Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hiya Mis! I think you and Auda are definitely onto something...I agree that her pulling back is much more likely a sign of her having more feelings for Danny rather then less feelings like people seem to think.

Like Jenn (Hi Jenn! **tosses pie at you and then ducks quickly!**) anyway yeah, like Jenn said...
it could mean that she actually loves him. I mean, put yourself in the character's shoes: you're Lindsay, and you could have just lost two of your good friends within the past year (Stella in AA, and Flack in CotP), and you are terrified of losing Danny, so you pull away, hoping that by distancing yourself, you may not have to come to terms with the fact that you care about him so much.
That sounds solid and makes sense to me Jenn. It's not something I myself would do :p But it does definitely make sense and I can see Linds possibly do that.
maybe through this "pulling away" from Danny, he will pursue her and learn more about her, and their relationship will grow stronger.
That is what I'm REALLY hoping happens....because the angst of her pulling away (even with very good reasons!) is gonna make me sad, but if he pursues her and learns more about her and their relationship grows as a result then the angst will have been worth it and I can handle that! ;) :lol:
And then there will be lots of kissing, and they'll get married and have pretty babies!
SWEET! :lol: That is what I'm talking about...They SO need to do lots of kissing...and work on making those beautiful babies :devil:...and get married...Yay for Fluff! I LOVES it...it's just SO fun! :lol: :lol:

**Moriel looks around for a sec...giggles....and sprays the whole thread with whipped cream and chocolate sauce!** D/L Fluff RULES!! Our ship is sailing off into the sunset...wohoo!! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lindsay will come around-- she wants him soooo bad it's obvious...

**Moriel looks around for a sec...giggles....and sprays the whole thread with whipped cream and chocolate sauce!** D/L Fluff RULES!! Our ship is sailing off into the sunset...wohoo!!

Umm, Moriel D/L ANGST!!! pies you in face

Oh guys dont forget-- Corporate Warriors is on tonight at 8!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad! Yay you're here! Hi honey! **hugs!**
Umm, Moriel D/L ANGST!!! pies you in face
Ohhhhhh, you SO did not just do that...mmm, that's okay...I can take it ;) **Moriel smiles very innocently at Rad...and then smooshes a HUGE pie right in her face!**
I'm tellin' ya hon....Fluff rules! :lol: :lol:

**Moriel skips off singing..."Danny and Lindsay sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G....!!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

The weekend is the only time I can get on more than once in a day! Licks pie off face And it's good to be here... I love this place...

Fluff does not surpass Angst my dear... Angst makes a relationship... without angst, will there be D/L make-out sessions? Fluff is just, Fluff.. :p

But I love all you Fluffy!Folk anyway!

Waves to Angsty!Twins
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ohhhh, my dear dear Rad! :lol: Angst is not what makes a relationship...angst is what makes a relationship take longer on television...fluff is what makes a relationship! Fluff is all the flirting, the teasing, the cute comments, the loving looks, the staring, the watching when the other person isn't looking, the KISSING, and then more kissing...the making of cute babies :devil:, the getting married...my dear Rad... **hugs to you cuz you're fabulous!** but really Fluff does rule it all! :D :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

This is my opinion. Fluff initiates the relationship. The "Montana" thing, the flirting, the being cute...that's what starts it. But the real relationship was founded during the angst. Danny's brother being in the hospital, Lindsay's there for Danny...they get closer together. Stella beaten and raped, Danny calms Lindsay down...they get closer together. Aiden dies, again Lindsay there for Danny...they get closer together. Flack gets a whole blown in his stomach, both are there for each other...they get closer together. So you need both really.
I'm 49% fluff and 51% angst.
As for marriage...ehh..sorry I'm anti-marriage in tv shows. Mostly because marriage means they have to tone down or cause the characters to leave. Did anyone watch the Billy Ray Cyrus show Doc? When he married his love interest...the show ended. I don't want it to end yet. Not til like at least season 20 lol.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves again*
Wow, we're making this thread messy. Hooray! *frolicks around the thread throwing sprinkles like they're confetti*

LOL. I am home from work, so I have reason to be happy.

Anywho, we only have 6 more Wednesday nights until the new season airs (whenever you think about it in days or weeks, which require larger numbers, it seems far away, and thus, we grow in anticipation. However, when the number is smaller, it seems closer! Thank you, and this has been Insighful Corner with Jennifer. LOL).

So, yeah, fluff and angst balance each other out. Think of it as a scale. If you have too much of fluff, the show becomes too...unrealistically happy. LOL. But, if you have too much angst, the show becomes unbearable to watch. So, we all need a fair dose of angst and fluff. Like Alex mentioned, the relationship with DL had both fluff and angst this season, and their relationship has progressed over the course of time, and will continue to do so!

That being said, I have a question for you all. In terms of the most impacting moment on DL this season, which episode do you think clinched that. I am not talking about "Awh, that moment with DL was so cute". No, I'm talking about something that you really feel was meaningful.

Here's my two cents: The episodes "All Access" and "Run Silent, Run Deep" are in my opinion, the most impactnig ones on the DL relationship. Sure, up until those episodes, the banter between them was adorable, and the cowboy scene was great, but they didn't have the same 'wow' factor as these two did.

The concern in Danny in "All Access" is what sold me into this ship. They had the episode on CBS's website, and I watched it and thought: "Man, he really cares about that girl." The worried and yet the soothing 'It will be alright' tone of voice that he uses after Lindsay storms out of the interrogation room is a brilliant aspect of their relationship. To me, I think what that scene displays can beat down any opposing argument to this ship. No matter what anyone else says: these characters have depth. They have these playful, fun moments, but the concern and the ties that run deeper than that are what really makes me believe that they will make DL canon.

And thus, ends my min-rant-ish thing.
Please, leave your feedback by commenting.
I'd like to see what you all think.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Mmmmmm, Dannyfangirl while I am still not a fan of angst I do agree with what you said. And I will admit angst does have it's upside...in that it does lead to a deepening of a relationship, it leads to a bonding that fluff can't really get you to. So while I definitely more fluff then angst...I'm not entirely anti-angst! (Lol, Lynn that does NOT mean I'm converting! :p I'm still a fluffy! :D ) I can stand the angst and even enjoy it (after all I LOVE RSRD...fab ep and it's full of angst!) I enjoy it as long as I get the happy fluff to round it out and make me and them happy! :lol: Fair enough? ;) :D

Jenn well said! And I know the angsty's will love this...but I agree with you. As much as I adore my fluff and consider it essential (it is essential dang it!) I agree and think those scenes in AA and RSRD were what really demonstrated the depth and caring these two characters have for eachother. Well said hon!

And YAY for only 6 more Wed.!! That does sound so much closer, I loves it! :lol: Wohoo!!! :D :D :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

You know you fluffy's want the angst... and yes Auda, I have pies ready. .. Oh I'm sorry did you want us angsty's to "share" the M&M's. No way, man. We're enjoying them!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

That does sound so much closer... I can't wait for some new D/L action! New and improved!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves hi to Moriel*
Thank you for your comment! :)
Yeah, I am total fluffy to the core - but apparantly, I am better at writing angst. LOL. Weird, right? But, yeah, fluffies are fun too! We have happy endings and angsties have cliff-hangers! HA! Think about that one.

*hugs all the fluffies and the angsties*
Whichever side we're on, we all have the common bond of DL, so it doesn't matter anyway. :)

Rad, I can't stop laughing at your icon.

And, to close my post, I shall use another wonderful quote:

"There's a strange moment in time, after something horrible happens, when you know it's true but you haven't told anyone yet."

(Yeah, that one is for the angsty-girl in me. LOL. It's from - my latest addiction, which just so happened to be my summer reading requirement, go figure - titled The Poisonwood Bible by Barbra Kingsolver.

And, since I want a fluffy quote to add to that, here goes: "To love and to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides." - David Viscott.

Someone write a DL fic based on my fluffy quote up there.
That is too much of an amazing quote to pass up.

Alright, to start a new discussion then, find a quote that you think describes DL's relationship, or that reminds you of them.

Do it.
You won't.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

LB glad you like the icon.. I saw it and my thought process was PERFECT! As for you being a Fluffy!Folk but you're good at writing angst, I think it's easier to write angst because there's so much you can do with it, where as fluff, after a while Fluff is just too fulffy, some fluff is fun and cute but if Fluff goes on and on. Oh wow.

But yea, someone write some D/L fic... I need some. Pizza's was great! Maybe she can continue... or start a new oneee... pretty please
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad, I'll have my fic posted (most likely) by Monday. You'll be happy---it has some angst, some cake, some rain, and a wedding! Don't anyone get their hopes up though. :rolleyes:

I'm still 'fluffy' til the end. :) Throws a pie at Lynn---haha! Ah, your hair is now a lovely shade of white and yellow from the lemon cream pie! :p

Auda runs off to think of some angsty D/L questions to ask her angsty friends!! Got any ideas, Moriel? :cool:

Jenn---if you want I'll try to write a fluffy one from that quote, but hmmm.... :confused:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

What would D/L fight about if they were to get in a fight while they were dating?

That's angsty... :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad, if you are looking for something angsty to read that involves DL, you might wanna check out something I wrote yesterday called "A Still and Quiet Conscience".

Hm, what would DL fight about?
Probably something deep, like one of them putting themselves in a dangerous position, like at a scene or something. But I don't know. I'll think about it and get back to you. Haha.

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