Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^ he chose to spend it with the love of his life, Carmine. That is true love in its finest. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

*cough*They are so holding hands behind that big cup. ;) *cough* :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
*cough*They are so holding hands behind that big cup. ;) *cough* :devil:

I can think of something else :devil:

Cordy said:
Danny is Flack's Dirty Little Secret.

haha, thats true!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Carmine says, "Flack is pretty cute" and I find our thread on the second page??? :p What's with that??? ;)

I loved his answer! Come on Flack, make your move... ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
Carmine says, "Flack is pretty cute" and I find our thread on the second page??? :p What's with that??? ;)

I loved his answer! Come on Flack, make your move... ;) :devil:

Sorry, babe, I was too busy squeeing over the interview and drawing Danny/Flack pr0n. ;) :devil:

But OMG, hands down, the BEST INTERVIEW EVAAAAAAAAAH! :D My heart is still squeeing over that statement. Awwww, isn't Carmine sweet? I want to hug him (as well as do some ... other things :devil:) I bet Eddie would be preening with joy upon finding out about that! And of course Flack is cute! He is, like, the Cute of Cuteness, but with a Major Dash of Hotness. :lol:

And hey! What about that statement about 'Danny looking elsewhere'?! :eek:

*psst* Hey Danny, why not look for a ... cute option? ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
And hey! What about that statement about 'Danny looking elsewhere'?! :eek:

*psst* Hey Danny, why not look for a ... cute option? ;)

:lol: Now that would be something! It's their destiny to be together, if Danny's going to look elsewhere then it should at least be with the man of his dreams. :D

These two are just so in love...

I still adore the way Flack stares at him, it's so, er, cute! ;)

Flack probably likes being called that, but I can see him being all, "You calling me cute? I'll show you cute" before dragging Danny towards the bedroom and showing him his more masculine side. :devil: :p

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The


Oh my God... I just read what Carmine said... He's such a sweetheart! He said: "Flack is pretty cute sometimes!" Ahhh, I just want to hug Carmine for being so damn adorable!

To be honest though, it kind of bugged me that there were so many questions about D/L...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^Well, D/L was the main focus of Danny's character at the end of the third season, and it's popular with the fanbase, so I'd expect a lot of questions about it. Not my cup of tea, but that's how it works sometimes. ;) He had interesting insight either way.

Lovely interview, though, Kristine. :D

The line about Flack being 'cute' was hilarious--Carmine is so funny sometimes. I had to put it in my signature. :lol: It doesn't take much for us, does it? We're easily amused, I think. :p

Kimmy, what is this about drawing D/F pr0n??? :devil:

So, now that we're getting ready for the first spoilers of the season for NY (any day now, hopefully *crosses fingers*)--what would you guys like to see with these two?

Me, I'd love to see more of them being there for each other. I want to see Danny be a good friend for a change, and I'd love to see more of them interacting outside of a work setting--like at the bar playing pool in episode 23. I'd love to see them playing basketball, or maybe Danny helping Flack out with the YMCA kids. :)

I think they could tie some of the cases in with the characters, and Flack's YMCA group would be an interesting way to do it (although hopefully not with anybody getting hurt--maybe one of the kids sees something and calls Flack to tell him about it). I also think it could be cool if they had Danny and Flack playing basketball and something happened nearby. Then they could be witnesses (a la Mac at the diner in "What You See is What You See") and help the rest of the team solve the case. :)

What about y'all? ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Kimmy, what is this about drawing D/F pr0n??? :devil:

Dude, I am always churning out D/F pr0n. :lol: :devil: ;)

So, now that we're getting ready for the first spoilers of the season for NY (any day now, hopefully *crosses fingers*)--what would you guys like to see with these two?

Alright, this is gonna be based on his interview and a whole lotta D/F shippiness. :devil:

After reading Carmine's answers about what will happen to D/L ... I can totally see Flack jumping into the scene and snapping Danny away from She-who-isn't-what-he-thought-she-was. :lol: Maybe it'll take place in a such a way that Flack and Lindsay are paired up for an investigation, and things just boil to the point that Flack has to say what's been on his mind all this time.

"Monroe, I do not like the way you've been treatin' Messer lately."

You know Lindsay's gonna whine to Danny about it, and he's gonna be so tired of listening to her whine about herself what a martyr she is and say, "Ya know, he's right, you've been treatin' me like a dog from the start. What's up with that, huh?"


Ladies and gentlemen, that was the sound of a crash and buuuurn. (I would rather this happened than Danny cheating. It'll be more honest and direct and much more like the Danny of before; straightforward, unafraid to stand up for himself, the guy who still had self-respect, damnit! And cheating =/= Danny. Unless it's with Flack, I can close an eye at that. :devil:)

And yes, I can definitely see Danny turning to Flack for advice or just good ol' support too. It's interesting that Carmine talked about Flack in such a way that Flack is older than Danny. So, I guess our assumption that the writers are going along with the actors' ages for the characters is incorrect, eh? I dunno about you guys, but the fact that Flack is older than Danny puts a somewhat new spin on their relationship. Or rather, I think we just got a nice confirmation that Flack truly is ... the top man. :devil:

Oh, and I love the basketball idea, Fay. It'd be awesome to see Danny helping Flack out with the YMCA. They'll be playing with kids! :D I hope either Danny or Flack gets the cuddle a baby some time.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Now that is more like it, ladies! :D

I'm glad you guys liked the interview. :cool: Yeah, Flack is pretty darn cute, isn't he? Especially when he's got that lovesick, smitten look on his face when he looks at Danny.

I'm not a fan of Danny cheating, I'll say that flat out. I don't want to see Danny go there because I don't think that's who he is.

However, I would love to see Flack and Lindsay get into it over how she treats Danny. If she continues to not treat Danny well, I could easily see Flack stepping in and having a word with her or Danny. Or both. Flack does not like to see his Kinkapoodle mistreated--or with someone else. ;)

Carmine talked about Flack and Danny as peers, so they're around the same age, but I've always seen Flack as just a little bit older than Danny, even though Eddie is younger than Carmine. Flack does come across and just more mature.

Oh, and Flack is definitely the top man. ;) :devil:

Kimmy!!! I want to see this D/F pr0n!!! You know the address of my PM box... ;) :D One of your drawings is actually one of my fav depictions of Danny and Flack--Flack is passionately kissing Danny, who is wearing nothing but a black tank top...sexxxxxxy. It gives me shivers (in a good way)!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I don't want Danny to cheat, period. Break up, make a mutual decision, whatever--no cheating. I'm not convinced by everything Carmine said re: Danny as a character with regards to playing the "punching bag," but I've already mentioned that elsewhere. Anyway, moving on...

I'm just sick of networks always going with the default option. It's boring. Oh look, the 'bad boy' and the 'country girl'--surely they are meant to be. Blah blah blah, SEEN IT! I was thinking about "Torchwood" today (thank God for Captain Jack Harkness)--I thought about the writers pursuing a relationship between Jack and Gwen (just thinking, not based on information or spoilers or anything, for those of you who know what I'm talking about), the new girl who is probably extra-special...my first thought was honestly: "fuck, that would be boring."

Hence my love for D/F--it might not be realistic on American tv right now, but I'll be damned if it's not a hell of a lot more intriguing to me. And hence my love for fandom like this--people who see something that I see and can enjoy it just for what it is. :)

(Damn, I'm so random... :rolleyes:)

Kimmy, share the pr0nz, plz. :D The picture Top mentions is hot, and we demand more from you. :lol:

We need to see more of Flack with the YMCA kids--a kid coming to him for help would be nice no matter what the story is. Flack needs some development and the mention of the YMCA group was a tidbit that is in need of more screentime. Maybe he goes to Danny to ask for some help with something scientific about what the kid tells him--asks him about something, explains something and sees what Danny thinks. Either in a professional or personal capacity, I'd love to see Flack approach Danny with the problem and for Danny to help.

Win-win situation, friendship, a bit of development--sounds good to me.

And we could write the man sexxing to go with it ourselves. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top: I was on Livejournal and it pissed me off that people were all "IT'S BIASED! IT'S BIASED! THE INTERVIEWER SUCKS AND HATES DL." You know what I said?
I said "Screw off. If you hate TALK, then stay away from it. Also I know Top41 and even though she isn't a D/L shipper, she's anything but biased."

I hope either Danny or Flack gets the cuddle a baby some time.
Awwwww, Kimmy! That is SO adorable! I would LOVE for that to happen! :D I can totally imagine Danny trying to change the baby's diapers while the baby cries and Flack walks in all TALL (Because you know, he IS tall! :lol:) and then shakes his head. "Watch and learn, Messer." Then Flack changes the diapers quickly and smirks... How cute would that be?!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
I don't want Danny to cheat, period. Break up, make a mutual decision, whatever--no cheating. I'm not convinced by everything Carmine said re: Danny as a character with regards to playing the "punching bag," but I've already mentioned that elsewhere. Anyway, moving on...

I'd much rather see Danny break it off because he realizes he deserves better, deserves to be treated better. And we know exactly who treats Danny like a prince... ;)

I'm just sick of networks always going with the default option. It's boring. Oh look, the 'bad boy' and the 'country girl'--surely they are meant to be. Blah blah blah, SEEN IT! I was thinking about "Torchwood" today (thank God for Captain Jack Harkness)--I thought about the writers pursuing a relationship between Jack and Gwen (just thinking, not based on information or spoilers or anything, for those of you who know what I'm talking about), the new girl who is probably extra-special...my first thought was honestly: "fuck, that would be boring."

Interesting how British TV is miles ahead of us in that. Someday we'll catch up--I have hope! I'm all for going where the chemistry is--whether that's between two guys, two girls, a guy and a girl...I don't care, just go where it makes sense.

Hence my love for D/F--it might not be realistic on American tv right now, but I'll be damned if it's not a hell of a lot more intriguing to me. And hence my love for fandom like this--people who see something that I see and can enjoy it just for what it is. :)

Agreed! :D CSI fandom rocks. :cool:

We need to see more of Flack with the YMCA kids--a kid coming to him for help would be nice no matter what the story is. Flack needs some development and the mention of the YMCA group was a tidbit that is in need of more screentime. Maybe he goes to Danny to ask for some help with something scientific about what the kid tells him--asks him about something, explains something and sees what Danny thinks. Either in a professional or personal capacity, I'd love to see Flack approach Danny with the problem and for Danny to help.

I love that idea, and it would fit in perfectly with the show and with their characters. I just don't see Flack ever getting weepy and turning to Danny--for one, he's not the weepy type, and two, I think the only thing that could get him weepy would be something bad happening to Danny. And even then, I just don't think Flack is the waterworks type.

But needing help with a scientific question or something like that? Danny's his man for that (and many other things :devil: ;) ). That's a great way we could see that Danny helps Flack out too and things aren't quite as one-sided as they seem.

And we could write the man sexxing to go with it ourselves. ;)

Oh yes! You know Danny would have to be wined and dined after that. And then Flack might make a little dessert...on his Kinkapoodle. :devil: ;)

kissmesweet said:
Top: I was on Livejournal and it pissed me off that people were all "IT'S BIASED! IT'S BIASED! THE INTERVIEWER SUCKS AND HATES DL." You know what I said?
I said "Screw off. If you hate TALK, then stay away from it. Also I know Top41 and even though she isn't a D/L shipper, she's anything but biased."

Thanks for sticking up for me. :cool: I've seen some of that stuff, and well, all I can say is if I was as bad as all that, I probably wouldn't still be getting interviews. ;)

I hope either Danny or Flack gets the cuddle a baby some time.
Awwwww, Kimmy! That is SO adorable! I would LOVE for that to happen! :D I can totally imagine Danny trying to change the baby's diapers while the baby cries and Flack walks in all TALL (Because you know, he IS tall! :lol:) and then shakes his head. "Watch and learn, Messer." Then Flack changes the diapers quickly and smirks... How cute would that be?!


That would be adorable! But you know Flack would pay for showing Danny up. Danny would just bat his eyes and say, "Well, when we have kids, I guess we know who's going to be on diaper duty!" And poor Flack's face would fall... :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

:lol: You guys are all horn dogs! Well, you guys know where to look should I post them D/F drawings. :devil: Top41, I'll be PMing ya, since ya're not on LJ. ;)

The baby thing is just something I think would be so sweet for either Danny or Flack. For some reason, I see Danny as the one who's adept at handling a baby. I kinda remember Flack holding that baby in that deaf family episode for about 5 seconds, and he didn't look like he quite knew how to carry one. :lol: Then again, it was a tense situation. Perhaps he's more affectionate when there's no hostage situation going on.

And this is slightly OT, but I'd just like either to cuddle a baby like Stella did in On the Job because, hey, Nick and Warrick on CSI:LV already did the baby cuddling thing! Gosh, their scenes with babies were so sweet, especially Warrick in season three. :)

Top41 said:
And even then, I just don't think Flack is the waterworks type.

Yeah. Unless Danny leaves him. Danny is Flack's Achilles heel ... let's hope no baddies ever figure that out! :eek:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
he deserves better, deserves to be treated better. And we know exactly who treats Danny like a prince...
Of course! The same one who is always there when Danny needs him, who sticks up for him, who never lets him down. Danny was alone and doubting himself in "On the Job"--Flack came to the diner. Danny was upset about Louie in "RSRD"--Flack stayed with him. Danny was having doubts about himself, Mac, and his job in "Comes Around"--Flack came to the bar. We may not have seen much to indicate that Danny is the best friend out there, but we have no shortage of proof that Flack has never mistreated Danny. :)

I love this quote that Carmine said in the interview about his relationship with Flack: "So that's how we look at each other, two different ends of a style, of a person in one sense, but both admire the other." I had to put it in my signature--with the one about Flack being pretty cute, of course. *cough*

But needing help with a scientific question or something like that? Danny's his man for that (and many other things ). That's a great way we could see that Danny helps Flack out too and things aren't quite as one-sided as they seem.
Exactly. Danny needs a lot of emotional support, which Flack doesn't seem to need as much. For him to go to Danny with something like that would show that he trusts Danny and that he knows Danny is there for him. Maybe he's worried the kid will be in trouble and he wants proof before he does anything--I'd love to see that, him asking Danny to do it off the books. (He asked Stella to do the notebook analysis off the books in "The Fall", so it wouldn't be unprecedented. ;))

Kimmychu said:
You guys are all horn dogs! Well, you guys know where to look should I post them D/F drawings.
Guilty as charged. :devil: I'll be watching for that, darling. :D

especially Warrick in season three.
OMG, was that the scene where the baby put his/her little hands on the sides of his face? *ovaries squeal* That was adorable!

*cough* Yeah, back to D/F. :D

The baby thing is just something I think would be so sweet for either Danny or Flack.
It would be! Flack could be bouncing the baby awkwardly and then she would spit up on him. Danny would just coo at the baby and take her while Flack wiped the spit-up off of his tie. :lol:
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