Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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:lol: So in last night's episode Danny and Flack got to do a little chase scene together, which is of course every D/F fans dream. Admit it, we love it when they do that... :lol:

There wasn't many screencaps of the two of them, but I'll bring a couple anyway. :p

What I didn't really notice when I watched the episode was all the dolls... Look at their faces, you know Danny wants one...


Shopping for toys...


lol. Those action men are hilarious...


Aww, they are so protective of each other. And it kinda looks like Danny's waddling again. :devil:
Three lines per post please, thanks! :)

And thank you Elsie for the screencaps!


Heheheh, if Danny ever wants some of those dolls, I have quite a few of them. (Mannequins for art purposes, not some pervy thing, okay? ;)) Wouldn't it be adorable to see Danny and Flack playing with action figures?

Flack might just grab the opportunity to tell Danny his feeling that way. :lol:

Flack: *after picking up two action figures and making them face each other* Danno, I've been meanin' to tell you somethin' important ... What's that, Don? ... I like you, I like you very much. Do you like me too, Danno? ... Yes, yes, I do, Don. I think you're pretty cute!

:lol: Straight from the man's mouth, no less. ;)


Awwwww, ya know what I like about this one? It's Danny who's being protective of Flack this time! :D

And Lorelai, Danny was so going to brush his hand against Flack's ass. :devil: :lol:
Elsie said:

Aww, they are so protective of each other. And it kinda looks like Danny's waddling again. :devil:

Wahahaha! It's like he's starting to bend over hahah.

I think Mac knew he needed to keep Flack focused...on finding the killer, not on his sexy Kinkapoodle's ass, or even keeping said Kinkapoodle safe, which always seems to be Flack's focus.
Hahaha, with boobies (Stella) and booties (Danny) -- Flack's gonna need the distraction!

How well do you think Flack could "flirt" in the online game? :lol:

So...do you think Flack has ever helped himself to a bit of Kinkapoodle at a crime scene? Maybe after it's cleared?

Hahaha, that's why Flack likes making Danny squirm when he's working a crime scene.

Danny would go as a baseball player and Flack as a hockey player. Flack's hand does not leave Danny's ass all night.
Oooh games with balls and sticks :devil:
AWWWWW!!! :D Thank you for bringing the caps, Elsie and Lorelai! :D

Elsie said:
What I didn't really notice when I watched the episode was all the dolls... Look at their faces, you know Danny wants one...


Shopping for toys...

Awww, I could totally see Danny wanting a customized Danny doll to give to Flack. Of course he'd pout when Flack removed all the doll's clothes and told Danny, "But this is the way I like you best!" :lol:

I love how Flack goes in first. He likes to get the lay of the land to make sure things are safe for his Kinkapoodle.


lol. Those action men are hilarious...

So cute. Flack questions the guy while Danny waits patiently behind him!


Aww, they are so protective of each other. And it kinda looks like Danny's waddling again. :devil:

:lol: Danny waddling in front of Flack probably just makes Flack horny, thinking about how he gave Danny the waddle. :devil: Horny Flack = more Danny waddle. It's cyclical! :lol:

I love how Danny went in first but of course, Flack was the one who jumped in when they saw the guy had a gun.

Like Fay said in the ep thread (I'm paraphrasing): "The guy has a gun! Don't worry Danny, Flack will protect you." :lol: So true!
Reminded me of HOTD, before the chase after Shane. Danny sees the man getting away and he screams: Flack! And during the chase : Flack, keep going. Flack, I'm behind you. Now again. Flack! A gun! Flack, he's running! What next? Flack! Paper cut! Kiss the booboo! :lol: Danny is such a big spoiled baby! :p Can't Flack see the obvious without your great help, Danny? :lol:

Flack is so predictable. He so wanted to go after Danny, but Mac didn't let him. And no offense Donnie, but is for your best. Don't wanna see you running into a wall or falling down a whole stairs floor, for keeping those pretty eyes on Danny. ;)

Lorelai said:
Reminded me of HOTD, before the chase after Shane. Danny sees the man getting away and he screams: Flack! And during the chase : Flack, keep going. Flack, I'm behind you. Now again. Flack! A gun! Flack, he's running! What next? Flack! Paper cut! Kiss the booboo! :lol: Danny is such a big spoiled baby! :p Can't Flack see the obvious without your great help, Danny? :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yes, our dear Danny has no second thoughts about ordering Flack around when he feels like it, doesn't he?

Kinda like a comfortable married couple who've been together forever. :p :D

The, "Kiss the booboo!" bit cracked me up so bad ... because I can really see Danny doing that! :lol: He'd probably be sitting at Flack's desk after hours or something and he'd be the naughty boy he is and go rifling around in Flack's drawers peeking at what bad, bad toys Flack's keeping in them. And then, he'd cut one of his fingers while skimming through some gay romance novel and go hunting down Flack and then demand that Flack kiss it to make it feel better.

Of course, Danny's smart enough to ask when they're alone. ;)

(P.S. Guess what? There are two admins in this ship thread now. :lol:)
Whee, two admins! Congratz, you two. :)

Aww... kiss the booboo. Reminds me of my niece. She won't calm down until her bandaged wound is kissed by her mom.

Bianca and I have a new song for Danny and Flack. This time, we'll throw Devon in as well. I'm talking to her right now and will be posting the transcript later in my blog.

But for a clue, the song is from the musical "Wicked".
Lorelai said:
Can't Flack see the obvious without your great help, Danny?
No, he can’t! He is busy staring at Danny’s ass. And Danny knows very well how distracted Flack becomes when he is around him. :lol:

Oh Danny is such a diva. But it’s a win-win situation, isn’t it. I mean Flack is surely willing to kiss the booboo away… ;)
Kimmychu said:
(P.S. Guess what? There are two admins in this ship thread now. )
It’s just the next step to taking over this board… but congrats again Kimmy for being… erm very orange? ;) :D
When they entered the shop there were a lot of male dolls in very interesting postures, probably Danny noticed Flack noticed so he had to turn his attention back to the shiny bright gun in the floor. Between Danny's buttocks and those dolls, is normal Flack stopped paying atention to the task in hand :lol:

And congrats to Kimmy for her orange status ;)

ETA: An happy birthday to LivingEnd!
:D An happy birthday to LivingEnd!

And big congrats to the new admins. You both look lovely in orange! :lol:

Boys will be boys? Check out their pretty faces staring at the dolls! err I mean action figures! :lol:

When they entered the shop there were a lot of male dolls in very interesting postures, probably Danny noticed Flack noticed so he had to turn his attention back to the shiny bright gun in the floor. Between Danny's buttocks and those dolls, is normal Flack stopped paying atention to the task in hand

So, you're saying Danny was just looking out for Flack. True, when Danny is around Flack can be easily distracted from the job. :lol: Aww! That's so sweet of Danny!

Happy birthday, LivingEnd.

My friend is sooo cracking me up with the new song we've attributed to D/F! A bit on the angsty side. LOL.


No, he can’t! He is busy staring at Danny’s ass. And Danny knows very well how distracted Flack becomes when he is around him.
And the guy basks in it! Stands up straighter, clears his throat for clearer speaking (among other things haha), pushes his tushie outwards more haha.
Lorelai said:
So, you're saying Danny was just looking out for Flack. True, when Danny is around Flack can be easily distracted from the job. Aww! That's so sweet of Danny!
And also that maybe all that action men around made Flack think some other things (namely positions for later, when he's alone with his Danny) and distracted him somehow.

You all have to admit some of those dolls are in very interesting positions, and they are all without clothes, so it's normal Flack started looking at the situation from other 'perspective' :lol:
What freaked me out is why are all those dolls headless? Naked dolls are fine but headless?? creepy.

I love when Danny gets all protective over Flack. Has anybody else noticed that when they are chasing a suspect it seems to always be Danny that is cuffing them and most of the time Danny's the more aggressive of the two? Seems like we have a very aggressive kinkapoodle who isn't going to let anybody hurt his man. :p

Also, I noticed that we have been treated to a DF scene in every episode this season except Time's Up. Not that I insist on a scene but it's a nice surprise when we get it.

Since it's almost Halloween, I have a question. If Danny and Flack had to go to a Halloween party and dress in costumes. Who or what would they go as?

I found the perfect costumes for them and when I'm not too lazy to look it up again later, I'll post a link.

BTW, congrats on the orange, Kimmy.
^I have noticed Danny does tend to get more aggressive when Flack's around, but I've always kind of attributed that to Danny knowing Flack is there to protect him. :lol: He can be as saucy and bratty and pushy as he wants, because if the suspect decides to get mad, Flack will step in and keep him safe. Danny knows Flack would never let anything happen to him when he's right there.

Lorelai said:
Reminded me of HOTD, before the chase after Shane. Danny sees the man getting away and he screams: Flack! And during the chase : Flack, keep going. Flack, I'm behind you. Now again. Flack! A gun! Flack, he's running! What next? Flack! Paper cut! Kiss the booboo! :lol: Danny is such a big spoiled baby! :p Can't Flack see the obvious without your great help, Danny? :lol:

:lol: Danny's such a bossy little thing. You can tell Flack just adores him and humors him, perhaps because at night when they're in the bedroom, Flack gets to be the bossy one. ;) :devil:

Flack is so predictable. He so wanted to go after Danny, but Mac didn't let him. And no offense Donnie, but is for your best. Don't wanna see you running into a wall or falling down a whole stairs floor, for keeping those pretty eyes on Danny. ;)

Man, check those out! :lol: Does Flack even try to pretend that he doesn't want to go after Danny and keep him safe? Even as he walks out of the room with Mac, his eyes follow Danny as Danny walks into the bedroom. I think Mac knows that Flack would be more focused on keeping Danny safe than getting the suspect. What if she'd some how gotten her hands on Danny? Flack would be paralyzed like he was in "Trapped." Mac knows he can't risk that. And he knows Stella will act if the need arises. ;)

I love the little animated scene of them after they get Johnny. Danny is looking down at Johnny, but Flack can't resist looking up at his gorgeous Kinkapoodle. No doubt those white shirts Danny has been wearing are a big hit with Flack. ;) :devil:

Kimmychu said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yes, our dear Danny has no second thoughts about ordering Flack around when he feels like it, doesn't he?

Kinda like a comfortable married couple who've been together forever. :p :D

The, "Kiss the booboo!" bit cracked me up so bad ... because I can really see Danny doing that! :lol: He'd probably be sitting at Flack's desk after hours or something and he'd be the naughty boy he is and go rifling around in Flack's drawers peeking at what bad, bad toys Flack's keeping in them. And then, he'd cut one of his fingers while skimming through some gay romance novel and go hunting down Flack and then demand that Flack kiss it to make it feel better.

Of course, Danny's smart enough to ask when they're alone. ;)

I can so see that! :lol: Remember Danny's "ow!" when he shocked himself in "Heart of Glass"? It would be something like that, followed by a sweet little Kinkapoodle pout. And if Flack got mad about Danny going through his desk, Danny would just pout and show Flack his papercut and suddenly, Flack would be kissing Danny's wound (and no doubt helping Danny out his clothes. ;) :devil: )

(P.S. Guess what? There are two admins in this ship thread now. :lol:)

Yay, congrats! :D
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