Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

kissmesweet said:
I think that Flack is just like me somehow in a way that he doesn't really confides in someone until he really is ready to. He has all that about his dad (TPTB should explore that by the way. :rolleyes:) and maybe he just is waiting for the right moment to let Danny know all of that. I think that Flack is pretty damn selfless right now as he knows that Danny is quite a vulnerable person and Flack is helping Danny first--if that makes any sense at all.

That definitely makes sense, and yeah, I agree. Flack does always put Danny first. I guess what made me think of this is the moment Flack confided in Hawkes in the finale about having to shoot the mob guy--it was quick and he seemed to know he didn't have another choice, but it was obvious he felt better talking about it and hearing that from Hawkes, that he didn't have another option.

Would he ever do that with Danny? It seems like Flack almost puts up a front around Danny--he's strong, he's together, he's totally confident in his job. And I think Flack is pretty confident all around, but would he confide in Danny if he needed someone to talk to? Or would he go to Stella or Hawkes, people he thinks of as stronger and more able to be there for someone?

There's been a lot of talk of Danny and Flack kind of having a one-sided relationship, but is that as much because Flack doesn't look at Danny as someone he wants to "burden" with his problems as it is that Danny is emotional and kind of needy?

But I would for once like to see Flack in trouble (about his job or his life in general) and I would for him to confide and talk to Danny about his feelings towards what he's going through.

I'd like to see that, too. Maybe Danny would have to put the pressure on a little--tell Flack that he can tell something is bothering him or that he needs to talk. Danny might have to reach out to get Flack to talk to him, but I think it would be a good thing for them. Danny is sweet--I think if Flack would let Danny see if something was troubling him, Danny would be concerned. I think the question is, does Flack ever drop the tough-guy act in front of his Kinkapoodle?

And some pictures from Love Run Cold, because that was the episode I first started shipping! :D


"Ya like that?"
"Yeah." :devil:

:eek: I noticed how naughty and dirty it sounded when I first watched the episode! :D :devil: :lol:
Then I started looking out for moments of DF and I just love them now!

Awww, look at those pics!! :D You can just tell from the look on Flack's face that he wasn't exactly thinking about Danny lifting a print from the car when Danny asked him that! More likely, he was thinking about watching his sexy Kinkapoodle bending down to take that print. I'm guessing the view is what Flack liked the most. ;) :devil:

penguinpie said:
Agreed. We've talked before about the seeming lack of reciprocity between these two. I do agree with Top that Flack is usually the stable, centred one in their relationship. Danny is such an emotional creature. He needs a lot of maintenance :grin:

Danny is, and that's why I wonder if Flack's gotten it into his head that Danny couldn't handle his demons. I wonder if Flack thinks he always has to be strong for Danny. If Danny had come up to him in that warehouse like Hawkes did, would Flack have brushed off any question and said, "I'm fine. Just another day on the job I guess." Does Flack feel the need to look strong for Danny?

But everyone has something that just gets under their skin. Maybe Flack's father starts giving him grief over recent events. Family issues are something Danny would understand all too well. But it would be nice to see Danny be the supportive one for a change.

I think that would be a great scenario...Flack's bothered by some family thing and Danny gets wind of it and seeks him out to see how he's doing. And Danny could mention something about how he can relate.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hmm, it makes you wonder how Danny would feel knowing that Don didn't want to confide in him. He'd probably think it had to do with some sort of inadequacy on his own part--I doubt he'd consider how hard Don tries to appear invincible to him.

And that's another thing--if Don ever did open up to Danny and really show his own vulnerablility, would he think that would diminish himself in Danny's eyes? Might he be afraid of how their friendship would change if their relationship didn't maintain the same dynamic? I think being able to (sort of) take care of Danny is very important to Don--and if Danny didn't think he was capable of that anymore...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Hmm, it makes you wonder how Danny would feel knowing that Don didn't want to confide in him. He'd probably think it had to do with some sort of inadequacy on his own part--I doubt he'd consider how hard Don tries to appear invincible to him.

I think Danny would be really hurt by it. He'd probably feel like he's not good enough in some way--which is exactly the opposite of what Flack is thinking. Flack probably thinks he's trying to protect Danny, while Danny would look at it as Flack not putting enough faith in him.

And that's another thing--if Don ever did open up to Danny and really show his own vulnerablility, would he think that would diminish himself in Danny's eyes? Might he be afraid of how their friendship would change if their relationship didn't maintain the same dynamic? I think being able to (sort of) take care of Danny is very important to Don--and if Danny didn't think he was capable of that anymore...

I think that's exactly why Don doesn't open up to Danny--I think a big part of his self-image is tied in with him being the strong one in their relationship, the one who takes care of Danny. I think Flack would be more afraid of letting Danny see any weakness in his armor than he would be of being in another bombing. Being the strong one in his relationship with Danny is part of his self-image.

Like I said, I think Danny would be hurt by that because he'd read it as Flack thinking he isn't strong enough to handle being there for Flack. And while I think Danny is more emotionally vulnerable than Flack, I do think he's capable of supporting Flack. I think he'd want to.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Hmm, it makes you wonder how Danny would feel knowing that Don didn't want to confide in him. He'd probably think it had to do with some sort of inadequacy on his own part--I doubt he'd consider how hard Don tries to appear invincible to him.

Oh yeah, there'd be one unhappy kinkapoodle if he ever found out Flack had been confiding in someone else. Danny has plenty of trust issues and can be more than a little paranoid. He'd think that Flack considered him inadequate in some way. Or worse, he might think the problem was him. :(

Top41 said:
I think that's exactly why Don doesn't open up to Danny--I think a big part of his self-image is tied in with him being the strong one in their relationship, the one who takes care of Danny. I think Flack would be more afraid of letting Danny see any weakness in his armor than he would be of being in another bombing. Being the strong one in his relationship with Danny is part of his self-image.

I don't think Flack often encounters problems he cannot cope with in some way. He seems very centred and level-headed. He must have had a very hard time with events that rolled out of "Consequences" and with Mac's little spaz-out, but he didn't let that interfere with his job or with his relationship with Mac. Flack stayed reasonable all the way through.

So he probably would find it hard at the best of times to open up about his problems with anyone. I'd bet his battles with the department shrink are local legend!

I agree that Danny would have to cajole him into talking. He might well be reluctant for just the reasons Top gave, but we know Danny can be a persistent little devil. It'd be good for both of them in the end. Flack would know Danny was there to support him too and Danny would feel good for being able to provide that support to his lover.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Like I said, I think Danny would be hurt by that because he'd read it as Flack thinking he isn't strong enough to handle being there for Flack. And while I think Danny is more emotionally vulnerable than Flack, I do think he's capable of supporting Flack. I think he'd want to.
I think that Danny IS strong enough to support Flack despite his Drama Queen Antics :rolleyes:--he does care about Flackie. Alot and I hope that TPTB continue to explore that, because it would be a really beautiful scene!

And that's another thing--if Don ever did open up to Danny and really show his own vulnerablility, would he think that would diminish himself in Danny's eyes? Might he be afraid of how their friendship would change if their relationship didn't maintain the same dynamic? I think being able to (sort of) take care of Danny is very important to Don--and if Danny didn't think he was capable of that anymore...
I think that just emphasizes Flack's little crush on Danny and maybe he will soon be ready for that.
Danny's been hurt before, but it only means that he will understand what Flack is going through--whatever it is!-- and Danny will do whatever it takes to help him. :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

penguinpie said:
Oh yeah, there'd be one unhappy kinkapoodle if he ever found out Flack had been confiding in someone else. Danny has plenty of trust issues and can be more than a little paranoid. He'd think that Flack considered him inadequate in some way. Or worse, he might think the problem was him. :(

I think he definitely would--Danny is so insecure that he'd definitely view it as Flack not thinking he was good enough in some way. Which of course is exactly the opposite of Flack's intentions, but Danny isn't exactly the logical type.

I don't think Flack often encounters problems he cannot cope with in some way. He seems very centred and level-headed. He must have had a very hard time with events that rolled out of "Consequences" and with Mac's little spaz-out, but he didn't let that interfere with his job or with his relationship with Mac. Flack stayed reasonable all the way through.

So he probably would find it hard at the best of times to open up about his problems with anyone. I'd bet his battles with the department shrink are local legend!

I agree! I can just see Flack saying, "Unless you've got any more, I've got a coffee and a donut waiting for me." :lol: I think Flack's just a pretty together person all around. Not a lot rattles him (save for his baby being in danger), and if something does he's able to rationalize it and move past it pretty quickly.

I agree that Danny would have to cajole him into talking. He might well be reluctant for just the reasons Top gave, but we know Danny can be a persistent little devil. It'd be good for both of them in the end. Flack would know Danny was there to support him too and Danny would feel good for being able to provide that support to his lover.

I could actually see Flack brushing off Danny's attempts to get him to talk, which would eventually result in one huffy and pouty Kinkapoodle. :lol:

kissmesweet said:
I think that Danny IS strong enough to support Flack despite his Drama Queen Antics :rolleyes:--he does care about Flackie. Alot and I hope that TPTB continue to explore that, because it would be a really beautiful scene!

I think he is, too. I think Flack looks at Danny as not being quite as strong as he actually is. I do think Flack is the tougher one in the relationship, but that doesn't mean that Danny can't be there for him when he needs a shoulder now and then.

I think that just emphasizes Flack's little crush on Danny and maybe he will soon be ready for that.
Danny's been hurt before, but it only means that he will understand what Flack is going through--whatever it is!-- and Danny will do whatever it takes to help him. :)

I think it definitely ties in with Flack's crush on Danny. It's all about looking tough in front of his baby, being strong for his Kinkapoodle. But I think it would deepen their relationship if he opened up to Danny more.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

it'd be really nice if Flack would open up to Danny about his feelings, maybe it'll help them out more if they did. and of course them two would be extremely hot together. *drools*
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I wonder if Danny would have to get mad/hurt at Flack not opening up to him for Flack to realize he needs to confide in Danny.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hallo thar, my fellow D/Fers! :D I am so pleased to see that discussion has been going strong in this thread. I just returned from a tiring but excellent trip, so please forgive me for my concise comments for the discussion.

- It has indeed been shown on the show time and again that Flack is the pillar of strength and the dependable, responsible man whom Danny turns to in both the good and bad times. Danny definitely doesn't worry about opening up to Flack, and I don't see Flack having any problem opening up to Danny either. He just likes to do it when he and Danny are together and snuggling after some happy smexing. :devil: ;)

- Danny and Flack are both men of sturdy character in their own right, but I do see Danny as being the less emotionally stable one. Or rather, he is the more volatile one who sometimes lets the situation get to him too quickly. Flack seems to be more of a guy who lets things affect him only when he allows it to. I mean, even a freakin' bomb explosion doesn't keep him down! :lol:

- In the event that Flack really does confide in someone else other than Danny, I think Danny won't like that very much (even if they are just friends). Remember that episode where Danny finds out about Mac and Peyton and realizes he's the last to know?

Danny: Does Flack know?

Not too sure if that's the exact phrasing, but those few words alone do tell us something about their relationship: They are obviously close enough that they talk to each other and maybe even (dare I say it) gossip, and more than anything else ... Danny trusts Flack to tell him things and update him and not hide anything from him. That leads to the implication that it's the same vice versa, that he'd do the same with Flack.

Uhm, alright, guess I'll add more later when I've gathered my brain back. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Welcome back from your excellent trip, Kimmy! :D

Kimmychu said:
Hallo thar, my fellow D/Fers! :D I am so pleased to see that discussion has been going strong in this thread. I just returned from a tiring but excellent trip, so please forgive me for my concise comments for the discussion.

- It has indeed been shown on the show time and again that Flack is the pillar of strength and the dependable, responsible man whom Danny turns to in both the good and bad times. Danny definitely doesn't worry about opening up to Flack, and I don't see Flack having any problem opening up to Danny either. He just likes to do it when he and Danny are together and snuggling after some happy smexing. :devil: ;)

I could see pillow talk. I also could see Flack kind of...working out his frustrations in bed with Danny. Not in a negative way--just that sex with his Kinkapoodle helps him put his problems aside and in perspective.

- Danny and Flack are both men of sturdy character in their own right, but I do see Danny as being the less emotionally stable one. Or rather, he is the more volatile one who sometimes lets the situation get to him too quickly. Flack seems to be more of a guy who lets things affect him only when he allows it to. I mean, even a freakin' bomb explosion doesn't keep him down! :lol:

Flack's definitely the tough guy to Danny's neurotic damsel-in-distress. Even when Flack was rattled over shooting that guy in "Snow Day," he was able to put it aside pretty quickly because he had a job to do. Danny lets things get to him, but I don't think Flack does--unless they revolve around his baby being in danger, that is. I've never seen Flack so rattled as when he was yelling, "Wait, wait, wait!" when he thought that thug was going to shoot Danny.

- In the event that Flack really does confide in someone else other than Danny, I think Danny won't like that very much (even if they are just friends). Remember that episode where Danny finds out about Mac and Peyton and realizes he's the last to know?

Danny: Does Flack know?

Not too sure if that's the exact phrasing, but those few words alone do tell us something about their relationship: They are obviously close enough that they talk to each other and maybe even (dare I say it) gossip, and more than anything else ... Danny trusts Flack to tell him things and update him and not hide anything from him. That leads to the implication that it's the same vice versa, that he'd do the same with Flack.

That's a good point. Danny wasn't bothered that Lindsay or Hawkes might have known before him--it was that Flack knew and didn't tell him. Flack probably spent that night out on the couch after facing the wrath of one very sour Kinkapoodle. :lol: And it's probably that Flack just forgot to tell him--I doubt Flack purposefully didn't mention it. Flack seems like a minds his own business type, and let's face it: when he gets home at night, he wants to get his Danny into bed, not sit around and gossip about office romances. :lol: ;) :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:

- In the event that Flack really does confide in someone else other than Danny, I think Danny won't like that very much (even if they are just friends). Remember that episode where Danny finds out about Mac and Peyton and realizes he's the last to know?

Danny: Does Flack know?

Not too sure if that's the exact phrasing, but those few words alone do tell us something about their relationship: They are obviously close enough that they talk to each other and maybe even (dare I say it) gossip, and more than anything else ... Danny trusts Flack to tell him things and update him and not hide anything from him. That leads to the implication that it's the same vice versa, that he'd do the same with Flack.

Uhm, alright, guess I'll add more later when I've gathered my brain back. :lol:

:eek: OMG!! You are so right! He specifically asks about FLACK!! No Stella, Montana etc. FLACK! Like there's no way Don could ever know something and not share it with him! That's so sweat!

And the exact conversation is:

Danny : Am I the last one to hear about this?

Mac : I guess so.

Danny : Flack knows?

Mac : says an mhmhhh = yes

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Thank you for quoting the conversation, Lorelai! And welcome to the D/F thread! You'll love it here if you're as perv- uh, I mean, as appreciative of the, ah, aesthetic beauty of these two detectives. Yes, that's it. :cool: Is this your first post here? :)

Top41 said:
I could see pillow talk. I also could see Flack kind of...working out his frustrations in bed with Danny. Not in a negative way--just that sex with his Kinkapoodle helps him put his problems aside and in perspective.

Ah, that Flack. What an efficient multi-tasker he is. :devil:

I've never seen Flack so rattled as when he was yelling, "Wait, wait, wait!" when he thought that thug was going to shoot Danny.

Ya know, I've been trying to think of any other similar moments with anyone other than Danny ... and I can't think of any. It really does seem that Flack only becomes Mr. Inferno when Danny gets in trouble or is in great danger. :lol: The mention of that scene in 3x24 reminds me of that earlier scene in the episode when Danny calls Flack and tells him there's a problem. Ya gotta wonder whether it was the fact things were going very bad or that Danny sounded in really bad shape that got Flack looking so shellshocked.

And it's probably that Flack just forgot to tell him--I doubt Flack purposefully didn't mention it. Flack seems like a minds his own business type, and let's face it: when he gets home at night, he wants to get his Danny into bed, not sit around and gossip about office romances.

:lol: Hear, hear! When you have hot stuff like Danny to go home to, who gives a @#$% who else is bumping uglies with who, eh?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Lorelai said:
:eek: OMG!! You are so right! He specifically asks about FLACK!! No Stella, Montana etc. FLACK! Like there's no way Don could ever know something and not share it with him! That's so sweat!

And the exact conversation is:

Danny : Am I the last one to hear about this?

Mac : I guess so.

Danny : Flack knows?

Mac : says an mhmhhh = yes


Welcome, Lorelai! :D It is beyond cute. Just the tone of Danny's voice--like he can't believe that Flack knew and didn't tell him! Oh wow, I bet Flack was in trouble that night. No sweet, sweet Kinkapoodle for the Jackhammer that evening. :( ;)

Kimmychu said:
Ah, that Flack. What an efficient multi-tasker he is. :devil:

That's totally Flack! Why waste words when he can have an energetic romp with Danny and then fall into a peaceful slumber afterwards? :lol:

Ya know, I've been trying to think of any other similar moments with anyone other than Danny ... and I can't think of any. It really does seem that Flack only becomes Mr. Inferno when Danny gets in trouble or is in great danger. :lol: The mention of that scene in 3x24 reminds me of that earlier scene in the episode when Danny calls Flack and tells him there's a problem. Ya gotta wonder whether it was the fact things were going very bad or that Danny sounded in really bad shape that got Flack looking so shellshocked.

I think when you look at those scenes, and compare them to how cool Flack is in other circumstances, it really is obvious how much Danny means to him. Danny hurt or in danger really shakes Flack to the very core. It's obvious that anything happening to Danny would completely gut him. Good thing Flack is the strong, heroic type, there to save the day whenever his baby does find himself in danger.

:lol: Hear, hear! When you have hot stuff like Danny to go home to, who gives a @#$% who else is bumping uglies with who, eh?

No kidding! Mac and Peyton? Who cares, when there's some sweet Kinkapoodle to be had. ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

What the ... The Danny/Flack thread on the second page?! That is unacceptable! :mad: :rolleyes: I know, I know, we are all afflicted by that disease called We Have a Life. Such a debilitating thing it is. :cool:

Anyways, here's a question for you guys: Where do you think their ... 'first time' happened? :devil:
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