Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
What the ... The Danny/Flack thread on the second page?! That is unacceptable! :mad: :rolleyes: I know, I know, we are all afflicted by that disease called We Have a Life. Such a debilitating thing it is. :cool:

Anyways, here's a question for you guys: Where do you think their ... 'first time' happened? :devil:

Oooh, so many possibilities! I'm tempted to say in the lab, because the way Flack stares at Danny when they're going over evidence makes it pretty clear that Flack is thisclose to helping himself to his Kinkapoodle. :devil: But...I think Danny would be too nervous to do it in the lab--what if Mac came by? What if they knocked something over? (they would ;) ) What if they compromised evidence?

So I think it probably happened at Flack's place. I bet Danny was over to watch a game, a few beers were had, the game ended, the guys kept talking, and talking...and then Flack probably made a move. Or maybe after a night at Sullivan's, Flack was driving Danny home, and well, Flack walked him upstairs (ever the gentleman!) and never quite made it back to his place. ;) :devil:

I've read a few fics where their first time happened in the locker room, and I could see that too. I definitely see Danny playing coy and waiting for Flack to come on to him.

So many possibilities...and I love picturing them all. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Sulyvan's bathroom. The locket room is my second option, anyway...

I think it was in a bar because is where they seem to be more confy and relaxed, talking as friends and all. Also a few beers and whiskey shots may help them to break the doubts they may have. After a pool game, with a lot of double comments, maybe they could't make it to one of their apartaments, nor the locket room :lol:

But maybe Flack, being the romantic I think he is (and want him to), make Danny wait a little bit after a hot scene in a batherom to take him to the privacy and confort of his apartament, where anybody is banging the door while he's banging Danny :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Mwahahah! So let's see ... we have the following locations so far:

1. The CSI laboratories
2. Flack's apartment
3. The CSI locker room (Thank you, Mr. Lenkov, for showing us what it looks like!)
4. Sullivan's men's room (oh my, public sex in a pub :devil:)

I just think it's so sweet that it's the general consensus Flack is a gentlemen who takes Danny back to his apartment for privacy. :D Perhaps, for all of his macho-ness, Danny prefers intimacy in a private, safe place where he can scream and writhe to his heart's content. :devil:

Sullivan's men's room is veeery interesting. The weird thing is, I can't see them doing the horizontal tango there from start to finish. :lol: Maybe they start there, but end up at one of their apartments. Or maybe even the backseat of the car. :devil: We all know how impatient and uncontrollable Flack becomes when he's going crazy with lust over his kinka-poodle. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Thank you for quoting the conversation, Lorelai! And welcome to the D/F thread! You'll love it here if you're as perv- uh, I mean, as appreciative of the, ah, aesthetic beauty of these two detectives. Yes, that's it. :cool: Is this your first post here? :)

Flack seems like a minds his own business type, and let's face it: when he gets home at night, he wants to get his Danny into bed, not sit around and gossip about office romances.

:D Thanks to both 4 the welcome!

And the kinkapoodles...I love them both, apart, so why not together. :devil: And, I agree, Don is a "live & let live" kind of guy! Especially live ! :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Mwahahah! So let's see ... we have the following locations so far:

1. The CSI laboratories
2. Flack's apartment
3. The CSI locker room (Thank you, Mr. Lenkov, for showing us what it looks like!)
4. Sullivan's men's room (oh my, public sex in a pub :devil:)

I just think it's so sweet that it's the general consensus Flack is a gentlemen who takes Danny back to his apartment for privacy. :D Perhaps, for all of his macho-ness, Danny prefers intimacy in a private, safe place where he can scream and writhe to his heart's content. :devil:

Sullivan's men's room is veeery interesting. The weird thing is, I can't see them doing the horizontal tango there from start to finish. :lol: Maybe they start there, but end up at one of their apartments. Or maybe even the backseat of the car. :devil: We all know how impatient and uncontrollable Flack becomes when he's going crazy with lust over his kinka-poodle. ;)

My money go on the locker room! That could explain why Danny is spilling coffee every now and then on his shirt.. :devil: Then he has to change his shirt, hopefully Flackie is there changing the shirt he got kechup on... :rolleyes:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
- In the event that Flack really does confide in someone else other than Danny, I think Danny won't like that very much (even if they are just friends). Remember that episode where Danny finds out about Mac and Peyton and realizes he's the last to know?

Danny: Does Flack know?

Not too sure if that's the exact phrasing, but those few words alone do tell us something about their relationship: They are obviously close enough that they talk to each other and maybe even (dare I say it) gossip, and more than anything else ... Danny trusts Flack to tell him things and update him and not hide anything from him. That leads to the implication that it's the same vice versa, that he'd do the same with Flack.

Yeah, I believe thats the way Danny said that.

I say they do their little chit chats about things, about whats going on, and still do "guy things" and then "relationship things" .

Danny and Flack have a great bond with each other, and I just love how they are together, I hope we get to see more of that, or something where they need each other.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Woo, nice to see enthusiasm in the thread! :D Unfortunately, Shipper Central has a rule of not posting multiple times in a row, as well as three sentences per post, okay? Thank you!

Hehehe, Danny was nicknamed the Kinka-Poodle after that episode where he called a kinkajou that instead. As for Flack and his Jackhammer nickname ... I bear that responsibility. Give you three guesses why I gave him that. :lol:

And yes! We certainly need more screencaps of the boys! There can never be enough Danny/Flack goodness.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Awwww, I love those caps from "Rain," Lorelai! I've been meaning to re-watch that episode for ages. That exchange between the Jackhammer and his Kinkapoodle looks so cute. Danny really does look put out, and Flack, well, the good detective looks thorougly enthralled. Danny sure casts some spell over Flack, doesn't he?

Kimmy, I'm with you--I don't see the whole thing going down at Sullivan's. While I think Danny would absolutely let Flack take him in the bathroom of their favorite bar, I think Flack would view finally getting a taste of his Kinkapoodle as a special occasion, and he'd want to make it something more than a drunken romp in the back of a bar. I think he'd be ardent but gentle with Danny; I think he'd really take the time to show Danny how much he means to him.

I kinda could see the backseat of the car, though. Once it became clear that Danny was going to give it up for Flack, I think Flack would be quite eager to at long last get his taste of Kinkapoodle. :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hmmm, I can see them starting at Sullivan's. A couple of drinks, a quick trip to the bathroom, a bit of semi-drunken groping. Probably followed by both of them nearly getting sprung by another patron :lol: I can so see them frantically adjusting clothing and trying to act nonchalant, while heading for the exit. Flack's pale skin would blush nicely. Hehe! I'm sure they'd prefer a more private setting after that.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^ That's what I mean! The begguining would be at the bathroom at Sullivan's, but after a few hot kisses and touches, and redressing to get to Flack apartament.

After that first time (starting at the bar and ending in Flack's) they made it everywhere... They like the danger of getting caught, so the locker room is a very interesting place to try ner positions. :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Whoops, my misunderstanding then, poison_girl. Apologies for that. :)

This is so cool. We D/Fers seriously do think alike! I think if every D/F fan all over the world convened together in one place ... we'd make the universe explode. :lol: Either that, or we'd be creating the biggest stash of D/F porn in history. :devil: :p :lol:

So. What kind of sex toys do you think Danny and Flack have? I won't even be surprised if they owned some kinda love seat with special straps and the likes for maximum ... bounce. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Whoops, my misunderstanding then, poison_girl. Apologies for that. :)
Don't worry, my english can be very confusing sometimes, even for me :lol:

As for the toys, I think the guys may have a vip card for the sex shop with more different kind of products in all New York :devil:

We all agree they are very kinky and active, so they look for different kind of products to make their sexual life more variated.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Ooh, naughty toys. :devil: On the one hand, I think they'd like to try everything out and have some fun. On the other hand, though, methinks Flack might be a bit miffed if he thought Danny needed something other than the Jackhammer to take care of business. :p Danny would have to work extra hard to prove to Don that the toys are just extra. ;) He'd probably lock them somewhere for a few days until Don was reassured. :devil:

I can see them getting a bit cozy at a bar and then going home together--but I'm not sure it would be Sullivan's. If, of course, we're considering Sullivan's to be the bar a lot of cops go to. As much as it sucks, I can't see either of them being open about getting frisky around the people they work with.

However, a different bar is a totally different story. :devil:

Of course, assuming that they wouldn't grope each other at Sullivan's doesn't include innuendo-laced games of pool with significant looks and then leaving together. ;) ;)

Kimmy, can you imagine all of us writing porn together? :lol: You do a chapter, I do a chapter, the next person does a chapter--we'd wear the poor boys out. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Kimmy, can you imagine all of us writing porn together? :lol: You do a chapter, I do a chapter, the next person does a chapter--we'd wear the poor boys out. :lol:

HOLY @#$%! I think that's a GREAT idea for the LA meet!!! :D (Well ... if we're actually lucid enough to write any decent pr0n after all the fun we'll have. :lol:) A round robin fic! That'll make for one nice reminder of the trip and it'll be something we can post to Brokeback Crimelab.

By the way, interesting point on Flack wanting only his Jackhammer to do the job. It's really funny to think of Flack being jealous of a dildo though. :lol:
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