Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yes, Fay, that's the season three episode I was talking about! :D That moment when Warrick smiled at the baby and said, "Hi .. hey." made my heart explode. Now if only the CSI:NY writers can write the same for either Danny or Flack, I'd be so happy.

And uh, yeah. My latest story Roses and Thorns has been updated, and is complete! *keels over* Now I so have to write something happy and schmoopy. Or draw loads and loads of D/F pr0n to make up for the angst. :lol: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
:lol: You guys are all horn dogs! Well, you guys know where to look should I post them D/F drawings. :devil: Top41, I'll be PMing ya, since ya're not on LJ. ;)

Yay!!! :D

The baby thing is just something I think would be so sweet for either Danny or Flack. For some reason, I see Danny as the one who's adept at handling a baby. I kinda remember Flack holding that baby in that deaf family episode for about 5 seconds, and he didn't look like he quite knew how to carry one. :lol: Then again, it was a tense situation. Perhaps he's more affectionate when there's no hostage situation going on.

I definitely see Danny as the one more comfortable with holding a baby. And wouldn't that just make Flack's heart melt, seeing his baby holding a baby? But I still think Danny might make Flack do diaper duty...if Flack wants to get into Kinkapoodle heaven that night, that is. ;)

Yeah. Unless Danny leaves him. Danny is Flack's Achilles heel ... let's hope no baddies ever figure that out! :eek:

I think they kind of did in "Snow Day"--those baddies went right for Danny because they knew that would get to Flack. And hell, it sure did: Flack kind of lost i it for a minute there, just going "Wait, wait, wait!" like his worst nightmare was coming true. Poor Flack. :(

But I agree that Danny is Flack's Achilles heel. It seems like when Danny is in danger, Flack really does lose his cool. Stella was the one who shot at Jerry when he was holding Danny hostage in "Trapped" as well. Very interesting...a possible pattern there? If baddies ever did want to get to Flack, hurting/kidnapping Danny would be the way to go. And I imagine there are a lot of baddies who lost serious drug money who have it in for Flack now...

Faylinn said:
Of course! The same one who is always there when Danny needs him, who sticks up for him, who never lets him down. Danny was alone and doubting himself in "On the Job"--Flack came to the diner. Danny was upset about Louie in "RSRD"--Flack stayed with him. Danny was having doubts about himself, Mac, and his job in "Comes Around"--Flack came to the bar. We may not have seen much to indicate that Danny is the best friend out there, but we have no shortage of proof that Flack has never mistreated Danny. :)

The way Flack treats Danny pretty much shows how much he adores Danny. Flack is pretty darn smitten, and it seems like there isn't anything he wouldn't do for Danny. I would like to see Danny do something for him for a change, though I think it would be more along the lines of what you brought up, scientific help on a case, maybe off the record. I absolutely believe Danny would help Flack out like that in a heartbeat.

I love this quote that Carmine said in the interview about his relationship with Flack: "So that's how we look at each other, two different ends of a style, of a person in one sense, but both admire the other." I had to put it in my signature--with the one about Flack being pretty cute, of course. *cough*

They're two halves of a whole---AWWWWWWWW. :D Can it get any more romantic than that? ;)

Exactly. Danny needs a lot of emotional support, which Flack doesn't seem to need as much. For him to go to Danny with something like that would show that he trusts Danny and that he knows Danny is there for him. Maybe he's worried the kid will be in trouble and he wants proof before he does anything--I'd love to see that, him asking Danny to do it off the books. (He asked Stella to do the notebook analysis off the books in "The Fall", so it wouldn't be unprecedented. ;))

I think that would be a great scenario. Like you say, Flack just doesn't seem to need the emotional support. Flack's a tough guy, while Danny is a pretty emotional one. But Flack is not a science guy by any means, and Danny is. They complete each other. ;) :D

It would be! Flack could be bouncing the baby awkwardly and then she would spit up on him. Danny would just coo at the baby and take her while Flack wiped the spit-up off of his tie. :lol:

Awww, how cute would that be??? :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I've just read the Carmine interview. I love his comments on the Danny/Flack relationship. He sums it up so well. It also leaves me hopeful with some of his comments on the Danny/Linsday situation. Roll on season 4.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^Agreed--I like the idea of Flack and Danny as two halves of the same whole. I think he's right in that Flack gets where Danny's coming from, but is more mature and knows when it needs to be reigned in.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

*notices the addition to Fay's signature*

"So that's how we look at each other, two different ends of a style, of a person in one sense, but both admire the other." ~Carmine on Danny and Flack

Whoa. Of a person in one sense. Could Danny/Flack be phrased any more beautifully than that? You guys know the adage about two people in long-lasting love being halves of each other, right? ;) Holy @#$%, what is wrong with TPTB? Just put the two halves together and make a whole already! :lol:

Top41 said:
It seems like when Danny is in danger, Flack really does lose his cool. Stella was the one who shot at Jerry when he was holding Danny hostage in "Trapped" as well. Very interesting...a possible pattern there? If baddies ever did want to get to Flack, hurting/kidnapping Danny would be the way to go. And I imagine there are a lot of baddies who lost serious drug money who have it in for Flack now...

Yesh, you have great points there. I can't imagine the writers putting Danny through the wringer again in season four though. Unless that's what Carmine meant about Danny coming back like an animal. He sure was a sexy beast in the season three finale when he faced up to those masked mobsters. :devil: Poor guy. Everybody wants a piece of him. :p

Hmmm. What about things switching around this time? What if the Irish mobsters decide to take revenge for their dead and attempt to kill Flack or kidnap him and do really mean, mobster stuff to the guy? :eek: I imagine that'll be a fantastic opportunity to bring back the original, passionate and genuine badass Danny back! It'd be nice to see Danny getting all riled up over Flack for a change too. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I don't think any of us could phrase Danny and Flack's relationship more beautifully than Carmine did himself. He must be a closet D/F fan.

I could imagine it being Flack's turn for some drama and then maybe we'd finally see Danny go all out for his man.
Maybe that's what Carmine means when he says he's heard Danny maybe more wayward this season.
Come on Flack be the one who shows Danny who he should really be with!!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Whoa. Of a person in one sense. Could Danny/Flack be phrased any more beautifully than that? You guys know the adage about two people in long-lasting love being halves of each other, right? ;) Holy @#$%, what is wrong with TPTB? Just put the two halves together and make a whole already! :lol:

I know...how damn romantic is that??? Two sides of the same person...awwww. I bet that's how Flack thinks of them.

Top41 said:
Yesh, you have great points there. I can't imagine the writers putting Danny through the wringer again in season four though. Unless that's what Carmine meant about Danny coming back like an animal. He sure was a sexy beast in the season three finale when he faced up to those masked mobsters. :devil: Poor guy. Everybody wants a piece of him. :p

I don't know--Danny's the damsel in distress of the show. He's been in danger one way or another every season. And who is always there for him? Each and every time? Flack. If Danny's the damsel in distress of the show, Flack is definitely his white knight.

What predicament do you think Flack will have to rescue Danny from this season???

Hmmm. What about things switching around this time? What if the Irish mobsters decide to take revenge for their dead and attempt to kill Flack or kidnap him and do really mean, mobster stuff to the guy? :eek: I imagine that'll be a fantastic opportunity to bring back the original, passionate and genuine badass Danny back! It'd be nice to see Danny getting all riled up over Flack for a change too. ;)

I could see them both being taken hostage and worrying over each other. I just always see Flack saving the day in the end. Danny's adorable, and I love his little trick of throwing solution in people's faces. He's not a totally helpless damsel in distress. But Flack is so just the save the day type. How many scenes did he burst into in the finale, guns blazing? I think it was three. He's just Danny's big damn hero. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

But Flack is so just the save the day type.
I feel the same! Flack just seems to play the hero and that works out fine, especially for Danny in this case. :D

I've seen some of that stuff, and well, all I can say is if I was as bad as all that, I probably wouldn't still be getting interviews.
Top: That is true. :) God, on livejournal--there's like a HUUUUUGE ship war between DF and DL, it's insane.

*Pokes Fay's signature* That's a fantastic quote you chose there! Really sums up our ship and just shows that DF are one! :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

kissmesweet said:
God, on livejournal--there's like a HUUUUUGE ship war between DF and DL, it's insane.

Really? Then I must be visiting all the wrong places because, apart from rants on some LJs, I haven't seen much wank ... yet. I'm guessing the wanking must all be happening on the D/L LJ community then, eh? What's your definition of HUUUUUGE, though? ;) Are we talking Fandom Wank-worthy fiasco or something here?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
I don't know--Danny's the damsel in distress of the show. He's been in danger one way or another every season. And who is always there for him? Each and every time? Flack. If Danny's the damsel in distress of the show, Flack is definitely his white knight.

What predicament do you think Flack will have to rescue Danny from this season???

Oh, I like the idea of Flack as his knight in shining armour, riding in to save his kinkapoodle. But seriously, yeah, Flack is always the dependable one that Danny can rely on for unwavering support and attention (because Danny can be such an attention whore). :D

This season I could see Danny maybe going off the rails a bit, being more reckless than usual and possibly becoming a little unreliable. Hopefully he doesn't try and push Flack away, because we know that Flack would always be there to listen to him, to support him and even just be his friend. I hope that's as much as Danny needs to be rescued from this season. But hey, if that means they need to talk it out in a bar, maybe play a couple of games of pool, have a couple of drinks, I'll be very supportive of that. :p

kissmesweet said:
on livejournal--there's like a HUUUUUGE ship war between DF and DL, it's insane.

Nah, I'm pretty sure that the majority of D/F fans, just like the majority of D/L fans prefer their ship to, er, make love not war. :devil: :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

kissmesweet said:
I feel the same! Flack just seems to play the hero and that works out fine, especially for Danny in this case. :D

Exactly! Where would Danny be without Flack to rescue him? And I think Flack really likes playing the hero. I think it makes him feel strong and secure to be in charge and rescuing his adorable little Kinkapoodle.

Top: That is true. :) God, on livejournal--there's like a HUUUUUGE ship war between DF and DL, it's insane.

I've seen some (probably not all) of it, and it looks like it's just a handful of people being nasty. I imagine most D/L fans are cool, like the ones that post at this board. There's a few bad eggs elsewhere, like there are in every fandom, but eh.

Elsie said:
Oh, I like the idea of Flack as his knight in shining armour, riding in to save his kinkapoodle. But seriously, yeah, Flack is always the dependable one that Danny can rely on for unwavering support and attention (because Danny can be such an attention whore). :D

He really can be. Even if it's emotional drama--like in the diner in "On the Job," Danny knows Flack will be there for him. Flack sure is smitten!

This season I could see Danny maybe going off the rails a bit, being more reckless than usual and possibly becoming a little unreliable. Hopefully he doesn't try and push Flack away, because we know that Flack would always be there to listen to him, to support him and even just be his friend. I hope that's as much as Danny needs to be rescued from this season. But hey, if that means they need to talk it out in a bar, maybe play a couple of games of pool, have a couple of drinks, I'll be very supportive of that. :p

I could see Danny being reckless and getting himself into a bad situation. We sure know who would be there to save him! ;)

And I would love more pool scenes like the one in "...Comes Around." That was totally a gift from the writers.

Nah, I'm pretty sure that the majority of D/F fans, just like the majority of D/L fans prefer their ship to, er, make love not war. :devil: :D

Exactly. It's important to remember that most folks are cool--it's just a few unfortunately vocal bad eggs that stand out.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

If there's a war, I'm afraid the D/F fans are being horribly lazy about amassing an army. I think we're all chilling in the barracks, reading porn. :lol:

But seriously, I don't see it as a war--it's a few people in disagreement, and I've already taken myself out of that situation. If everybody would do the same, and agree to live and let live, we'll be fine. There's no need to fight--why in the hell would we want to fight with D/L shippers anyway? I'm slightly amused that it's considered D/L vs. D/F in the first place--what are we even fighting over? :p

Anyway, back to D/F. :)

Flack is always there to rescue his Danny-in-distress, and I'd like to see more of him being there as a friend this season. But more than that, I'd love to see more of the reverse. I want to see Danny 'rescue' Flack in some sense...

Maybe Danny is having all of these issues and self-doubts, and the thing that can really pull him out of it is having to put aside his own shit to be there for Don...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
If there's a war, I'm afraid the D/F fans are being horribly lazy about amassing an army. I think we're all chilling in the barracks, reading porn. :lol:

READ: We have our priorities straight. :lol: Seriously, is there anything more assinine than being at "war" with someone on the internet? :lol:

Pass the porn, please. :devil:

But seriously, I don't see it as a war--it's a few people in disagreement, and I've already taken myself out of that situation. If everybody would do the same, and agree to live and let live, we'll be fine. There's no need to fight--why in the hell would we want to fight with D/L shippers anyway? I'm slightly amused that it's considered D/L vs. D/F in the first place--what are we even fighting over? :p

Again, I think it's a few silly and spiteful people who thankfully don't post here. It's not the majority of shippers, and they're not worth anyone's time. There's no "D/L vs. D/F."

Now, if Lindsay and Flack want to fight over Danny, I'll watch. :lol: You know Danny would love that. He's a vain little Kinkapoodle. He'd sit on the sidelines and preen, content to be the prize for the victor.

I have to say, I found the dynamic in the finale between Flack and Lindsay very interesting. It was clear they were both worrying about the same person, but they weren't really connecting or supporting each other. Like I said...verrrry interesting dynamic. I'd love to see that played up more.

Anyway, back to D/F. :)

Flack is always there to rescue his Danny-in-distress, and I'd like to see more of him being there as a friend this season. But more than that, I'd love to see more of the reverse. I want to see Danny 'rescue' Flack in some sense...

I see it happening more with the science, kind of like in the scenario you laid out several posts back. Flack is the brawn of the pair, but Danny is definitely the brains, or the intellectual. I think while Flack physically can save Danny, Danny could help Flack out of a scientific conundrum.

Maybe Danny is having all of these issues and self-doubts, and the thing that can really pull him out of it is having to put aside his own shit to be there for Don...

But would Don ever let him? I notice Flack always kind of puts up this tough guy front around Danny. Like in "...Comes Around," Flack didn't commiserate with Danny over his concerns, he eased them. Does Flack never have doubts about the job or what he does? Was he not frustrated about being in the middle of a very political situation? He could have confided in Danny about that, but instead his concern was with easing Danny's fears and doubts. I think a big part of Flack's confidence is tied up in being the strong one in their relationship, the together one, the tough one. I think Flack looks at Danny as someone who's needy and weaker or more vulnerable than himself. He's always there for Danny, but he never confides in Danny--maybe he thinks Danny couldn't handle it. What do you guys make of that?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I think Flack looks at Danny as someone who's needy and weaker or more vulnerable than himself. He's always there for Danny, but he never confides in Danny--maybe he thinks Danny couldn't handle it. What do you guys make of that?
I think that Flack is just like me somehow in a way that he doesn't really confides in someone until he really is ready to. He has all that about his dad (TPTB should explore that by the way. :rolleyes:) and maybe he just is waiting for the right moment to let Danny know all of that. I think that Flack is pretty damn selfless right now as he knows that Danny is quite a vulnerable person and Flack is helping Danny first--if that makes any sense at all.

But I would for once like to see Flack in trouble (about his job or his life in general) and I would for him to confide and talk to Danny about his feelings towards what he's going through.

Again, I think it's a few silly and spiteful people who thankfully don't post here. It's not the majority of shippers, and they're not worth anyone's time. There's no "D/L vs. D/F."
I agree. Some people are just completely heartless and they don't even know what on earth they are saying!

And some pictures from Love Run Cold, because that was the episode I first started shipping! :D


"Ya like that?"
"Yeah." :devil:

:eek: I noticed how naughty and dirty it sounded when I first watched the episode! :D :devil: :lol:
Then I started looking out for moments of DF and I just love them now!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
If there's a war, I'm afraid the D/F fans are being horribly lazy about amassing an army. I think we're all chilling in the barracks, reading porn.

Damn straight! Wait, did I say straight? :cool:

Faylinn said:
Flack is always there to rescue his Danny-in-distress, and I'd like to see more of him being there as a friend this season. But more than that, I'd love to see more of the reverse. I want to see Danny 'rescue' Flack in some sense...

Maybe Danny is having all of these issues and self-doubts, and the thing that can really pull him out of it is having to put aside his own shit to be there for Don...

Agreed. We've talked before about the seeming lack of reciprocity between these two. I do agree with Top that Flack is usually the stable, centred one in their relationship. Danny is such an emotional creature. He needs a lot of maintenance :grin:

But everyone has something that just gets under their skin. Maybe Flack's father starts giving him grief over recent events. Family issues are something Danny would understand all too well. But it would be nice to see Danny be the supportive one for a change.
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