Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm getting a little confused...

So..we all know they're attractive
They are attracted to each other...They WANT each other...the body language says so..

Why doesn't Lindsay want this?...

Are we going to see a ship take on water and sink?..*dodges flying objects*
Or are we going to see the boat get repaired and sail into the sunset.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm going with A on this one. I would love to see Danny/Lindsay taking small baby steps towards cannon-ship. I like to see the small moments, the glances they give each other and the cuteness that we had last season and have it happen this season.

I don't like to see relationships that seem "rushed" if you know what I mean.

How is everybody tonight? Are how are the twins tonight?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Small steps is cool as long as they are going forward. And spader I say we going to see the boat get repaired and sail into the sunset. ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello all my lovely shippy buddies! **waves excitedly!**
Mad you are absolutely adorable! Your posts always make me smile :D Your excitement is very contagious, I love it! **huggles to you!**
As far as D/L goes, I am quite happy hon...no sadness from me on that :lol:...(I have issues with what they are doing with Mac and Stella, but that's another ship for another day! ;) )
Lol, I love your Montana moments...those cracked me up! I had one of those the other day, I was in the store and there was a little blonde girl named Montana...gah she was so cute! I wanted to take her home with me! :D
As for your question Mad I love "small intimate moments..." heehee, sends to the gutter a bit! :devil: (Lol, don't look at me like that...I can't help it! :lol: ) But I think I have to officially go with B. I am a big fan of obvious declarations, the big gesture, etc. That said I think on the actual show of the two options, we are more likely to get A...but I still like B. :D
So, in a way, I think that the combination of both would be the best for me. Something happens with Danny, the episode ends with Lindsay going over to see if he's alright. He opens the door, lets her in and that's it. Than after a few eps we can get that sweet moments or comments from the others.
Lol, Hi Mis! **waves!** I really like this idea...I could totally see that actually happening in an episode! Although if it did...I'd be staring at the screen for like 10 minutes...and then I'd start yelling, "What's happening behind there? I have to know!!!" :lol:
Thank you for the fluffy welcome. Do the fluffy's outnumber the angsty's yet?
Lol, CSIfanaticgirl I definitely think we do! :D Heehee...we fluffy's will one day rule the world! :D Yay for you being able to see all the eps...that would indeed be sad if you had to miss some! And as for Mac and Stella...yeah don't get me started! :mad:

Hiya Lynn! Allie! Alex! Smiliee! Pizza! Rad!!

Pizza yeah I think Linds should slip up to Stella, I'd love to see that! :D (And I LOVE Wicked...it's fabulous! For Good is one of my favorite songs!)

Rad, lol! :lol: Nice scenario...I likes it! :D

Oh, spader...spader...spader honey! Our ship is not sinking, it's not even taking on water! It is about to very safely and VERY happily set sail into the sunset! It will be fabulous and Hot and FUN!!! :lol:

Hi Vex! I'm good hon! How are you?

Now that this is a very long and wordy post...heehee...I will dance off into the M&M sunset! YAY!
**Moriel dances off, singing to herself...Our ship is gonna sail, our ship is gonna sail!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

spader said:
I'm getting a little confused...

So..we all know they're attractive
They are attracted to each other...They WANT each other...the body language says so..

Why doesn't Lindsay want this?...

Are we going to see a ship take on water and sink?..*dodges flying objects*

Did I miss something? Where did it say that Lindsay didn't want a relationship with Danny? One line in a *spoiler* that says she's pulling away could be read so many ways ;)---maybe she is frightened of relationships, maybe she was assulted and is scared to get close to someone, or maybe Danny is just being sensitive---perhaps they had a lovers' quarrel and Danny got too flirty with a suspect. She still wants Danny. Sometimes people have to go through a little rough patch to get to the good stuff. Anyways, maybe she's just premenstrual and needs some Midol...lol! This ship is so taking off and heading into smooth waters. All shippers should read the TV Guide issue...that is our contract with the PTB. We are going to hold them to it or else!! Hey Lynn, you got those pies ready? We might have to start throwing them at the PTB if they mess with our ships! :lol:

The other questions: I would love to see Lindsay have a heart to heart with Stella. Then Danny could have a heart to heart with Mac...I have a feeling that Mac and Stella would pretend like they didn't know and just listen. Then they would come out and say that they knew all along!

Where's Moriel tonight? EDIT: I see she beat me to the post! :lol: :cool:

Boy this thread is still pretty clean! Were's the M&M's, the pie, and the bubbly?? :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
Anyways, maybe she's just pre menstral and needs some Midol...lol!


ot....The D/L board goes offline for a few days..and now i'm posting here....Hmmmm?...Can you say Board withdrawal?..
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^LOL! :D :cool:

The D/L Board is back up...better than ever! :)

BTW: I think I misspelled premenstrual before--- :lol: Come on ladies! We've all been there before...we can understand were Lindsay might be coming from if she was PMSing...LOL!

Lindsay: I love you, Danny. Don't touch me! Maybe next week. ;) :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Auda! Hiya my fluffy honey! **hugs to you!** You are fabulous :D
Lol...I totally agree with your "spoiler"! All of those reasons make total sense, and are entirely plausible and quite likely I think! Our ship is indeed going to sale...and yes we have the TVGUide article as proof...yay! :lol:

Lol, I'd love to see Linds and Stella have a heart to heart...I'd LOVE to see it if they did that scene like...you see Linds and Stella talking, and they get into D/L...and then the scene cuts to Danny and Mac talking about the same thing...and then we'd get to see the guy vs. girl version of the "heart to heart"! That would be hysterical I think! Like a modern day version of "Summer Lovin" from Grease! :lol: Wouldn't that be great! :D
Lindsay: I love you, Danny. Don't touch me! Maybe next week.
That's awesome honey! And yeah I have so been there! :lol:

Did someone mention pie...hmmm, well you asked for it! :devil:
**Moriel grins at Auda...and then tosses pie and m&m's and whipped cream and bubbly at her and everyone else before ducking out!!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh wow, thread #11 already? You guys are soaring! :lol:

I actually already wrote a D/L fic but I'm just too lazy to transfer it from paper to computer. :p

Anyway, congrats on the new thread! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh god, PMS is awful.

A present!

[subliminal message]youwanttoreadandreviewit[/subliminal message]
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Awwww Pizza! That's a fabulous present...I loves it! It was sad...but still nice! Well done! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Nice job on the fic Pizza

DoreenCSI yea we cant help it we love our D/L i give us 3 weeks before we hit thread 12 Lol and did you say fic i am a D/L fic addict Hehe :devil: come on everyone lets give Doreen some encouragement to post her fic Lol
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I loved that, Pizza ! :D

I completely agree with you, Auda. I can think of at least 10 different reasons why Lindsay would pull back, and none of them have anything to do with Lindsay not having a thing for Danny. If anything, I think it's the opposite. Maybe she feels that she fell for him a little too much, and she's not sure what Danny's intensions are. It's not like he's the most verbal guy in that department.

And I love that prementrual idea...and like Moriel* waves back * ; been there, done that...:D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves to all of my shippers*
*looks at Auda's comment about a clean thread*
*throws a pie*

Hoorah! Now it's not clean anymore! :D
Oh, and Auda - thank you for the comment about my writing style. It's nice to know that you think so, because after high school, I plan to pursue a degree in English with maybe like a minor in Creative Writing. :)

Yeah, the pulling back thing doesn't neccessarily mean that Lindsay doesn't have feelings for Danny. Quite contrary, actually - it could mean that she actually loves him. I mean, put yourself in the character's shoes: you're Lindsay, and you could have just lost two of your good friends within the past year (Stella in AA, and Flack in CotP), and you are terrified of losing Danny, so you pull away, hoping that by distancing yourself, you may not have to come to terms with the fact that you care about him so much.

It's a completely logical reasoning, in my opinion, and I have to say that - if I were in Lindsay's shoes - I might pull away too. It's not because she doesn't like him, but there have to be deeper reasonings. Remember: we still don't know what Lindsay's 'dark past' is yet, so maybe through this "pulling away" from Danny, he will pursue her and learn more about her, and their relationship will grow stronger.

And then there will be lots of kissing, and they'll get married and have pretty babies! :D

Sorry, with all that angst, you need a heaping dose of FLUFF!

Alright, well, I need to get ready to leave for work in 20 minutes, so I won't be back for like, 5 hours. Gah, work.

Have a great day everyone!

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