Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Hello all! *waves*

Oh my Gosh! We're actually getting them in the same room?! Andy they're talking?! Wow. That just made my crappy day aweseom! :lol: Hopefully we'll get more Lindsay this week, too.
Awwwww Smi! You're having a crappy day hon? Here... **BIG huggles from Mo to Smi!** :D :D
Yeah isn't that exciting! Lol, part of me feels like a dork for getting excited about them in the same room together but whatever...YAY they're in the same room together and might talk and if we get flirting I'll be squeeing all night!! :lol:
Luckily what is lost can be found . But she’d better be looking for it!!
:lol: :lol: You crack me up! And she'll find it again! ;) (I can't find it in my heart to threaten you Pam...please don't make me! :D )
I just can’t stand it to watch two people who so desperately want each other just going in circles. If only she stopped thinking for a second and just grabbed him
Oh honey, tell me about it! I think the exact same thing every time I see them look at eachother with those "I could eat you right now" looks! :lol: I just wanna say "Go for it already!" :devil: We ALL know you want to! :D
it must have been one giant D/L–wave going around the globe
Lol, NICE! Heehee, that's totally what it was! Nice one hon..I love it! :D
Ahem, Mo I feel like a dork a lot for constanstly obsessing over this wonderful ship. Although, thinking about them does make my day- repetedly. :lol: I love it I love it!

This week will be love. That's all I'll say so I don't get in trouble. :D

kissme I'm adoring your avvie, That's so cool. One of my favorite DL pics ever.

I was watching All Access with my mom last night... and at the scene were Linds flips out, I was squeeing through it because I knew Danny was gonna get all caring. My mom had no idea why I was so happy about Lindsay's outbursts- mom's. :rolleyes: :lol:
Lol, Hiya Rad! :D Yay that I'm not the only one who feels like a dork for obsessing over little things with our ship! :lol: Sweet deal! :D But hey, I'd rather be a dork with a good ship than a non-obessessed normal person with no ship...yeah... :rolleyes: :lol:

This week will be love...yay for this week...better be yay for this week! ;) :D

Awww I LOVE "All Access"! Fabulous D/L eppy...mmhmm!! :D

Can't wait for this week... **Mo does a happy dance in hopeful anticipation!!**

Pssttt... Aud my honey Fluffy Twin, where is you?!!

Your D/L mom loves it! I love it in "AA" when Danny grabs Linds by the arm...sexy. Not angsty, just hot. Touching. You know she was playing hard to get. That drives Danny crazy and makes him only want her more. :devil:

Pssttt... Aud my honey Fluffy Twin, where is you?!!

You rang? Hugs! Hey where's Iheart? I miss her. But don't tell her that. lol

We need a D/L scene this week. And it needs to be 'fluffy.' We need some "Cool Hunter" or "Stuck on You" type scenes. :)

So will Danny/Lindsay spend the holidays alone or with family? I hoping--alone. Nothing like spending time around the holidays curled up with the one you love beside the a nice, cozy fire. ;)
I loved that TV Guide scan when it came out. Especiall the one where Carmine is on the sand bending down.

What are you babbling about now, V?

I know...no worries! Just don't steal Flackie...so Modie won't steal Danny from me...'member!


It SO was my dear...and you know it!

Still not proven.

no, Mine. What part of MINE don't you understand? *glares*

*glares back* Mine, Woman!

Like when Danny teased Lindsay about the bugs in Necrophilia Americana.

*smirks* CW8 is in here. haha.. *sees look* Hiya CW8, How are you?

all the D/L shippers who were watching stood up and shouted "I TOLD YOU SO!!"

I did that before you, but Macky wouldn't let me scream it, because then Danny would get all.. "their watching me" thing again.

Ahem, Mo I feel like a dork a lot for constanstly obsessing over this wonderful ship

She really does, Mo.

Aud my honey Fluffy Twin, where is you?!!

She better be writing TEXAS!
Hey guys! How are you guys tonight? Only 2 more days till the episode. I'm ready!

Here's the question of the day:

If Danny and Lindsay were never Det. and CSI's, do you think they would have ever fallen in love?
You rang? Hugs!
Aud! There you are my lovely! :D **Huggles back!** Lynny's here too...she's just hiding from us! ;)
when Danny grabs Linds by the arm...sexy. Not angsty, just hot. Touching. You know she was playing hard to get. That drives Danny crazy and makes him only want her more.
Lol, so true hon! Although really she doesn't have to anything to drive him crazy...basically by just existing they both drive eachother crazy! :devil: They really are that hot!! :devil:
Nothing like spending time around the holidays curled up with the one you love beside the a nice, cozy fire.
You are such a fluffy my friend...I LOVE it! :D

See Aud hon, here's our Lynny! :D
Still not proven.
Do you want me to prove it hon, cuz you know I can! ;) :D
She better be writing TEXAS!
Thought she wasn't gonna cuz she was killing people and we didn't want her to! ;)

Hey Vex hon...good question...being the huge fluffy that I am...my answer is: They TOTALLY would have! They are each other's lobster...so I think they would have met and fallen in love regardless of their jobs! :D (I'm a total romantic...what can I say! Lynny stop rolling your eyes at me! You know you agree...even if you won't admit it! Aud get her! We know she agrees!! :lol: )
I think they would fall in love with each other, even if they weren't working together.

I do see them, if they weren't working together, being set up on a blind date!

Do you think he would have still called her Montana?
^^He would still have called her "Montana." I don't think any of them would be different..even if they were in different careers. ;) Danny would have been in baseball and Lindsay would have been in public relations or something in the business world. I could her being into that--if not for her 'big secret.' They would have met during a sports event or something. Either way, D/L---they will always find each other no matter what. :D

Mo, it's not that people got killed. It's just that somehow Lindsay and Danny ended up in Texas ficcie, and it was weird for Catnip and D/L. :)
Mo, it's not that people got killed. It's just that somehow Lindsay and Danny ended up in Texas ficcie, and it was weird for Catnip and D/L.
Awwww I see hon! Well then I agree with Lynny you should totally write it! :D
I think they would fall in love with each other, even if they weren't working together.
Totally agree! :D They are two halves of soul who are drawn to eachother no matter where they are in life! :D (Cheesy but true! :lol: I think! :D )
being set up on a blind date!
Yeah I could see that Vex! Lol, I would love to have seen that had it happened! :lol:
Do you think he would have still called her Montana?
Definitely! It's "his" nickname for her...and I like to think it's his way of saying "I love you"...seriously the way his voice slides over and around the name...silky and smooth and sultry almost... **Mo trails off...losing her focus as she thinks about Danny's sexy voice...oh yeah....baby...** :devil:
*glares back* MINE and that's final!

I do hope this week is good :) Hmm we just had Mac's birthday...anyone know when Danny's is? I'm sure LIndsay could make him very happy on it :devil:
I think you should at least include ‘trust’. Like in “RsRd” where she hands him the evidence against him first, knowing that he will do the right thing. And the fact that she trusts him enough to know he’ll wait for her
Merci beaucoup. Excellent point and THANK YOU, EVERYONE. Im gonna get sucha high mark for this assigment! :)

kissme I'm adoring your avvie, That's so cool. One of my favorite DL pics ever.
Thanks. :) It's from Stealing Home.

He would still have called her "Montana." I don't think any of them would be different..even if they were in different careers.
Yeah, but she might have let him in LRC... or something. But they would have fallen in love if they met at the park or something like that. :) But still-- I can't imagine them being anything but CSIs! :)
I think if I worked with her I'd call her Montana... not meaning it the same way though... his way is obviously a pet name ;)

Yes, mom you are right... my DL mom knows evreything there is to know about DL, and I thank you for it!

Hugs to you all!
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