Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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lindsaymesser, please refrain from double posting. Please use the edit button to edit your post. You can use this feature for up to 24 hours after you post.

Also, this is a thread to discuss Danny/Lindsay. It is not a thread to discuss ratings. Also, CSI Files is directly related to TalkCSI and Kristine Huntley is a member. If you have a problem with her review, then you need to go over to the CSI:NY forum and talk about it in the Grading: Not What It Looks Like thread. Also, nobody is forced to read Kristine's reviews so they are not shoved in your face.

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to give people fair warning about spoilers. There is a spoiler thread in the CSI:NY forums where you can openly discuss spoilers. I know there were no spoilers revealed in the post, I just want to keep it that way.

Posts in Shipper Central must be ON TOPIC (which means discussion of Danny/Lindsay). Please keep that in mind when posting.
I know it's petty to argue with someone on another thread, but I didn't want to start an argument either way... but I saw on one thread were the guy said, if a "casual" viewer saw the hug, he wouldn't think there's anything going on between Danny and Lindsay. To which, I commented to myself a huge "DUHHH???"

You know how sometimes you just can't argue with somebody you don't agree with because you just think he's completely wrong? Really, it felt that way.

I mean, come on... how dense would this casual viewer be to not see the sparks flying .... NAY sparks EXPLODING .... when those two hugged. Dear God, it was as clear as crystal!

Okay. I'm done rambling now....
lindsaymesser, please READ my previous post.

This is not a thread to discuss what other people are saying in other threads. Everyone has a right to their opinions. If you want to argue about what people are saying in other threads, then you need to go into those threads and state your opinions.

I stated in my previous post that THIS thread is for discussion of Danny/Lindsay only. It is NOT to talk about other threads or opinions of others.

I do not want to see anymore of this either:

mean, come on... how dense would this casual viewer be to not see the sparks flying .... NAY sparks EXPLODING .... when those two hugged. Dear God, it was as clear as crystal!

There are going to be different opinions on this matter and I will not tolerate anybody calling others DENSE. I will state it again. Everybody has a right to their own opinion. Please abide by the Shipper Central rules.

I don't want to have to come back in here again. If you have a problem with my posts, then PM me.
Pssst... Rhon you're fabulous! ;) **hugs Rhonda!**
Okay shippy buddies.... :D Here's what I have decided, our ship gets the best of what I will call the "TV Ship Formula". I've been shipping for awhile now, and had many different ships on many different shows and I have discovered that there is pretty much a "formula" for how ships work...and it depends too on the characters of the ship...
If the characters are the main leads of the show (top billed characters...i.e. Mac/Stella of NY) then the ship will take many many seasons...cuz they are the major source of angst for the show, and that is a big part of what keeps the show going. :p
But if the characters are secondary characters...(which is what I'd say D/L are, not that they're lesser in anyway...just not top billed ;)...) Then the ship tends to get together a lot sooner...there still may be angst, but not the years of it that you'll get with the main character ship! (Anyone ship JAG...think Mac/Harm versus Bud/Harriet :D)
So according to my formula...
2nd billed characters + Little Angst + Emotional Embraces = Canon ship sailing into the sunset SOON!! :lol:

So yeah D/L rocks and we are SOO sailing into the lovely shippy happy sunset soon my friends...we SO are!! :lol:

Can't wait for Wednesday y'all...gah I'm getting totally nervous and excited and impatient...well but what's new, I'm always impatient! (I want my D/L and I want it now! :lol: )

P.s. I forgot to tell ya all...I have to be an adult again starting tomorrow... :p I start my new job tomorrow, so I'm gonna be on here less during the day :( But I'll still come on NO WORRIES..just in the evening/night more :D
alright, i know i'm so late already, but i really have to say this - the hug rocked! it was such a heartwrenching experience, which prompted one of my friends to quip, "what are you thinking? that you're the one danny's hugging!? puh-leeze!" lol! ;) yes, our ship will gloriously sail, and totally avoid pitfalls like 'icebergs' that dare sink it! :) getting that special episode is worth all the blood and sweat, pain and financial setbacks i had to go through - the end truly justified the means! (which i don't dare mention here - hope you get my drift! *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*) ahhh... i really can't wait for the original dvds! :) go danny and lindsay! guys, please keep us posted about the exciting developments on these two cool individuals (we from the philippines are kinda late, unfortunately)! keep up the great work here on this special thread! later... (now, back to being a lurker for me, as i finish my case studies - and, i'm so inspired! whee!) ;)
Sorry, I am still trying to figure out how to do quotes and all but I like what Moriel said about secondary characters. Pretty much the only reason I watch CSI NY is because of D/L. I quit watching JAG altogther because they kept dragging Harm/Mac out too much. And I might add that Bud/Harriet was a relationship that worked so I trust that TPTB won't ruin a good thing with D/L. I think there is plenty of good storyline to work with even after they get together. After all they are secondary and would never take over the show.
TPTB might throw some rough waters at us for a bit, just to keep the angst up.. :D, but, we'll get what we want: the world knows it.. :lol: When times get bad (if they do) remember everything from "Make Tracks Cowboy" to The greatest hug ever!!!

p.s.- The s2 DVD's come out in the U.s. tomorrow I believe!
Moriel!!!! pie comin ur way!!!!! :lol: hehe
**chell throws big fat chocolate and cream pie at mo's head!!** :D

i totally agree with your lil equation huni lol it totally rocks! :D i still cant get over the hug.. gah.. i jus been watching it and watching it.... and droolin.. !!! hehe

think i may have to go back n rewatch..**shifty eyes**
ill be back!!!! :D lol
I have watched the promo from CBS at least 10 times because I get that hug scene at the end. That hug made my whole night on Wednesday. I can't wait to see what happens this week. I think she'll kind of push him away at first though and that is why we won't get a kiss until later on. :)

lindsaymesser said
But some of you guys are right, the fact that there is this hug, and then The Conversation which happens next week, it means that we're just not this small, noisy cult, the CSINY people are actually listening to us. They know we're a significant chunk in their audience. And they wouldn't want to piss us off completely. So let's just see what happens (no matter how frustrating it would be).
As much as I'd like to agree with you. I don't think it's because of us that this ship is sailing. I think it was always meant to be happening as it is.

Maybe its because I've been watching 14 episode in one week that it all seems to be going a bit too fast for me.
I just hope that this not the season were they will be sinking our lovely ship.
*makes mental note: eat more chocolate to keep spirits up*

Audacity I'm keeping my fingers crossed too and hope that producer Pam's promise will be a nice -very early- X-mas gift for us all.
and also:
If you listen to Danny's voice at the end of the promo he sounds amused and not angry or upset or something.

dbl4eva I think she will indeed push him away with a lot of blah, blah about working together and so on. What makes it obvious to me that she must have been hit by something during that explosion ;) . If I had a colleague that looked like that and who was hitting on me well ... (you guys can fill in the blanks :devil: )

Moriel21 Good luck on your new job!! Free evenings and weekends are the only times I can come here too. At work we unfortunately have limited I-net access.
But maybe it will make time fly so that it will be wednesday before you know it.
*see, I can be positive, chocolate rush is already kicking in!! :D
kinda scary if you think about it--so much URST and with the titles of the episodes, just makes me think--"Not What It Looks Like" ended the way it did, was it a message to the viewers? Then the next episode is "Love Run Cold" with that promo and the voice over?!?! :confused: Geesh I hate psyche games--like are you gonna give us a little more...or rip our hearts out??? waaahhhh :(
i think that when Danny is talking to Lindsey about how she pushes him away, his sounds as if he is kinda embarrassed about the subject.. like he scared/shy lol

hehe bless!!!! :D
seeker said:
kinda scary if you think about it--so much URST and with the titles of the episodes, just makes me think--"Not What It Looks Like" ended the way it did, was it a message to the viewers? Then the next episode is "Love Run Cold" with that promo and the voice over?!?! :confused: Geesh I hate psyche games--like are you gonna give us a little more...or rip our hearts out??? waaahhhh :(

In that case what about "hang out to dry"?

Can that be translated into somebody left to face the consequences of something he/she did.

OK I'm starting to see bad-endings everywhere now so someone else please take a guess as to what "Oedipus Hex" could mean. All I know is that it had something to do with Freud :eek: .

Maybe a fun thing to do while we wait for the next ep. See how we can explain the episode titles as hints from the writers about our favourite couple.
"oedipus hex" is like a fusion of freudian concepts with magical ideals (well, how can we explain hex, right? hehe!) but, i agree with dutch_treat, we really just have to tune in to succeeding episodes to find out. :) in fact, i think the TPTB and the writers are thinking up these episode titles just to truly entice us into faithfully following the show week after week - as if they need to do that at all! lol! ;) in regards to danny and lindsay, since we've reached the excitement phase with that fabulous hug, the writers would probably tone it down a little bit, making it the plateau phase, then possibly during the sweeps come the resolution phase - the TPTB might just give us what we truly want with this cool ship! hope is such a great thing to have... :)
Never fear, Auda's here...see IHNC...I it rhymes...lol.

I have no fear that these two will be together...will it be easy-NO! But remember things are never as bad as what we think they are going to be. Let the angsties have their angst...then that will make way for us to have our fluff 'n fun. We have a promise.....'something happens mid-season' from our lovely producer Pam and writer of "City of Dolls,' 'Super Men,' and 'Not What It Looks Like.' Keep the faith and the positivity....since I've been shipping D/L, I have never had any let downs---at least not any major ones. They are going to have some rough waters....but hey who said that 'rough' has to be boring---they might have some fun too!

Hi Mo---here let's throw pies at people to get them into a good mood. :lol: Also where are the water guns? We were having a pretty good water gun battle! :D

Methinks it's time to lock our favorite couple back in the broom closet so they can work out their 'issues.' Who else agrees? :devil:
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