Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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How come I don't have DL dreams? ... Oh yeah, to busy chasing down Flackie and getting hold back by Macky. But Danny was in my dream last night. I can't mention doing what, Sorry Mo! *hides from her*

Poor Twinny had a nice dream and turned out it was a dream. You are turning Fluffy!

I vote they'll be Angst next week, who agrees??

We might get a mention of him going to see her, considering I.. *rubs the back of neck* wrote FM fic for it, It'll be Danny that does it on screen. Promise! *runs*
Moriel21 said:
dutch didn't mean to steal your pic thunder...lol! Great minds think alike! :lol:
You cannot steal what wasn't mine :) And we did think alike. This thread definitely needed those pic's ;)
Yay I loved that you capped that quick flash of them watching the interrogation dutch! Good pic! :D
Well, I kinda had to; we have to cherish every moment we have them on screen together (had to cut of Hawkes though, but it was for a good cause :D)
iheartnickcath said:
I vote they'll be Angst next week, who agrees??
*raises hand, ehm, both hands Me!, Me!, Me! :lol:
kissmesweet said:
... now 2nd request: Hook Danny up with Lindsay already!!
Directly followed by 3rd request: Can they both be naked - together :devil:

Apparantly it only takes a little spilling to get those people to undress, so it cannot be that hard to come up with something. Maybe they could be walking near some construction site and someone accidently drops a bucket full of paint :eek:

PTB can you make that happen :) -PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE- :)
I raise my hand high for angst cause' this season surely has been full of it.

I need a d/l fix. How about we gather some money to send to the writers to bribe them for more d/l scenes?

We will be limited because of Anna's pregnancy but at least let them stay in the room for more than 5 minutes, okay?
Directly followed by 3rd request: Can they both be naked - together

Apparantly it only takes a little spilling to get those people to undress,
Why not, have Danny spill orange juice or something on Lindsay... it may lead to something in the locker room. :) :devil: She pulls her shirt over her and Danny would be like, "Alright, lemme join ya." and spills orange juice onto himself, then whips off his shirt. :)

:lol: How far-fetched of me. :)
kissmesweet said:
:lol: How far-fetched of me. :)
Never mind if it's far fetched :) as long as we get what we want it's fine by me. Doesn't matter what they spill either as long as it makes them take their clothes off ;)

And why not take the spilling to a whole new level and turn it into a food fight *YEAH FOOD FIGHT Danny spilling OJ on Lindsay, Lindsay spilling herbal tea (after all she still has a upset stomach ;) ) on Danny, Danny throwing a slice of pizza towards Lindsay, Lindsay rubbing her muffin in Danny's face. Making them so dirty that they'll have to take a shower. And why waste water; let's shower together :devil:

OK I'm really starting to lose it now. I need my sleep. Good night and happy dreams!! :D
hey guys,

Long time no read. lol. anyway I just wanted to say hi and I think next weeks show should be really good. I mean what will Danny do when Lindsay gets bite by that snake. lol. I don't know but I can't wait to see what happens.

dutch I think I love you.

Ooh so now we're gonna bribe the writers for D.L scenes? That could possibly work, but if they get whacked, don't look at me. I didn't do it. *keeps bat behind back*
I'll bribe! Pick me pick me! I'm getting so fed up with no DL last week was golden for me.. that's not good. :lol: I was watching some season 2 epp's yesterday and they worked together all the time. My theory: We're gonna get something huge the next time they work together... please oh please!
iheartnickcath said:
dutch I think I love you.
*blushes Txs dear, but I was still in hyper drive from the strange evening I had yesterday :) I went out after work with some colleagues (we do that once a month) and suddenly we were having the chest hair discussion. And since two of my female colleagues and I can be very persuasive :devil: by the end of the evening I think we managed to peek inside the shirt of every guy there :eek: (all for serious research ;))

And our giggly mood effected everyone. Guys just left their shirts unbuttoned and when the DJ started playing some 70's and 80's music they were all being John Travolta :cool:

Strange evening :rolleyes: Add some wine to that (no worries I took a cab home) and you can understand my babbling.

But enough about my wicked life, back to D/L's
HCfanforlife1982 said:
...I mean what will Danny do when Lindsay gets bite by that snake. lol. I don't know but I can't wait to see what happens...
Just for the enjoyment of us Angsty's. What if he is not sweet and caring at all :eek: What if he is just angry with her for not being carefull enough. Mad because she always wants to do things by herself and now see what happens. And then we'll have a shot of him walking away -running his hands through his hair, because his anger was out of concern for the one he loves- and her watching him leave -tears filling her eyes :(- And maybe that's the reason she finally decides she needs to resolve her issues and leaves.

And when she comes back we can all enjoy a nice fluffy scene with him apologising for what he said, her explaining why she acted the way she did and a nice kiss to close the deal :)
..but if they get whacked, don't look at me. I didn't do it. *keeps bat behind back*
LOL * whistles innocent -bat, what bat, didn't see any bat-

I'm all for bribing TPTB. But what are we going to bribe them with :confused: You guys think a nice bag of M&M's will help?
M+Ms would definitely help! But TPTB know that they're doing. They're doing a great job actually. :) Most of them are D/L fans anyway... so that's good. :D Besides-- if it takes a long time for them to get it on, it makes the get-together that much sweeter.

I can imagine something like this:
Danny: I think I love you...
Lindsay: (startled, turns to him slowly) What?
Danny: What, what?
Lindsay: I heard you said, just say it again. (teasingly)
Danny: Uhhh... I love you.
Lindsay: (puts her hand on his waist and kisses him) Good, I love you too. :)

Ain't that cute?
Hey i was just wondering are you allowed to post links to Danny and Lindsay video's i made.:)
I think you have to pm that to whoever wants it.

That is cute, Kiss but if anyone asks, I didn't say that.

Yeah... what bat, I never saw a bat. Oh! You mean the ones that fly.. No, haven't seen that either.

We can bribe them by.... M&M's yeah. And bring the canons, lmao... Yeah, I'm weird.
You know what would be really cool...
If someone with great computer knowledge(or just knowledge of the sims) could make Danny and Lindsay sims..then upload it and we could all make them do what we want. :devil:. haha..just a random idea. If I find a program that lets me do this I'll try..but if anybody knows how to do this... :)

Now I have to get back to writing my D/L fic...:)
darx2mint4 your so funny. I was just playing the sims. I have wanted to get Sims of all my favorite CSI's. But thank god there is fanfic out there. ;)
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