of Montana!" I started grinning and laughing...oh lordy, I'm a goner!
okay and one more question to make this post on topic: in Eddie Cahill's interview (*
swoons *

he's SOO cute btw, and I love him all the more after reading that!) he said that he'd like to see more small moments that show the character backgrounds or personal instead of big episode arcs concentrating on one person's here's the question:
Would you rather see:
A) D/L revealed as canon in small, intimate moments between them or small comments made by others
or B) D/L get together obviously (not necessarily including physical together, even kissing, but just like a hug or a touch or a look that said 'we're together') after some kind of big story line involving one or the other, where they come out and admit, word for word, they're an item?
let me know....mucho Love, dearies!

skips away thinking of Carmine in a wifebeater or shirtless feeding her a choco covered choco chip cookie*
~*~ Mad
*does double take* 'Well Hello, Ms. Monroe!' - Danny Messer