Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^ :lol: Oh my a round robin of porn on the LA trip? perfect. :lol: That is my kind of entertainment.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
By the way, interesting point on Flack wanting only his Jackhammer to do the job. It's really funny to think of Flack being jealous of a dildo though. :lol:

I could actually so see that. On one hand, using one on Danny would probably turn him on. On the other, I think that Flack is pretty possessive of Danny's body and the places he thinks of as his territory. ;) :devil:

I bet Flack has a few pair of handcuffs that are exclusively for chaining his Kinkapoodle to his bed. :devil: ;)

And you just know that after Danny told him about the Robospanker, Flack went out and purchased one, for when Danny's a baaaaad little Kinkapoodle. :devil:

So yeah, I bet they've got toys. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Round-robin porn could be very interesting...and get very dirty very quickly... :lol: :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Ye Gods! The Black Hole of Porn : smut so concentrated it collapses into a singularity, destroying all in its wake!! :eek: :eek: Okay, time to cut back on the 'flu medication now.

As for toys, I second the Frequent Buys card idea. The staff probably know them by name. :p For some reason, I've always thought that under Flack's calm exterior, there lurked a pervy bastard. I doubt Danny objects ... much.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I bet the Robospanker's stashed at Flack's place.

Along with a whole room full of ... interesting toys and ... love seats. :devil: :lol: Perhaps Flack even calls it the Sex Room. As for handcuffs, luvs that idea! Flack obviously keeps multiple pairs made of various materials. I gotta wonder if he has one made outta fur though.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

penguinpie, I have long suspected Flack of having a very, very pervy side. :devil: And I think Danny brings it out in him. I don't quite see Flack ever handcuffing a woman to his bed, but Danny? Ooooooh yeah. I think Flack feels like he can let loose with Danny, and well, Danny also brings out the animal in Flack a bit. Sometimes Flack looks positively mushy when he's gazing at his Kinkapoodle, but sometimes he looks about ready to pounce and take Danny right then and there.

Plus, there's that one pic in the lab--can't remember what episode it's from--where Flack is looking at Danny and you can tell there's no way the man is thinking clean thoughts. :lol: :devil:

And Kimmy, I'm sure Flack has at least one pair of handcuffs with fur on them...for when Danny complains about his wrists hurting or being marked up from the other pairs. :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Oh dear, now I'm imagining a scene where Flack catches a perp and pulls out a pair of handcuffs and goes "Oh shit!" when he realizes they're fur lined, lol!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^ :lol: That would be funny!

"Ooops, those are only for Danny..." :lol: Of course Danny could have been the mischevious little imp that switched them... :lol: :devil:

A certain Kinkapoodle would definitely get Robo-spanked that night... :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Ceindreadh said:
Oh dear, now I'm imagining a scene where Flack catches a perp and pulls out a pair of handcuffs and goes "Oh shit!" when he realizes they're fur lined, lol!

:lol: That's hilarious! I love that! That'll make for a great moment on the show, that's for sure. :devil: Even more so when Danny shows up and says, "Hey! So that's where they were!"
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Flack advances on the suspect, dodging to avoid a little old lady who is swinging her enormous purse and screeching about 'hooligans!' careening down the street. He sees the suspect dodge into an alley and puts on an extra burst of speed to catch up, rounding the corner and leaping upon the suspect, pinning him to the ground. As Flack begins to tell the man his rights, he reaches for his handcuffs--and is astonished to pull out cuffs that are not silver metal, but pink fur instead. Having no choice but to detain the suspect in whatever manner necessary, Flack is forced to use the fur handcuffs on the suspect before dragging him back to his car. He tries to ignore the catcalls of several passing people who clearly think that this is an elaborate sex game in progress.

Danny, Don decides, might just like to replay this little scenario later. Distracted, Don conks the suspect's head as he pushes him into the back of the car, and the ride back to the station is punctuated by swearing from the backseat and promises that Flack will be sued out his ass for the humiliation and pain that he has caused.

Flack is too caught up in Danny fantasies to hear a thing the man says.

The End. :D

By the way, I was watching "1 vs. 100" earlier, and the guy's name was Keikabou or someting like that.

I. About. Died.

I was like "Whoa, mom, did he just call that guy kinkabou???" (which was hilariously close to kinkapoo). Alas, it was not so, but it was close enough that I giggled every time Bob said the guy's name. :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^ :lol: :lol:

That's really funny, Faylinn. More like a sexual fantasy in the end, more possibilities about it being a sexual punishment for his little prank, 'cause he is the one that put the handcuffs there...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Distracted, Don conks the suspect's head as he pushes him into the back of the car, and the ride back to the station is punctuated by swearing from the backseat and promises that Flack will be sued out his ass for the humiliation and pain that he has caused.

Huh, that's weird. You'd think he'd thank Flack for using such comfy and pretty handcuffs. :p

So. Is anyone else annoyed that there's next to nothing about Flack in the spoilers for the new season? Either they're pushing the poor homicide detective into the background again, or the writers are waiting to spring Danny/Flack onto us. :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Don't worry Kimmy. There will be plenty of Flack goodness from what I've seen. There's at least one scene with Danny and Flack in episode one and he works with Stella quite a bit too in episodes one and two.

What's this about fuzzy, pink handcuffs?? I'm not too sure about pink but I do see Flack having a pair of leopard print fuzzy handcuffs. I can see Danny switching them out though. Flack would make him pay for that when they got home. Danny's not stupid because an irritated, worked-up Flack makes for some hot sex!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Oooh, Flack would certainly be spanking and handcuffing his kinkapoodle then! :eek: :lol: :devil:

I can so see them playing games...like Flack hiding in the shadows, waiting for Danny to get home and then pretending to be a robber and jumping Danny when he does arrive home (and maybe after he strips down :devil: ). ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
I can so see them playing games...like Flack hiding in the shadows, waiting for Danny to get home and then pretending to be a robber and jumping Danny when he does arrive home (and maybe after he strips down :devil: ). ;)

:lol: Loves it. That's a great idea for a PWP! A Cops and Robbers sex game, oh my. :devil: Carmine's role in Black Hawk Down has always made me think of Danny and Flack roleplaying as soldiers. Of course ... Flack's the commanding officer. ;)

I think our beloved D/F thread needs some pictures again, especially from season one. I get so mad when people ignore season one simply because ... well, I'll let you guys guess why.




Flack: I know ya want me, and I know you know how much I want ya. So whaddaya say, Danny? We take the leap or what?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

You know Flack gets very worked up sometimes--his job can be a bitch like that. However, the compensation is being able to relieve his frustrations on Danny--and I don't think Danny would complain.

Flack playing a robber/peeping Tom? Sexy. :devil: Maybe they take turns playing the perp and then practice tackling each other. :devil:

There was some great stuff for these two in season 1, together and alone. I mean, hell, "On the Job," "Blood, Sweat and Tears," the 'hoops' line in "Blink,"--just wonderful. I refuse to pretend it doesn't exist just because the writers forgot a lot of who Danny was.

And mmm, Flack's leather jacket...you know Danny had some fantasies about that one. Anybody else see Don getting out of the shower and finding Danny in his room, wearing nothing but the leather jacket?... :devil:

This is a bit random, but for some reason, I had the mental image of Danny walking in and finding Don with some borrowed CSI gear--namely, the ALS light and orange glasses.

Danny: Don, what are you doing?
*Don looks up, surprised*
Don: Nothing, Dan. *tries to hide the light*
Danny: You're not fooling me, and you're still wearing the glasses. Tell me and we'll play with the cuffs.
*Don considers this*
Don: Ok, fine. I was just wondering, you know, what I'd find in here...
Danny: And?
Don: *vague hand gesture* We're messy.
Danny: *chuckles* I'll bet...you know, Donnie, you look pretty hot when you're playing CSI.
*Don waggles his eyebrows*

:devil: :lol:
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