Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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EPISODE 4x11 WILL BE AIRING IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS! :D :D :D Are you as excited as I am for the supreme Danny angst and woobieness?! :lol: But seriously, it's going to be a fantastic episode. If all spoilers come to pass (and I'm betting money they will), you can sure bet the repercussions from the events taking place in the episode will affect Danny/Flack in big ways! :D :D :D

Top41 said:
As much as Flack loves Danny, he clearly is not okay with Danny being with Lindsay--hence Flack's sudden interest in the opposite sex. I mean, we never even saw Flack pay attention to a woman prior to season four--even the ones who would flirt with him! He was sure unexcited about getting three phone numbers in "People with Money"--why would he need three when the only number he really wants is Danny's. And remember that inmate who flirted with him? He didn't give her the time of day either. There was some woman who checked him out from head to toe, too--same deal. It's always been about Danny for Flack--until Danny gave it up for Lindsay.

... damn, that is good observation. Yes, Flack, what is your deal with suddenly being all over some socialite whom you don't even really like, hmmmm? And right after Danny decides to do the nasty with Montana on a pool table too, hmmmmm? :p :lol: Sorry, Flack, you're not fooling anybody. Even the love of your life Danny was suspicious over your 'girlfriend'!

I definitely think Flack has wanted Danny since day one, but when he fell in love with Danny is a good question. When do you guys think that happened? Did it start out at lust and turn into love (and if so, when?) or was it love at first sight for Flack?

To me, the lust was probably there in Flack for Danny since they first met. :D We already had Flack staring after Danny in the pilot episode! So I'd say he's had a thing for Danny for a loooooong time.

But love?

Probably before On the Job. I think by that episode, especially by that diner scene, Flack's gone far beyond that line between a crush and deep love. :) Seriously, how many guys would just sit there and listen to another guy rant and let said guy vent frustration and anger on him without snapping back? It definitely wasn't like Flack let himself be a punching bag, it was more like he knew he could handle Danny at his worst and he knew Danny would calm down later and Danny would return to him sooner or later.

That's one of the things I really like about Danny/Flack. They're inevitable, in any circumstances.

All that thrusting Flack does must build muscles.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Great, just great. Now whenever I see Flack on screen and his butt is facing the camera, I'll always imagine Flack thrusting and Danny ... *ahem* Think I'll keep those thoughts rampant on my CSI:NY LJ instead. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Kimmychu said:

EPISODE 4x11 WILL BE AIRING IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS! :D :D :D Are you as excited as I am for the supreme Danny angst and woobieness?! :lol: But seriously, it's going to be a fantastic episode. If all spoilers come to pass (and I'm betting money they will), you can sure bet the repercussions from the events taking place in the episode will affect Danny/Flack in big ways! :D :D :D

Can't wait for 411...and then 413, the first episode of the new year! :D Lots of D/F goodness to come... :D :D :D

To me, the lust was probably there in Flack for Danny since they first met. :D We already had Flack staring after Danny in the pilot episode! So I'd say he's had a thing for Danny for a loooooong time.

I tend to agree. That staring in BST was not "casual." Flack wanted Danny--hell, he couldn't take his eyes off Danny, even when Danny was showing him evidence! Flack looked kind of swept away, and not by thoughts of crime scenes and evidence. ;) :devil:

But love?

Probably before On the Job. I think by that episode, especially by that diner scene, Flack's gone far beyond that line between a crush and deep love. :) Seriously, how many guys would just sit there and listen to another guy rant and let said guy vent frustration and anger on him without snapping back? It definitely wasn't like Flack let himself be a punching bag, it was more like he knew he could handle Danny at his worst and he knew Danny would calm down later and Danny would return to him sooner or later.

Agreed--the way Flack tried to comfort Danny in the diner was an act of love. That was a guy with a real emotional investment there. I believed Flack wanted to rip Danny's clothes off in BST, but in On the Job, I think he wanted to hold Danny and take care of him emotionally. I bet that surprised even Flack; I don't think he expected to fall in love with Danny. I kind of wonder if it was that moment in the diner that Flack realized, "Hey, I'm in love with this guy."

That's one of the things I really like about Danny/Flack. They're inevitable, in any circumstances.

Yes they are. :D :D :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Great, just great. Now whenever I see Flack on screen and his butt is facing the camera, I'll always imagine Flack thrusting and Danny ... *ahem* Think I'll keep those thoughts rampant on my CSI:NY LJ instead. :devil: :devil: :devil:

You mean that's not what you've seen up to this point? :confused: Because it's what I always picture... :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)
To be fair, there were a few times in previous seasons where Flack showed interest in bewbs--the chick that immediately comes to mind is 'Bunny' in "Risk". Flack definitely looked a bit doofy when she walked by.

But this season they're really piling on the 'Look, Flack gets off on wimminz' stuff.

Dear Flack,
You're trying too hard. ;)

Ultimately, I don't think who you're attracted to (men, women--both *winks at the guys*) matters at the end of the day because if you're going to be with one person, it's that one person--regardless of outside attraction.

Kimmychu said:
That's one of the things I really like about Danny/Flack. They're inevitable, in any circumstances.
That's really what it comes down to for me. Wherever they are in their lives right now, personally, professionally, romantically--there's just something about these two that seems like they're bound to be together in the end, and I love that.

Even though it means more angst in the short term. :lol:
Look, he doesn't even need to smile all the way with his lips and teeth because his eyes are already doing it for him. That's the secret to a gorgeous smile, people. It's not in the lips, it's in the eyes. And ya know what they say about eyes being the windows to the soul and eyes being really big-looking when somebody's gazing at a person they're really attracted to, right?
Danny's eyes light up when Flack's around. But Flack smiles unabashedly once he sees Danny. Ear-to-ear smile, people. Hahaha....

Geez, Flack, just tell the guy already!
Tee-hee, Flack looks like he's ready to kiss Danny right then and there!

Ah, is that what they call it in NYC these days? Maybe that's why Flack gets such horrid ties all the time, just to rile Danny up and watch Danny all fired up while he attempts to remove the offensive tie and ends up ... knotting Flack's tie instead, if ya know what I mean.
LOL, maybe he wears all those horrible-looking ties to distract people from looking on his neck (per se). You know, when Danny puts hickeys on Flack that the collar and/or ties can't hide. :devil:
Faylinn said:
To be fair, there were a few times in previous seasons where Flack showed interest in bewbs--the chick that immediately comes to mind is 'Bunny' in "Risk". Flack definitely looked a bit doofy when she walked by.

Wasn't she the one who checked him out in the gym? I seem to remember him being unfazed by it, and being really surprised because she was hot. I was like, damn, that man really does only have eyes for Danny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

But this season they're really piling on the 'Look, Flack gets off on wimminz' stuff.

Dear Flack,
You're trying too hard. ;)

It's all the fault of his slutty little Kinkapoodle, running from the one person who really loves him. Flack wouldn't be hitting on the ladyfolk if he had the one person he really wants. (Well, he might still flirt with Angell 'cause he's got a pulse. :lol: But I'm sure he'd make it up to Danny afterwards. :lol: )

Ultimately, I don't think who you're attracted to (men, women--both *winks at the guys*) matters at the end of the day because if you're going to be with one person, it's that one person--regardless of outside attraction.

Kimmychu said:
That's one of the things I really like about Danny/Flack. They're inevitable, in any circumstances.
That's really what it comes down to for me. Wherever they are in their lives right now, personally, professionally, romantically--there's just something about these two that seems like they're bound to be together in the end, and I love that.

Even though it means more angst in the short term. :lol:

Awww, agreed. Flack's never going to find anyone he loves as much as Danny, and Danny is never going to find anyone who loves him as truly and unselfishly as Flack does. Danny has to stop being scared that Flack would leave him and just take a chance. ;) :p
I seem to remember him being unfazed by it, and being really surprised because she was hot.
I'm pretty sure this was his expression when she walked by. :lol:

(Well, he might still flirt with Angell 'cause he's got a pulse. But I'm sure he'd make it up to Danny afterwards. )
Threesome plz. :devil:

Flack's never going to find anyone he loves as much as Danny, and Danny is never going to find anyone who loves him as truly and unselfishly as Flack does.
Nope--Flack is totally devoted to Danny, and Danny needs to get his head out of his ass and stop trying to make other relationships work--sorry, babe, but you're shit outta luck if you think anybody else's love for you could compare to Flack's. Seriously. :p
OK, well, he looked, but even that look doesn't even hold a candle to the way he looks at Danny. He's kind of like, "Huh, cute" versus the way he looks at Danny which is more like, "I want you, I love you, take off your clothes now please!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ep tonight was really good--Flack is going to be so worried about Danny when he finds out. And poor Danny--no one really offered him any emotional support in this episode. He should have gone to Flack, because Flack is his rock. :D

Flack always knows exactly what to say to Danny. :D "We're not going anywhere" anyone? :D Probably the most romantic line ever said on CSI: NY. :D
And poor Danny--no one really offered him any emotional support in this episode. He should have gone to Flack, because Flack is his rock.
Yeah, I know--he's with Mac and then Lindsay shows up--the two least able to provide emotional support to the Danny!woobie. He needed Flack and Stella and maybe even Hawkes who friggin' should have been there, argh!

You know what I wish? I wish Sid would have hugged him. Or maybe Adam giving him a really awkward geek-to-geek manhug. Danny would probably have started sobbing on his shoulder, but the awkward back-patting that would ensue would be totally worth it. [/random]

The episode really was good, though, and I hope there is follow-up for Danny--bonus points if we get to see Flack being there for him. I've said it before and I'll say it again: their friendship is the foundation of this ship, and seeing them show that they care for each other is never disappointing.

"We're not going anywhere" anyone? Probably the most romantic line ever said on CSI: NY.
Flack makes sure Danny knows that he has his back--I can't see Danny pulling that crap like he did in "On the Job" again, where he said that he felt like he was alone. Flack's there, Danno, you're never alone. *pet pet*

OK, well, he looked, but even that look doesn't even hold a candle to the way he looks at Danny.
Well, there's liking what you're looking at--and then there's loving what you're looking at and being totally enamored with the guy and not knowing whether you want to jump his bones or punch him in the face when he's being particularly dense and difficult...

Yeah, Danny pwns pretty chicks every day of the week. ;)

(By the way, I wrote a little D/F friendship-type piece on my fic comm here--nothing much, just 662 words post-"Child's Play" :))
Faylinn said:
Yeah, I know--he's with Mac and then Lindsay shows up--the two least able to provide emotional support to the Danny!woobie. He needed Flack and Stella and maybe even Hawkes who friggin' should have been there, argh!

I know--poor Danny. He really looked so lost, and he talked about it with Mac, but Mac is a human ice sculpture and really didn't say much to comfort him. That time in RSRD, when Mac just hugged Danny and held him and let him cry really was the right thing to do with Danny. Danny needs that kind of treatment because he is pretty fragile emotionally.

You know what I wish? I wish Sid would have hugged him. Or maybe Adam giving him a really awkward geek-to-geek manhug. Danny would probably have started sobbing on his shoulder, but the awkward back-patting that would ensue would be totally worth it. [/random]

I would have loved to see Adam say something to him. Adam did seem awkward initially with taking over the case. I don't know if I see Sid hugging anybody but Stella.

But the one person Danny really needed? Flack. His Flack.

The episode really was good, though, and I hope there is follow-up for Danny--bonus points if we get to see Flack being there for him. I've said it before and I'll say it again: their friendship is the foundation of this ship, and seeing them show that they care for each other is never disappointing.

Agreed--however you see it, either as friendship or romantic love, it's a fact that Flack is devoted to Danny. He's looked out for Danny from day one, and he seems to be the most patient with Danny's hysterics. He wasn't fazed in "On the Job" where someone else would have been really irritated.

Flack makes sure Danny knows that he has his back--I can't see Danny pulling that crap like he did in "On the Job" again, where he said that he felt like he was alone. Flack's there, Danno, you're never alone. *pet pet*

I hope they're past that, too. The fact that Danny passively accepted what Flack said in RSRD certainly suggests they are. Whereas in "On the Job" Danny was afraid to believe Flack, he totally put his trust in Flack in RSRD. I'd love to see him do that here too. I think Flack is the one person Danny could break down in front of and say, "This was all my fault" and Flack would know exactly what to say.

Well, there's liking what you're looking at--and then there's loving what you're looking at and being totally enamored with the guy and not knowing whether you want to jump his bones or punch him in the face when he's being particularly dense and difficult...

Yeah, Danny pwns pretty chicks every day of the week. ;)

:lol: Flack loves his difficult but sexy little baby. :D

(By the way, I wrote a little D/F friendship-type piece on my fic comm here--nothing much, just 662 words post-"Child's Play" :))

Fantastic fic--and pretty much like I said...Don always knows what to say to Danny, even if Danny doesn't know it's what he needs to hear.

But couch? Please, you know Flack would give up his bed...until Danny was ready to share it with him. ;) :devil: :devil: :devil:

I loved it! I could see a scene between them playing out like that. It could be a deleted scene from the show.
Hey, Bunny was hot. :devil: I was checking her out so much I didn't even notice Flack's pervy face until I made a review post for that episode and saw the play-by-play screencaps of it! :lol: And yes, definitely, he was looking at her with a fleeting, "Ooo, that's hot," expression, fleeting being the keyword. ;) Did you guys notice how quick he became straight-faced after that? That was hilarious.

Top41 said:
He's kind of like, "Huh, cute" versus the way he looks at Danny which is more like, "I want you, I love you, take off your clothes now please!"

Yes! :D And even better, Flack's look of love towards Danny is constant. It's not just some phase. He looks at Danny like that all the time! For YEARS. Now that's love, man. Lust is momentary but love lasts.

Faylinn said:
The episode really was good, though, and I hope there is follow-up for Danny--bonus points if we get to see Flack being there for him. I've said it before and I'll say it again: their friendship is the foundation of this ship, and seeing them show that they care for each other is never disappointing.

:D :D :D Couldn't have put it any better. That's why the D/F ship is so strong as it is; it's built on one hell of a sturdy, lasting and genuine foundation. Even when the really bad times come, like Child's Play, you know what's between Danny and Flack will remain long after the storm's gone and the sun is shining again.

Top41 said:
I hope they're past that, too. The fact that Danny passively accepted what Flack said in RSRD certainly suggests they are. Whereas in "On the Job" Danny was afraid to believe Flack, he totally put his trust in Flack in RSRD. I'd love to see him do that here too. I think Flack is the one person Danny could break down in front of and say, "This was all my fault" and Flack would know exactly what to say.

That's a great observation from RSRD! :) There's also the pool scene in 3x23 that showcases how deep the trust and friendship has developed between Flack and Danny. This just means it'll be more likely than ever that it's Flack to whom Danny will open up when he's at the end of his ropes over what happened to Ruben. I CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 13! :D :D :D
I love the way Flack looks at Danny. It's seriously...scorching. :devil: I love the 'get a roominess' of it. :devil: :devil: :devil: Like the thread title says...the bottom line is, Flack wants Danny. And does Flack really look like a man who doesn't get what he wants at the end of the day? I think not. ;)

I love the way Danny has opened up to Flack. It always seems like he's instinctively been drawn to him--after all, Danny did turn to Flack in "On the Job"--and I wonder if part of that is because on some level he picked up on Flack's feelings for him. But I love how he just completely and totally trusts Flack now. He looked at Flack with these big, wide, trusting eyes in both RSRD and "Comes Around," and he actually listened to what Flack was saying to him. Danny knows Flack will take care of him and protect him.

Bring on episode 413, and someone who is good at "this kind of thing." :D :D :D ;)
I can't think that it was accidental that TPTB paired the teams the way they did for Childs Play.
Think of it, Danny's working the case with the people least likely to make an emotional connection with him. While Mac and Hawkes do care, they're both less likely to provide him with the emotional support he needs.

If Stella had been on the case, I'm sure she'd have given Danny a hug or something, and as for Flack <g>
But that's not what TPTB wanted. IMO, they deliberately wanted Danny to be on his own emotionally with this one and that's why we missed out on the D/F comforting. Hopefully though there'll be an aftermath in subsequent eps.
Top41 said:
I love the way Flack looks at Danny. It's seriously...scorching. :devil:


Flack: Ooohh yeah, that's it, Danny, you stand there so sexy in your leather jacket like that ... yeah, you just keep on talkin', babe, I like it when ya say all those big words and sound so smart ...


Flack: Mmm, yeah, I can see us now, you and me at my place, yeaaah, and I'll eatin' delicious steak off yer delicious body and I can eaaaaat aaaaaaaaall niiiiiiiighttttt. *sluuuurp*
Danny: Oh yeah. He is so daydreamin' 'bout hotdogs again.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Flack, you perv, you can't even keep your pervy faces confined to the labs! Don't you realize everyone walking past you two will see how horny you are for Danny?! :p

And speaking of looks, Danny shows certain expressions around Flack too:


Danny: *sigh* Why do ya look so damn good, Don? Those big blue eyes, that smile ... and ya smell real nice too. Just like Ma's apple pie. *siiigh*

;) :lol:

Ceindreadh said:
Think of it, Danny's working the case with the people least likely to make an emotional connection with him. While Mac and Hawkes do care, they're both less likely to provide him with the emotional support he needs.

I agree. If Danny had been paired up with either Flack or Stella, they would immediately shown him great emotional support like they have in the past. However, having that happen in the episode would negate the massive angst and state of loneliness the writers were very obviously gunning for, and any continuation in the next few episodes would have much less impact.

So yeah, knowing the spoilers for episode 13, I have no hard feelings whatsoever that there was no Danny/Flack comfort in 4x11. If the writers stay true to Flack's character, he'll be there for Danny when Danny needs him, and Danny knows it. :)

I think this has been asked before but since we now know how Child's Play has panned out as an episode and how Danny's relationship with Ruben's mother Rikki has been compromised by what happened ... do you think it's possible Danny will be driven to the point of suicide by what happened?

If Rikki's mother blames him for her son's death, it must be very painful for her and for Danny to see each other in the same apartment building every day. Geez, even if she didn't blame him, it'll still be agonizing. Just seeing one another is enough to remind them that little Ruben's dead and never coming back. :( And knowing how angsty and guilt-ridden Danny can be, being reminded about Ruben's death again and again must surely wear him down sooner or later.
I think this has been asked before but since we now know how Child's Play has panned out as an episode and how Danny's relationship with Ruben's mother Rikki has been compromised by what happened ... do you think it's possible Danny will be driven to the point of suicide by what happened?
Interesting question. For all that Danny is emotionally fragile, and Ruben's death will be very difficult for him to handle, I don't see him as suicidal. However, I can see him being self-destructive in other ways: drinking, getting into fights on purpose, etc.

I do wonder if possible self-harm is what Flack fears when forces the super to let him into Danny's apartment. I can't imagine he would do that lightly. Danny may have been incommunicado for a while, causing Flack to fear the worst.
Flack always knows exactly what to say to Danny. "We're not going anywhere" anyone? Probably the most romantic line ever said on CSI: NY.
Oh yeah. "It's all my fault" has nothing on that! ;) And I also love how natural Flack said that, as if he didn't even think about it -- automatic.

A friendly friend from the SMACked thread sent this to me. Could be applicable to D/F, too. :)

The Most Obvious Signs Of Flirting «3 :


1. She makes eye contact and smiles at you.

2. She hits you softly on the arm and laughs when you say something funny.

3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.

4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.

5. She says, 'No, I'm not telling you who I like!' with a big smile on her

6. She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seemingly

7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends and she
is almost
always next to you.

8. She criticizes you on a girl you like.

9. You catch her staring at you.

10. She plays with your hair or tries to put make up on you.

11. Her friends outside of school and in school know about you, and says she
talks about you a lot.

12. She knows your phone number and address.

13. She will try and talk, and spend time with you as much as possible


1. He stares at you a lot.

2. He hits you a lot. (just play hitting )

3. He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a conversation
with you

4. He yelled, 'Hi!', to your mom that day she
picked you up from school.

5. He blew off his buds to go see 'Run Away Bride' with you cuz you

couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone.

6. He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process

7. His voice gets softer ('Hey, you') when ever you two talk.

8. You hung up on him. He called you back.

9. You where invited by him to a group outing.

10. He called you to talk about nothing at all.

11. He imitates your laugh. OK, you do snort sometimes. Which makes you

laugh even harder.

12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation.

13. He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.

14. He every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, ect.)
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