Hello, Hello, Hello!!
**Mo rushes into the thread waving at all her shippy pals and tossing chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce, and m&m's out as she runs! :lol:** Oh my dear lovelies I missed you all so much today, lol!

I felt like I was in D/L withdrawals! :lol:
Aud Hi Fluffy Twin!
**hugs to you!!** So we need some fluffing up and smiling from our worried shippers huh...
**Mo high fives Aud and pulls out her water gun and arsenal of pies to " cheer " everyone up
Oh and I TOTALLY agree hon, we need to put our lovely couple back in their closet to work out their issues! :devil:
**Mo runs off with Rad to gather Danny and Linds and shove them in the closet!**
And pssstt
Rad nah,
Aud ain't angsty hon!

We just realize angst leads to even better fluff!
Okay all y'all who are worried....first of all my lovely
Aud is totally correct, think about all our lovely D/L moments...have we ever been really disappointed? We have had fabulous moment after fabulous moment, culminating thus far in our FABULOUS embrace last week!

Don't get discouraged now y'all...our ship hasn't let us down thus far and I really don't think it will now!
Vex that's totally what I'm saying hon! I say promos are basically spliced together to make the most controversial clips they can make so that everyone will get all up in arms and excited about the new ep and will not miss it for the world! And that's totally what this has done!
WEDNESDAY NEEDS TO GET ITS booty here already!!
Rulz! You crack me up and yeah hon, that is SOOO true!
**Mo sneaks up on chell and plops a big pie on her head and runs off giggling!**
P.s. Okay y'all...those of you who haven't checked out our D/L soundtrack thread you totally should...but especially now cuz I found a perfect song to cheer us up about our ep on Wed! It's called "Love Will Always Win!" and the lyrics are great...check it out!
D/L soundtrack thread