Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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We return to Flack who is still sitting on his good ol' couch, looking through his photo album ...


Flack: I like dogs. They don't make me sneeze like evil cats. Sure, kitties look cute on paper but don't make me cuddle them or my nose is a goner. Here, Danny's chillin' out and watchin' me play ball with one giant mutt. I think his name was Ram-People-Down-For-Fun.


Flack: I was this close to telling the guy to strudel his own apples. You may be a pro cook, buddy, but I'm Danny's apple strudel!

chaostheory08 said:
How beautiful is seeing this 2 nuts hanging together.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Why did I have smexy images in my head when I read this, I wonder.... :devil:

OH SNAP. I didn't even realize the double entendre there until you pointed it out! *ROFL* Good one, chaostheory08! And good one, Lorelai! :devil: :devil: :devil: The imagery is just priceless! Two nuts hanging together ... hmmm, what kinda positions would they have to be for that to be possible? :devil: :lol:

Good point on Danny and his fishing days! Hmm, if I remember correctly, it was him fishing in Battery Park, right? Bet there aren't any bears there to pounce on him. :lol: Just imagine Flack and Danny up in a tree in their birthday suits, yelling at a bear who's lumbered into their campsite and is chowing down on their food supply and Flack's prized hotdogs. :lol:
The guys are truly BFF! XD

Good point on Danny and his fishing days! Hmm, if I remember correctly, it was him fishing in Battery Park, right? Bet there aren't any bears there to pounce on him. Just imagine Flack and Danny up in a tree in their birthday suits, yelling at a bear who's lumbered into their campsite and is chowing down on their food supply and Flack's prized hotdogs.
Yup and threw back the fish they caught. LOL, maybe the after-dark noises lured the bear in.... :devil:
1CSIMfan said:
Welcome to the 6th Danny/Flack thread!!!!

The 5th thread can be found here .

Here's our top 10 list, which I will be changing to the top 20. I think we need 4 more.

Top 10 Reasons why Danny and Flack Belong Together:

10. The staring!
9.) Who does Danny call in the finale? Thaaat's right. Flack
8.) Who does Danny talk to about the court case in ep 23? Thaaaaaaat's right. Flack
7.) Who does Danny call in "OTJ"? Oh yeah, thaaaat's right. Flack
5.) "Ya like that?" "Yeaaah."
4.) They look hot just playing pool
2.) He looked back toward Don in "Snow Day", didn't he? YES....Iiiiinteresting.
And.....the number one reason:
1.) Oh, did I mention the staring??

Can't start a new thread without some pictures:
Hello Everybody !
I come from china--Chong Qing .
I really love Danny and Flack perform in the CSI NY.
I'm sorry!I can't speak engliah verey well!
Welcome: http://blog.sina.com.cn/CSINY
Danny and Flack Image:
http://botu.bokee.com/photodata1/2007-11-11/013/222/418/11854447/11854447.jpg http://botu.bokee.com/photodata1/2007-11-11/013/222/418/11854450/11854450.jpg


mang Photo Mang Photo

Edited to remove links to the images in the quote. It was stretching the screen.
Welcome to the thread, ZhuShuaijie. Always nice to meet new people who share the D/F love. Nice manips!

Chong Qing? Is that near the Three Gorges? A friend of mine brought some lovely pictures back from there last year.

Don't worry about your English, we have quite a few people here for whom it isn't their first language. Have you looked at the How many non-US peeps here thread under CSI: New York?
Kimmychu said:

Flack: I was this close to telling the guy to strudel his own apples. You may be a pro cook, buddy, but I'm Danny's apple strudel!

:lol: ROTFLMAO!!! :D Flack is so the jealous type, and his Kinkapoodle is listening an little too intently to what that cook guy is saying for Flack's liking.

I love Flack's photo album. You just know he's got an album full of shots of Danny. I bet he's got some naked pics of his Kinkapoodle as well. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Welcome to the thread, ZhuShuaijie! :D Your Danny/Flack pics are great! Danny is Flack's love.

Speaking of love...do you think Flack has said those three words to Danny yet? And if so, when do you think Flack told Danny he loved him? And did Danny say it back?

And if Flack hasn't said it yet...why not? Because I think the look in his eyes when he looks at Danny makes it pretty clear that he's certainly feeling it! :D
Eddie and Carmine went to Colorado with some friends and CBS Watch went along with them, Cein. :)

I love those pictures, I think they're adorable. :p To be serious for a minute here, it's great to see that two guys can be good friends on and off-screen, and I really think Eddie and Carmine's friendship has a lot to do with why Danny and Flack can bounce off of each other so well on the show. [/serious]

And the friendship just happens to be vewwy vewwy subtextual if you're looking at it from the right angle, which we totally are. :devil:

Top41 said:
Speaking of love...do you think Flack has said those three words to Danny yet?
Hmm, I'd say not. In the past, I might have said yes, but I'm thinking no right now. I think he'd want to say it when he knew Danny would really be listening--and I don't think Danny's listening yet.

Of course, I could also see it slipping out in some fashion and Danny trying to act like he hadn't heard--while secretly loving the fact that Don loves him, even if he himself is too chicken shit to say it back or even acknowledge it.

Poor Don, just f*ck some sense into him already! :p

Also, welcome to the thread ZhuShuaijie! :D
Faylinn said:
And the friendship just happens to be vewwy vewwy subtextual if you're looking at it from the right angle, which we totally are.:devil:
We? No!! Why do you say it? Just because we've been making it for seven threads? (even if some of us incorpored later) :lol:

As Top said that about them saying the three big words, I have in my mind the last fanfic Kimmy made... I'm sure Flack confessed after Danny made him something to eat, after all, Danny is Italian and Flack, well, Flack loves Italian :lol:
Three lines per post, please! Thank you. And yes, teh Fay has answered the question very well. ;)

Ah, I see we have a new D/F fan on board! :D Welcome, ZhuShuaijie! So awesome to see a fan from China here. Yes, don't worry about your English, we are always happy to hear from D/F fans all over the world.

Top41 said:
Speaking of love...do you think Flack has said those three words to Danny yet? And if so, when do you think Flack told Danny he loved him? And did Danny say it back?

And if Flack hasn't said it yet...why not? Because I think the look in his eyes when he looks at Danny makes it pretty clear that he's certainly feeling it!

Hmmmm, I used to think Flack might have said it already. In fanon, there are many, many ways to work it into a story, but right now with canon as it is ... nah, I'm also gonna have to say he hasn't. Flack cunning man, biding time until the moment he has Danny alone and has the guy's full attention. Then he spring words and makes sure they sink into that thick skull. :lol:

However, I wouldn't be surprised if Danny's said it to Flack before. Maybe when he's tipsy and he thinks he can get away with the, "Oh, I was kinda drunk and don't remember anything from last night," excuse if Flack ever asks him about things in the morning.
ZhuShuaijie -- ni hao!

I actually think Flack already said those three words to Danny. In a kind of a joke of course. Sorta like:

Flack: Hey buddy. You know I love you, right?
Danny: Yeah, yeah sure. As much as you love those hotdogs. :lol:
Flack: *rides with the joke but he really meant it*
I can kinda see Flack saying it to Danny when Danny's not paying attention or when Danny is drunk. You know when Danny gets drunk and upset, Flack is the one he runs to. No doubt when Danny falls asleep in Flack's arms--or in his bed :devil: ;) --Flack sneaks a kiss and says what's on his mind.

But I agree that overall Flack's probably biding his time, waiting for the moment when Danny is ready to hear those words.

Oh, but if Danny cooked for him, all bets are off. Danny + food? No doubt Flack would be negotiating with Danny for Danny to let him eat spaghetti off his naked body. :devil: Flack loves his chow and loves his Kinkapoodle, so what could be better than combining the two? :devil: :devil: :devil:
They take vacations together? Seriously? Going on holiday to exotic locations... whipped cream... playing with the dog... quality time... Geez! Just get married already! :D Kinkapoodle love just can't be beat can it?
:confused: Something I've noticed. The watch! Carmine is right handed, right? Just asking, cause right handed people wear the watch on their left hand. I know I do. Always. The lefties are the ones who wear the watch on the right hand. That's how u can tell somebody is left handed. So, my question is what's up with Carmine/ Danny. I thought he is right handed.
And it wasn't an one time accident. The watch is most of the times, if not always on his right hand.
So is Eddie's / Flack's, but that makes sense since he is left handed.

So, is there a deeper reason why Carmine/ Danny wears it on the right hand, or is just in solidarity with Eddie? :lol:

Let me show u:

Dude, it's so weird--I was reading through old threads the other day and found where people were talking about this very subject in the NY forum. :lol:

Personally, I'm a rightie and I usually wear my watch on my right hand--that means that it gets messed up more quickly if I'm writing and whatnot because the band rubs against the table, etc, but I still do. I think it just depends on the person. :p

Kimmychu said:
Hmmmm, I used to think Flack might have said it already. In fanon, there are many, many ways to work it into a story, but right now with canon as it is ... nah, I'm also gonna have to say he hasn't.
Exactly, that's the way I feel about it. As the seasons progress, I continue to re-evaluate my view of their relationship--not that it's necessarily good or bad to have to change how you see it, but I know I have done so. Looking at their relationship having only seen season one is totally different than looking at it after having seen every episode that has aired so far.

I don't know if I've mentioned this in here (I may have--if so, ignore me), but it's about time we got a solo case for Danny so it's just him working with Flack. We got one in season one ("Blood, Sweat and Tears") and one in season two ("Necrophilia Americana"), but nothing since then. I swear, only those two could make an episode worth watching just for the B-case. :lol: (Although, to be fair, I've been known to re-watch "Not What it Looks Like" just to see Mac, Angell and Adam working the mummy case. :p)
I'm a lefty who wears her watch on the left hand, but that's neither here nor there. :lol:

I vote that Danny wears it in solidarity with Flack--because he gets dressed in the morning with Flack and it feels natural to mirror what Flack does. ;) :devil:

They do need a solo case together! It would totally make Flack's day! His eyes lit up in NA when he saw his baby walking towards him alone with a CSI kit. Remember the cheesy line? "They sent the big guns." Flack's so besotted he doesn't even try to hide it. :lol: ;)
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