Top41 said:
The stuff about the spoilers kind of got me thinking (and this is spoiler free, hence no box), but why do you guys think Flack is so forgiving of Danny? Why's Flack so patient with Danny even when Danny gets a little frustrating? And you think Flack is too forgiving of Danny? Should he have put up with Danny storming out of the diner? Or does he spoil his Kinkapoodle a bit too much?
I am trying so hard to contemplate on these questions but
Lorelai's banner is utterly distracting me and making me smile. :lol: Carmine and his cute snort,
Hmmm, why is Flack so forgiving of Danny ... only logical answer I got is that Flack loves Danny to bits.

Really, what kind of guy just smiles like a lovestruck loon when another guy snaps at him or is short-tempered with him? This is
Flack we're talking about here, the no-BS homicide detective who doesn't let anyone push him around or backtalk him. (Except Danny, naturally.) And c'mon, what kind of guy stares at another guy like Flack stares at Danny?
That is
not a look a regular friend gives another regular friend. That is a look that says, "Look at me, Danny, can't ya see how much I want you?" :devil:
And of course, there's this:
:lol: I dare anyone to show me another TV male character who's smiled and waved like that at another TV male character. :lol: That is his wave of pure happiness at seeing his favorite person in the world, no doubt about it. (And it's just the sweetest thing that Danny waved back too.)
Hmmm, as for whether Flack is too forgiving ... I dunno. On one hand, sometimes Danny does seem rather unappreciative of Flack. Perhaps I should put it as he seems to take Flack's support for granted sometimes. Ya kinda get the feeling he dares to vent on Flack because, unlike other people in his life, he's certain that Flack is the one person who'll never abandon him. And that alone says a great deal about Danny's feelings for Flack, no?
So on the other hand, I think it's more a matter of Flack understanding Danny on a much higher level than everybody else does. He doesn't take any of Danny's outbursts personally because he knows it's not about him and he knows Danny isn't attacking him in any way, just releasing frustration in the fastest way he knows how. That, and perhaps Flack even
enjoys being the person Danny vents on ... direct proof that Danny trusts him enough to open up like that, ya know? Something like, "Of all the people in the world, Danny comes to

Yes, Flack is more than strong enough to deal with Danny's issues and hey, at the end of the day, he knows Danny will always return to him, no matter what happens.
penguinpie said:
Most of the time, Flack just seems amused by Danny's antics. A lot of the time when Danny's a surly little moppet, Flack seems to be struggling not to laugh. He's often grinning or smirking. I think he knows that Danny's moods are seldom personal, they're just a symptom of Danny's highly strung personality.
Hear, hear!
Top41 said:
I think they're both drawn to each other for those different qualities; Danny loves how strong and reliable Flack is, and Flack adores Danny for his passion, and feels protective of Danny because of how emotionally vulnerable he is.
Awwwwwww, Danny/Flack in a nutshell.
Lorelai said:
Flack's got a bit of a hero complex ... That's why he's always there for everyone when they need a shoulder to lean on. He's been there for Stella, for Mac through all his Peyton - 333 caller saga not to mention S3. He came running when Hawkes and Danny had that accident.
Good observation! Even
Mac goes to him for support. How about that? Flack the Pillar of Support. What ever will the CSIs do without Flack?
So, Danny is exactly what he needs. A 24/7/356 hands full job! And Danny, when he's not depressed cause he's in trouble he's pissed, frustrated or sulky! He needs Flack to keep him centered, keep his ass safe,and heal his broken soul. They need each to survive. U take one and the other one will slowly die on the inside. That's what makes them so beautiful. They are a perfect match. They make each other happy. (not so sure they realize that though)

Indeed they are a perfect match.

I think they do know they make each other happy. Maybe they're just not ready to move beyond the close friendship level into being lovers yet.