Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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Welcome to the 6th Danny/Flack thread!!!!

The 5th thread can be found here .

Here's our top 10 list, which I will be changing to the top 20. I think we need 4 more.

Top 10 Reasons why Danny and Flack Belong Together:

10. The staring!
9.) Who does Danny call in the finale? Thaaat's right. Flack
8.) Who does Danny talk to about the court case in ep 23? Thaaaaaaat's right. Flack
7.) Who does Danny call in "OTJ"? Oh yeah, thaaaat's right. Flack
5.) "Ya like that?" "Yeaaah."
4.) They look hot just playing pool
2.) He looked back toward Don in "Snow Day", didn't he? YES....Iiiiinteresting.
And.....the number one reason:
1.) Oh, did I mention the staring??

Can't start a new thread without some pictures:

Where it all began:

The infamous stare:

My favorite:
Re: Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line is...Flack Wants Danny

:D :D :D Hurrah for the new thread! May this one be filled with lots of fantastic discussion, pictures and more!

I, too, would like to contribute to the pictures, with screencaps from that wonderful bar and pool scene in episode 3x23:


Look at that. Does Flack look at anyone else that way? Nope.


Does Danny look at anyone else that way? Nope. Not even at a certain cowgirl. :lol:


And if anyone ever needed solid proof of how head over heels Flack is for Danny ... how many people does Flack show this face to, hmm? :lol: :D
Re: Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line is...Flack Wants Danny

Ah, I love this title. 1.) It's so very true, and 2.) it's a bit dirty at the same time. :devil: Naughty. It's a good omen of the discussion to come, methinks. ;)

A few pictures to add, from seasons 1 and 2:



The dorky wave!


I just like how dirty this one looks :devil:


So very close--no problems with personal space here. ;)


Ok, and now for that discussion question I wanted to do in the last thread but decided to save:

1. When did you start shipping Danny/Flack?
2. How has your idea of DF changed since you first started shipping them?
3. Do you still love them as much as you used to? Or do you love them more or less now than in the past?

And finish up that list, y'all!
Re: Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line is...Flack Wants Danny

Yay, new thread; I love the new title… :D

First of all, I love all the pics and I have two more…

Flack is starring at Danny's a$$

And look... Flack is starring at Danny's a$$

I copied the points from the previous thread...
11. Because Danny made sure Don won't forget they have a date on Saturday. ( Hoops on Saturday, Flack. Don't forget.)

12. "We're not going anywhere."

13. "Nice suit." "Nice shoes."

14. Flack is Danny's knight in shining armor--and Danny sure is one damsel that's always in distress.

15. The nicknames-- "Dan" and "Danno"

16. Danny calling Don "Crime stopper"
...and I have a few more reasons:

17. “You better don’t go missing pal.”
18. “Does Flack know?” :lol:
19. Danny was the first one who called Flack Don (OTJ)
20. Danny was the first one who touched Flack (Rain)

As for Fay's questions: I started thinking that there could be more than just the on screen friendship somewhere in November last year. I was watching season two on German TV, and season three at the same time, and I had just brought season one on DVD, so I really can’t say which episode or even which season made me realize. There were a few scenes which stood out though; the diner scene in OTJ for example or the hospital scene in RSRD. I guess it was the on screen chemistry between Carmine and Eddie that drew me in; and the staring of course…
I would say that I started shipping them around April, meaning I started reading fanfiction, ironically that was exactly around the time when Danny was forced together with scrunch-face Monroe.
Since I don’t ship D/F for very long now, I don’t think that my idea of Danny and Flack has changed a lot. I would say that I like D/F as much as I used to when I started shipping them.
There might be aspects on the show, which I don’t like at all, but that won’t influence how I see the relationship between Danny and Flack. Okay it might have an influence on how I see their relationship on the show at this moment, but not on how I see it in general. And as long as we get scenes like the bar scene in Comes Around once or twice a season I’m more than happy. :)
(Does that make any sense at all? My English just isn’t cooperating today :( )
:D Hurrah for the new thread!

1. When did you start shipping Danny/Flack?

After watching On the Job. It was magic in the air! :lol: So, I'd say about 10 months ago.
I see the same chemistry I saw before. Same talent. Same good looks.. etc. All I need is to see them on screen. Love those simple friendship scenes. Is the chemistry that they have that made me ship them.
Bottom Line:Love them every day more! :lol:

D : Maybe I can still a little glance.. Don’s so pretty!
F: Is Danny …??

D: Oops! Caught in the act! He saw that?
F: …. staring!

D: Nahh! He didn’t! Right?
F: He was so staring at me!

D: That was close! Must focus on the body now!
F: I still got it!

Awwww, just look at that smug and lusty smile on Flack's face! Oh, that man loves his Kinkapoodle...and knows he's going to helping himself to some Kinkapoodle that very night! :devil: He just gets so happy around Danny. I love that smile he has when his Danny is around. :D

Yay for the new thread! :D I miss the Kinkapoodles title, but hey, this one is just excellent and so appropriate. :D :devil:

I love all the pics. They make me all kinds of happy. :D Flack really likes his Kinkapoodle's ass, doesn't he? ;) Love the way he can't help but check out Danny's nice, round ass.

To answer the questions...

1. I actually don't remember! I know, that's bad. I remember liking them together in BST, thinking it was cute that Flack was concerned about Danny not knowing his neighbors, and the laugh he stifled when Danny got hit with the trashbag was hilarious. And then I read a story where Flack had his way with Danny in a locker room and at Danny's house, and was like wow!

And then I saw "On the Job" and was just like, my oh my, Flack sure is devoted. They really seemed kind of coupley in that diner--Danny close to tears, confiding in Flack, calling him Don, while Don is trying to stay calm and reassure Danny but is obviously very, very worried about him. And then Danny stormed out. That's not something friends--unless they're teenage girls maybe--do to each other. That's a lovers thing. And I went :eek: :eek: :eek:

And then I read some of Khanada's stories (starting with her follow up to OtJ) and the rest was history. Look at all these pictures! Has there ever been a more perfect pair? :D

2. My idea of the pairing has changed a little yes. I used to kind of resist people's ideas that the love was possibly one-sided or that Flack was the one doing all the work. I do kind of see that now, unfortunately. While we can list ad naseum the caring, loving things Flack has done for Danny, and put up endless pictures of Flack staring at Danny, the reverse is sadly not true. Has Danny ever done anything for Flack the way Flack has for him? The little slut didn't even stay at the hospital. :p

So I guess I now kind of see Flack as being head over heels and Danny being in denial. I imagine he's put out for Flack--because the man is waaaaay too whipped to have not gotten into Kinkapoodle heaven ;) --but it scared to go further. There's the issue of Scrunch Face, of course, but really, I think she just proves the point. Danny is afraid to be in a relationship with someone who treats him well and obviously adores him, so he chooses one where he's mistreated. Because what if he did go with Flack and Flack got tired of him or couldn't take his histronics anymore and left him? With Lindsay, Danny expects poor treatment. But if someone who adores him can leave him too, then it would just reinforce his belief that no one can love him. Poor Danny--he really is a sad character when you think about it.

But, I'm an optimist so I think true love will win out in the end, and Flack will have his Danny. ;) :D

3. Thanks to Flack's unflagging devotion (offering to trade himself for Danny in the hostage situation? Oh that man is so in love!) and unwavering stare :D , not to mention the excellent fan fic that writers for this ship produce, I love them as much, if not more, than ever. Seeing the pics of Flack staring and beaming at his Kinkapoodle? They make me so happy. And people seem to keep finding new ones! It's a wonder Flack hasn't run into a wall yet. :lol:
It's a wonder Flack hasn't run into a wall yet.
Flack has perfected the art of staring at Danny. Who else could stare at Danny walking down a flight of stairs and not end up tumbling down them? Who else would even try it?

1. BST got my attention but I really didn't ship them until I made my way to this thread and read some of Kimmy's stories. Well, actually it was chapter 30 of To DD or not to DD. Yes, the first chapter I read was the big smex scene. :p BTW, I was totally hooked after that which, sad to say, was around the time of CoTP.

2. The way I see them really hasn't changed much but I do see it seems to be one-sided. Poor Flack. Danny need to seriously wake up.

3. I love them more. They are so perfect for each other and all the fics and my RPing Flack with Danny just makes me love them that much more. So what if Danny's and idiot right now and is with Scrunch Face. Like Top said, he expects poor treatment and we all know she won't let him down.
:lol: :lol: I just did the compatibility test for Eddie & Carmine! They are not that bad.. :p :p

physical 78%
emotional 53%
intellectual 42%
total 57%
Wow! A new thread! Looks like I should leave for a day more often... Time to answer the questions Kimmichu made:

1. I don't really know when I started shipping them, I think since the beggining I saw something in the way they got a date to play hoops with ease and complicity. After that, in every episode I was more and more interested in what they really said between the lines. On the job was surely a point there, because Flack was really ready to stay with him in the bad moments even before Mac asked him to do it. That "we're not going anywhere" was simply perfect.

2. First of all, I realized I wasn't alone in a world where a Homicide Detective and a CSI shared smiles, stares and complicity through every pore everytime they were together. I think since I've been there I hold this ship stronger.

3. I love them much more! Probably could love Danny a lot more, but that scrunch face is in the way and even if I block her out of my mind she's really changing Danny to a pussy whipped loverboy. The only person whom he's acting still normal is Flack. It's impossible to break their bond, even if she try.
Actually, Fay was the one who posted the questions. :D That's why I'm answering them now, heheh. Wonderful screencaps, Lorelai! I dunno how else to explain it but Danny and Flack look so sweet together. Danny gets all big-eyed like he's on the really good kind of high, and Flack gets all smiley and happy and looks like he's about to hopscotch any second now. Flack probably hugs Danny every chance he gets.

Danny: Don, what are ya doin'?
Flack: *tightens arms around Danny* I'm protectin' ya from bullets.
Danny: Uhm, Don ... nobody's shootin'. The robbers ran away long ago.
Flack: Doesn't matter. Maybe they're still around. But don't worry, I'm here to make sure they don't get a shot.
Danny: So ... uh. Do ya mind scratchin' my upper back? The itch's been drivin' me crazy all mornin'.
Flack: Anythin' for you.


1. When did you start shipping Danny/Flack?

I'm an 'old geezer fan'. I've watched the show since the pilot episode, and I took notice of the obvious and very real friendship between Danny and Flack immediately from there. Danny's comment to Flack about remembering about them playing hoops on Saturday made me smile. It was like, "Aww, how nice, they hang out after work."

Then Blood, Sweat & Tears came along, and that was the episode that got me wondering about Danny/Flack. I mean, Flack was staring so much at Danny that I did a quadruple-take. I kept thinking, "Boy ... does that guy know how to stare. What is so interesting about Danny anyway?" :lol: So I did some staring of my own, and well ... I think Danny has Flack to thank for me liking him in the end. ;)

And then, there was On the Job, and that was the episode that made me officially ship them together. You can't fake incredible chemistry and emotion like what went on in that diner scene between Danny and Flack. That was amazing. I wish the writers will give Eddie and Carmine a chance to act out similar scenes like that again.

So, hmm, guess if ya count me noticing them from the pilot episode, I've been shipping them for three years now.

2. How has your idea of DF changed since you first started shipping them?

Hasn't changed at all. I still see them as I always have, very good friends who care about one another and evidently respect each other's opinions. I think it's more a matter of my opinion of Danny that has changed. Flack is still his stable, wonderful self and that's a great thing. Danny, however ... yeah, his character was hacked to bloody pieces in order to accommodate another character who's turned out to be very weak and unable to stand on her own even after two seasons. Very bad, considering it's cost Danny the very thing that made him extraordinary, the thing that appealed to his fans and got them to love him so much.

I hope to God TPTB never messes with Flack's character like they have with Danny. That would be an unforgivable travesty.

3. Do you still love them as much as you used to? Or do you love them more or less now than in the past?

Yep, I still love them as much as I did. :) It takes a great deal to make me become so much a part of a ship/fandom, so when I finally take the dive, I'm in for the whole length of the ride. Of course, it doesn't mean I won't rant now and then about certain issues I dislike on the show. ;)

But Danny/Flack? It'll always be my favorite ship, and if what's happening on the show at the moment hasn't done a thing to diminish my love for D/F or tear the friendship between Danny and Flack ... nothing ever will. So, eat that, you-know-who. :p
I love the pictures! And it's interesting to hear everyone's answers to the questions. So now I'll answer them myself. :p

1. When did you start shipping Danny/Flack?

To be honest, I had no idea what shipping was before coming on TalkCSI. I was a n00b at the online fandom when I showed up here two years ago. I loved NY at the time, but the idea of slash had never occurred to me. Call me sheltered or whatever, but if they didn't spell it out, I didn't think to look for it. Then I saw a few comments in the NY forum from some of the 'old geezers' and got curious. It was only at that point that I really watched scenes like the ones in "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and saw it. Probably weird, but now that my eyes are open to the slash, I see it everywhere. (And I'm not even kidding! :lol:)

I'm not sure how long I beat around the bush in the NY forum (although I know I mentioned D/F in my post about "Necrophilia Americana" in the grading thread), but I know that my first appearance in the DF thread was May 2, 2006. I was such a nerd. :lol:

2. How has your idea of DF changed since you first started shipping them?

It's not so much that I changed thinking that they cared about each other, I've just had to think about the relationship differently. Now, I think more in terms of them having deep feelings for each other but not necessarily having explored them yet--or not being ready to. In the past, it was more of me thinking that they were in some sort of relationship on the side. Trying to keep up with canon isn't always easy or fun, but you have to adapt. I definitely think that they've got a history, whether it includes exploring romantic feelings or not, and I know that they've got a future together--no matter how long it takes to get there. The show won't last forever, and once the canon is set in stone, all bets are off. :devil:

But their friendship is something that nobody can change, Kimmy, you're right about that. They've been friends from the beginning and the show would be insane to lose that.

3. Do you still love them as much as you used to? Or do you love them more or less now than in the past?

I wouldn't say I love them more or less, but I love them differently. They're not my only pet ship now, but they were the first and will always have that special place in my heart--not just my first NY ship, or my first slash ship, but my first ship period. Prior to that, I'd always just been a sheep, reading a book and seeing if A and B hooked up, or waiting for Y and Z to get together in a movie. D/F was the first time I'd ever thought outside the box, and I'm proud of that. ;) It was the first time I knew that I was shipping, so I consider it my first ship.

(It's also hilarious that I was posting in the "Why Lindsay Must Go" thread before I'd ever set foot in a D/F thread. :lol: [/random])
Hi fellow Danny/Flack shippers! I am brand new to shipping Danny/Flack and they are also my first slash pairing. They are just so hot and they've got so much chemistry! EEE!!!
:D Welcome bethybug !

:eek: :eek: Is it me, or this 2 smile alike? Common boys! That's the same smile right there! :p


Ohh, look! Flack's staring! That's ... unusual! :p


Donnie, you know Danny's already holding the perp. You can let go now! No? Ok then...


To be continued... :lol:
^Love all the pics! I love how Flack never lets Danny handle a suspect alone. He worries too much. He doesn't want to take the chance that the suspect would get the better of Danny and use him as a hostage, like what happened in "Trapped" or "Snow Day." Danny getting taken hostage=really bad day for Flack. So he always steps in just to make sure things go okay. It's cute. Flack is so protective of Danny!

Lorelai said:


Love these two pics! :lol: It's totally clear that Danny has a free hand--see the first of the above shots--but Flack lifts up the crime tape for him anyway! And before he does, it seems like Danny is waiting for him to do it. :lol: Clearly, Danny expects chivalry from his man! :lol:
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