Kimmychu said:
Oh my, Flack ... choosing between Danny and food?! Say it isn't so!
I know, right? Flack's worst nightmare! :lol: Can't you just see him sitting there with a big, juicy hot dog that he's about to bite into, and Danny comes in wearing absolutely
nothing except the harness saying, "If you want to try this out, you gotta come now, Don!"??? Poor Flack! The torment, the torment. :lol:
Alright, here I go with the answers:
1. Brunch at the Plaza Hotel...or spending the morning in bed with Danny?
Ahh, Flack will give the excuse of, "C'mon, the dawn will be beautiful this mornin'! Wake up early so we can see it! Andthenwecanmakesweetloveasthesunrises." Then, they will go eat after a nice round or three. :lol:
Heh, yeah, Flack would totally find a way to fit it all into the schedule--several rounds with his Kinkapoodle and then several courses at that brunch. :lol:
2. Getting one of those great hot dogs with the works on it...or taking Danny to an art museum?
Flack is a cunning man. He'll run outside and get one to eat while Danny is mesmerized by a John Singer Sargent painting inside the museum.
Ooooh, sneaky! And clever. He'd better not get mustard on one of those fugly ties, less his sharp Kinkapoodle notice!
3. Having a steak in front of Letterman...or listening to Danny go on and on about the latest art history text he's been reading?
Oooh, this is a tough one. Danny is a cunning man too, and can totally tell when Flack isn't listening to him. :lol: Perhaps Flack's tactic is that he'll do the horizontal tango with Danny so many times that Danny is too tired to even talk
and they'll just lounge on the couch while watching Letterman. And Flack will get to eat his steak, and maybe spoonfeed Danny some while he's at it.
Danny is clever, and we know how he likes to talk, so Flack might have to hear a little about that textbook before he gets into Danny's pants, lest Danny smell a trick and hit Flack over the head with said tome. However, once Flack has his way with Danny--several times over :devil: --I'm sure he can get Danny to watch Letterman with him while he chows down on his steak. I could totally see him feeding Danny a few pieces...and then Danny would fall asleep on his chest while they watch the show. Such a cute image--and one that would turn big, tough, gruff Flack into a puddle of goo.
4. Leaving Danny at a baseball game to go get a hot dog and beer because the damn vendors aren't coming by...or ignoring his growling stomach and staying by Danny's side in case someone hits a home run and Danny jumps into his arms?
Oooh, the questions are getting harder. I ... hmmm, Flack no can think of tactic for this one. He man of sacrifice, he stay by Danny's side until game over, then he gorge himself on hotdogs and take Danny home for lovey-lovey. :devil:
Danny's team had better score some home runs so Flack can reap the benefits of holding out for those sweet hot dogs! I can just see him buying 3 or 4 and just stuffing them into his mouth one after another while Danny laughs at him. Of course, after having his hot dogs, Flack would want dessert, and we know
who his favorite dessert is. :devil:
5. Eating a footlong sub with onions and not getting any Kinkapoodle lovin' for a day...or forgoing the sub and getting to make out...and more with Danny for the afternoon?
:lol: :lol: :lol: It took me a moment to realize why Flack wouldn't get any loving from Danny after eating a sub like that. Ah, this is the toughest one! Perhaps Flack is investing in excellent breathmints? :lol:
Alas, poor Flack. This might be the one dilemma he just can't overcome.
I love onions, but there's no breath mint yet in existence that is strong enough to overcome onion breath. Sorry, Flack, I'm sure that would have been one delicious sub. But I'm sure getting to enjoy his Danny all afternoon--and evening, too...after all, Flack's a horny bastard :devil:
--will be worth the sacrifice. :lol: :devil: