Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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Kimmychu said:
which screencap is the one where Danny asks whether Flack's girlfriend has teeth? It's the second one, right?

It's in between the second and third screencap. Yeah, it's a lovely scene, short but sweet. Danny and Flack are so awesome in scenes together, I'm sure that Eddie and Carmine enjoy filming together, they have such a great rapport and on screen chemistry! :D

Flack was definately hoping that Danny would be jealous, that can be the only reason that he's dating Devon. And it worked like a charm, because Danny definately wanted to know what was going on, and doesn't look to pleased about it...

Jealous much Messer? :devil: This caps look amazing!Thank you! Can't wait to see this episode! :(
Elsie said:
Oh yes, Danny was so jealous! :lol: I bring pictures:

YAY!!! Thank you, Elsie! :D


Flack feigns disinterest...

I love how Flack is obviously .02 seconds away from a head swivel. Like the man can not look at his Danny!


"Oh yeah, my kinkapoodle is jealous..."

And...there it is. :lol: Flack is so going to walk into a wall one of these days while staring at Danny. :lol:


"Just look at his face..."

That is not a happy face! That expression says, "No Kinkapoodle ass for you, Flack!" Danny looks very upset there. Flack's girlfriend has teeth! Wow, Danny, your little snark backfired. :lol: Danny is not pleased. It's one thing to think Flack is hitting on grandmas and inflating the story to make him jealous. But Flack actually...being with somebody else? That does not please Danny.

But um, did anyone notice how Flack apparently has yet to seal the deal with Devon, and only seemed all too happy to be interrupted? :lol: Methinks someone wants to get back at his Kinkapoodle, but doesn't really want to whip out the Jackhammer for anybody but his Danny. ;)

Betcha Flack dumps Devon soon after this ep for being "too shallow." :lol:


"...and his perfect ass..."

Danny is such a minx! I love how his shirt is untucked in the front, but tucked in in the back, so that Flack can see that perfect ass of his. And Flack totally takes the bait and stares. Poor Flack, we know that's the only place he really wants to be. ;) :devil:


"Yep, my plan has worked! He definately wants me..." :devil:

Flack, very self-satisfied. :D
Only a few seconds, but very intenses ones.

It looks like the plan to make Danny jaleous was succesful, now he only have to get ride of Scrunch face :devil:

Loved more how Flack told him to keep walking, to avoid his commentaries, but Danny teases him anyway. Maybe he was trying to get more info about her, to know if they're serious or not...
poison girl said:
It looks like the plan to make Danny jaleous was succesful, now he only have to get ride of Scrunch face :devil:

Loved more how Flack told him to keep walking, to avoid his commentaries, but Danny teases him anyway. Maybe he was trying to get more info about her, to know if they're serious or not...

:lol: Since when has Danny ever listened to Flack? The kinka-poodle does whatever he wants, but, when he doesn't get what he wants ... that's when he starts to rethink the situation. :p

You'd think them being such good friends, Flack would have told Danny about Devon at some point, hmm? But he didn't, and ya gotta wonder why. Based on Hawkes' smirk, I think the guy already knew about it ... wouldn't it be funny if Hawkes is Flack's new Dear Abby pal? :lol: But yeah, Danny didn't know until the crime took place and Flack had no choice but to tell the CSIs the truth.

Do you guys think Flack was reluctant to say anything because he'd hoped to just tell Danny alone at some point, and see how the guy reacted? If it was a bad reaction, then Flack would know how Danny really felt. If it was otherwise, then Flack would know it was time to move on or something. With a much better woman. :p

(And, uh, as we can see ... Danny is NOT happy that Flack has a girlfriend now. See, Danny, this is what happens when you make bad choices. Be the smart man that you are and fix it!)
Haha, great screencaps and caption! XD

Since when has Danny ever listened to Flack? The kinka-poodle does whatever he wants, but, when he doesn't get what he wants ... that's when he starts to rethink the situation.

I think Danny doesn't listen so he can get what he wants. I mean, he never listens to Flack so Flack gets mad. We all know how hot makeup sex between these two could be. :devil: Danny tries to apologize but Flack is just plain angry so "punishment" is in order. :lol:

Danny's all, "Am I the last to know... again?" Haha. I think Flack's making Danny jealous! After all the crap with Montana haha.

I agree, both have shoddy tastes in women. But no worries, they have all they want plus more with each other lol.

I love how Flack is obviously .02 seconds away from a head swivel. Like the man can not look at his Danny!
That dimple on that man (Flack) goes straight to China! :p Flack was like, "Must. Not. Look."

"...and his perfect ass..."
OMG, that angle in that picture! :shower: The tie was a wee bit distracting though haha.

Hmm... I wonder why Danny asked about teeth of all things? :devil:
chaostheory08 said:
Hmm... I wonder why Danny asked about teeth of all things? :devil:

ROTFLMAO! :lol: That's a GOOD one!

One, he could be referring to Flack's girlfriend's teeth being knocked out by hockey pucks, or two, he's insinuating that she'll need to lose her teeth in order to ... service a certain homicide detective, but Danny doesn't need to because he's already a pro and Flack is losing out big time by being with her. HAHAHA! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Wow. Now ya gotta really wonder just how darn big Flack is. :eek:

I finally watched the scene, and yes, Danny was so hoping Flack's girlfriend was ugly! :lol:


Just look at his face when he asks the question and points at his teeth. The expression says, "Damn, I hope she's a toothless ogre who isn't as good-looking as me!" :lol:


And he was so totally showing off his butt to Flack after he asked that question and Flack told him to keep moving on. ;) :devil: Yep, these two guys can repeat the word girlfriend a gazillion times to everyone they meet ... but they know better, and so do we. :devil: ;) :D
One, he could be referring to Flack's girlfriend's teeth being knocked out by hockey pucks, or two, he's insinuating that she'll need to lose her teeth in order to ... service a certain homicide detective, but Danny doesn't need to because he's already a pro and Flack is losing out big time by being with her. HAHAHA!

LOL, could be! But nah... Flack adores Danny's wittle fangs. Maybe Danny wants to know about the competition haha.
:lol: I love the scene! It was perfect! Made frame by frame HR caps. :lol: The faces they make are hilarious! Gotta love them!

Oh man, Lorelai, I am really loving your icon. :D He does sad puppy eyes so well, doesn't he?

Wonderful screencaps! I feel like using them for another animated icon. :devil:

chaostheory08 said:
Flack adores Danny's wittle fangs. Maybe Danny wants to know about the competition haha.

:lol: You are so right, Flack probably goes sproing! the instant Danny grins and shows those baby fangs. :devil: ;) And ohh yes, Danny may be tied to somebody right now, but I can see him being jealous of anyone taking his place in Flack's life. Danny strikes me as the kind of guy who has very set perceptions about the people in his life and puts each person in very specific places on his ... hierachy, I guess. I'd say Flack is right at the top, alongside with Mac. ;)

Seriously, don't you guys think it's odd that Flack was so open about his girlfriend with all the others ... but not with Danny? Heck, I was really surprised when he blabbed so much to Hawkes! If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought Danny would be the one to say Hawkes' lines instead. Ya know, ask how long it's been going, etc. (Makes my Flack/Hawkes bone tingle some more, but that's for another thread. ;))

And as chaostheory08 mentioned, Danny really was all, "Am I the last to know?" It's either a sign that Danny is becoming more and more estranged from his friends ... or this is a subtle clue that Flack has been less open with him than before. The next logical question is, why would Flack be less open with Danny now? Ah hah.
The next logical question is, why would Flack be less open with Danny now? Ah hah.

Haha, true. Maybe Flack knows that Danny will not approve of this Devon woman. I mean, smexygoodness aside -- Danny's a good friend and well, good friends don't always approve of your romantic choices. I guess Flack didn't tell Danny right away (or at all ) because he's enjoying the company... for now.

Or maybe he just wants to know how long it would take for Danny to notice that he has a girlfriend. :lol:

*pulls the smexygoodness back in*

Danny ran away to Montana to check if Lindsey's okay. Then he comes back to NY. Screws her.

Well, maybe Flack didn't get his dose of lovin' before Danny left. And none at all when he came back. And as usual, Danny's oblivious to that.

So when all else fails... make Danny jealous!

I was really surprised when he blabbed so much to Hawkes!

Danny blabbed to Hawkes about one of his former girlfriend, too, right? The fish case (I'm dumb with titles haha). And then there's "Cindy" tee-hee. Although we all know who she really is. :devil:
Lorelai, great caps! Thank you for posting those. Looking at them, you can really see the expression on Danny's face during most of the exchange was a really upset one. He looks tense and not happy. You know, it's interesting, Danny usually lets Flack come to him, but this time he initiated the teasing. I think he is worried about losing Flack. Danny's pretty much used to having Flack around fawning over him (and let's face it, Flack pretty much always does ;) ). He looks tense and almost angry during the main part of their exchange. Danny might be worried about being replaced. Even if Danny has someone else, that doesn't mean he wants Flack to. ;) Selfish little Kinkapoodle! :p

Flack might have a girlfriend, but he's still as in love as ever. Look at that head swivel! Except for one brief turn away (when he was expressing mock--or real?--frustration) his eyes never leave Danny--even once Danny has turned away and is walking away. You can see in those caps how his head swivels further and further as Danny walks away. Ah, poor Flack. Danny's totally showing off his ass, and poor Flack falls for it. He really is so crazy about his Danny. I'd feel bad for Devon, but she seems shallow enough to bounce back fairly quickly. I suspect she might have just been after a little bit of loving from her hot police detective boyfriend anyway. Too bad he's in love with an adorably difficult CSI. ;)

Hawkes really is the guy everyone confides in, isn't he? Gotta love that! I do think it's interesting that Flack was less open with Danny. Maybe Flack is a little frustrated with him over his bad romantic choice. Of course, that doesn't mean Flack won't drop everything and come running the minute Danny is in danger (witness "The Deep" ;) ), but maybe he and Danny aren't as close. Which would be sad :( , but Flack is obviously totally hung up on Danny. And Danny? Well, his jealousy sure got the better of him in that hallway. ;)

Lorelai, I love the sad pouty Danny avatar! Which episode is it from? Danny is totally the type that can just turn on the waterworks at any given moment. It must really get to Flack when they fight. I bet he's always the first to apologize, when faced with a sad face like that!
I know, he's adorable. Both Carmine & Eddie have the sweetest faces when they pout. That pout is from RSRD. This + photoshop. :lol:
Danny's eyes are most beautiful when he's about to cry. Ala-puppy dog and all shiny haha.

but maybe he and Danny aren't as close. Which would be sad , but Flack is obviously totally hung up on Danny. And Danny? Well, his jealousy sure got the better of him in that hallway.
Maybe they don't know that they are in love with each other yet. I mean, Flack must've felt that he HAS to keep an eye on Danny (figuratively and literally haha) and when Danny found out that Flack has a someone, he was like, "Oh... I hope he still notices me." :lol:
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