Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Didn't I tell you that it was a great episode? I told you it was terrific! Everything almost was normal for a change. Loved it!
I loved that he called her Montana again! It's been so long, it was a nice change from the barely there Lindsay of the last few weeks.
You called it right, catey!!
I agree completely! It's great to see things starting to thaw again between the two of them. It seems like she is still slightly avoiding too much eye contact with him, but as we all know, that's gonna change soon :D
She might have avoided some eye contact with him at times--I'll have to look again but she was definitely sad when Mac told Stella and Danny to go take care of the second case. Oh, the angst, Montana!! (Lynn stares---I'm still a fluffy!) I wub Pam Veasey!
**Mo bounces in, high on spoilers and trying not to squee too loudly! Awww who cares....SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!**

I love our ship...it is so sailing y'all...sailing, sailing, sailing into the wild blue yonder!! :lol:

Can't wait to see this eppy, I am so amped to see this one y'all! Seriously...totally hyped! :D :D :D

Can I just say along with my lovely Fluffy Twin (Hi Aud! :D )...Pam Veasey is fabulous! :lol:
Most of you guys are working or students?
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audacity said:
She might have avoided some eye contact with him at times--I'll have to look again but she was definitely sad when Mac told Stella and Danny to go take care of the second case.
aud, (to clarify my rambling from earlier ;))she doesn't totally avoid eye contact, but since "the converation" it's like she's afraid of having any prolonged eye contact. God, the man has amazing eyes, maybe she is just afraid she won't be able to keep it all together if she lets herself drown in them. The past few eps, if they make eye contact, she breaks it quickly compared to before when they always looked deeply into each others eyes when talking. (you know, like in all of these beautiful pictures everyone posts :))

But, by all means, watch and rewatch, it's still a good ep. But next ep will be better ....

And Mo, make sure you have plenty of squee power in reserve for when you're actually watching tonight's ep! :D
I totally get what you mean. I think she is afraid of looking him in the eyes for too long--she might not leave his amazing eyes. She'll get lost in his eyes. Strangely I have the Debbie Gibson tune "Lost in Your Eyes--oh, the 80's-- :lol:) But I was glad that she seemed a little bit hurt that Danny had to leave. That's my D/L opinion and I'm sticking to it! LOL! I wub this ship!

Have fun shippers---wub you all! Sprinkles chocolate and sugar all around this thread before going off to have D/L dreams. :)

Mo, you around? ;)
hey Auda, Lynn says to say you're nuts lol

I hate my inability to pick up subtlties(sp?)....didin't really notice the D/L stuff that's been pointed out. *Cries*

But OTOH I am soooooo anxious for the next ep. Is it two weeks yet? lol
Yup Aud! I'm here Fluffy Twin! :D *Huggles!* I'm desperately trying to distract myself until I can watch the eppy...which may now be not until an hour later even...sad day! But I will watch it tonight dang it, I will!

And no worries Mercy I'll have plenty of Squee power left!!! :lol:

Can't wait, can't wait! Our ship rocks...so rocks!! Heehee! :lol:
GOOD MORNING SHIPPERS!!! I am exhausted and a little manic this morning :lol: (something about not getting enough sleep cuz I stayed up freakishly late watching our eppy...Lol! :D ) but despite that can I just say.....SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!

D/L is back baby! :D Pam Veasey...I LOVE you! You have brought our couple back to us...it wasn't a kiss, or even another hug, but it was a scene...a couple actually and right now that totally made my day! Seriously woke up smiling this morning because of this!!! :lol:

Okay here is my running commentary...basically what I scribbled down as I was watching the eppy last night!

Sometimes I wish I wasn't quite such a spoiler whore...cuz if I didn't know any spoilers I think that opening sequence would have really surprised me! It was still really well done though...poor Hawkes!! :eek:

Okay Danny pissed is freaking hot! :devil: You get him Danny!

Danny was hyper when they got kicked out of the bar, totally cute! His "scratching our asses" line! Loved that! And he totally looked at Linds after Mac told him to go, and Linds looked disappointed that he had to leave! :D

He called her Montana! :D YAY!!! :lol: And then he called her Lindsay!! And they are standing SOOOO close to eachother!! YAY!! Our ship is back, baby! It's back and happy!! I want a cap of them standing that close to eachother!! Shippy goodness right there baby!!! :D

Go Danny confronting the Bouncer...nice!! Badass Danny right there baby! Can I just eat you up?! :devil:

Awwww PISSER!!! Shane is Hawkes' "lawyer"? OMG!! WOW that sucks...right there and Hawkes couldn't get him...gah!!! :eek:

Danny was totally turning around to say something to Linds in that scene of them in the break room right before Stella showed up, seriously! :D

I love them all brainstorming...they are so freaking brilliant all of them together...I LOVE it!!

Poor Danny looks so totally nervous going into that bar!! Poor honey! Awwww, I will hug you and protect you! ;)

Go Danny!!! Him talking Shane down like that...freaking awesome! :D :lol:

Okay this eppy was amazing! I am exhausted and half delirous with tiredness but I LOVED it!! Totally, totally loved it!! Our ship is back, our ship is sailing and I am in love with everything right now!!! Especially the HOTNESS that is Daniel Messer! :devil: Gah, he is so adorable and yet HOT!!! Wow...how Linds doesn't jump him ALL the time...I'll never understand! :lol:

Yay for our ship...yay for Pam Veasey...Mo's happy!!!

**Mo does the happy D/L shipper dance, and tosses cofetti and pie at everyone in the thread!!** :lol:
Danny was hyper when they got kicked out of the bar, totally cute! His "scratching our asses" line! Loved that! And he totally looked at Linds after Mac told him to go, and Linds looked disappointed that he had to leave!

He called her Montana! YAY!!! And then he called her Lindsay!! And they are standing SOOOO close to eachother!! YAY!! Our ship is back, baby! It's back and happy!! I want a cap of them standing that close to eachother!! Shippy goodness right there baby!!!

I loved that we got some DL... we got a Montana and a look down in dissapointment... I was so happy... I said to my mom.. "look she wants him to stay yes, yes, yes!" I was so happy. Last nights eppy was so good... soooo good. This one is gonna be hard to compete with...

2 weeks = Silent Night... :D

*happy little shipper dances around and squees with mo*
I can't comment on this eppie *cries*.. This sucks, usually I have a comeback and I don't have one, but I'm glad to hear it was a good ep. *kicks TV* Damn hospital tv's. bastards.
*I'm so happy, I'm so happy - hugs everyone and especially dear, sweet Pam :) - Glad you've won back my trust in you!!

Such a great ep. It had everything I could have hoped for. Wonderful story, beautiful people and A LOT of love! We've got it all. Yeah!! :D :D

Loved her sad face, when Mac send Danny of the another crime scene. She so felt his anger and sorrow and was so sad for him. Too cute :)

Now that they've showed that they can have Anna play scenes during her pregnancy makes me even more hopeful for the coming ep's. These are going to be awesome :eek: :lol:

darx2 I was smiling too when I heard him say that he had been 'hung up' it did sound a bit familiar :)

mercy I like what you said. Hadn't thought of it that way. But you're right almost any guy in a peepshow boot would at least check out the girls. But he didn't :eek: and after that he called her Montana again. Almost like he, again, had realised how special she is :rolleyes: (to him)

And she, indeed, like Aud and Mercy said, is so avoiding looking into his gorgeous eyes. I know that if I had issues to work out and I was determined to do so and therefor had to try to ignore such a HOT guy I would refrain from looking into his eyes too. All the attempts to not wanna admit that you want him :devil: :devil: would be gone the instant he'd look into your eyes.

And since we must enjoy every minute they're on screen together I bring gifts for all :D :


- Lindsay spying on the other CSI that is checking out Hawkes shirt while Danny is checking her out! :p


- And now they're spying together. They sooo belong together. Just look how totally adorable they are :)


- All concerned about their friend and colleague but again he cannot take his eyes of of her :eek:

ihnc I'm so sorry for you dear. Those pic's were especially for you :) So you can at least enjoy some of these lovely moments.
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