Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^The point that Flack is picking someone Danny would definitely hate is a good one. Danny flat out said to Flack in "Murder Sings the Blues," "I hate rich people." Flack was beaming at him at the time, so all must have been well then. But I'm sure Flack doesn't forget anything his baby says, and if Danny's now slutting it up with Lindsay, who knows? Maybe it is some sort of "I'll show you" thing. Flack can't stand Lindsay, so he finds someone Danny would hate?

Kimmychu said:
Well, judging from the secret, I doubt that person is gonna come out of the closet any time soon. (Pun intended.) The bit that both amuses me and makes my eyebrows go up is that that person admitted to trolling D/F threads in other forums and making people dislike D/F and slash. And then admitting she (or he, even, who knows) likes D/F and slash all along. Talk about massive hypocrisy there.

Yeah, I missed that part. It's pretty sad to troll other shippers' threads. But you know how they say people who are rabidly homophobic are over-compensating for something? I guess this could be the same thing. Maybe this person is embarrassed that he/she prefers D/F over D/L. In that case, I kind of feel bad for him/her. It's sad not to even have enough confidence to be proud of what you like.

That group also apparently think I exerted some sort of mind control over Carmine in that last interview when the "looking elsewhere" stuff came up, so make of that what you will. :lol:

Yeah. I can see you now ... you in a dominatrix suit with a whip, and poor, widdle Carmine is bent over on one of them gymnastic cushion thingies and he's squealing, "Oh please, I'll tell you anything you want, Mistress!!!" :lol: :devil: :p That's, uh, kinda hot actually -

That's exactly how it went down. :lol: :lol: :lol: :devil: ;)

But yeah, I'm gonna go with the theory that Flack now has a girlfriend because he wants to 'wake Danny up' and make the guy realize that Flack ain't gonna wait for him forever. Oh yeah, once Danny realizes that, he's start thinking with the brain in his skull instead.

I think Flack's going about it wrong if he chooses that route, but you can't expect a man in love to think rationally. ;) What he needs to do is go to his Danny and sweep him off his feet and show him where he really belongs--in Flack's bed. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^AWWWWWW, I love that pic. :D Flack and Danny really fit so well together. Danny is just the perfect height for putting his head on Flack's shoulder.

And they totally cuddle. You know Danny spends many hours wrapped in Flack's arms. And I bet Flack watches his Kinkapoodle sleep!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

*sails in* Geez, I've been dying without my internet since last Sunday. I got on here on Wednesday, I believe, but it wouldn't let me in this thread. Stupid nanny-thing. I'm 22, let me get to my slashiness!

I guess we're assuming that all of the D/F fans are reading spoilers since we're talking about the gf without spoiler boxes. :p

I'm not thrilled with the way the season seems to be going at this rate...

I was willing to be optimistic about Adam/the new lab tech because Peyton isn't back yet and I thought they'd be backing off on D/L. Now it seems like D/L will still be around, Adam is banging the lab tech AND Flack has a girlfriend, not to mention Stella's 'forged documents expert' boyfriend that will be showing up. I could deal with one, but they're all too much together. The writers are seriously being fucktarded. Seriously. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm with Top--petitions are useless. But I'm pretty sure this one was just meant as a bit of fun. ;) My initial reaction was displeasure, actually. :lol:

I love D/F because it doesn't need to exist in canon to be 'real' for us. The basis is there, and we can build on it. Whatever the shows does to screw up the way things have been so far, I'll just have to deal with it. Future!fic is always good, as well as stories with non-specific timelines. The show won't last forever, and once it's off the air, anything can happen. ;) So I can write something that does (or could) take place 5 or 10 years in the future and it doesn't matter what happens in between. Despite what some people think, Danny being with Lindsay doesn't mean he's her slave forever. ;)

I've been reading my gay romance book the past few days. Er...I think I could write stories that could get published if that's the good stuff. :lol: It's not bad, and most of the writing is definitely superior to anything I've ever done, for sure, but the characterization of the guys seems close-enough. :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

It's really great to know that D/Fers have lives. ;) :D But! What a tragedy it is that this thread is on the second page!

About the petition, I admit that I did on the spur of the moment. I wanted to see just how many people would have the guts to openly sign it. Lately, I've been receiving messages from D/F fans all over the world who have told me some rather unsettling things about how slash is perceived in countries other than the US and the UK. If you guys think it's bad enough in the US, it's much worse elsewhere. Like that closet D/F fandom secret maker, there are actually many other fans out there who like D/F ... but are simply too afraid of openly supporting it due to discrimination and narrow-mindedness. They fear being rejected - hated, even - by their peers for supporting something that is considered 'weird' by society in general. It's very sad.

But yeah, I have no regrets putting the petition up. One, I now have absolute proof that online petitions are utterly untrustworthy, and two, should a certain shipper group tell me that every signature on their petition is legit ... I want screencaps of all 800+ signatures alongside with their IPs. :p :devil:

My brain is fried from a fantastic trip so I'll just add the following:

- To people with the opinion that a ship has to be canon to exist and be worthy of support, contemplate on this: Those who cannot think for themselves, cannot think at all.

Like some people have mentioned in the NY section, there's the possibility that Angell will become the catalyst for the crash and burn of D/L. I have to admit, considering how the writers have handled everything for the past two seasons ... yes, I'd say that's very, very possible. In fact, though I dislike the idea of Angell becoming nothing more than a plot device, it'll make for great drama llama and, well, a huge dent in D/L in the worst possible way.

- Oh, and gay romance books? Men stick to the technical side, and women stick to the emotional side. So if you're looking for something, eh, fulfilling, go look for gay stories by women. :lol: Just trust me on this, okay?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I'm pretty sure there are a lot more people supporting Don and Danny, but as Kimmichu said, they won't admit it 'cause this is supposed to be banned by a lot of societies. To tell the truth, I'm starting to get bored of people who looks at other bad because of their love interest.

I don't really think i support this because they are two men, I think I support this relationship because of the chemisitry between those two. But let's be true, if men (and a lot of girls) can be turned on by two girls in a bed, why can't we do it with these two? :devil:

I love reading fanfiction. I love reading slash fanfiction. And that don't make me sick or pervert or anything like that, but sure a lot of people see it like I'm some sort of sinner and I'm going to hell. Surely, those people would see normal a man consume lesbic porn.

And about the petition, I signed that too. To be true, i signed it cause i've never signed one before. :rolleyes:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
But yeah, I have no regrets putting the petition up. One, I now have absolute proof that online petitions are utterly untrustworthy, and two, should a certain shipper group tell me that every signature on their petition is legit ... I want screencaps of all 800+ signatures alongside with their IPs.

A harmless bit of fun to be sure. :lol: It's only sad when people take it seriously (like using it as evidence of the super-fabulousness of their 'ship :rolleyes:)

Lately, I've been receiving messages from D/F fans all over the world who have told me some rather unsettling things about how slash is perceived in countries other than the US and the UK. If you guys think it's bad enough in the US, it's much worse elsewhere.

Doesn't surprise me. There are still plenty of places in this world where prejudice reigns supreme. At least the online world offers some chance to express ideas that folks might not be able to in real life. Long live the Interweb!

Oh, and gay romance books? Men stick to the technical side, and women stick to the emotional side. So if you're looking for something, eh, fulfilling, go look for gay stories by women.

Guys focus on the, ahem, technicalities, huh? Colour me shocked! :lol: :lol: I guess there is good reason why most slash readers and writers are female. We may be pervy, but we like our emotional fix too!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

The idea of people being afraid of being judged for supporting a slash ship makes me sad. It's an unfortunate sign of our times and all I have to say is that I hope it changes, sooner rather than later. And it will change--these things do, and I think our generation will be instrumental in that. At least I hope we will.

The best slash fiction is written by women! :D *cough* Kimmy, Fay, etc. *cough* I know I'm biased, but the writing for this ship seriously impresses the hell out of me. You guys rock. :D

Back to the boys...say Flack's choice of a rich girlfriend is to get Danny upset and to maybe wake him up a bit. How do you think Danny will react? And do you think it's the best way for Flack to make his point? Or should he just be grabbing his Kinkapoodle and kissing him? How should Flack let Danny know where he really belongs?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Actually, the mix of stories written by men in that book I bought was pretty diverse. Some were pretty technical (I mentioned two of the words I wasn't fond of on my LJ :eek:), but others reminded me of fanfic written by the ladies I know (since I haven't read much guy/guy stuff other than that :lol:). ;) There were a few stories in there that I really liked, and a few that I didn't much care for. I gotta say, I like groups of stories like that, because you can find a diverse selection of stuff. :)

It's a real shame that love between two people, fictional or real, could cause such strong reactions simply because of gender. The anonymity of the internet can be a good thing, but I'm sure there are still people who are nervous/scared to even like something as innocent as a fictional ship because of it. Well, at least if they can't all join in, they can still read the crazy stuff we write. ;)

I now have absolute proof that online petitions are utterly untrustworthy
:lol: How is that? People signing more than once or something? :p

Oh, and please to be keeping those spoilers away from my girlcrush. *protects her from the very idea* :lol:

ETA: (Geez, I take forever to type since I missed Top's post. :eek:)

I think Flack picked a shitty way to get his point across, but maybe it's just him trying to move on so he doesn't wrap his entire life up in someone who clearly doesn't appreciate him (meaning Danny). I have a fanfic idea (which is a crossover with Harry Potter, by the way--damn my imagination!) which kind of addresses the issue, but we'll see if that ever comes to fruition. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I don't know if this goes againt the rules cause it's a fanvid and it's a bit explicit, if it goes, I'll take off the post.

Mod edit: Sorry, link's gotta go due to lovely manbutt. :lol: If ya wanna watch it, do PM poison_girl for the link.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
I think Flack picked a shitty way to get his point across, but maybe it's just him trying to move on so he doesn't wrap his entire life up in someone who clearly doesn't appreciate him (meaning Danny). I have a fanfic idea (which is a crossover with Harry Potter, by the way--damn my imagination!) which kind of addresses the issue, but we'll see if that ever comes to fruition. :lol:

Flack moving on makes me :( :( :( . But Danny is kind of spoiled and takes him for granted. It's funny--Danny goes out of his way to please people who treat him poorly, but he can't see the one person who's always there for him, and really does seem to be crazy about him. I mean, who drops everything in the middle of an investigation to meet the guy being investigated just to reassure him? Wake up, Danny! Flack is crazy about you. :p

So do you guys think Danny knows and is just in denial, or do you think he's genuinely clueless and has no idea how Flack feels about him?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
Faylinn said:
I think Flack picked a shitty way to get his point across, but maybe it's just him trying to move on so he doesn't wrap his entire life up in someone who clearly doesn't appreciate him (meaning Danny). I have a fanfic idea (which is a crossover with Harry Potter, by the way--damn my imagination!) which kind of addresses the issue, but we'll see if that ever comes to fruition. :lol:

Flack moving on makes me :( :( :( . But Danny is kind of spoiled and takes him for granted. It's funny--Danny goes out of his way to please people who treat him poorly, but he can't see the one person who's always there for him, and really does seem to be crazy about him. I mean, who drops everything in the middle of an investigation to meet the guy being investigated just to reassure him? Wake up, Danny! Flack is crazy about you. :p

So do you guys think Danny knows and is just in denial, or do you think he's genuinely clueless and has no idea how Flack feels about him?

It's Danny! :rolleyes: I'm sure he's 100% clueless!
:( And a clueless Danny makes a sad Flack !
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

It appears that links to Youtube videos are allowed, but unfortunately, this particular D/F vid is not safe for work due to some seriously lovely manbuns so I'm afraid I'll have to remove the link. Anyone who wants to watch it may PM poison_girl or ... *koff*clicklinkinmysig*koff*

Top41 said:
So do you guys think Danny knows and is just in denial, or do you think he's genuinely clueless and has no idea how Flack feels about him?

Hmmm. I can see both being absolutely possible. Kinda depends on how each situation plays out. The latter is a little more difficult to believe, seeing as Flack stares at him all the time like nothing else exist in the world. :lol: Then again, Danny can be rather, how do I say it, blur when it comes to personal relationships and the likes. Just think about him and Louie. It took him 15 whole years to figure out just how much his brother loves him.

I gotta say, the former option is very fitting for what's going on the show at the moment. ;) What I wouldn't give for Flack to be the reason that something crashes and burns in the new season. That'll make for some major discussion!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
It appears that links to Youtube videos are allowed, but unfortunately, this particular D/F vid is not safe for work due to some seriously lovely manbuns so I'm afraid I'll have to remove the link. Anyone who wants to watch it may PM poison_girl or ... *koff*clicklinkinmysig*koff*
Don't wory, I already knew somethng like that is a bit explicit for this board, but don't blame me for trying. If anyone want to see it, pm me or *koff*clicklinkinhersig*koff* ;)
Top41 said:
So do you guys think Danny knows and is just in denial, or do you think he's genuinely clueless and has no idea how Flack feels about him?

Hmmm. I can see both being absolutely possible. Kinda depends on how each situation plays out. The latter is a little more difficult to believe, seeing as Flack stares at him all the time like nothing else exist in the world. :lol: Then again, Danny can be rather, how do I say it, blur when it comes to personal relationships and the likes. Just think about him and Louie. It took him 15 whole years to figure out just how much his brother loves him.
I agree, Danny can be very dense sometimes. He's a very good detective, but when it comes to his own life, he loses his detective skills in mere seconds. Sometimes I wish Mac was a bit like Gibbs from NCIS and slap him in the head while he says something like "don't you see he's using you because she's nothing".

Maybe Flack knows this and that's the reason why he looks for a girlfriend, to see if this way Danny reacts, without having to slap him in te back of the head, anyway.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

poison girl said:
I agree, Danny can be very dense sometimes. He's a very good detective, but when it comes to his own life, he loses his detective skills in mere seconds.
Very true. Danny is very empathic, but he's a terrible judge of character. Everyone remembers him calling Shane the Crazy Serial Killer "the only normal guy there". I bet he gets ribbed about that for years. It's not unrealistic to think that he could be just as oblivious to other pretty obvious things, such as Flack's adoration. Or maybe he has just misinterpreted it as something else entirely? Like Flack is just really fascinated with his explanation of blood splatter patterns. :p

He also appears to be unable to resist people he knows will hurt him. Lindsay fulfills his expectations of a relationship: she treats him like a housepet who's been weeing on the floor.

Danny badly needs re-educating. I wonder who would be up for the job? :D

I too would love Flack to be part of what breaks up D/L. Even if it's only to shake Danny until he sees sense!
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