Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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Okies, spoiler box discussion it is!

This is going to be one sad episode where a 10-year-old boy who lives in the same apartment building as Danny is shot dead. :( Danny goes through some very angsty moments, so it is hoped that Flack will show up at some point in the episode to give Danny some support. Fay brought up a great link between the guys in regards to children. Is it a coincidence that both Danny and Flack care for children? Either way, it's very sweet. :) Flack helps out at the YMCA, and now we know that Danny also has a soft spot for kids. It's just very sad that in Danny's case, the child actually dies. To be honest, I'd be shocked if TPTB doesn't show Flack contacting Danny in the episode. Seeing a dead child you knew in life must surely rank right up there with seeing Louie all bloody and beaten up and in a coma. And Flack literally watched over Danny at the hospital at the time and even promised Mac to the guy's face that he'd take care of Danny!
The spoilers do sound great. :cool:

Without getting into any details (I don't want to use a spoiler box since I mess up the code half the time anyway :p ), I think Danny being so emotional and so easily hurt is why we always see Flack being there for him and not the other way around. To put it bluntly, Flack's just made of stronger stuff for the most part, and I think it also makes him feel strong to be able to be there for Danny and support him. It kind of reinforces Flack's self-image. That's not why Flack does it of course (*cough*Flack does it for the sex ;) JK *cough*), but I do think there is something in it for him.
Top41 said:
The spoilers do sound great. :cool:

Without getting into any details (I don't want to use a spoiler box since I mess up the code half the time anyway :p ), I think Danny being so emotional and so easily hurt is why we always see Flack being there for him and not the other way around. To put it bluntly, Flack's just made of stronger stuff for the most part, and I think it also makes him feel strong to be able to be there for Danny and support him. It kind of reinforces Flack's self-image. That's not why Flack does it of course (*cough*Flack does it for the sex ;) JK *cough*), but I do think there is something in it for him.

Yeah and it's nice that Flack knows that. That he took up that role willingly. He knows when to just listen and say just the right words. And like in "On the Job", what he said kinda upset Danny but he didn't apologize for it. He didn't say outright that he's got Danny's back just to make the man feel better. Flack knows where he stands and stays there. But even then, it shows how much he cares for Danny. (LOL, I hope that made sense... I'm hungry haha, can't think straight.)

I'm thinking that the TPTB are gunning for another "diner scene"-esque to happen. If not, they can always screw it up with a D/L scene. :mad:
chaostheory08 said:
He knows when to just listen and say just the right words. And like in "On the Job", what he said kinda upset Danny but he didn't apologize for it. He didn't say outright that he's got Danny's back just to make the man feel better. Flack knows where he stands and stays there. But even then, it shows how much he cares for Danny.

That's true, that's true. :D Flack doesn't say anything without meaning it. I guess that's why he comes off as a very trustworthy and reliable person. He could have sweet talked Danny in that scene if he wanted to, ya know, said all kinds of things to comfort the guy even if it wasn't quite true ... but he didn't. He stayed honest to himself and to Danny, even if it meant having to tell Danny something the guy may not have wanted to hear. That's a very respectable trait.

Gosh, I'm SO hoping for another 'diner' scene. :D That was a fantastic scene. Even Eddie and Carmine said they enjoyed doing it (the scene, the scene, you pervs :lol:), and that they would love doing another scene like that again. If TPTB ruins the episode with some D/L scene where Lindsay makes it all about herself again ... *sigh* All I can say about that is, poor Danny.
Yeah, poor Danny. A scene like that (Danny all down and mopey... again) doesn't necessarily call for what my friend calls a "girlfriend moment". Times like those need someone who *really* knows you better than anybody else, knows how to *handle* you and your mood swings. That's Flack for Danny.
Sounds like it's going to be a Danny angst fest. Lets hope TPTB don't throw Lindsey into the mix, grrrr!

Anyway, on a lighter note, I'm starting to post some of my CSI_NY fic to my livejournal community.
There's a Danny/Flack fic up already for your perusal.
(Posted to to fanfiction.net last year but there's always new shippers around!)
If after all that happens Flack is the one Danny calls in need we'll have a lot of things to comment. Obviously, if you're in a relationship and something like that happens to you, you call the one you're supposed to care for you, your love, not a fiend that goes play hoops and have a beer with you.That could be also a down poiont in the DL relationship, she could get anry or jealous o something because Danny didn't though about her in the middle of his crisis, because we all know Lindsay is the center of the universe.
My money is one Mac. I think he'll get to comfort Danny. And I think it's going to be a mistake to let an opportunity like this go by, without a moment between Danny & Flack. They clearly have a very strong friendship, so this bad moment for Danny could make for an beautiful, deep scene. Now, if only they would make the most out of the story line. And, God, I hope they won't even try to shove a Danny / Lindsay moment in this episode.

Look how pretty they are:

Aww, the boys, they are so pretty. *strokes them*. :D

Response to the pretty spoiler boxes:

The spoilers don't suggest a Danny/Flack moment in this one, if we get one it will be a bonus but if not it'll still be a fantastic Danny fest, He's going to be so awesome, I can already tell! (even though they haven't filmed it yet) *lol* I have to say though, to be honest, I think it makes sense for Mac to be the one who initially comforts or supports Danny. I'm going to continue without the spoiler box....

We post all the time about why Flack is always there for Danny, and how he seems to always be there when Danny needs him the most, but I have also been thinking about why Mac might sometimes the one who supports Danny (and who Danny turns to) in his time of need (instead of Flack, who is always a support of course). If you think of RSRD, at the end Mac is the one supporting Danny. And this makes sense to me, because sometimes in tough situations, instead of a friend or lover supporting you, what you really need is a father figure. And, in my opinion, Mac is just that to him, so when Danny is in real turmoil Mac could well be the first person he would turn to, rather than Flack, as he needs that initial 'parental' advice and support to help him out. I know that Flack is always there for Danny, and that Danny knows that, but I think that sometimes he doesn't want to burden Flack with all his problems and sometimes he might just need something or someone else to get him to a point where Flack can help him.

How many of you thought Danny was a little more than jealous of Flack's girlfriend? :lol:

You'd think Danny would have teased Flack rather than make blatant digs at the guy's girlfriend he hasn't even met, right? ;)

Danny: Does she have teeth?

:lol: Oh, Danny. You silly boy, Flack got you good. Now he knows how jeelus you are of his rich, socialite girlfriend. So stop being so silly and go tell Flack how you really feel already!
It would be sooooooo priceless if Lindsey becomes jealous of Flack. And Danny would be all, "What in Liberty's name are you talking about?" :lol:

She'd be all whiney and cold to Flack. And he'd go by his business like everyday. After all, Flack never gave Lindsey the time of his precious day. Haha.
Ceindreadh, great fic! :D We all know how Danny pays off monetary debts :lol: so I'm sure Flack was very happy with his victory. :lol: :devil: Gotta love the fugly ties. :D

Kimmychu said:

How many of you thought Danny was a little more than jealous of Flack's girlfriend? :lol:

You'd think Danny would have teased Flack rather than make blatant digs at the guy's girlfriend he hasn't even met, right? ;)

Danny: Does she have teeth?

:lol: Oh, Danny. You silly boy, Flack got you good. Now he knows how jeelus you are of his rich, socialite girlfriend. So stop being so silly and go tell Flack how you really feel already!

Oh, Danny was so jealous! Not only that, but he didn't seem to know Flack even had a girlfriend. And while I witheld judgment about Devon before tonight's ep, now having seen it, it's painfully clear that Flack picked out someone he could never care about. Devon was revenge for Danny taking up with Lindsay. Poor Flack, he didn't even get to finish said revenge either.

Basically, like I said in the grading thread, Flack should just give it up and go back to pining for Danny because his taste in women sucks. Not as bad as Danny's, but Danny's an insecure wreck. I'd expect better from Flack, though, as we know, he's not really looking for a girlfriend. He just wants to make a certain pretty Kinkapoodle wake up and smell the Flack.

Somebody needs to tie Danny to some railroad tracks so Flack can go James Bond with him and save him (again! ;) ) and carry him off. Like Danny could resist the tux. ;) :devil:

Anyone have caps of that cute scene in the hall? :D Was Flack staring at Danny...or was he trying not to look? ;)
Top41 said:
Anyone have caps of that cute scene in the hall?

Oh yes, Danny was so jealous! :lol: I bring pictures:


Flack feigns disinterest...


"Oh yeah, my kinkapoodle is jealous..."


"Just look at his face..."


"...and his perfect ass..."


"Yep, my plan has worked! He definately wants me..." :devil:
*ROFL* :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow! Those are PRICELESS. And the captions are perfect! :D Hahahah, which screencap is the one where Danny asks whether Flack's girlfriend has teeth? It's the second one, right?


You can literally tell just from the pictures that Eddie and Carmine must have had a blast doing that scene!

Top41 said:
He just wants to make a certain pretty Kinkapoodle wake up and smell the Flack.

:lol: Now that is one interesting imagery right there!
Thanks Elsie for the great pics of a great scene and the captions are spot on.
Obviously Flack’s plan worked just fine and as a bonus he also got a great view on Danny’s ass, and he could stare for quite a while without being suspicious. :lol:

Although Devon might really only have been a means to an end for Flack to make Danny jealous, which obviously worked, you would think someone like Flack could do better than that. There we have quite a similarity between Danny and Flack; they both have an awful taste when it comes to women. Seeing both there questionable judgment in women they should really get their shit together, dump the cowgirl respectively the moron which Devon is, and come together. :D

Top41 said:
Somebody needs to tie Danny to some railroad tracks so Flack can go James Bond with him and save him (again! ) and carry him off. Like Danny could resist the tux.

Now that is a scene I would love to see on screen. And if it would result in Danny admitting his feelings for Flack, all the better. And I’m convinced that Flack wouldn’t wear that tux very long. As soon as they would be somewhere private, Danny would make sure that it would come off rather fast… :devil: :lol:
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