Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Now you guys have made me want to rewatch BST! :D I love that episode. Like others have said, that was the episode that sold me on the D/F love. Before BST, I thought Danny's little basketball comment to Flack in "Blink" was innocent. I'm sure I assumed hoops would be all Flack would be "shooting" that Saturday. :devil: ;)

But BST...man, what an episode. I don't think Flack takes his eyes off Danny for the entire time they're in that apartment the first time. And I love how when they're questioning a freakin' former beauty queen, Flack's still watching Danny! :lol: Yeah, the object of Flack's affection was very obvious in that episode...and has been ever since. ;)

1CSIMfan, I'm with you...I see Danny as the one who cooks more often. I have a feeling Flack's steak was cooked on a George Foreman grill...or by his Kinkapoodle. I can see Flack whipping up the occasional breakfast in bed...when he wants to get laid. Or eat a meal off of Danny. :devil: ;)

I do love that little reference to Flack going home and having a steak and watching Letterman. I bet he watches Letterman every night with Danny asleep in his arms, Danny's head on his chest.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

There's no doubt that BST was the ultimate Danny/Flack episode. Although I would love it, I don't see how they could ever top that unless they would actually move forward with Danny/Flack on the show. The former beauty queen was very attractive but Flack didn't notice. Danny didn't react either and at one point, he was watching Flack.

I've never seen Flack show any interest at all in anybody except Danny and like Danny, I'm sure Flack could have any girl he wanted. He never mentions women and he never looks at them. Even the female CSIs in People With Money didn't really hold his attention. Sure he got phone numbers and talked to them but he was talking about his injury. He certainly didn't see it as flirting and when Lindsay kept bugging him about getting the phone numbers, you could tell that she was getting on his nerves. I'm thinking he was afraid she might innocently mention it to Danny and then Flack would be paying for that. I don't think his kinkapoodle would be to thrilled to know that Flack got the phone numbers of three females. I bet he threw them away as quick as he could.

You're so right Top41, I too had visions of a George Foreman grill when Flack mentioned cooking up a nice steak. I also agree that Danny is curled up in Flack's arms asleep while Flack watches Letterman. Danny can't go crawl into bed without Flack.

I have a questions that I've been wondering about and I don't think it's been asked recently. Since we don't know when Danny and Flack's birthdays are, I've been going with the actor's birthdates which means that Danny's birthday will be coming up in a couple months. What do you think Flack will be planning for Danny's birthday? Also, when Flack's birthday comes around, what do you think Danny will be planning?

Now with all the Danny/Flack talk, I must post some pictures.


Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

1CSIMfan said:
Sure he got phone numbers and talked to them but he was talking about his injury. He certainly didn't see it as flirting and when Lindsay kept bugging him about getting the phone numbers, you could tell that she was getting on his nerves. I'm thinking he was afraid she might innocently mention it to Danny and then Flack would be paying for that. I don't think his kinkapoodle would be to thrilled to know that Flack got the phone numbers of three females. I bet he threw them away as quick as he could.

It is interesting that the show never followed up on the phone numbers for Flack. I guess with the other relationships already going on, they couldn't squeeze in another one. But what's even more interesting is ... if I remember correctly, Flack never specified whether the numbers were from women or men. :devil:

I have a questions that I've been wondering about and I don't think it's been asked recently. Since we don't know when Danny and Flack's birthdays are, I've been going with the actor's birthdates which means that Danny's birthday will be coming up in a couple months. What do you think Flack will be planning for Danny's birthday? Also, when Flack's birthday comes around, what do you think Danny will be planning?

Biiiiiiiiiirthdaaaaaaaays! :D Hmm, we know for sure that Danny is older than 30, thanks to that walrus video scene. Flack, on the other hand, remains a mystery. If we were to follow the actors' birthday, Danny would be older than Flack by a number of years. *shrugs* Age difference doesn't matter to me. It's the heart that counts.

As for what Flack will do for Danny's birthday ... I can so see Flack taking Danny to a ballgame. :lol: Have a nice meal at a good Italian restaurant. And then, @#$% the heck out of Danny until the morning, when they @#$% some more. :devil: ;) Danny planning something for Flack? Yeah, I think they'll just @#$% 24 hours straight the instant it's Flack's birthday and see how long their sex marathon can last.

... my goodness, look at Flack's expression. Have you ever seen him so besotted?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^Kimmy, you called it!!! Besotted is exactly the word I'd use to describe Flack's expression in that cap, and his behavior towards Danny in general. The guy is just so obviously in love.

For goodness sake, TPTB, let the man have a taste of Kinkapoodle already!!!!!

1CSIMfan said:
There's no doubt that BST was the ultimate Danny/Flack episode. Although I would love it, I don't see how they could ever top that unless they would actually move forward with Danny/Flack on the show. The former beauty queen was very attractive but Flack didn't notice. Danny didn't react either and at one point, he was watching Flack.

It was adorable. Flack only had eyes for his Kinkapoodle, and Danny snuck a few shy glances in as well. Danny's so coy, while Flack is just so obvious.

I've never seen Flack show any interest at all in anybody except Danny and like Danny, I'm sure Flack could have any girl he wanted. He never mentions women and he never looks at them.

Yeah. Obviously Danny is a more complicated issue (unfortunately :p ) but Flack? I think his interest is pretty apparent. Flack's desires begin and end with Danny.

Even the female CSIs in People With Money didn't really hold his attention. Sure he got phone numbers and talked to them but he was talking about his injury. He certainly didn't see it as flirting and when Lindsay kept bugging him about getting the phone numbers, you could tell that she was getting on his nerves. I'm thinking he was afraid she might innocently mention it to Danny and then Flack would be paying for that. I don't think his kinkapoodle would be to thrilled to know that Flack got the phone numbers of three females. I bet he threw them away as quick as he could.

I think you're exactly right. I mean, seriously, why wouldn't Flack brag to Lindsay that he got three phone numbers...unless there was a certain sexy man he didn't want to know about said numbers. ;)

You're so right Top41, I too had visions of a George Foreman grill when Flack mentioned cooking up a nice steak.

Flack is so a George Foreman guy. :lol:

I also agree that Danny is curled up in Flack's arms asleep while Flack watches Letterman. Danny can't go crawl into bed without Flack.

Isn't that the most adorable image! Danny sleeping peacefully on Flack's chest while Flack chuckles at Letterman? You know at the commercial breaks he just watches his beautiful Kinkapoodle sleep.

I have a questions that I've been wondering about and I don't think it's been asked recently. Since we don't know when Danny and Flack's birthdays are, I've been going with the actor's birthdates which means that Danny's birthday will be coming up in a couple months. What do you think Flack will be planning for Danny's birthday? Also, when Flack's birthday comes around, what do you think Danny will be planning?

I think Flack would totally take Danny to a baseball game, and then when they got home...he'd take Danny. :devil: As for Danny, I think maybe hockey (if Flack shares Eddie's interest in it) or a basketball game. Or maybe Danny would just take Flack to Sullivan's, rent the bar out, and do a strip tease on the pool table for the horny detective. :devil: ;)

Now with all the Danny/Flack talk, I must post some pictures.

Besotted really is the perfect word for Flack's expression/attitude. Seriously, Danny's just taking pictures and Flack is looking at him like he's the most adorable thing Flack has ever seen.

Flack's totally ordering Danny around here--and his Kinkapoodle is listening obediently. Danny knows when his man means business.

OMG--check out the MATCHING JACKETS!!! Could these two be more obvious??? I think not... ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^ Awwww, that's so cute! :) I love the matching jackets. They make me so happy! :D
... my goodness, look at Flack's expression. Have you ever seen him so besotted?
Ahhh, that is so true! All of the caps that 1CSIM posted are all of Flack STARING at Danny! :lol: How adorable!

You guys all love BST, but I personally loved On the Job, because it showed us how much they care and look out for one another!
I also love Cold Reveal where the guys play pool and talk about doing what they do in general. Showed how much they really love one another! :D :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

As for Danny, I think maybe hockey (if Flack shares Eddie's interest in it) or a basketball game.
I'm pretty sure Flack shares Eddie's interest in hockey. I can't remember which episode it was (something I watched recently...Consequences maybe? :confused:) but Flack mentioned the Rangers.
Or maybe Danny would just take Flack to Sullivan's, rent the bar out, and do a strip tease on the pool table for the horny detective.
Danny would love Flack stripping for him and only him. :p
You guys all love BST, but I personally loved On the Job, because it showed us how much they care and look out for one another!
Funny you should mention On the Job. I almost posted a picture from that episode. I think I'll post it now and if I can find another picture of Danny staring at Flack, I'll post it too.

It's so sweet how Flack protects his man. :devil:

Here's one of Danny staring at Flack. I think they're both staring at each other though.

Do Danny and Flack even know Lindsay is there? Seriously, Lindsay does have a low cut shirt on. You'd think they'd at least look but they don't even notice.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

1CSIMfan said:

:lol: Hands down, one of my favorite screencaps of all time. :lol: I mean, just look at Danny's expression. Now it's his turn to have the besotted face! Biiiiig eyes of luuuuurve only for his Jackhammer. :D

And seriously, it's even better when ya watch the scene on screen. It's literally as if Lindsay's not there at all, even though she's standing right there and looking all pissy that neither guy is paying any attention to her. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

kissmesweet, that's one of my favorite things about this ship: how happy the boys make me! They're so cute and in love--who can resist the happy? :D

Kimmy, I love Danny's expression in that pic! He's all like, "Take me now, Flack!" He looks so cute and sweet and very in love. :D

1CSIMfan said:
Or maybe Danny would just take Flack to Sullivan's, rent the bar out, and do a strip tease on the pool table for the horny detective.
Danny would love Flack stripping for him and only him. :p

I was thinking Danny would do the striptease, if it's Flack's birthday and all. What better birthday gift for Flack than a naked, sexy Danny?

It's so sweet how Flack protects his man. :devil:

I loved that scene! Seriously, Flack was on that guy in a flash. You'd think the guy was about to try to rape Danny or something the way Flack shoved him away. All he was doing was talking some smack, but Flack wasn't having any of it. No one upsets his baby!

Here's one of Danny staring at Flack. I think they're both staring at each other though.

Danny looked insanely sexy in this scene! Flack was just beaming at him.

I love this pic. It so suggestive. Danny's expression suggests Flack has just asked to steal a kiss at the crime scene, or told Danny he wants to do something really, really dirty to him. :devil: Danny looks all coy and reluctant, but you know he's just making Flack work for it. Look at the way his lips are pursed. He's totally going to let Flack steal that kiss, or take him in that fancy pool. ;) :devil:

Do Danny and Flack even know Lindsay is there? Seriously, Lindsay does have a low cut shirt on. You'd think they'd at least look but they don't even notice.

Heh, can't say I blame them. Lindsay's scrunched up face or Don's open and loving one? Come on, Danny--not a tough choice. :lol: I do love how they're gazing at each other as if she's not even there. Good thing Lindsay is short. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Awwww, so it was stated that the phone numbers were from female CSIs or something? Would have been much more intriguing if the genders hadn't been mentioned. :devil: C'mon! Flack is hot. I'd be amazed if he wasn't hit on by people of all genders. :lol:

Top41 said:

I loved that scene! Seriously, Flack was on that guy in a flash. You'd think the guy was about to try to rape Danny or something the way Flack shoved him away. All he was doing was talking some smack, but Flack wasn't having any of it. No one upsets his baby!

Yeah, what surprised me was how fast Flack was on that other cop. That really left an impression on me. I think the guy didn't even get more than a few words out before Flack was there shoving him (literally!) away and telling the guy off for mouthing at Danny. As far as I can remember, Flack has never done that for anybody else on the show. ;) What does that say, eh? :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Flack shoved that guy hard and he practically yelled at him. He was not happy with him at all. He might not have been able to defend Danny when it came to Gerrard but he sure as hell could defend him to a uniform. Isn't Flack ranked higher?

I can't remember the exact words from People With Money without watching it again (I think I'll do that) so, here's the conversation:

Flack's talking to three female CSIs when Stella walks up.

Stella: Flack (she motions for him)
Flack: Hey (looks at women and says "excuse me")
Stella: Impressing your fans with your battle wounds?
Flack: They were concerned about my recovery. I was just putting them at ease.
Stella: Aah. I got it.

They continue talking until they reach the dead body and then Lindsay grills him about how many phone numbers he got and he finally says "three". I could be wrong but it looks like he got the numbers from those women because Lindsay saw him talking to them too.

He's gonna have one grumpy kinkapoodle when Danny finds out he was getting phone numbers. :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^Poor Flack probably spent the night on the couch! :( You know Lindsay was asking him on purpose, and she sure was pushy about it. No love lost between Flack and Lindsay. They both want the Kinkapoodle.

Kimmychu said:
Yeah, what surprised me was how fast Flack was on that other cop. That really left an impression on me. I think the guy didn't even get more than a few words out before Flack was there shoving him (literally!) away and telling the guy off for mouthing at Danny. As far as I can remember, Flack has never done that for anybody else on the show. ;) What does that say, eh? :D

It says that Flack is head over heels in love with Danny. Seriously, the man shoves cops for Danny, he rushes to be by Danny's side when Danny is upset, he stands guard over Danny when Danny is in danger and he rushes to Danny's rescue when Danny is in danger. What more can Flack do to prove his undying affection for his sexy baby? Seriously, the man is whipped. Despite the fact that they're good buddies, I don't think he'd shove anyone for Stella. Certainly not for Mac.

But for Danny...? Is there anything Flack wouldn't do for Danny? The man is smitten!

BTW, I love Danny's stance in that pic where Flack is pushing the cop. It so says, "My boyfriend is gonna kick your ass!" :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^Poor Flack probably spent the night on the couch! You know Lindsay was asking him on purpose, and she sure was pushy about it. No love lost between Flack and Lindsay. They both want the Kinkapoodle.

Heh, and she was probably straight on to Danny afterwards all coy and commenting on how great it was that Flack was back and picking up where he left off with the flirting and the phone numbers. I can see her accidentally on purpose dropping him in it!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

He's gonna have one grumpy kinkapoodle when Danny finds out he was getting phone numbers.
Oh, I bet that Flack was just getting those numbers, either to throw Stella and Lindsay off! :D
Danny is Flack's Dirty Little Secret. :devil: :lol:
Do Danny and Flack even know Lindsay is there? Seriously, Lindsay does have a low cut shirt on. You'd think they'd at least look but they don't even notice.
rofl. It's hilarious that Flack & Danny are so engrossed and besotted :lol: by each other, that they don't even notice her at all! :p

Funny you should mention On the Job. I almost posted a picture from that episode. I think I'll post it now and if I can find another picture of Danny staring at Flack, I'll post it too.
YAY! Thanks; I personally LOVE those pictures! :D Thanks, Kim.

Top: Yep! This ship really does make me happy. :) I love the stares, the dirty lines... (eg. "You like that?" :devil:)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

My favorite line was from Hung Out to Dry when Danny and Flack were chasing Shane Casey down the fire escape. When Shane decided to jump to the other side, Danny told Flack: Keep going down Flack. I can so hear Danny saying that when Flack's taking care of business for his kinkapoodle. Oh and then when they were chasing Shane down the alley, Flack was ahead of Danny and Danny said: I'm right behind you Flack. Danny was just full of dirty little quotes that day. :p Me thinks Danny hadn't been getting much of Flack lately probably because of their schedules.

If nobody knew about Danny and Flack, I could see Flack playing it up and getting those numbers just so nobody would suspect. But I can't see how nobody would notice Flack's smitten. He's not exactly subtle when he stares at Danny.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Ya know, I've been re-reading some of the actors' interviews lately. I was rather surprised to read they didn't hang out during off-work hours (well, I think you can guess whose interview I read that from, since we know there are a couple who do ;)). Yeah, they do have to see each other's faces for 12-14 hours a day, so I tell ya, if some of them still wanna spend time together outside of filming ... ya know they really love each other. ;) :D

Which brings me to this picture once more:


Eddie's pretty much the biggest celebrity Rangers fan, isn't he? I mean, how many people would wear a hockey jersey over a pricey suit just to say hello to a gigantic hunk a' metal? :lol: (No offense to anyone else who's in love with the Stanley Cup too, I call it that with the greatest of affection. ;))

So Eddie's the biggest celebrity Rangers fan ever, and he finally got to see and touch the Stanley Cup for himself ... and look who he decided to share the experience with. :) Mr. Can-you-imagine-me-driving-to-yoga-on-my-Harley! Awwww. So sweet. (And I mean it in the most innocent, non-pervy way. Seriously!)
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