Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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Exactly. Danny's so easily hurt, and I think he sees how much he can be hurt by someone who loves him...and then changes his/her mind. Louie and Mac spring to mind--both pushed Danny away at crucial times for him. And it was obvious how much that crushed Danny. Flack is the one person who has never done that--but what if Danny really let Flack in and then Flack did? Danny would be crushed.
Danny's pretty guarded and he picks people he lets in. The people he looks up to -- Louie and Mac -- pushed him away when he's most vulnerable. Louie when he wanted to prove himself, and Mac during that cop shooting. But Flack was there to be his friend no matter what. Danny let Flack see him in those most naked (pun intended, people lol) moments. I guess it's safe to say that Danny's let Flack in completely. (Or is it? :lol: )

I do think the point that Danny was once again the last to know is interesting. Why didn't Flack tell Danny about Devon? Was he afraid it would hurt or upset Danny, or is he simply passing his time with her and didn't think there was a need to bring her up to Danny? Or was he hoping Danny would find out "accidentally" and get jealous? What do you guys think?
I guess Flack wanted to know how long it will take for Danny to notice that something is up. I mean, jealousy is stronger with the idea that Flack kept the information from him and he had to find out about it from another source. That would mean (1) Flack doesn't really trust him completely and/or (2) Flack's hiding the relationship from him.

^Nothing small about Don Flack. I submit Danny's pronounced waddle as evidence.
But nothing can pop that bubble butt of his. LOL.

Flack knows Danny very well (probably better than the guy himself). Considering how Danny reacted in the hallway towards Flack, Flack was a smart man to keep his girlfriend a quiet matter. Yes, it's very possible Flack didn't say anything to Danny about it because he was worried about upsetting/hurting Danny. And if he was, doesn't that mean that he knows Danny has feelings for him?
I think so too. I mean, Danny can be very fragile. About Danny having feelings for Flack -- well, this is what I think:

Flack knows Danny loves him but he's not sure (or is denying ) if what he feels for Danny is in fact LOVE. The same with Danny. I don't know if that makes sense at all but it does to me. :lol:

The Devon relationship is more private than the Lindsey thing. I mean, Flack's not really a direct employee of the crime lab so his personal issues are not exactly gossip fodder (unless the receptionists have a crush on the guy haha). And Flack's the master of poker faces and he's really private when it comes to his emotions (but all those fly out the window when it comes to Danny, right). So I guess that's why his relationship was hush-hush until he himself talked about it. Unlike D/L....

And yes. Flack was so hoping Danny would be jealous and eventually show some sign of that to him. The guy sure did, didn't he?
Or Flack was the first one of the two to come to terms with their feelings for each other. So all he has to do is to weasel the truth out from the other man haha.

"think fast, Messer, I won't be here waiting forever"
When I read this, the image in my mind was a crying Danny. LOL.
Hmmm, I was doing my hair today and I came across a very interesting article in a women's magazine. I think some of it pertains very well to Flack's situation in 4x03. The title of the article? That's Love. :lol: It's written by a guy who was asked what signs to look for to know when a guy's in love. Here's the part (which is slightly edited to fit with our discussion ;)):

I don't want to talk about him/her with anyone as yet, and definitely not that I may be falling in love with him/her

It's always easy to see when one of us is in love, because we get angry if someone starts to prod us about our romantic prospects. Men not in love, on the other hand, will talk freely about the date. If the guy you just started seeing tells you that he was blabbing to everyone about this great person he met (you) then he probably isn't in love. He may not know it, but you should.

Sound familiar? ;) Flack was certainly happy to blab about his new girlfriend, wasn't he? Barely three dates and he's already doing that. Hmmm. And don't the rest of the team know about Danny and Lindsay already? Even though (by Carmine's own words) nothing happened between them before Snow Day? Hmmmmmmm. It makes you wonder. ;)

Now, here's another part of the article:

I'd rather be alone with him/her than be seen out and about with him/her

Don't get me wrong. I'm proud to be seen with him/her. But that's not why I'm with him/her. I'm with him/her to be with him/her. That's falling in love. When a man seems suspiciously eager to be with out with you in public, that's not love. He wants to be seen out with you because he wants to show you off. He desperately needs a third party to come up with conversation topics because you two are not having a meeting of minds. Beware, especially on the second date, a guy who takes you to dinner at a place that's famed for its satellite sports coverage - he wants his mates to see you more than he wants to be with you.

:lol: I think I'll let that speak for itself.

What do you guys think? Does the writer of the article have interesting points to ponder, or is all that just silly talk?
Oooh, good stuff. Do I think Danny will push Flack away when Flack finally confesses how he feels? Possibly, yeah. In part because he won't believe it and in part because he'll be afraid what will come if he does let himself believe it and then Flack changes his mind. Danny's so insecure that I think Flack would just have to press the issue a bit--not just tell Danny and wait for Danny to meet him halfway. I think he'd have to show Danny how he feels in no uncertain terms. Good thing Flack is a confident guy and probably won't have a problem showing Danny how he feels is the real deal. Persistence, thy name is Don Flack. :D

Interesting Cosmo (or Cosmo-type) article! I think it's pretty clear that Flack and Devon weren't in love. They showed each other off like two peacocks! And for the record, I do think Flack was trying to make Danny jealous. Why else would Danny once again be the last to know?

And we know Flack likes to be alone with his Danny. In a quiet table at a diner, at a pool table in a bar, in a hospital or on the basketball court--being together is what matters to these two. :cool: :D
OMG, I can sooo see Danny reading this. Okay, bear with me. Here's the scene:

Danny drops by Lindsey apartment to pick her up for dinner. She's taking some time to prepare so he sits on the couch. There is a pile of women's magazines on the coffee table so he picks one up. Flips the pages until he chances on this article. He reads it in silence, until the meaning hits him.

LOL. Nevermind that. Nothing to do -- no school for me today. :lol:

I think it's pretty clear that Flack and Devon weren't in love. They showed each other off like two peacocks! And for the record, I do think Flack was trying to make Danny jealous. Why else would Danny once again be the last to know?
Yeah, Flack wants Danny to be jealous. And annoyed because Flack was all, "Oh by the way, I have a girlfriend. Okay, gotta work now."

I don't want to talk about him/her with anyone as yet, and definitely not that I may be falling in love with him/her
Wanted to be sure of the feelings. Especially if for example Danny's blabbering about how proud he is of Flack, so much so that it might look like LOVE. :)

I'd rather be alone with him/her than be seen out and about with him/her
OMG, this is soooooo damn sweet! And yeah, even when Flack and Danny are on a case together, they're just by themselves -- no uniform trailing them. :)

Just want to share a little DF project I did with a classmate of mine:
Awwwww...Danny should so be Flack's girlfriend--way better than the one he has now. ;) :lol: Of course, Danny needs to wake up and realize Flack's crazy about him first. ;)

They say "the eyes say it all" and really, Flack's do! It's not just that he stares at Danny all the time--it's the expression on his face when he does. He's not just zoning out or paying attention to a colleague. He always looks just smitten...and sometimes, horny. :devil: I love it!
Top41 said:
They say "the eyes say it all" and really, Flack's do! It's not just that he stares at Danny all the time--it's the expression on his face when he does. He's not just zoning out or paying attention to a colleague. He always looks just smitten...and sometimes, horny. :devil: I love it!
And just as Flack speak with his eyes, Danny speaks with his actions. He calls Flack when he's in need of help (Snow Day) or a friend to talk (Comes around).

I really believe Danny is afraid to express his feelings, just like Flack is aware he can't hide them. I'm sure if in future episodes Danny is in trouble or needs someone to talk to, he'll be calling his buddy.
poison girl said:
Top41 said:
They say "the eyes say it all" and really, Flack's do! It's not just that he stares at Danny all the time--it's the expression on his face when he does. He's not just zoning out or paying attention to a colleague. He always looks just smitten...and sometimes, horny. :devil: I love it!
And just as Flack speak with his eyes, Danny speaks with his actions. He calls Flack when he's in need of help (Snow Day) or a friend to talk (Comes around).
Indeed, when Flack is staring at Danny it seems as if he has forgotten about everything around him. And he only looks at Danny this way; man, it’s quite obvious who Flack desires. :devil: :D

It’s very telling that Danny relies on Flack, whenever he needs somebody. Obviously Danny has a great relationship with everybody on the team, and I think he really cares for all of them and the other way around, but when he badly needs someone, he always counts on Flack. I think Danny is a guy who has some issues when it comes to trust in someone, and I guess Flack is the one Danny is actually able to trust.

Now, thinking about it, it makes me wonder, if it is the same the other way around. If Flack would be in a situation, where he really wants to talk to someone, would he call Danny? I’m actually not sure, because I think it’s kind of important for Flack to be the strong one in there relationship, the one who has everything under control. I’m not sure if he would want Danny to see, that there might be moments in which Flack hasn’t everything under control or might need someone to talk.
LivingEnd said:
Indeed, when Flack is staring at Danny it seems as if he has forgotten about everything around him. And he only looks at Danny this way; man, it’s quite obvious who Flack desires.

Awwwwwww. That's so true. :D Yes! We must have visual proof of this for display once more!


Geez, Flack, could you be any more obvious? :lol: Just tell the guy how ya feel already!


See? That's what a gaze of love looks like. ;) His eyes are crinkled in mirth, and you can't fake that. Heck, his entire face is lit up!


Flack: I love you so much, but I can't tell you with words yet so I'm gonna tell ya with my eyes instead.

If Flack would be in a situation, where he really wants to talk to someone, would he call Danny?

Hmmmm, a great question! Part of me believes that he will call Danny. While Danny is the emotional one in the pair, I think he has matured some by now. I think he's more prepared to deal with whatever distress Flack has (and Flack being distressed is probably very rare). However, part of me also believes that Flack will resort to keeping it all inside himself until it's too much ... and then vent it out on other people, not Danny. Kinda like how he behaved with the perp in the interrogation room in the season four premiere, ya know?
They say "the eyes say it all" and really, Flack's do! It's not just that he stares at Danny all the time--it's the expression on his face when he does. He's not just zoning out or paying attention to a colleague. He always looks just smitten...and sometimes, horny. I love it!
Oh yeah... Flack has this soft look on his face every time he stares/looks at Danny. It's like Danny's the only person in the room. Everything else disappears when he's staring at the guy.

And Danny's very.... I can't find the right term but he's active. I mean, when Flack's around -- he angles his head this way slightly to look at the guy sideways or he stands up straighter. Like my friend said, "showcasing his WARES".

Now, thinking about it, it makes me wonder, if it is the same the other way around. If Flack would be in a situation, where he really wants to talk to someone, would he call Danny?
I think Danny would go to Flack's aid even if Flack didn't ask for it. Like how he was when they found out about Aiden. He just blew -- charged up and pumped up. He'd be wherever Flack is upon hearing news of him being in trouble or something. Danny's not very vocal about his concern for other people and he doesn't really like hearing compliments/thanks.

But I agree. I don't think Flack would want Danny to see him weak. But then again, Danny will insist his presence.

Or if Flack doesn't call Danny -- it might hurt the guy.
Kimmychu said:
LivingEnd said:
Indeed, when Flack is staring at Danny it seems as if he has forgotten about everything around him. And he only looks at Danny this way; man, it’s quite obvious who Flack desires.

Awwwwwww. That's so true. :D Yes! We must have visual proof of this for display once more!


Geez, Flack, could you be any more obvious? :lol: Just tell the guy how ya feel already!


See? That's what a gaze of love looks like. ;) His eyes are crinkled in mirth, and you can't fake that. Heck, his entire face is lit up!


Flack: I love you so much, but I can't tell you with words yet so I'm gonna tell ya with my eyes instead.

I love the way Flack looks at Danny. I think chaostheory08 hit the nail on the head when she used the word "soft." Flack's tough and snarky, but when Danny is around, his gaze and demeanor do get softer. He looks pretty adoringly at his Danny.

And the pic where his whole face lights up? Damn, that's totally love. Danny looked pretty sexy that day. He was also saucy and a little sour with Flack. Flack called him "Danno" was telling him about the vent and Danny kind of snapped, "I know that, Flack." Flack's reaction? He just beamed at Danny. You can totally tell that he thinks Danny is so adorable even when he's pouty. Flack, you really are such a goner!!!

Hmmmm, a great question! Part of me believes that he will call Danny. While Danny is the emotional one in the pair, I think he has matured some by now. I think he's more prepared to deal with whatever distress Flack has (and Flack being distressed is probably very rare). However, part of me also believes that Flack will resort to keeping it all inside himself until it's too much ... and then vent it out on other people, not Danny. Kinda like how he behaved with the perp in the interrogation room in the season four premiere, ya know?

Yeah, I don't see Flack confiding in Danny. It's not that he doesn't adore Danny, but in their relationship, he sees himself as the strong one. Danny's the cute, impossible little mess Flack takes care of, and Flack is the one who fixes things. I don't think not turning to Danny would be a conscious thing--it's just how he sees each of them in the relationship. Flack's the protector, the strong one, the one who takes care of Danny, who's, well, needy and vulnerable.

I do think it would bother Danny a little if he thought Flack didn't see him at all as someone to confide in. And I do think if something was bugging Flack, Danny would want Flack to confide in him. Flack might, if Danny encouraged him (and maybe shed a few articles of clothing ;) :devil: ).

One more funny thing...so I was listening to the commentary on "Consequences" with Eddie and Pam Veasey. It was totally cute. Eddie did kind of confirm that Flack's not Lindsay's biggest fan--she was the one who gave the evidence to Mac, and Eddie said, "She sold me out!" :lol:

He had some cute things to say about Danny though: in one shot, Eddie noted how "elated" (I think that was the word) Danny looked when he uncovered a clue. And then, at one point Danny was questioning a suspect at the precinct and Eddie said, "What's he doing there? That's my desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around." AWWWWWW!!! :D Guess Flack must be around a lot since we don't often see Danny at his desk. ;) :D
Top41 said:
I do think it would bother Danny a little if he thought Flack didn't see him at all as someone to confide in. And I do think if something was bugging Flack, Danny would want Flack to confide in him. Flack might, if Danny encouraged him (and maybe shed a few articles of clothing ;) :devil: ).

That brought up a new line of thought for me in regards to their friendship: how much do you guys think Danny trusts Flack now? Considering how close they are (based on their interactions already shown), I think Danny trusts Flack implicitly by now. Danny looks up to Flack for thoughts on their work, life, etc. He's always very relaxed around Flack, and for someone who's been burnt in the past by people he trusts pushing him away ... he sure has no qualms about venting his frustrations on Flack, does he? :lol: If he doesn't trust Flack to not leave him hanging, he wouldn't ever behave that way with Flack, would he? People don't vent their feelings and apprehensions to someone who's only a professional peer, they open up to friends whom they trust and connect with on a higher level. Someone whom they know cares for them. :D

One more funny thing...so I was listening to the commentary on "Consequences" with Eddie and Pam Veasey. It was totally cute. Eddie did kind of confirm that Flack's not Lindsay's biggest fan--she was the one who gave the evidence to Mac, and Eddie said, "She sold me out!" :lol:

:lol: There we have it, real life proof that Flack doesn't see her as Ms. Perfect-I-Can-Do-No-Wrong.

He had some cute things to say about Danny though: in one shot, Eddie noted how "elated" (I think that was the word) Danny looked when he uncovered a clue. And then, at one point Danny was questioning a suspect at the precinct and Eddie said, "What's he doing there? That's my desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around." AWWWWWW!!! :D Guess Flack must be around a lot since we don't often see Danny at his desk. ;) :D

:lol: Wow. Flack really does stare at Danny loads. How else would he be able to see Danny so elated at finding evidence? It'd be like, "Awww, look at my happy kinka-poodle, he's found some evidence. He's so cute." :lol:

Wait a sec.

Danny sits at Flack's desk at his precinct?! :eek: What does Danny do there when Flack's not around? Leave love messages? :lol: Or maybe, maybe Danny's interested in knowing more about Flack, and what better way than to sit at the guy's desk and look through his things there, right? Awwwwww. I think that's cute. Danny's got it just as bad as Flack, but he's just better at hiding it. :lol: (And I think I just got bitten by a bunny.)
I haven't been in here for so long. I'm a bad, neglectful shipper...will I be punished? :devil:

I definitely think there's no doubt that Danny trusts Flack in every way--he trusts him as a colleague to stand next to him in the line of fire, and he trusts him as a friend to be there through thick and thin. I can't go back to that pool scene in 3.23 enough--Danny asking tough questions and looking for honest answers from somebody who won't judge him for asking the questions. And not only did Flack act as a sounding board for Danny's thoughts and frustrations, he was even able to get him to crack a smile, if I remember correctly.

What does Danny do there when Flack's not around?
He probably plays little pranks on Don and then acts like he wasn't a part of it (Don isn't fooled)--switching the caps on his pens so he grabs a red one instead of a black one, moving his stuff around, gluing things inside the drawers and so on.

Oh, and he'd totally leave little notes on post-its in the most random places. Flack would open the drawer to get his stapler and see a yellow post-it that says "sitting in your chair is like second-hand ass touching" or some other brilliant phrase that would come to him when he's in an Adam-like mood.

So romantic, those two. :p
God, I haven't posted here in ages either. But MrsG is making me feel guilty. :p

Faylinn said:
I can't go back to that pool scene in 3.23 enough--Danny asking tough questions and looking for honest answers from somebody who won't judge him for asking the questions. And not only did Flack act as a sounding board for Danny's thoughts and frustrations, he was even able to get him to crack a smile, if I remember correctly.

Not only does Danny trust Flack, he knows that Flack doesn't deal in bullshit. I've never seen him be less than forthright. I'm sure Danny appreciates the fact that Flack is always completely honest with him, even when it isn't what he wants to hear (i.e. "On The Job").

Oh, and he'd totally leave little notes on post-its in the most random places. Flack would open the drawer to get his stapler and see a yellow post-it that says "sitting in your chair is like second-hand ass touching" or some other brilliant phrase that would come to him when he's in an Adam-like mood.

*snerk* "Second-hand ass touching" ... :lol:

I don't think there's any doubt, at this stage, that the two are genuinely close. We've too many good examples in the last 3 and a bit seasons.

It's relationships like this that set NY apart from the other two CSI shows. I've sporadically watched both since they started, but I've never really felt any consistency in the dynamics between characters. It's particularly lacking in Miami, I feel. I'm glad they are continuing to show the friendships and frictions between the NY characters this season.
I definitely think there's no doubt that Danny trusts Flack in every way--he trusts him as a colleague to stand next to him in the line of fire, and he trusts him as a friend to be there through thick and thin. I can't go back to that pool scene in 3.23 enough--Danny asking tough questions and looking for honest answers from somebody who won't judge him for asking the questions. And not only did Flack act as a sounding board for Danny's thoughts and frustrations, he was even able to get him to crack a smile, if I remember correctly.

He even trust him that much as to be all the spoiled little brad he can be around him knowing that Flack will forget & forgive that. ( screaming & storming out from On the job)

But I don't see Flack doing the same with Danny. Danny is to important for Flack, even fragile. I think Flack would hesitate to lean on Danny, not because he doesn't trust him, but because he is afraid of breaking him.

He had some cute things to say about Danny though: in one shot, Eddie noted how "elated" (I think that was the word) Danny looked when he uncovered a clue. And then, at one point Danny was questioning a suspect at the precinct and Eddie said, "What's he doing there? That's my desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around." AWWWWWW!!! Guess Flack must be around a lot since we don't often see Danny at his desk.

AWWW! They just make me fall in love with them all over again!
Lorelai sai:
But I don't see Flack doing the same with Danny. Danny is to important for Flack, even fragile. I think Flack would hesitate to lean on Danny, not because he doesn't trust him, but because he is afraid of breaking him.
Agree :)

I think Flack here is the strong one, the one who have to be standing in the middle of the crisis while Danny is more soft and need a shoulder to cry on. Flack is more a man to solve his own problems, to look fir a solution before things get really bad, and, in case they turn out incontrolable, he'd look as if anything is happening just to give everybody the sensation he has everything under control.

For all we know, he could have been really broken after The Fall and Consecuences, but he appeared cool, maybe a bit touched, but ok. Maybe it was all a facade to avoid people for trying to take care of him, because he's independent and all he needs to get over everything is some time to heal.

To get Danny into all his problems may have been show to Danny he was human after all, while Danny looks at him like some sort of super hero able to get over everything.
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