Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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Welcome catwarfan! :D

And yes, I noticed that in the scene in "The Deep" as well. Poor Hawkes. Flack sorta glanced at him now and then, but you could just see the relief in his bearing when he saw Danny standing by the ambulance and not sitting in it. Poor Flack--there's only so many shocks to the system one guy can take! :lol: He sure did look worried when he first got there--he ran up to them. Can you imagine what his driving was like on the way over??? Poor Flack--he worries about his Kinkapoodle quite a lot, which is understandable given that said Kinkapoodle is always getting himself into trouble and danger in one way or another. :lol:

Lorelai, I love those caps, especially the last one! Look at the way Flack is looking at Danny! That is not the way a guy looks at someone who's just his buddy. No indeed--Flack is in love. And Danny's so cute and demure, but he knows he has Flack wrapped around his little finger. :devil: ;)
Ooooh... waterbed.

Deffo Danny will have one.

How about a Magic Fingers bed? :lol: What game can these two play within that 15minutes....
Magic fingers bed? :confused: What's that?

Still loving the way Flack obviously freaked out when he heard Danny and Hawkes were in trouble. You just know he was scared his Kinkapoodle was again in jeopardy or hurt. And he was not subtle about his relief when he saw it was Hawkes, not Danny. :lol: Oh, Flack--so whipped. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Top41 said:
Magic fingers bed? :confused: What's that?

:lol: Assume Nothing (CSI season 4), they are at a motel where one of the couples died and there is a magic fingers bed. Basically a vibrating bed. Put in a quarter for 15 minutes of vibration...Nick says it died out due to 'seedy connotations'. :p

I'm sure the boys could have some fun with a magic fingers bed. Seedy or not, I'm sure that Flack's kinky side would be definately want to try it out and have some fun with his kinkapoodle. :devil:
Ooooh, yeah, Flack would like to get his Kinkapoodle in a bed like that. :devil: Of course, I think Flack probably has magic fingers when it comes to his Danny...certainly, he's got roaming ones. :devil: ;) And Danny would probably be shy about it, but he loves it when Flack's dirty side comes out, because he knows it's all about how much Flack wants him. :devil: :devil: :devil:
I googled the Magic Fingers bed. You can see it in action here. It's freakin' hilarious! :lol: Like a whole buncha ... *ahem* ya know. Wriggling around. Right underneath you. While you sleep. :lol: :lol: :lol: Pervy is the least of it!

And I'm sure Flack would buy it just to freak Danny out.

Danny: ... Don?
Flack: *already half-asleep* Mmmm?
Danny: Why am I feeling ... more than ten fingers on me?
I could definitely see Flack in a bed like that. :devil:

The prove that Danny stares too. ;) But Flack stares more!:lol:

Haha, Nick (LV) even let it slip that the Magic Fingers bed is good for sex. And for thinking/relaxing, too. Hahahaha....

Imagine the boys on a roadtrip and the motel they happen to stay at has a kingsize magic fingers bed.... LOL.
Ladies and gentlemen! I bring you D/F screencaps from the second episode of season four! :D


Awwww, when Flack heard about something bad going down, he immediately rushed to see whether his kinka-poodle was alright. Really, he stared at Danny all the way up to the ambulance! :lol:

... And I just realized Flack looks like he's holding out his hand to Danny in the screencap.


Here's Danny updating Flack on what happened. You can definitely see their height difference here. Wow. They really are at the perfect height where Danny can lay his head upon Flack's chest. Awwww.


Ya know ... I think I'll just let you guys caption this one. :devil: :lol:

(If you're interested in seeing my other screencaps for the episode and my review for it, go here.
AWWWWWW!!! :D :D :D Look at those caps! :D The boys are so cute! Great review, Kimmy! :D I love the review-with-screencaps--totally fun and helps me pick up on things I may have missed.

Now, onto analyzing these caps...

Kimmychu said:
Ladies and gentlemen! I bring you D/F screencaps from the second episode of season four! :D


Awwww, when Flack heard about something bad going down, he immediately rushed to see whether his kinka-poodle was alright. Really, he stared at Danny all the way up to the ambulance! :lol:

... And I just realized Flack looks like he's holding out his hand to Danny in the screencap.

Poor Hawkes. It was so obvious that he was an afterthought in Flack's mind. :( Poor guy! The way Flack is walking up to them with his body angling towards Danny and his arm outstretched makes it clear he was rushed to the dock because he was worried his Kinkapoodle was in danger again.

And yeah, he is holding out his hand to Danny. You know his first instinct when he saw Danny standing there was to take his hand and be like, "Let's get you home, baby."


Here's Danny updating Flack on what happened. You can definitely see their height difference here. Wow. They really are at the perfect height where Danny can lay his head upon Flack's chest. Awwww.

I know! Isn't that adorable??? You just know that Flack wanted to take Danny in his arms and kiss him there. It's funny how Flack is always around when Danny's in danger. Always. That's not true of any other character. I love the look of Flack's face here, too--he wants an explanation. Why was his baby in danger yet again? Poor Hawkes. He knows who Flack came for. :lol:


Ya know ... I think I'll just let you guys caption this one. :devil: :lol:

:lol: Priceless! :lol: It looks like everyone thinks Flack is bending down to remove Danny's wetsuit. :lol: Hawkes totally has this expression on his face like, "WTF? Can't you wait until you get Danny home to undress him?" Even Danny's like, "Man, Flack, I know you were worried but do you really have to stake your claim here?" :lol: Either that or he's just realized Flack's going for the syringe and not to strip off his wetsuit. The way Danny's arms are, it totally looks like he's expecting to be stripped down by Flack.

That scene was so cute. Flack, you're so whipped! :lol:
^LOL, they love the takedown! D'you think they practice that move? :devil: :lol:

Ooooh, Danny in a tanktop so early in the season. And Flack's tie? It actually matches the look! XD
:D Oh, I'm sure they practice that and other moves alike, long & hard! :p Practice makes perfection! :devil:

It will never cease to amaze me Flack's ability to go up & down the stairs, while staring and paying attention to Danny. :lol:

Top41 said:
Poor Hawkes. It was so obvious that he was an afterthought in Flack's mind. :( Poor guy! The way Flack is walking up to them with his body angling towards Danny and his arm outstretched makes it clear he was rushed to the dock because he was worried his Kinkapoodle was in danger again.

:lol: Well, Flack did make it up to Hawkes afterwards with that big grin. I've never seen Flack grin that big and happy before. (Except at Danny, maybe, but then again his smiles and grins at Danny have been more of the, "I wanna @$#% the @#$% outta you so bad, babe," variety.) He must have been more freaked out about things than he let on, probably imagining the whole time that it was Danny who'd been in trouble instead.

And yeah, he is holding out his hand to Danny. You know his first instinct when he saw Danny standing there was to take his hand and be like, "Let's get you home, baby."

Awwwww, that would be nice to see, actually. Can you imagine them walking hand in hand in public with all those cops and EMTs around, though? :lol: Guess it goes to show how unabashed Flack can be about his feelings when he lets his guard down.

It's funny how Flack is always around when Danny's in danger. Always. That's not true of any other character. I love the look of Flack's face here, too--he wants an explanation. Why was his baby in danger yet again? Poor Hawkes. He knows who Flack came for. :lol:

Now that I think real hard about it ... it's true! :D Flack is about the one person who has been consistently there for Danny every time something bad went down for Danny. I would like to see that loyalty returned by Danny soon. What happened in Charge of this Post, I'll close an eye to Danny's actions at the end and give him a chance to redeem himself for his lack of concern. :p


:lol: Priceless! :lol: It looks like everyone thinks Flack is bending down to remove Danny's wetsuit. :lol:

:lol: Especially Danny! He looks sorta disappointed that Flack didn't help him remove his wetsuit.

Danny: *thinking* Oh man, is he actually gonna do it to me here? Oh man, oh man, he's goin' down on his knees, there are other people here! But I wanna take off the wetsuit now, c'mon, Don, help me out here - oh, he just wanted to look at the syringe. Damn tease. I'm gonna getcha for that later.

:lol: It's the placement of his hands that really make the picture. :devil: Danny, control yourself, you're in public!
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