Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey y'all, I'm new on this thread :D I've liked the original CSI for a long time, but I've only recently gotten into NY and Miami! Even though I've only seen part of the episode last week and the one last night--I don't know names yet, I definitely think Danny and Lindsey would make a *great* couple. They are really the only ship on NY I am into so far.
I loved the phone sex scene last night :devil: They have awesome chemistry :D Do they work together on cases a lot, or is it varied?

As for Danny, well...he really looks perfect. However, if he takes his glasses off for Lindsay, I'm all for it!
Oh, no! Danny has to keep his glasses! He is seriously the only guy I have ever seen that looks better with glasses. (Not to say that he looks bad w/o- I mean he's probably the hottest guy on all three of the CSI's, glasses or not :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I NEVER want to see them in bed. And kissing- only every once in awhile, and the type I want are the short ones- think along the lines of Stella's kiss to Mac in "Til Death do We Part."
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello Thanks for the welcome, Hell yeah I wanna play twister, the classic M+M game!! MM i fancy some M+M's now actually lol!! I know I love the banner too but now I have to re-bloody-size it!!! ARGH!! lol

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thank you :D I totally agree when they have "moments" it's just cuteness heaven!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

**Moriel bounces in...yay for M&M's!**

Lol, Hi Svet! Nope you need not say more...that quote really says it all! :lol: When I read that in the magazine...I couldn't stop smiling for like a week! :D

Lol, Auda you're too cute! Heehee, thanks for the tip! ;) As for seeing them in bed...yeah I agree with you...:
But I doubt I'd complain too much if they did show a bed scene. I'm a bad girl...I know.
I don't necessarily want or have to see it...but if they showed it, I wouldn't complain either! :devil: **High five, fellow bad girl!**

Smiliee Hi! Yeah...I get a little carried away in my posts sometimes...I just love to expound and chit chat...what can I say, it's so fun! :lol:

i just want the moments where people can look at them and go: "Oh yeah. they're so doing it."
Lol, Em! I want those moments too...heck anything that makes me think "They're doing it!" is good! :devil: But I can't agree about the obvious signs on romance...I want a kiss at least at some point...dang it! :lol:

Freckles Welcome! You'll love this ship...Danny and Linds are perfect for each other...I love that you like them after only a few episodes! That's fabulous! :D They seem to work together fairly often...often enough to see LOTS of awesome chemistry! :devil: And may I just say Hon...Danny with glasses is Hot, yes...but Danny without glasses...gah... **Moriel fades away into dreamland imagining Danny without glasses!**

Off to read the Eddie Cahill interview...Yay! :D
P.s. Aww that Flackie interview is nice! He has a nice little D/L mention that's fun, I likes it! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iluvroadrunner said:
i don't want too much PDA from the DL direction. yeah, romance, ok. but i'd rather it be exchanged more in looks and moments that don't necessarily involve the traditional signs of romance (kissing, etc.)

i just want the moments where people can look at them and go:

"Oh yeah. they're so doing it."

I agree with you most of the way, though I would eventually like to see a simple kissing scene. It doesn't have to necessarily be the kind of kiss that leads to the bedroom :devil:, but I would like to see at least one in my ideal world. Or perhaps a hugging scene? Can I at least get a hugging scene? (Yes I am a fluffy addict...wanna make somethin' of it?)

Love the name of the new thread by the way. I leave for a few days, and we already have another thread. Is that some kind of record for a shipper thread?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

CSI_Gemma_May, can I ask that you try not to double post? The edit time on the board is currently set at 24 hours, so if you find you have something to add to your post, simply click the "edit" button and add it on, rather than creating a two posts in a row. Many thanks :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, Hi fogi! :D
I would eventually like to see a simple kissing scene. It doesn't have to necessarily be the kind of kiss that leads to the bedroom , but I would like to see at least one in my ideal world. Or perhaps a hugging scene? Can I at least get a hugging scene? (Yes I am a fluffy addict...wanna make somethin' of it?)
CSIfanaticgirl I'm totally with you! I REALLY want a kissing scene...they don't have to makeout (although I wouldn't really complain if they did! ;) :devil: ) but I definitely want to see them kiss! And hey I'd love to see a hug too...kiss more, but I'll definitely take a hug too! :D
Lol, you're a fluffy? YAY! Me too...I love fluff! :lol: Sweet deal :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh lord, another fluffy. How wrong is this scenario for us angstys?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm here and now I'm not.. just wanted to say hi and the D/L is raw.. :lol: LOLD was awesome... Does that turm you on?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

welcome CSI_Gemma_May you should check out the banner and icom thread theres a cool wallpaper thread too

audrina i like her with curls it gives her a softer look

oh Moriel you are so lucky i love Tim and Faith and i`m glad you like my icom Carmine so um yummy :devil:

Mis i like that scenario i also would be yelling at my tv Lol

welcome Freckles101 you are going to so like it here we turned D/L into soulmates Lol :D

yay another fluff :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

This could be interesting...
Just in case anybody wants to know, if you go to Claire Forlani at IMDB.com you will see that she is listed as Dr. Peyton Drisoll and you can see some of the guest stars listed for "Hung to Dry " and "People with Money" . Could the blonde in the profile of "Hung to dry" be the one that started the angst between Danny and Lindsay that made her pull away.

I may be wrong but I thought it was worth posting.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I heard that she is going to be an M.E and her and Mac are going to get together
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

MAC if he even thinks about it.. but yeah Vex, It could be the one....Wow, so she's already listed? Freaky.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"


Remind anyone of "Puppy Power!" from Scooby-Doo?
It was supposed to. Haha.

Anywho, let me chime in a few cents here and there towards the general DL conversation. As a fluffy to the core, I have to say that a hug for me this season would suffice. And this is the reason why: One of the most intimate things people can do is hug each other. I do not want to see Danny and Lindsay (like Emily said) have the full on PDA when they get together. That seems OOC for them, don't you think? The subtle glances, banters, and their body language is the core of their relationship. To me, the idea of immediately having them all touchy-feely isn't being true to the characters or to their relationship. I think a comforting hug is more on their level. Something like (pardon me for endorsing my fanfiction, which is a story called "Chasing Hope" over at FF.net) this, is what I have in mind, as far as more of an angsty, yet sad approach. (The "I" is my OC Anna, in case you are confused).

She met my eyes for a moment, and then Danny took cautious steps forward before he decided what to do. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes without saying a word, before pulling her into him. Lindsay’s hands immediately wrapped around Danny, and she clung to the back of his T-shirt, body shaking with sobs. Lindsay’s head was buried in Danny’s shoulder as he kept his hands firmly on the back of her head. They stood there for minutes, inseparable, neither wanting to let go of the other for fear of losing them. I exhaled, realizing that I had been holding my breath the entire time.

Like, something where Danny is comforting Lindsay, or vice versa, just screams to me "love". Granted, yes, I am sure that if they kissed I would recognize that they loved each other, but there is this kind of spark that goes off in my mind for these two characters, and I really think that a good hug between the two of them could start the fire, so to speak. Haha.

On another note, let us strike up an interesting conversation, stemmed from these lines of "Supermen".

Danny: ...they called him "Super Man".
Lindsay: With good reason. Over 45 college-career touchdowns, over 3,000 career rushing yards, and he averaged 7.2 yards a carry.
Danny: Don't tell me you know a little something about football, please.
Lindsay: What? Is that so hard to believe?
Danny: No, it's just dangerous. *Lindsay looks up* I might ask you to marry me.

Apart from the fact that this scene is one of the best DL moments ever, I was curious as to what you all thought.

Danny jokes about marrying Lindsay, but say the two of them got into a relationship, stayed together, and ended up getting engaged down the line. The question of the day is: How do you think Danny would propose?

Answer away, everyone! I am off to bed! :)

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