Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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*nods* I like a good mix...'specially a fluffy ending although I'm not keeping my hopes up. You're right Lynnie. (oh and...Mine! all mine!)

*bounces* One day, one day, one day!

Love the new thread name btw.
D: I want angst.
L: I want fluff.
Me: I'm with Danny, gimmie angst.
Mo: I'm with Lindsay, gimmie fluff.
D: how about we fight?
L: Then kiss?
Me and Mo looks at each other: Good for us. Do it.

The motto of a happy D/L shipper :)
sorry 1CSIMFAN its my bad... :( I'll try not to go off topic, if I do... well, you can kick me...

So... okay, tommorrow... what do you guys think is going to happen? like....
Do you think it'll reveal something new between D/L that went on 'behind the scenes' like they kissed, or did the naughty (lol)? As much as I would love for that to happen, I doubt it, but you never know. I really dont want it to turn into that whole 'weirdness' between the two of them, but the little smile Lindsay gives when Danny pulls the 'we like eachother and everytime we're in the same room.....' and it cuts, but the smile she gives makes me think there is hope for them, maybe this'll just be a little kink.

but, like Auda said a few posts back, D/L will be together, they HAVE to, we havent been dissapointed so far, and we've been patient for over a year, so... ::thumbs up:: we can do it shippy pals!!
The writers at the network have us dangling by a string, ready to cut!

They do this on purpose and they enjoy it. As much as I like spoilers, I love the way that the scene finally does play out. Can be very misleading if you do read into it right.

And I can't belive that we are already on the 3rd episode. Already the season is flying by.

*And can i have some goodies, I'm hungry!!
::throws some M&M's at Vexus::

Yes, they really do have us dangling by a stupid thread.

I'm so excited. These two really need to get together already... damnit!

So, how do you guys think Lindsay and Danny would spend their 'off' time?? vacations? lol

I still haven't seen a lot of good ON TOPIC posting. I see post after post of basically no discussion whatsoever (not all posts but a good bit of them). You can include things like this only if you have at least 3 lines of ON TOPIC posting. You can discuss the episodes but it has to be MORE posting that the examples I have given.

Do I have to keep dropping in every page or so and remind everybody of this? I don't like it any more than the rest of you do. There are several threads pinned at the top of the Shipper Central forum which clearly state the rules of this forum. Please read them.

^^That is what I posted earlier. Obviously it was overlooked by some.

I see people trying to stop topics and they are totally ignored. When you start a topic, why not answer the question too? You guys gotta do more than post 3 short sentences on 3 lines. You've gotta stop having posts with one short sentence and you gotta stop making little posts counting down the days to the new episode. Also, you gotta stop making short little posts after the episode saying how you felt about it. The bulk of your post must be on topic and even the longer posts are more chat than on topic discussion.

Talk about the episodes all you want but make it an actual discussion about the episode wich consists of at least 3 lines of post.

All I see is chatting. This is NOT a chat board. I know I've said that before. If you guys wanna chat, I believe TBonz said to take it to a chat room. Don't do it on here.

If this nonsense doesn't stop, I'll be forced to keep track of the repeat offenders. I don't wanna do that but I will if the chatter doesn't stop. I don't want anybody to end up getting banned because of this.

Now, let's get some on topic discussions started.
Hello!! **Mo bounds into the thread...remarkably awake considering how little sleep she's gotten...and tosses pies and cakes at everyone she sees! :lol:**

Alright my peeps...I'll do this part fast... :lol:
Keich! Hi, you're back, yay!! Love your new avie...that is totally cute! :D
Lindsay M um...which video clip do you mean? PM me if you haven't found it yet... :D
dbl4, dutch, Tusser Hi...and welcome if I haven't said so already!
Mo, You gotta admit some angst is good. *nods* To much fluff is a bad thing, and to much angst just .. takes the fun away. Gotta have a balance of each.
Lol, yes I can admit to that Lynn you are correct...a nice balance of the two is definitely a good thing! ;)
D: I want angst.
L: I want fluff.
Me: I'm with Danny, gimmie angst.
Mo: I'm with Lindsay, gimmie fluff.
D: how about we fight?
L: Then kiss?
Me and Mo looks at each other: Good for us. Do it.
Rock on! **High fives Lynn!** That's so what would happen...heehee, I love that! :lol:

And as for a kiss...I would LOVE to see a kiss, heck I'd take a kiss on the cheek at this point! That's a logical progression right...an amazing embrace, a tender poignant kiss on the cheek or forehead (which I totally love when guys do that! If Danny kissed Linds on the forehead I would melt...possibley more than at the hug even and that's saying something! :lol: ) and then after that...around Nov. sweeps or something they can make out! :devil: :lol:

Rad, Mel, Vex Hiya buddies! :D :D

Rulz you're too cute! I love your impatience, I totally agree by the way...it's about dang time! :p
I seriously can't get over the feeling that the writers are gonna have had them sleep together after the amazing hug and now Linds is starting to wonder if maybe that wasn't such a good idea. (Not that it wasn't a good idea to sleep with Danny, cuz hello she loves him and he's so freaking HOT! :devil:) but instead that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to jump into bed in that frame of mind, scared and tramatized from something scary :eek:...might not be the best foot to start a new relationship on...so yeah... I can't help but think that. But then again, promos are notorious :rolleyes: for spinning things to look one and then we watch them and they're totally different! So Linds could be talking to someone totally different about something simple when she says her "I didn't mean" line and we could assume it's to Danny cuz of how they cut the promo. :D

Hmmm now as for your downtime question Rulz real quick...I see Danny showing Linds around New York on her own private "Messer Tour" of their city! :D Wouldn't that be cute, he shows her all his favorite parts of New York, special little places that he loves and grew up around that he wants to show her and have her enjoy with him! That'd be such a cute couple-y thing to do...I'd love to see something like that! :D

Psssttt... Aud where is you Fluffy Twin?! :D

Tomorrow y'all...tomorrow we finally get to see what really happens! :D And I should be on more tomorrow evening...so we can all squee together! :lol:

**Pssttt...Rhonda, how was that? Long but okay? :D Mo looks around...grins...hugs our lovely mod...tosses pie at everyone else in the thread and runs off to sleep! :lol:**
Hey girlies!!!!!! **tosses huuuge tub of Ben n Jerrys cookie dough at Mo and runs off!!** hehe :lol:

i still havent managed to see last weeks epi.. am DEFINATELY watching it tonight.. jus as you shall be watchin tonights! lol

anywho..back to topic.. hehe (**Sorry Rhonda! :( **)

i have a "squeeing" feeeling that there is gonna be lots and lots and lots of DL tension goin on in the next few episodes... (like.. DUH!!! hehe as if we didnt know that ;) )
i jus Love the way Danny looks like he is emabarrassed when he confonts Lindsay...And i hope she doesnt somehow make him feel stupid for expressing his feelings for her :( ( like she would eh? ;) hehe)

i wish i could jus jump through the tv sometimes! hehe

I love the lil angst/fluff equation hehe it's sooo true!!

**passes M&M's out to everyone and squirts Aud with my new water gun! hehe :lol:**
hey guys! this just up on Ask Ausiello... (sorry, don't know how to do the spoiler tags, so i'll just have to do the old fashioned spoiler warning...


Question: Please give me something on the Danny/Lindsay front on CSI: NY! I will send you all the Snapple you can handle!— Erica

Ausiello: In the Oct. 18 episode (featuring "The Suicide Girls"), exec producer Anthony E. Zuiker says, "Danny will have Lindsay's back because she has a deep secret."

yay!!! sounds like a good plan for our ship :)
oooooooooooooh. _________ing. could be a lot of things :)

what's match game? so does everything said on the game come true? if that's the case, i'm very excited!
**Mo looks around innocently, notices her boss is not looking and sneaks into our lovely thread!**
Hello my shippy buddies! :D **Mo waves happily and tosses coconut cream pie at everyone!**

Who's excited to see our eppy tonight?!! I can't wait! I refuse to get worried...(I'm probably in denial, I know! :lol: ) but still...I'm fairly confident that the promo is making a bigger deal of this "thing" than it really is in the ep. And even if it's not and we do have major angst headed our way ( :p :( ) I am STILL confident our ship will sail grandly out into open calm waters! It just has to get past the breaking waves at the edge of the harbor! So yeah...our ship clearly left the dock last week (FABULOUS hug!! :D **SQUEE!!**) and now we've got a few rough waves to get over and then we'll be on to smoother waters and happy fluffy moments! YAY! :D

Chell you DEFINITELY need to watch last week's ep! It's like D/L goodness galore...we got the HUG obviously! But in addition I think we got 4 other totally cute D/L scenes that are fun! It's a great ep in general and the D/L throughout was fantastic! You should totally watch it!! :lol:

I really don't see Linds making Danny feel dumb for expressing himself, not at all Chell! I think instead she'll be flattered and touched! And again I'm thinking that either they have slept together and Linds is having second thoughts about that now, or her comment is in regards to something totally unrelated to Danny and they're just making us worry for nothing! :p

Before I forget... Rach, bubbly, Hank welcome! I dunno if you're all new here or not...but still Hi, come on in and enjoy yourselves! :D

"Danny will have Lindsay's back because she has a deep secret." Ohhhh now that sounds cool! Hopefully we get to find out that secret, and I love that Danny knows and is protecting her! Sounds like a very boyfriend/man in love type thing of him to do!! :D

Can't wait to see our ep tonight y'all...it's 9 hours and 34 minutes away for me!! Wohoo...it SOOOOO needs to be good! And hey at least we KNOW they look good! :devil:

Aud are you out there? :confused: I need you Fluffy twin! :D

**Mo waves and skips out singing...and squirting everyone she sees with her water gun!**
Hey guys (I see you Moriel.) :p

Any questions regarding the Match Game should be taken up over in the GenCSI forum where the game is played. Hankster linked everyone to it.

Also, please watch the answers you give for the Match Game. You guys gotta keep it clean. This is a PG-13 board.
Wow, that potential spoiler about the Suicide girls episode makes my little D/L shipping heart go all a flutter... :D

As for the earlier question, where would they go on their time off? I agree with the whole Danny giving her a tour of New York. That would be the sweet sort of thing I can see him doing. But I wouldn't discount the idea of her taking him to the country to do a little nature outing. Hiking, riding, swimming, camping...that would be very romantic, and I could also see plenty of humor potential in there as well.

I think that TPTB are probably gonna give us Angst before the fluff occurs, and maybe even alternate them on occasion. But in the end, our ship will sail off into the sunset and we will all be very happy shippers indeed. ;)

Wait, when did you guys get water guns? *grabs super-soaker and proceeds to soak anyone who comes in range* :devil:
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