Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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hey im from NZ and i dont really know whats been going on between Danny and Lindsay but i need to know! thax!
dutch I love how you and your friends had the "discussion" about his chest hair. That was awesome!

I did notice that Carmine looked a little "different" when he took off his shirt.

I love the Sims Idea :). I've played the game before, and that does sound like a great idea.
lyss1 said:
Hey i was just wondering are you allowed to post links to Danny and Lindsay video's i made.:)

Sorry but you can't post the links to home made videos. You can, however, tell everyone where they are (eg. YouTube).
^ okay thanx. anyway if anyone wants to check out my D/L video's go to Youtube. they are under csi ny or Danny and Lindsay :
They are called:
*I'll be
*Lost without You
* Mystery
By Lyss178 ( me )

OH MY GOD-- I LOVE DELTA! When I went to OZ, I heard her songs and bought both of her albums. She's amazing and I'm glad that she's doing okay after chemotherapy. :) Bless her; her voice is amazing.

Saving to favorites. :) Lovely videos. Can you upload it onto megaupload or something to download? Cuz I really wanna put it on my IPOD!!
nz_rock_chick94 said:
hey im from NZ and i dont really know whats been going on between Danny and Lindsay but i need to know! thax!
Hi, welcome!! Well I at least assume you've seen season 2, so for your and our enjoyment ;) I'll start the story from the beginning of season 3 :)

In ep2 "Not what it look like" they are working on a case together about the robbery of a jewelry store. And things just went on like they did in season 2; a lot of teasing and looking, but at the end of the episode it suddenly all changed :eek:

Lindsay volunteered to go undercover impersonating the girlfriend of a girl that was being held hostage by some dealers of illegal diamonds. And Danny gets all worried and doesn't want her to go. But Lindsay is determined and goes in anyway. Unfortunately one of the hostage takers doesn't buy it and Danny listening to the conversation realises she's been made

Lindsay knowing that's she's in danger drops the bag she took in that contains a smoke bomb and jumps to save the girl .

Then all hell breaks loose and Danny and the rest come bursting in. He's desperately searching for her calling her name, when she looks up through the smoke to find him. He pulls her to her feet and start asking and checking if she's alright. She than suddenly realises what has happened and breaks down and we get THE HUG

In ep3 "Love run cold" we learn that they were suppose to go on a date, but that she stood him up :confused: And the already cold scene (murder took place at some ice vodka party) turns even more cold when she doesn't want to explain why.

After they caught the murderer he corners her in a hallway (and not in the way we all wanted :devil:) calling her Lindsay Monroe :confused: instead of Montana and confronts her about their mutual feelings He is certain there is something between them but she say's she has issues she needs to deal with. But she does tell him she likes him A LOT

He's all concerned and promises he'll be there for her if she needs him. She nods and walks away leavin him behind

And that's the last of non case related interaction they've had. Now we're all waiting for Lindsay's big secret to be revealed and them finally getting together.

Just thought we could use some more pic's :D :D
THANKS Dutchy for that little history of D/L goodness!
I loved the pics. I WANT THEM TO GET TOGETHER! When is the secret going to be revealed?
Squee-tastic right there dutch that was beautiful! Thank You! I love them, I love them, I love them. So I'm pretty upset I wont be seeing NY "live" this week cause I have plans on Wed. Night, thank Go or DVR... pretty mad though, this eppy looks so good!
I'm new to this forum, although I've met dutch treat on another D/L forum. All I can say, is thank god for fanfiction, because I would be nuts by now, waiting for the actual show to get these two together! Glad I'm not the only one. Some of the forums make it seem a shame to be a D/L shipper. I'm new to the whole shipping thing, as I've never really shipped a pair before. Now, I see the possibilites in a few shows I watch. Still, it is D/L that I wish would happen the most. I keep hoping and watching. Oh, well, someday.
Dutch is our little storyteller. :D Great job, Babes!

Aww, Poor Twinny is going to miss all of the fun. But Danny said he'll take his shirt off again for ya. ;)

Welcome catey to the DL Asylum. I mean Forum. Yeah. Thats it. Forum. Someday it will, no worries ;)
Hello all my lovely shippy buddies! Gah how I have missed you all! I can't believe I haven't posted in like 3 days...I'm such a dork that I miss y'all after only that bit of time, but hey what can I say...y'all are fabulous! ;) Plus I just can't stay away from my D/L that long...I was seriously going thru withdrawals! :p :lol:
Anyway...Hi!! **Mo jumps up and down excitedly and passes out peanut butter cookies and hot cocoa...cuz it's that kind of day!!** :D
But Danny was in my dream last night. I can't mention doing what, Sorry Mo! *hides from her*
You dreaming about my man, hon?! :eek: That's okay, I had a dream about Macky... :devil: So I'd say we're even! ;) Just don't steal him from me or I'll have to come get ya! :lol: **Huggles!**
Okay, so the Danny shirtless scene showed that they DO listen to us... now 2nd request: Hook Danny up with Lindsay already!!
Oh yes please...I ditto that for sure...you listen now prove it...again! :D
Directly followed by 3rd request: Can they both be naked - together
Lol, nice dutch! Although I think I would die at that point...I'd keel over and be done, I'd need mouth to mouth to revive me...mmmm, that could be fun! :devil: Danny? :lol:
And why waste water; let's shower together
And I'm gone... **Mo falls face first into the gutter...!** :devil:
What if he is not sweet and caring at all What if he is just angry with her for not being carefull enough. Mad because she always wants to do things by herself and now see what happens. And then we'll have a shot of him walking away -running his hands through his hair, because his anger was out of concern for the one he loves- and her watching him leave -tears filling her eyes - And maybe that's the reason she finally decides she needs to resolve her issues and leaves.
:eek: :eek: :eek: I...I...I...don't even know what to say....my poor fluffy shippy heart can't fathom that thought... Dutch!! That's just mean! :p :( Concerned Danny, not mad Danny...concerned for her dang it! **Fluffy!!**
That is cute, Kiss but if anyone asks, I didn't say that.
Too late! I SOOO saw that honey! You know you like saying those things just so I'll catch you and tease you...cuz you're secretly a fluffy and you KNOW it! :lol: Aud where are you? Did you see that Fluffy Twin, we're winning Lynny to our side! :D :D

Nice history with the pics there dutch that was cool! :D

So can't wait for our new eppy...fingers and toes are crossed for some D/L goodness...of the FLUFFY kind dang it...they deserve some fluff after the angst they've been through...come on!! :D :D :D

**Mo skips off to her fluffy D/L bubble, to ignore her lovely angsty pals and their sad angsty theories and hope for fluff!!** :D :D
*I had a dream about Danny last night but I'm keeping my lips sealed on this one* :lol:

I see Mo went off to her fluffy bubble, so let me go and join my angsty twins.

And dutch I loved the season 3 montage of danny and lindsay, you did a good job! :)
:lol: :lol: Can't blame ya for having dreams about him Vex hon! ;) The man is insanely hot and so freaking drool-worthy I cannot breathe for looking at him sometimes! :devil: :devil: Dreams are inevitable when you are THAT hot! :devil:

I did go to my bubble...I likes my bubble...it's a good bubble... **Mo pets her shippy bubble and snuggles happily back into it, wrapping herself in D/L videos and fluffy fics!** :D :D We fluffies will win ya know, just remember that...okay angsty's!! ;)

"Raising Shane" (ep. 11) the one where Shane Casey comes back and frames Hawkes is co-written by Pam Veasey...YAY! That could be our mid-season "thing"!! Oh how I hope, hope, hope!! Please don't let us down Pam, please!!!
Hi Mo,
That's me too! I prefer the fluffy bubble. I get enough of the angst from the show. (Sorry, I'm just frustrated from this season). At least in the bubble, I think they can be together. :lol:
Hi Catey hon! Yay for another fluffy, we always love company here in the fluffy bubble! Company is always good! And while I love my angsty pals...**Mo snuggles her Lynn, Rad, Vex, dutch and all the lovely other angsty's!**...my fluffies...well, what can I say...we're gonna win! ;) And the angsty's know it! :lol:

Keep the faith hon, they'll end up together! I promise...it will happen...our ship is sailing, it's in a bit of a storm at the moment but clear waters will come...and our ship will sail free and clear and fabulous! I promise! :D
We're freaking canon hon...we so are!! :lol:
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