Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Mo, it's not that people got killed. It's just that somehow Lindsay and Danny ended up in Texas ficcie, and it was weird for Catnip and D/L

Its fun writing two ships in one, isn't it?

Awwww I see hon! Well then I agree with Lynny you should totally write it!

Told ya she'd agree, Aud

*glares back* MINE and that's final!

Whats that? You've said you've gone completely nuts?!?1 I'd agree. You have, cause HE'S MINE!

anyone know when Danny's is? I'm sure LIndsay could make him very happy on it

Whats up with you and birthdays??

Yes, mom you are right... my DL mom knows evreything there is to know about DL, and I thank you for it!

*mocks you behind your back*

The second scene (in my theory thing after the angst) will involve DL talking it out and having smex.. *runs before Mo calls me a fluffy*
Here's the question of the day:

If Danny and Lindsay were never Det. and CSI's, do you think they would have ever fallen in love?
What a great question Vex. I'm certain they will have. No matter what they turned out to be, they just belong together :rolleyes: So they would have found each other eventually. Only we wouldn't have been there to see it ;) :eek:
So will Danny/Lindsay spend the holidays alone or with family? I hoping--alone. Nothing like spending time around the holidays curled up with the one you love beside the a nice, cozy fire. ;)
Aaaah, Aud I like the idea of them in front of a beautiful fireplace (naked on a bear skin :devil: ) next to a giant X-mas tree. But I also like to see them at a warm family dinner. So maybe the fireplace thingy ;) on X-mas eve and the dinner thingy on Boxing day.
kissmesweet said:
Merci beaucoup. Excellent point and THANK YOU, EVERYONE. Im gonna get sucha high mark for this assigment! :)
De rien. And please let us no what your mark is when it's graded. *crossing fingers for you

Thanks. :) It's from Stealing Home.
Ah, txs I was wondering about that. It's lovely indeed. I like how the flashing attracks attention :lol:
*mocks you behind your back*

Thanks, thanks a lot Twinny :p

Tomorrow tomorrow I love ya tomorrow, Dl's just a day awaaaaaay! I'm really psyched for this eppy.

as for Vex's question... hmmm. I would hope so. Myabe they'd see eachother on a subway or something- that would be cute... Or meet at a bar or whatever... good question!
Your welcome Twinny.

Everytime I see you, you're singing that song. Even when we don't have scenes, your singing that song.

Depends. Are they living in the same place?
Lindsay trusts Danny a lot and he trust her too. There is nothting that this man will not do for Montana. For example, when she told him that she needed to "work things out" , he offered to help her out in any way that he could. Not many guys would hang around waiting for someone, they would have moved on to the next girl.

He respects her. He knows that she is hurting and he backs away.

We are canon baby!


Danny's a sweet guy anyways, and plus the fact that he cares about her, really makes him sweeter.

He knows she's hurting, even though he wants to .. do words that I can't say cause it'll make Mo and Auda go, "fluffy" .. he backs away.

Twin!V your really not helping on the angsty thing just so you know.
* I can't convert to fluffy, must be angsty again!!**

Okay, I'm better now.

I'm am definitly getting my taste of angst this year!
You can't convert. You'll leave me :( all alone with them *points at Auda* she'll drive me nuts. I think Twinny abandoned us.

Are you sure? Cause I can whack you, if your not sure.

Isn't that what its all about?
**Mo grins at her Fluffy Aud and snuggles Rad and beckons Vex to join them...** The Fluffies are so winning Lynny! :lol: **Mo high fives Aud!** Come join us Vex, we're fun! ;) And Lynny I saw that spoiler...lol, you know you want to join the fluffy club, I see you sneaking around outside our door! :lol: :lol:

**Mo joins Rad in singing....** "Tomorrow, tomorrow...can't wait 'til tomorrow...it's only a day....a...way!" :D Desperately in need of some D/L...good D/L would be better...D/L smex and I would be happy forever! :devil: Here's to hope springing eternal! ;)
Moriel21 said:
The Fluffies are so winning
Now you force me to take a stand :( - Cannot let you guys win :p - I am an angsty

Come on guys, you'll have to admit it. You cannot exist without us ;) There has to be (a lot) of angst first to make the fluff -in the end :p - so much better.

Like Lindsay's secret. That has to be angsty; cannot imagine it will be anything else. But after that's solved the whole fluffy "Oh, Danny thank you for helping me through that"-kiss-kiss-[censored]-scene will be twice as nice :devil:
kissmesweet said:
Was there an episode last night? I'm so confused. My Tivo is a little whacked up.
No, it's tonight (yeah) 11/15/2006. Enjoy :)!!
And Lynny I saw that spoiler...lol, you know you want to join the fluffy club, I see you sneaking around outside our door

Darn...... And you caught me? Crap. I guess I can't blow up the fluffy door now.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow...can't wait 'til tomorrow...it's only a day....a...way!"

Great, now she's singing.

I am an angsty

dutch I love you.

Come on guys, you'll have to admit it. You cannot exist without us There has to be (a lot) of angst first to make the fluff -in the end - so much better.

They know its true. they just like to be fluffy.
Yay, yay, yay!! Our eppy is in 3 and a half hours...wohoo!! **Mo does a happy dance as she thinks hopefully about a possible D/L scene! Oh please!!** :D :D
Now you force me to take a stand - Cannot let you guys win - I am an angsty
Awwww dutch....No! :p Lynny will love you! ;)
Darn...... And you caught me? Crap. I guess I can't blow up the fluffy door now.
Translation..."Darn you caught me, now I can't eavesdrop and learn how to join your super awesome fluffy club that I SO love!" :lol:
Great, now she's singing.
:lol: :lol: Whatever, I know you love it! ;) **Mo tackles Lynny and sings loudly to her!**
They know its true. they just like to be fluffy.
We will only consider admitting that if y'all angsty's will admit how much you love all the fluff that follows your precious angst! ;) :D

Can't wait for our eppy tonight...yay!! I SOOOO hope we get a scene or two...oh please, oh please!! Dang it we SOOO need at least something! :D
I'm excited! I only have like.... 24 minutes! YAY! I hope we get at least one scene if not two!

Uh oh... back to the fluffy vs. angsty conflict!!! :lol:

Ha ha, I was just talking to a friend on MSN and she said she was going to bed and I said I envied her (long day and then a long day tomorrow too!) And then she said you could go to sleep, but you'd miss Danny and Lindsay! That really does show how much I talk about them, doesn't it? Wow.
yea, I have about 22 minutes till the new eppy. I'm happy as a clown! I'm so ready for and DL scene they throw at us, small or big.

Angsty all the way. duh... A N G S T! Right Twinny? Vex? Back me up here buddo's!
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