Ahh, the Brat Queen slash essay. I remember reading it when I first got into slash long, long ago. That bit amused me too. :lol: And it's straightforward and true!
I agree, if either one of the guys changed genders, this ship would probably overwhelm the universe.
Heck, it's a slash ship and it's already very popular all over the world! For example, we're talking thousands upon thousands of fans in
Korea alone. (I got confirmation about this from a Korean D/F fan.) Want a list of countries where there are D/F fans? Think US, UK, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Malaysia, Phillipines, Thailand, Russia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea ... what, you want me to go on? Japanese D/F fans have even created fan comics for it!
If people wanna claim that slash is 'only known in the US and accepted there', wow, do they have something coming their way or what. I know for sure now that slash truly crosses both physical and cultural boundaries, and D/F? Hey, man, when you have fans of the ship even in countries where English isn't the first language and homosexuality is viewed in a negative light, you
know there's something good about D/F.
The whole 'Why can't they be just friends?' arguement is one very old, beaten like a freakin' dead horse one in fandom. Amusing enough, it's usually a het fan who brings that up to a slash fan, as if that's enough to conquerourevilslashywaysOMG. :lol: Then again, I get why it popped up in the first place; there are slashers who do slash
every guy in whatever fandom they're in just for the sake of slashing. (Then again, there are het fans who do the same with the men and women, so neither side is innocent.)
I've read many, many fanfics for many, many fandoms in my time, but Danny/Flack is the first ship/fandom where I've wanted to and
have written stories, created fanwork, etc. for it.
Pretty faces and hot bods aren't enough for me to really love a ship. There has to be more than just chemistry too;
history, genuine affection and care, understanding
and respect. And boy ... does D/F have all of that and more!