Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Translation..."Darn you caught me, now I can't eavesdrop and learn how to join your super awesome fluffy club that I SO love!"

Your dreaming!

Whatever, I know you love it! **Mo tackles Lynny and sings loudly to her!**

*gets tackled* OMG HELPPPP *points at TV* Look it Lindsay. (it really is)

We will only consider admitting that if y'all angsty's will admit how much you love all the fluff that follows your precious angst!

Oh look modie ran off with Danny!

So their processing together, How nice.


Ohmigod! That was so hot when he took off his shirt! I kept yelling at the TV saying "Lindsay needs to walk in right now! Danny has no shirt!"... Anyway, our first (and only? I hope not!) scene was okay. Short. But at least we got a scene! It's a miracle!
smiliee said:

Ohmigod! That was so hot when he took off his shirt! I kept yelling at the TV saying "Lindsay needs to walk in right now! Danny has no shirt!"...

I totally agree. I think I missed a good chunk of what they said during that scene because I was cheering for the scenery. now to find out how quickly someone can post a screencap of that!
I'm still an angst twin! I haven't abandoned my twins!

I just watched the episode, and I liked it!
ahhhhhhhhh shirt removal?!?!? Wife beater underneath or nothing at all?? I haven't seen it yet! I think i'm gonna cry!! :(
nope no wife beater, just glorious skin, which had nothing to do with the plot what-so-ever, so it seems it was just for our viewing enjoyment :D! no complaints about that here! poor linds missed out though
omg guys! Thank you that totally made my day!! I can't WAIT to watch it!! I'm kinda sad right now... so that made it all better! thanks so so so much!! muah!
I am SOOO watching this eppy....I have like 14 minutes...YAY!
Lynny that is MEAN! :p :lol: Modie can't run off with Danny we had a deal dang it...I'll come after Macky, woman, don't make me! ;) Lol! :lol:

a D/L scene AND shirtless Danny....OMG :eek: :devil:...shirtless, just skin Danny! Be still my heart....oh my word....just....the...thought....**Mo falls over flat, drooling and swooning at the thought!** Gah!! :devil:
Can't wait to see this, can't wait, can't wait!!! :D :D
Not reading spoilers... I've only tivoed it and I haven't seen it yet! This page hasn't got any pictures yet and I thought I'd spice things up with this.


"Make tracks, cowboy."
Hi im lyss and i WAS a lurker, but im not anymore and thought i would come and say hi, i live in Australia so at the moment we are in season 2 of csi ny *says very sadly* i am a huge fan of D/L and am all for them getting together sometime in the future. so hi :)
Just peeked in to see if it was worth the effort to hurry home tonight and watch it. And now I'm definitely gonna risk a speeding ticket :D - We get A SCENE - Danny SHIRTLESS :eek: *SIGH

Now, I'm so curious. If it's not case related why did he take it of (not that we mind :devil:). And if it's just to please us then I for one cannot wait for Season 4. In 2 we had the wife beater :) - in 3 we have a naked chest :D - in 4 we'll have .... :devil: (a girl can dream, right)
iheartnickcath said:
dutch I love you.
Aaaah, txs hon, love you too.
Moriel21 said:
Awwww dutch....No! :p
Yes! sorry sweetie, just love my angst :)
We will only consider admitting that if y'all angsty's will admit how much you love all the fluff that follows your precious angst! ;) :D
I especially love the fluff endings that had angsty starts :p!!
smiliee said:
Uh oh... back to the fluffy vs. angsty conflict!!! :lol:
LOL, We're all just to stubborn to admit we need each other :rolleyes:

lyss1 said:
Hi im lyss...
...i am a huge fan of D/L and am all for them getting together sometime in the future. so hi :)
Hi Lyss *waves Welcome!! I haven't been around here long either, but I love it and I'm sure you will too :D :)! It's so much fun and we all want to see them together ;) And we will, WE WILL
Hello all my fabulous shippy buddies! :D **Mo pops in waving and tossing out candy and peppermint mochas!!**
I got to see our eppy, as it aired!! I'm so excited about that!! :D :D It was SOOO worth staying up and losing sleep over...I have just two words for y'all... Half-Nekkid Danny (Okay 3 words, but still!!) :devil: :devil: He was half nekkid cuz he spilled coffee on his shirt and had to change, so there was a reason, but even if there wasn't, who cares! He is SOOO freaking fine! OH MY WORD....bare....chest...chiseled....muscles...sculpted....ABS.....swoon....drool....gah is SOOO insanley HOT!! :devil: :devil:

Okay now that that's out of the way (well for two seconds...lol :lol: ) I really liked the eppy actually! I liked that it was an "everyone on one case" ep and they actually had everyone working on the case! Fabulous!

I LOVED our little scene, it was little and short but it was cute...and Danny was SOOO talking to Linds at the end of that scene when he said "Beautiful"! I know it...YAY! :D :D

And Linds' scene with Hawkes...too cute! Not to harp on the preggers thing but she was SO pregnant in that scene...it made me giggle...the way she tried to hold the lab coat over her bump and then leaned down on the table...too cute! :lol: That was a good little scene though...nice!

And then I loved the end, I dunno if I'm the only one but I loved that end shot of the whole team walking down the hallway. It was so classic CSI to me...slow-motion dramatic...and I loved that it was like the whole team...that was so nice to me...I dunno maybe I'm just weird, but I seriously got this big ole grin when they showed that! :D

Yay for D/L in this eppy...yay, yay! And YAY for half-nekkid Danny...that made my week right there! :devil: Hello hot stuff!!

looks pretty good! Actually seeing Linds get bit by the snake in the preview was so much more dramatic then I thought :eek:...hopefully we'll get concerned Danny! :D We better dang it...you know he will be so they better show it to us dang it!!

Yay my lovelies...our ship is sailing...wohoo!!! :D :D
Moriel21 said:
...Half-Nekkid Danny (Okay 3 words, but still!!) :devil: :devil: He was half nekkid cuz he spilled coffee on his shirt and had to change, so there was a reason, but even if there wasn't, who cares! He is SOOO freaking fine! OH MY WORD....bare....chest...chiseled....muscles...sculpted....ABS.....swoon....drool....gah is SOOO insanley HOT!! :devil: :devil:
I still can't believe we got a d/l scene and a gratuitous skin shot, yum! I think that just about made my week! I am surfing the web still looking for a screencap of that, if anyone finds one, puh-leaze puh-leaze post!

...and Danny was SOOO talking to Linds at the end of that scene when he said "Beautiful"! I know it...
i said the same thing when I was watching it! i refuse to believe he meant it any other way!

It was great how they had everyone together, it seems like they are really showing more of all the characters on a personal level, but without losing sight of the crime scene investigation angle. Now if they could just be persuaded to show more d/l on a very personal level ... :devil: but this week got them on the right track with danny's locker room scene!
I still can't believe we got a d/l scene and a gratuitous skin shot, yum!
Lol, I know Mercy it's like they are actually listening to us, and giving us what WE want! :lol: Finally! :D

And yeah I'll see if I can find a HOT Danny pic from last night...but if anyone else finds one...post and share!! :devil:
i refuse to believe he meant it any other way!
**Mo nods!** Yup I know...totally agree! He clearly meant it for her...Yay! :D Smooth Messer, very smooth! ;)
Now if they could just be persuaded to show more d/l on a very personal level ...
Now that would, that would make my month...lol...we can dream, right! :D

I found them, I found them, I found them!! :lol: :lol: A half nekkid Danny pic and a D/L pic! YAY! :D

Hi my dears :) Got home much earlier than I expected :D

And although I have to leave for a dinner with friends in about 5 minutes. I couldn't stop myself from watching THE scenes we've all been waiting for ;). I'll watch the rest of the ep tonight.

And for the fun of it I have two presents for ya'll:

---- See Mo's post ----

Have to run!! Enjoy!!

Ed: Mo's post.
LOL hon :lol: :lol:, found the same ones! They're Sooooooo Lovely ;) ;)
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