Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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poison girl said:
I think Flack here is the strong one, the one who have to be standing in the middle of the crisis while Danny is more soft and need a shoulder to cry on.

Danny and Flack are at the perfect height for Danny to lean on Flack and cry on his shoulder. ;)


Ain't that something? :D

Maybe it was all a facade to avoid people for trying to take care of him, because he's independent and all he needs to get over everything is some time to heal.

Well, this is a guy who jumped right back on his feet in a month after getting his abdomen blown out, so I totally agree with the last line. :lol: Flack must be Superman v.2, where, instead of the sun, he just needs time to recharge.

To get Danny into all his problems may have been show to Danny he was human after all, while Danny looks at him like some sort of super hero able to get over everything.

An interesting viewpoint there! Ya guys think Flack has a blue and red costume underneath his suit? :p I'm not sure if Danny would put Flack on such a high pedestal, but then again ... have any of you watched Superman Returns? You guys know Lois Lane is Superman's love, right?

Everybody in the world reveres or fears Superman. He's this superdude who's capable of almost anything. He's invulnerable, independant, he wins the day every time and yet, his true weakness isn't a green piece of kryptonite. It's one woman, a woman who isn't afraid of him and is probably the only person in the world with the guts to vent her frustrations or anger on him ... and totally get away with it.

I guess my point is that Danny and Flack are sorta like Superman and Lois Lane. :lol: :lol: :lol: They're both independant, strong characters on their own, but they're just as amazing together. Flack is just like Superman while Danny is just like Lois (character-wise, of course ;)). And well, yeah, Superman and Lois never officially got together ... but they both know how they feel for one another and no matter what happens, they always have each other and love each other and that's all that matters.

Kinda like Danny and Flack. ;)
^^You do know you're going to have to draw a picture of that, right? Flack as Superman and Danny scowling in a skirt while Flack carries him. :lol:

they both know how they feel for one another and no matter what happens, they always have each other and love each other and that's all that matters.
Aww! It's very bittersweet, though. It's not boy meets girl (or boy meets boy), boy and boy/girl fall in love and get married and have babies and get old together and sit on the front porch in their rocking chairs when they're old farts...*cough* It's much less cut-and-dry than that, although most relationships are anyway. Maybe that's part of acknowledging their feelings for each other, then--admitting that it's not going to be what they always assumed love would be.

Why can't they be like Don Strachey and Timmy, damnit? *pout* Quit being such buttheads and take cues from these two!

The Fay has spoken. ;)
"What's he doing there? That's my desk! So that's what he does when I'm not around." AWWWWWW!!! Guess Flack must be around a lot since we don't often see Danny at his desk.

Hahahaha! I got :devil: thoughts after reading this :lol: . I remember one Mac/Stella scene where they were in his old office and she was sitting on his swivel chair as they talk about evidence. Talk about trust! :)

Hahahaha.... it's clear evidence that Flack thinks about Danny even if they're apart.

And even when you look away, I know you think of me... :devil:

And Flack wants to know what Danny's doing when he's not around. Possessive much, Flack? LOL.

Danny sits at Flack's desk at his precinct?! What does Danny do there when Flack's not around? Leave love messages? Or maybe, maybe Danny's interested in knowing more about Flack, and what better way than to sit at the guy's desk and look through his things there, right? Awwwwww. I think that's cute. Danny's got it just as bad as Flack, but he's just better at hiding it. (And I think I just got bitten by a bunny.)
Maybe Danny's looking for a framed picture (or five) of the two of them. Trying to see for himself that Flack is smitten over him. LOL

I'm sure Danny appreciates the fact that Flack is always completely honest with him, even when it isn't what he wants to hear (i.e. "On The Job").

Exactly. Danny doesn't what to hear crap either. He knows that Flack will be 1000% honest with him and I think whatever Flack says, he'll be okay with it and not get hurt by it -- yeah, even if it's not what he wants to hear.

Danny and Flack are at the perfect height for Danny to lean on Flack and cry on his shoulder.
Danny can bury his head against Flack's chest and Flack can wrap his arm around Danny's shoulders easy! Aw...
Speaking of pictures ... do you think the two guys do have photographs of each other? :D I mean, not just team photos, but photos of just the other person? I've always wondered about that.

I can see Flack keeping a few pictures of Danny taken at the annual lab party or something. :lol: Probably when the guy's drunk off his butt so Flack can use the photos for ... blackmail purposes. :p :devil: And Flack, well, he is one man who is extremely photogenic. Stella would totally go nuts taking pictures of him at the party!

AndthentrytogetDannyandFlacktogetherforshots. :lol:
I remember an episode in Law&Order: Criminal Intent -- the detectives are interviewing a waitress in a restaurant and the place gives Polaroid pics of every table. One of the detectives, Goren, took the camera and stooped lower to Eames' height and took a picture of themselves. LOL, that was such a shippy scene.

Anyway, I can see these two playing around like that. Like Mac would be doing the talking and these two can be just looking around. Flack sees the Polaroid and takes a stolen shot of Danny -- probably when he's leaning over to inspect something on the floor. :devil:
AWWWW pics! :D I can so see Flack sneaking pics of Danny. I bet Flack's got some naked pics of Danny as well, either ones he took or ones Danny sent him. Naked pics of Kinkapoodle = Happy Jackhammer. And we all know that the Jackhammer likes to be kept happy. ;) :devil:

Kimmychu said:
That brought up a new line of thought for me in regards to their friendship: how much do you guys think Danny trusts Flack now? Considering how close they are (based on their interactions already shown), I think Danny trusts Flack implicitly by now. Danny looks up to Flack for thoughts on their work, life, etc. He's always very relaxed around Flack, and for someone who's been burnt in the past by people he trusts pushing him away ... he sure has no qualms about venting his frustrations on Flack, does he? :lol: If he doesn't trust Flack to not leave him hanging, he wouldn't ever behave that way with Flack, would he? People don't vent their feelings and apprehensions to someone who's only a professional peer, they open up to friends whom they trust and connect with on a higher level. Someone whom they know cares for them. :D

I think Danny proved in RSRD how much he trusts Flack. He could have run or fought when Flack said "we're not going anywhere," but he didn't. He just passively looked back at Don, just trusting Don to take care of him. I think it's a big deal for Danny to let someone in (in every way ;) :devil: ) but once he does, he really does trust that person. And really, there's only one person he trusts like that: Flack. When Danny is upset or in danger, he consistently calls one person: Flack. His own personal super hero. ;)

:lol: There we have it, real life proof that Flack doesn't see her as Ms. Perfect-I-Can-Do-No-Wrong.

Indeed we do. Flack really isn't very fond of her. ;)

:lol: Wow. Flack really does stare at Danny loads. How else would he be able to see Danny so elated at finding evidence? It'd be like, "Awww, look at my happy kinka-poodle, he's found some evidence. He's so cute." :lol:

Danny is pretty cute when he's elated. ;) :D

Wait a sec.

Danny sits at Flack's desk at his precinct?! :eek: What does Danny do there when Flack's not around? Leave love messages? :lol: Or maybe, maybe Danny's interested in knowing more about Flack, and what better way than to sit at the guy's desk and look through his things there, right? Awwwwww. I think that's cute. Danny's got it just as bad as Flack, but he's just better at hiding it. :lol: (And I think I just got bitten by a bunny.)

I have a dirty mind. :devil: I picture Danny sitting at Flack's desk after hours, when no one else is around. (Yeah, yeah, I know it's a police station--someone's always around, but go with me here. :p ) Flack comes in to pack up for the day and finds Danny sitting on his desk, with a newspaper, wearing absolutely nothing. Flack's eyes would bulge out of his head! :eek: :lol: :devil:

Kimmychu said:
Danny and Flack are at the perfect height for Danny to lean on Flack and cry on his shoulder. ;)


So cute! Danny really is the perfect height for Flack to just envelope him in his arms. And to touch upon a point made above...yeah, I do think Flack sees Danny as fragile. It's probably hard for him not to, when Danny is in danger or falling apart emotionally so often. But the wonderful thing about Flack is that he always builds Danny up rather than making him feel helpless or useless.

An interesting viewpoint there! Ya guys think Flack has a blue and red costume underneath his suit? :p I'm not sure if Danny would put Flack on such a high pedestal, but then again ... have any of you watched Superman Returns? You guys know Lois Lane is Superman's love, right?

Everybody in the world reveres or fears Superman. He's this superdude who's capable of almost anything. He's invulnerable, independant, he wins the day every time and yet, his true weakness isn't a green piece of kryptonite. It's one woman, a woman who isn't afraid of him and is probably the only person in the world with the guts to vent her frustrations or anger on him ... and totally get away with it.

I guess my point is that Danny and Flack are sorta like Superman and Lois Lane. :lol: :lol: :lol: They're both independant, strong characters on their own, but they're just as amazing together. Flack is just like Superman while Danny is just like Lois (character-wise, of course ;)). And well, yeah, Superman and Lois never officially got together ... but they both know how they feel for one another and no matter what happens, they always have each other and love each other and that's all that matters.

Kinda like Danny and Flack. ;)

Danny is so the Lois Lane to Flack's Superman. Now, if only Flack could fly and take Danny over NYC. ;) :D

I do think Danny means more to Flack than anyone, kinda like Lois does to Superman. And while Flack is always the one who saves Danny, I think the way Flack's face lights up whenever Danny is around shows just what Danny means to Flack. Flack might be cynical and gruff most of the time, but then Danny comes around and suddenly we see that gentler, happier side of Flack. Superman is a perfect hero to the world, but to Lois he's more than that--he's a man. Just like Flack with his Danny.
All these talk about Superman.... aaahhh... Flack in tights. :devil: Not to mention the underwear worn on top. :lol:

Do they have camera phones? I know Danny's phone have it -- both the RAZR and the Treo. Danny used his RAZR to take quick pics, right? Hmmm... maybe he stole some shots of Flack too when he's not looking... :p
chaostheory08 said:
I remember an episode in Law&Order: Criminal Intent -- the detectives are interviewing a waitress in a restaurant and the place gives Polaroid pics of every table. One of the detectives, Goren, took the camera and stooped lower to Eames' height and took a picture of themselves. LOL, that was such a shippy scene.

Awwwwwwww. :D That is cute. So simple, takes mere seconds, but it has such great impact on character development. Hahah, I can so see Flack doing the same! Except he'd probably take shots of Danny's butt as the guy kneels down or something. :lol:

Top41 said:
I can so see Flack sneaking pics of Danny. I bet Flack's got some naked pics of Danny as well, either ones he took or ones Danny sent him. Naked pics of Kinkapoodle = Happy Jackhammer. And we all know that the Jackhammer likes to be kept happy.

Oh my. :devil: Let us hope Danny and Flack are wise enough to not keep the nekkid photos in their phones 'cause ya know, they sure don't want their phones stolen and have other people look at them in their birthday suits! :eek: (Like what happened when Ashton Kutcher's phone was left behind in a taxi and the taxi driver decided to blackmail him for money because the phone had naked pictures of him and Demi Moore. :lol:)

I picture Danny sitting at Flack's desk after hours, when no one else is around. (Yeah, yeah, I know it's a police station--someone's always around, but go with me here.) Flack comes in to pack up for the day and finds Danny sitting on his desk, with a newspaper, wearing absolutely nothing. Flack's eyes would bulge out of his head!

I like it. :devil: Maybe the whole precinct is cleared out because there's some major renovation going on and most of the staff is temporarily located somewhere else? ;) But yeah, Danny + newspaper and nothing else + Flack's chair and desk = Hot.

I do think Danny means more to Flack than anyone, kinda like Lois does to Superman. And while Flack is always the one who saves Danny, I think the way Flack's face lights up whenever Danny is around shows just what Danny means to Flack. Flack might be cynical and gruff most of the time, but then Danny comes around and suddenly we see that gentler, happier side of Flack. Superman is a perfect hero to the world, but to Lois he's more than that--he's a man. Just like Flack with his Danny.

Aaaaaawwwwwwww. :D Yeah, has Flack ever lit up with any of the other people on the team? Or anyone else at all for that matter?


Seriously, who else has ever made Flack smile like that?
Kimmychu said:
Awwwwwwww. :D That is cute. So simple, takes mere seconds, but it has such great impact on character development. Hahah, I can so see Flack doing the same! Except he'd probably take shots of Danny's butt as the guy kneels down or something. :lol:

You just know Flack has plenty of shots of Danny's sweet ass. :devil: ;) It made me laugh in the Consequences commentary when Eddie mentioned he watched them filming a scene where Carmine was squatting. It was that one scene where Danny's pants were practically falling off, and from the right angle he was probably showing a little ass. Imagining Flack watching that? Hot. :devil: ;)

Oh my. :devil: Let us hope Danny and Flack are wise enough to not keep the nekkid photos in their phones 'cause ya know, they sure don't want their phones stolen and have other people look at them in their birthday suits! :eek: (Like what happened when Ashton Kutcher's phone was left behind in a taxi and the taxi driver decided to blackmail him for money because the phone had naked pictures of him and Demi Moore. :lol:)

I think Flack's smarter than to keep one in his phone. Maybe his wallet though... ;) :devil: :devil: :devil:

I like it. :devil: Maybe the whole precinct is cleared out because there's some major renovation going on and most of the staff is temporarily located somewhere else? ;) But yeah, Danny + newspaper and nothing else + Flack's chair and desk = Hot.

I love that idea! And Flack would probably explode at the sight of his sexy little Kinkapoodle sitting on his desk, with only a newspaper covering up that delicious body. Somehow, I suspect Flack wouldn't care one bit about the Sports section--not even if they had a full spread on the Rangers! ;) :devil:

Aaaaaawwwwwwww. :D Yeah, has Flack ever lit up with any of the other people on the team? Or anyone else at all for that matter?


Seriously, who else has ever made Flack smile like that?

Wow, seriously, no one. If that ain't the look of love, I don't know what is! Danny looked especially sexy that day, and of course, he was being saucy and sour with Flack. Flack looked none too bothered, though--probably because he was thinking about what was going to happen when he got Danny home that night. ;) :devil:
Whoa, I'm missing from the thread for a couple of days and I come back to a naked Danny waiting seductively at Flack's desk. :D :devil: He sure knows how to keep his man happy...

And yeah, I can see them both having pictures of each other. :lol: Flack will have so many (clothed and unclothed) pictures of Danny. I think Flack will definately have a framed picture of just the two of them somewhere in his apartment. And he definately has at least one hot picture of his sexy kinkapoodle in his nightstand, useful for any cold nights that he might have to spend alone. :devil: ;)
Top41 said:
It made me laugh in the Consequences commentary when Eddie mentioned he watched them filming a scene where Carmine was squatting. It was that one scene where Danny's pants were practically falling off, and from the right angle he was probably showing a little ass. Imagining Flack watching that? Hot.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Okay. We have legit confirmation. Eddie really does love Carmine, and who can blame the guy? ;) Flack probably grabs every chance he can to ogle Danny squatting from the back. :devil: Ya know, while he reminisces on how Danny was squatting the same way on top of him. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Elsie said:
I think Flack will definately have a framed picture of just the two of them somewhere in his apartment. And he definately has at least one hot picture of his sexy kinkapoodle in his nightstand, useful for any cold nights that he might have to spend alone.

Awwwww, that is so sweet. :D What kind of a picture do you guys think it'll be, the one where it's just the two of them? Think it'll most likely be taken at a party? Or will it be one that's very personal they took themselves?

And hot picture of the kinka-poodle by the bed? Flack must obviously clean the glass on a daily basis. :devil: :lol: :p

Anyways, I've started a new ongoing Danny/Flack story called Wherever You Go. It's not an angsty one, I promise. Full of fluffy fluffyness for those who'd like a pick-me-up!
Kimmychu said:
What kind of a picture do you guys think it'll be, the one where it's just the two of them? Think it'll most likely be taken at a party? Or will it be one that's very personal they took themselves?
I think it may be one taken in a sport event, like a baseball match, in it both of them would be similing, dressed up in sport clothes and looking eased and relaxed. Flack would have his arm around Danny's shoulders and Danny would have gripped Flack's hand on his.

I think they must have chose that picture because they look ou of theyr usual routine, they look confident and just happy to be together.

And about the bedroom picture, I'm sure Flack would have a relly Kinky one :devil: :devil: probably with Danny almost naked in s sensual position :devil: :devil:

But Flack wouldn't be the onlyone to have his own album, Danny surely has more than one taken in the middle of investigations, when Flack isn't aware, and Danny smiles everytime he sees the look on Flack's face when he's thinkin about a complicated word or with the smile he gives to Stella.

Do you guys think Danny would be taking those kind of photos when Flack isn't aware of it?
Except he'd probably take shots of Danny's butt as the guy kneels down or something.

Exactly! I mean with the camera phones and all that. A lot of evidence are on the floor sometimes, right? So Danny would be doing a lot of bending over and kneeling. :devil:

Hey, Halloween's just around the corner. What do you think the guys will go as?
chaostheory08 said:
So Danny would be doing a lot of bending over and kneeling. :devil:

He sure does! :lol: Here are some pictorial evidence of it!


Danny. I think the top of your butt is showing ... Oh, I see, Flack is behind you? Carry on then.


Aww, Danny, don't worry. I'm sure Flack is looking your way. :devil:

And a blast from the past, season one Danny doing his thing! Doesn't he look so fine? ;)

Hey, Halloween's just around the corner. What do you think the guys will go as?

Flack? I can see him as Count Flackula. :devil: A very hot vampire, mmm. I'll bet Count Flackula will just love to sink his fangs into a certain part of Danny's ... ample anatomy. :lol:

As for Danny?


:lol: I think that speaks for itself!
How could Danny snap pics of Flack when Flack isn't looking? Flack is always looking at Danny. :lol:

Speaking of, tonight's ep cracked me up. Mac's a Playa Hater! Every time they were chasing the assassin in the hotel, he sent Danny with Stella and made Flack go with him. I think Mac knew he needed to keep Flack focused...on finding the killer, not on his sexy Kinkapoodle's ass, or even keeping said Kinkapoodle safe, which always seems to be Flack's focus.

Flack did cast a longing glance at Danny heading into the bedroom before he followed Mac out of the hotel room. :lol: And I noticed when they went to question the Don Juan guy, Flack went in first and got mighty pissed when he saw the guy had a gun. It seems like Flack is getting even more protective of Danny!

And yay for new Kimmy fic! I'm going to be reading that tomorrow with breakfast. :D

Kimmychu said:
chaostheory08 said:
So Danny would be doing a lot of bending over and kneeling. :devil:

He sure does! :lol: Here are some pictorial evidence of it!


Danny. I think the top of your butt is showing ... Oh, I see, Flack is behind you? Carry on then.

Yep, that was the scene Eddie watched. :devil: You can totally tell that Danny is showing ass from the right angle. ;) :devil:


Aww, Danny, don't worry. I'm sure Flack is looking your way. :devil:

it looks like he's waiting patiently for Flack to come by and enjoy the view...or more. ;) :devil:

So...do you think Flack has ever helped himself to a bit of Kinkapoodle at a crime scene? Maybe after it's cleared? :devil: ;)

That lobster picture needs to go away! My eyes, my eyes! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Danny would go as a baseball player and Flack as a hockey player. Flack's hand does not leave Danny's ass all night. ;) :devil:

As for a pic of them? Yeah, I could see one that maybe Stella or someone close to them took at a party or just an informal gathering.

I think Flack's definitely got a few sensual, naked pics of Danny around, but I bet he also has a sweet one of Danny that he's got on his dresser. One he took, probably in an impromptu moment, of Danny smiling into the lens at him.
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