Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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lyss1, Welcome to the crazy thread. These people are wild so jump in anytime.
Moriel21 thanks for the pics. ;) And I agree with you about the promo for next week. Ouch it look like it hurt!
Thanks, Mo & Dutch! I love the pics!! Defintely saving those to the hard drive! Thank you thank you thank you! **hugs all around**
Hi all i am so excited to be here. :) i just saw the clip of Danny taking off his shirt, let me say OMG, it would have been really good if Lindsay just walked in when he wa taking his shirt off. HOT. Anyway is the preview up for next weeks episode? :)
Saw it, saw it. Soooo great :D

Once I got my focus back -They should make it a quiz question - What were Danny and Hawkes discussing in that locker room scene - Bet no one has the answer- I really liked the ep :)

Too bad there wasn't much D/L :( but at least they were together on a scene again. Would have been so much more fun though if it were Lindsay instead of Hawkes sitting in that locker room. Suddenly have Danny come in and casually take his shirt of :eek:

Either she would have fainted or just jumped him right then and there :devil: -secret, what secret?-

And totally of subject, but tonight I found out something interesting. I was laughing with my friends on how we here were al frantic searching for screencaps of half naked Danny :rolleyes: Turns out I can make them myself just by using my Media Player -never knew that- :D

I have no other software to enhance my images, so it may not be of the best quality, but here's my first attempt (and it indeed was really easy):


Ah, she looked so sorry for that mother :( (again)

So in future if we ever need any D/L screencaps, about 24h after the ep has aired ;) I will be able to provide them.

Anyway is the preview up for next weeks episode?
Lyss, just go here and click 'watch a video preview'

And, oh my
That snake bite does look nasty. She could really use someone to comfort her
That snake bite does look nasty. She could really use someone to comfort her

I totally agree :D SOMEONE needs to go and comfort her. Does anybody know if he actually does, cause i read somewhere that Hawkes Comes. and i offically HATE snakes
It's confirmed nowhere that Danny will be there to comfort or support her :( But as (I believe it was) Mo already said: We all know he will be sooo worried about her wel being!!! :D They'd better show us some of that concern!! Oh, and I hate snakes too
dutch_treat said:
It's confirmed nowhere that Danny will be there to comfort or support her :( But as (I believe it was) Mo already said: We all know he will be sooo worried about her wel being!!! :D They'd better show us some of that concern!! Oh, and I hate snakes too

Thanx, didnt look back that far. yeh i agree wih you all about the he will be worrying thing. And in the promo it looked like getting bitten by a snake really hurts. LOL I cant wait.
Yeah, I'm still drooling at shirtless!Danny, leave a message after the beep.

Oh crap, that was the wrong one, Macky's gonna kill me.

Ouch my ass, that does hurt!.. And a cobra too, dangit. poor Linds. Ouch. I bet Danny's gonna be worried as hell.
^The fluffiest of all the fluffies is above me! LOL! ;) :p

Welcome, Lyss! :)

Last night's episode:

1. Danny called her 'beautiful.' He so slipped that in. He thought that she would think it was about the print, but Linds knew that it was about her. Then they proceeded to make out passionately in the hosptial elevator---in my mind! :devil:
2. Danny's hotness wasn't missed by Ms. Lindsay. She licked the rest of the 'whatever' off of him later. Besides, Hawkes loves our ship---He took pictures of half-naked Danny so Linds could enjoy! :lol:

I think we will get concerned Danny. But I don't know if we will get a D/L scene. Poor Lindsay. I don't like snakes. Danny needs to take care of his Montana when she gets hurt. So I propose that Danny take about a week off from work and spend his time nursing Linds back to health by walking around without clothes. Wait? Dang, she might faint. Hmmmm... :eek:
I thought it was wonderful that he called her beautiful!

And maybe because I'm real observant but I noticed something last night. Did you guys notice that when Lindsay said that she had a print, Danny didn't hesitate to go over there and see her?

Who's to say that the writers are intentionally leaving out that maybe danny goes to see her in the hospital. You know how the writers have been, tormenting us this season. And this theory may be a long shot. Do you think the snake wa put in the car for her ? Or for Hawkes? Remember Shawn Casey is still running around trying to bring Hawkes down.
Hello my shippy buddies! Who's still on a high from the D/L scene and NEKKID DANNY :devil: last night? **Me, me, me...Mo raises her hands and giggles!!** :lol:

dutch didn't mean to steal your pic thunder...lol! Great minds think alike! :lol:

mercy glad you liked the pics...fun stuff huh! :D :devil:
Would have been so much more fun though if it were Lindsay instead of Hawkes sitting in that locker room. Suddenly have Danny come in and casually take his shirt of
Oh honey, tell me about it! :devil: That was my first thought...well ya know, when I could manage a thought! ;) :lol:

Yay I loved that you capped that quick flash of them watching the interrogation dutch! Good pic! :D
1. Danny called her 'beautiful.' He so slipped that in. He thought that she would think it was about the print, but Linds knew that it was about her. Then they proceeded to make out passionately in the hosptial elevator---in my mind!
2. Danny's hotness wasn't missed by Ms. Lindsay. She licked the rest of the 'whatever' off of him later. Besides, Hawkes loves our ship---He took pictures of half-naked Danny so Linds could enjoy!
Aud I adore you! Seriously fluffy twin you rock! :D Making out in the elevator...licking the "stuff" off him later...you're guttery fluffy twin...and I LOVE it! :devil: :lol:

And as for your therapy idea for Linds next week....um heck yeah! She'd feel better in no time with that... :devil: :devil: :devil:

Vex I liked your theory too...that's definitely an interesting thought...I wouldn't be surprised if it did turn out to be something like that actually... :D

Okay I'm exhausted...work has been insane and I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off...can't wait for the weekend already!! :lol:

Yay for D/L....our ship is sailing...sailing....sailing...sailing into the wide blue yonder!! :lol: :lol:

**Mo skips off to sleep...visions of nekkid Danny dancing in her head!!** :devil:
Hi im lyss and i WAS a lurker, but im not anymore and thought i would come and say hi,
Welcome, sweetie! I'm sure that you'll have great fun around here! We are ALL FOR D/L! Whoohoo! :)

AND OH MY GOD-- one D/L scene AND the shirtless scene... Thank you, CBS! I LOVE YOU. :D

**Mo skips off to sleep...visions of nekkid Danny dancing in her head!!**
That was my dream last night too. Hey, Mo. I hope you're having a nice day.
Had a DL dream last night... they were at a wedding and they were at a small table. Danny left and some guy propsed to him and he was like no there's only oje love for me. He proposed to Linds who agreed and they started making out at their table. I got all excited and was like yes! I DVR's it!

too bad it was just a dream..
:lol: Sexy dream. :) I wish I had it instead! Danny & Lindsay create amazing chemistry together. I never knew how hot a CSI-pairing could be.
Good morning my lovelies! I don't think I've ever been more glad to see a Friday come! (I know I say that every Friday, but seriously... :lol: )
Work sucks...so does traffic! :p Glad to have D/L to cheer me up! :D I made a cute little banner of Linds dreaming of nekkid Danny I'll try to post it later...I think y'all will like it! ;) :devil:
That was my dream last night too. Hey, Mo. I hope you're having a nice day.
Hey hon! :D It's Friday...it will be a good day! ;) Yeah nekkid Danny dreams...good stuff, always! :devil: Lucky Linds to get to see that all the time...or someday soon anyway...if I didn't like her so much and want them together so dang badly, I'd be totally jealous! :devil:
He proposed to Linds who agreed and they started making out at their table.
Rad Hi hon! That's an awesome dream! Love it! :D Now if only that would really happen...I'd be a totally happy shipper! :lol:
**Note to PTB...now that you know we like Nekkid Danny include more of that in every ep :devil: please...and throw in some proposals (as in marriage from him to Linds! :D ) with some making out afterwards...and you'll find yourselves the recipients of many gifts from ecstatic shippers world wide!** :lol:
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