Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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That's a good question. I think Flack knows he's in love with Danny. The way he looks at Danny, the way he rushes to Danny when Danny is in trouble--Flack would have to be in major denial not to know he's in love with Danny. But it's possible he just hasn't put it all together yet--what do you guys think?

I definitely think it's possible that Danny is clueless. Even as he was snarking Flack about his girlfriend, he was probably wondering why he was getting so bent out of shape about it. Why was he secretly hoping Flack's girlfriend was some old crone? Things that make you go hmmmmm, Danny. ;) :devil:

Lorelai, love the new animated avatar! :D
That's a good question. I think Flack knows he's in love with Danny. The way he looks at Danny, the way he rushes to Danny when Danny is in trouble--Flack would have to be in major denial not to know he's in love with Danny. But it's possible he just hasn't put it all together yet--what do you guys think?
I’m sure Flack knows that he is in love with Danny. He is always there when Danny needs somebody to be there, and when Danny is really upset about something, I could imagine that it’s not quite pleasant to deal with him. And if that wouldn’t be prove enough, then there is still the staring. ;) I’m sure Flack wants more than just friendship; I think he definitely wants to make the next step, but I guess he also knows that Danny isn’t there yet. And I’m sure Flack isn’t willing to rush things, if that could have a negative influence on their friendship.

Flack would probably love to confess his feelings to Danny but isn’t sure how Danny would react. I’m not sure how Danny would react either. I mean he might know somehow that he feels more for Flack than just friendship, but he obviously isn’t going to accept that. For me it seems as if he tries to ignore or deny it, because admitting that he does want more than friendship would make things complicated. And Danny being his insecure self might really not be sure that Flack is in love. It seems so obvious, but Danny might have a hard time to acknowledge that somebody really wants to be together with him.

On a totally random note, I made an icon… because Lorelai posted this RSRD pic of Danny in the Locker Room and Top41 mentioned someone should photoshop Flack in it. I felt inspired… :p
Unfortunately my skills are somewhat limited and the outcome is… erm… questionable, but I thought I would share it anyway… click :rolleyes: :lol:
Have I told you guys lately that I love you? :D Hahaha, well, it's true. Whenever I feel tired or I had a lousy day, I just come here and see great discussion and boom, I'm back on track. :lol:

Top41 said:
I definitely think it's possible that Danny is clueless. Even as he was snarking Flack about his girlfriend, he was probably wondering why he was getting so bent out of shape about it. Why was he secretly hoping Flack's girlfriend was some old crone? Things that make you go hmmmmm, Danny.

Yes! Thank you! You put into words what I've been wracking my brain trying to do since I watched the latest episode! :lol: That was the thing with Danny that stood out to me the most: that he was all bent (hahah, pun intended!) about Flack having a girlfriend (meaning, Flack might have moved on from him) and he doesn't quite understand yet why he's unhappy about this. And exactly! Why did Danny make jibes about the girl? Usually, it'd be about the friend, and he'd be teasing Flack himself but noooo, it's the girl he mocks instead. ;) Wow, Danny, you're in love and you don't really have a clue it's not with the person you're with right now.

Or maybe you do, and that's why you're with the wrong person because you know Flack's the real thing. Hmmmm. :D ;)

LivingEnd said:
I’m sure Flack knows that he is in love with Danny. He is always there when Danny needs somebody to be there, and when Danny is really upset about something, I could imagine that it’s not quite pleasant to deal with him. And if that wouldn’t be prove enough, then there is still the staring. I’m sure Flack wants more than just friendship; I think he definitely wants to make the next step, but I guess he also knows that Danny isn’t there yet. And I’m sure Flack isn’t willing to rush things, if that could have a negative influence on their friendship.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. :) I think that's one of the things I love about Flack ... that he's sure of himself and things and he knows what he has to do and what will happen to get to where he wants to be, and he puts Danny above himself and is wiser than to force the situation, ya know? Geez, Danny, do you even realize what a guy you have in Flack? :lol:

I mean he might know somehow that he feels more for Flack than just friendship, but he obviously isn’t going to accept that. For me it seems as if he tries to ignore or deny it, because admitting that he does want more than friendship would make things complicated. And Danny being his insecure self might really not be sure that Flack is in love. It seems so obvious, but Danny might have a hard time to acknowledge that somebody really wants to be together with him.

That sure fits with what's going on right now on the show. ;) Danny's scared to death of love, and I mean the real deal, not something that most people think is it. And for him to find it not only in a man, but in a man who's a very good friend of his and somebody he looks up to and relates to on many levels ... yeah, Danny knows Flack is the real thing, alright, and it scares the daylights out of him.

The good news is, Flack is a patient, strong man who knows Danny better than Danny knows himself. Their love may take some time to cultivate, but all magnificent things always start out small and Rome wasn't built in a day, was it? ;) Their love is inevitable, and that's a wonderful thing to look forward to.
Flack has been trying to make himself note in front of Danny. He's always there when he needs him, he always console him in the bad moments, and also is the one standing when everything seems to fall apart.

Danny is someone who has to be slapped in the face with the truth for him to notice something. When Lindsay told him to stay appart (I assure you I hate to use this lame excuse of plot line) he didn't get he had to let ther alone. It's the same that has been happening with Flack, the man stays around him, watches his back, stares always at him, but Danny don't get a clue of what is happening.

OR maybe he realizes, and it's scared of it. That's why he's with Lindsay, because he tries to lock Flack out of his sentimental life by having someone to be in it. Maybe what he's feeling for Flack is so intense and different his intuition told him to run from it, but he's not able to do it when he really needs someone to support him, like in Snow Day or Comes Around.

I don't now if I explained it well. I tried, at least.
poison girl said:
Danny is someone who has to be slapped in the face with the truth for him to notice something. When Lindsay told him to stay appart (I assure you I hate to use this lame excuse of plot line) he didn't get he had to let ther alone. It's the same that has been happening with Flack, the man stays around him, watches his back, stares always at him, but Danny don't get a clue of what is happening.

:lol: It's okay, you're not alone in thinking that. It was the plotline that made me very cold towards her character. I have no respect for people who treat others the way she treated Danny.

That's an interesting spin on Danny's character though. He's a determined guy when he has his mind set on something, eh? It seems Flack is exactly the same. ;) The only difference is that Flack is very aware of what's going on around him and isn't the type to let people push him around, not without doing some pushing of his own. And what a patient man he is! Only a man in love will wait this long and this much for somebody isn't really reciprocating the affection. ;)

OR maybe he realizes, and it's scared of it. That's why he's with Lindsay, because he tries to lock Flack out of his sentimental life by having someone to be in it. Maybe what he's feeling for Flack is so intense and different his intuition told him to run from it, but he's not able to do it when he really needs someone to support him, like in Snow Day or Comes Around.

Ahh, I subscribe to this theory. And you're right! Who was there for Danny in On the Job? Flack. Who was there for Danny in Run Silent, Run Deep? Flack. Who was there for Danny in What Comes Around and Snow Day? Flack. :DSilly Danny, everybody knows who you're really in love with except you. Even the guy whom you're crazy about knows it!
LivingEnd, I love the Danny/Flack avatar with Flack photoshopped behind Danny! Flack looks concerned about whether or not his Kinkapoodle is enjoying himself, but, well, I think it's very clear he is. :devil: ;)

Kimmy, good point about Danny making snarky comments about the girl, and not Flack! Danny didn't make fun of Flack really--he made fun of the kind of girl Flack would get. And, uh, we've seen Flack. Sorry Danny! :lol: And as bad as Devon was, at least she's pretty--more than we can say for the woman Danny is hooking up with. ;)

I do think Flack knows what he wants. The way he looks at Danny says it all. But yeah, short of forcing the issue with Danny, there's not much Flack can do but sit back and wait and hope Danny comes to his senses. He could make a move, but if Danny really isn't ready, then it might just send him running from Flack, or pushing him away. And as we've seen over and over, Danny really does need Flack.

I don't think Danny's afraid of loving Flack, but I think he's afraid of being loved by Flack, if that makes any sense. Because what if Flack changes his mind or stops loving Danny? I don't think Danny could handle that. And I think deep down, Danny thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved. Why else would he want to be with someone who treats him like crap, who's self-absorbed to the point of always making it about her? I think Danny's low self-esteem is also keeping him from really realizing how crazy Flack is about him.
That's a good question. I think Flack knows he's in love with Danny. The way he looks at Danny, the way he rushes to Danny when Danny is in trouble--Flack would have to be in major denial not to know he's in love with Danny. But it's possible he just hasn't put it all together yet--what do you guys think?

I definitely think it's possible that Danny is clueless. Even as he was snarking Flack about his girlfriend, he was probably wondering why he was getting so bent out of shape about it. Why was he secretly hoping Flack's girlfriend was some old crone? Things that make you go hmmmmm, Danny.

OMG, exactly! Flack knows what he's doing -- being Danny's knight in shining Armani. But he doesn't know it's LOVE. Or maybe he's just, "No. It's NOT love. It couldn't be..." kind of internal battle.

And Danny... hey maybe he surprised even himself by acting that way. I couldn't see any reason why he would react like that upon hearing news of Flack's romance.
On a totally random note, I made an icon… because Lorelai posted this RSRD pic of Danny in the Locker Room and Top41 mentioned someone should photoshop Flack in it. I felt inspired…
Unfortunately my skills are somewhat limited and the outcome is… erm… questionable, but I thought I would share it anyway… click

I love it!! :D

Yes, it made me wonder why is Danny the last one too know.. again! :lol: Than it made me wonder why Danny reacted like that. Why picking on the poor girl you never even met, instead of picking on the guy? Could they be any more obvious? :rolleyes:

My guess, Flack knows. Flack is aware of his feelings for Danny and he embraced them. Danny I think he knows too. But, he is being Danny about it. Denial! The art of being selective about the reality you choose to accept. He’s scared to death about it. Scared of loosing him, now or later. But Flack is a patient man.

That's why he's with Lindsay, because he tries to lock Flack out of his sentimental life by having someone to be in it. Maybe what he's feeling for Flack is so intense and different his intuition told him to run from it, but he's not able to do it when he really needs someone to support him, like in Snow Day or Comes Around.

Top41 said:
Danny didn't make fun of Flack really--he made fun of the kind of girl Flack would get. And, uh, we've seen Flack. Sorry Danny!

:lol: That made me laugh so hard, because it's so true. Women would probably line the whole of Manhattan if they thought they had a chance with Flack. ;) Unfortunately for them, he has eyes for only one person and it's the one guy in the world who doesn't have a clue how he feels about him!

I don't think Danny's afraid of loving Flack, but I think he's afraid of being loved by Flack, if that makes any sense. Because what if Flack changes his mind or stops loving Danny? I don't think Danny could handle that. And I think deep down, Danny thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved. Why else would he want to be with someone who treats him like crap, who's self-absorbed to the point of always making it about her? I think Danny's low self-esteem is also keeping him from really realizing how crazy Flack is about him.

It does make sense. :) From what he said in season one, he seems to have actively avoided love his whole life. For him to find it, and then lose it will be absolute hell for him. It'd be as if it's some confirmation from the heavens that he's not worthy of love and deserves to be alone for the rest of his life. And if it's Flack who loves him but then leaves him ... yeah, Danny will be so convinced he's not worthy of love nobody else will ever change his mind.

But ya know, I think Flack's the kind of guy who commits for life. I don't see him just upping and leaving like that, not unless Danny does something really, really terrible. And I can't see Danny doing anything like that either, once he realizes through and through how dedicated Flack will be to him. :)

Lorelai said:
Why picking on the poor girl you never even met, instead of picking on the guy? Could they be any more obvious?

:lol: Exactly!
My classmates gave me a "Happy Sem Break" package yesterday. And one of them joked, "Cate... great things come in small packages."

And then for some reason, I replied, "No, it doesn't." :lol: I guess I have these two in mind at that moment. :devil:
^Nothing small about Don Flack. :devil: I submit Danny's pronounced waddle as evidence. ;) :devil: :devil: :devil:

Kimmychu said:
:lol: That made me laugh so hard, because it's so true. Women would probably line the whole of Manhattan if they thought they had a chance with Flack. ;) Unfortunately for them, he has eyes for only one person and it's the one guy in the world who doesn't have a clue how he feels about him!

I know! It makes me think of the time Danny and Flack questioned the former beauty pagent winner, and Flack stared at Danny the whole time! It's pretty obvious who Flack wants--to everybody but Danny. ;)

It does make sense. :) From what he said in season one, he seems to have actively avoided love his whole life. For him to find it, and then lose it will be absolute hell for him. It'd be as if it's some confirmation from the heavens that he's not worthy of love and deserves to be alone for the rest of his life. And if it's Flack who loves him but then leaves him ... yeah, Danny will be so convinced he's not worthy of love nobody else will ever change his mind.

Exactly. Danny's so easily hurt, and I think he sees how much he can be hurt by someone who loves him...and then changes his/her mind. Louie and Mac spring to mind--both pushed Danny away at crucial times for him. And it was obvious how much that crushed Danny. Flack is the one person who has never done that--but what if Danny really let Flack in and then Flack did? Danny would be crushed.

But ya know, I think Flack's the kind of guy who commits for life. I don't see him just upping and leaving like that, not unless Danny does something really, really terrible. And I can't see Danny doing anything like that either, once he realizes through and through how dedicated Flack will be to him. :)

That's why Danny is being so silly. Flack's so damn head over heels he'd probably wake up every day for the rest of his life feeling lucky to be with his Danny. He already knows Danny is a handful, that Danny's emotional and over-sensitive--and he loves him anyway. Flack's feelings aren't going to change, and as we've seen, he's steadfast even when Danny's upset (On the Job) or cranky (Necrophilia Americana). Flack's just not going anywhere. Danny needs to get with the program and realize it. ;)

I do think the point that Danny was once again the last to know is interesting. Why didn't Flack tell Danny about Devon? Was he afraid it would hurt or upset Danny, or is he simply passing his time with her and didn't think there was a need to bring her up to Danny? Or was he hoping Danny would find out "accidentally" and get jealous? What do you guys think?
Top41 said:
^Nothing small about Don Flack. :devil: I submit Danny's pronounced waddle as evidence. ;) :devil: :devil: :devil:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Hear, hear!

I do think the point that Danny was once again the last to know is interesting. Why didn't Flack tell Danny about Devon? Was he afraid it would hurt or upset Danny, or is he simply passing his time with her and didn't think there was a need to bring her up to Danny?

Flack blabbed to Hawkes and Mac about Devon, and Mac and Hawkes aren't as close to him as Danny is. That alone already rings suspicious bells! You'd think Danny would be the first person Flack would tell about his new girl, but no, poor Danny, he's the last to know. Again. :lol:

I like that all three options are very possible!

Flack knows Danny very well (probably better than the guy himself). Considering how Danny reacted in the hallway towards Flack, Flack was a smart man to keep his girlfriend a quiet matter. Yes, it's very possible Flack didn't say anything to Danny about it because he was worried about upsetting/hurting Danny. And if he was, doesn't that mean that he knows Danny has feelings for him? ;)

If he was simply passing the time and felt Devon was an unnecessary topic of conversation with Danny ... hmm, Flack is a realistic man. I'm sure he knows, at this point in the show, that Danny's done the horizontal nasty with Lindsay. Perhaps to him, he doesn't think it's a serious thing because he knows who Danny really needs. ;) And since the other CSIs apparently know about Danny and Lindsay ... what's there to stop Flack from getting some of his own action? It would be rather unfair on Flack to be pining away with no loving going his way when Danny's getting some action on the side. :p

Or was he hoping Danny would find out "accidentally" and get jealous? What do you guys think?

This is the best one. ;) Honestly? Based on their entire friendship from the beginning of the show and all their interactions and body language around each other ... this option seems to be the most believable one. Flack sure looked like he was hoping somebody else would tell Danny about Devon rather than him doing it himself. Danny hearing the news from somebody else would mean Flack had some time to prepare for Danny's response and find out from the others what Danny's immediate initial reaction was! :lol: Cunning man, that homicide detective.

And yes. Flack was so hoping Danny would be jealous and eventually show some sign of that to him. The guy sure did, didn't he? ;) :D
I'm more inclined to believe he did it to make Danny jealous. If he had told Danny probably hadn't get the effect he desired. When Danny knew by other source Flack had a girlfriend made him make more cuestions, to try to know exactly what was going on with Flack's love life, and it looks like Flack got what he wanted.

He also wanted to be more dramatic, to let Danny find out by himself or others. He's always staring and all, and sudenly he gets a girlfriend; maybe he's trying to say "think fast, Messer, I won't be here waiting forever"

Edited because I forgot to hit the button to summit and after that I missed a paragraph.
Oh, that’s a tough question, but I think I’ll go with ‘he wanted to make Danny jealous’. And the way Danny learned about it sure was the best way to achieve that. Hearing it from someone else than Flack, gave Danny plenty of time to think about the kind of new situation before he actually got the chance to ask Flack about it. And IMO when you have time to think about something unpleasant without the possibility to verify it, it always starts to appear much worse than it actually might be. So Danny had quite some time to picture Flack with a perfect woman, that Devon certainly isn’t, and to imagine how happy Flack would be with her, and to become quite jealous without Flack had to make something up. And it worked just fine for Flack… ;)

He also wanted to be more dramatic, to let Danny find out by himself or others. He's always staring and all, and sudenly he gets a girlfriend; maybe he's trying to say "think fast, Messer, I won't be here waiting forever"
I agree that that might be exactly what Flack wanted to achieve, but knowing Messer, I’m not sure if that is the conclusion Danny will come to. He might be jealous, but he might also think, that Flack will be better off with Devon, or he might think, that Flack would never be interested in more than friendship. I mean, if Danny ever had the feeling that Flack wanted more than just friendship, this might bring him to the conclusion that he only imagined that… :rolleyes:
LivingEnd said:
I agree that that might be exactly what Flack wanted to achieve, but knowing Messer, I’m not sure if that is the conclusion Danny will come to. He might be jealous, but he might also think, that Flack will be better off with Devon, or he might think, that Flack would never be interested in more than friendship. I mean, if Danny ever had the feeling that Flack wanted more than just friendship, this might bring him to the conclusion that he only imagined that… :rolleyes:

Gosh, that sounds exactly like Danny, that paranoid, self-deprecating boy. :lol: Danny, stop being so suspicious of everything and just give the poor man a chance already! :p

Do you guys think Danny will believe Flack even when Flack tells him the truth to very his face? Or will he just brush it off as Flack being 'confused'? Or worse, push Flack away completely and run? :eek:
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