Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^ That's actually what pulled me into D/F... The eye sex. :devil: God, they're always staring at each other like that! :D I want my own Flackie to stare at ME like that!

Haha, yes.. Go Team Flack!

so mealtimes at the Messer/Flack residence would be very fun I think.
:) I do too! They look like fun people... :) Without sound dirty, I kind of want to join them! :D Flack looks like he makes a mean egg benedict!

Lynny: Yes! It's me. :) I know everything! ;) I'm totally with you: D/F are just pure hotness...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^It is all about the eye sex! :D :devil: I think I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was a wee bit jealous of Danny--the way Flack looks at him gives me shivers (the good kind). That intense "I must have you now" look Flack is always throwing Danny's way is insanely hot.

Kimmychu said:
GAH, ANOTHER PWP PLOT BUUUUUUUUUUNNY. :eek: Man, Danny in nothing but a tie? :devil: HOT. :devil: That is so good, I am jotting it down. It's so perfect for the boys. Not only is it another great explanation for why Flack's ties at work are so awful, now we know who's been stealing them and what he's been using them for all this time! :lol: Nothing but an oversized buttoned shirt works very well too. Sexah. Indeedy, we D/F gals think alike. ;)

We do! :D And really, thinking about it that way, Flack's horrendous ties are totally understandable. I mean, would he rather wear his nice ties to work, or come home and find them on Danny--with nothing else. Or would he rather use them to bind his feisty little Kinkapoodle to the bed? I think both of those options beat wearing the good ties to work. At least we know they're being put to good use. :lol:


This picture (like all the other awesome D/F pics) is priceless! Flack's expression is literally saying, "Ooohhh, yeah, Danny, do ya feel me eye-f**kin' you, hmmm? Yeah, babe, 'cause I'm strippin' that coat off you, and then I'm gonna take off that shirt and bend you over in front of the computer and ..." :devil: :lol: ;)

That is totally what Flack's thinking! And, um, where's his hand? :eek: :devil: ;) Another great thing about the pic is how innocent Danny looks. He's all about his work, concentrating intently...completely unaware that Flack is about to rip his clothing off and bend him over the table. :devil: ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
That is totally what Flack's thinking! And, um, where's his hand? :eek: :devil: ;) Another great thing about the pic is how innocent Danny looks. He's all about his work, concentrating intently...completely unaware that Flack is about to rip his clothing off and bend him over the table. :devil: ;) :devil:

Where's Flack's hand? Well, I think we can consult Mr. Konfucius on this matter. He says, "Man with hand in pocket, plays with balls." :devil: :lol:

Heheheh, based on what we've seen of Danny's response to porn (him picking up videos to look at the covers, him watching that video of the weathergirl, etc.), I'd say he's a dirty-minded, naughty boy who knows exactly what Flack is doing at that moment. :devil: He's just playing pretend so Flack will try harder in his kinka-poodle chase. :lol:

They are so conveniently standing behind the computer table, aren't they? ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Another great thing about the pic is how innocent Danny looks. He's all about his work, concentrating intently...completely unaware that Flack is about to rip his clothing off and bend him over the table.
:lol: Yes, Danny is always playing the innocent guy... but we know that's not true once they enter the bedroom and the lights go down! :devil:

Heheh, Kimmychu's avatar is a great example of how innocent Danny acts. He's trying to play hard to get! :p He doesn't need to though; Flack's only got eyes for HIM!

Ahhh, I wonder what happened after the ending of Snow Day... Maybe Flack really cooked the bacon & eggs and everything for Poor Danny, just to cheer him up!
(Although we all know a better way for Flack to cheer Danny up... :devil: :lol: hint hint)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I am totally inspired to post pictures now. In regards to our current discussions ...


Danny: Hey, you're not s'pposed to be wearin' that tie! That tie's for - *notices Stella is there* Uh, for ... Halloween. Yeah.


Danny: Don, quit lookin' at yer notebook and look at my arms - uh, I mean, me!


I think we shall let Danny's expression speak for itself. His eyes are always so big around Flack. :lol: What's that about dilated pupils and sexual arousal again? :devil:


Danny: Don ... is this a brochure for a holiday resort in the Netherlands?
Flack: Uh huh.
Danny: You booked us a holiday there?
Flack: Uh huh.
Danny: Not that I'm complainin', but ... why?
Flack: Netherlands, Danny. You're a CSI, smart boy. You'll figure it out.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

LOL, it's true--Danny looks innocent, but he certainly does seem to know exactly what turns Flack on and just how to keep Flack's attention. Danny is nothing if not a consumate tease. ;) :devil:

Kimmychu said:
I am totally inspired to post pictures now. In regards to our current discussions ...


Danny: Hey, you're not s'pposed to be wearin' that tie! That tie's for - *notices Stella is there* Uh, for ... Halloween. Yeah.


Danny: Don, quit lookin' at yer notebook and look at my arms - uh, I mean, me!

:lol: Danny gets huffy if Flack's attention is anywhere but on him. Sulky, spoiled Kinkapoodle! :p


I think we shall let Danny's expression speak for itself. His eyes are always so big around Flack. :lol: What's that about dilated pupils and sexual arousal again? :devil:

Danny does get the big eyes around Flack, doesn't he? He also looks at Flack with such complete and total trust. In that pic above, he's like 2 seconds away from saying, "Don, stop talking about the case and just take me now!"


Danny: Don ... is this a brochure for a holiday resort in the Netherlands?
Flack: Uh huh.
Danny: You booked us a holiday there?
Flack: Uh huh.
Danny: Not that I'm complainin', but ... why?
Flack: Netherlands, Danny. You're a CSI, smart boy. You'll figure it out.

Awww...Flack taking Danny on a vacation. And I love what you've titled this pic--df-marry. Flack does look like he's on the verge of dropping to one knee and asking Danny to be his Kinkapoodle forever more. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Somehow I don't see Flack being the 'dropping to one knee' type...I see him more as the 'grab Danny and toss him over his shoulder' type!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^ Heheh, so do I! :) I see Flack grabbing Danny. Who can resist Messer? :devil:

Kimmychu: I loved all of your captions! The reference to Flack's fugly tie was great and I loved the bit about the holiday! It's so sweet!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

And now, for more pictures! Here's one of my favorite scenes from Blood, Sweat & Tears. In fact, it's the one that made me realize just how much Danny has Flack wrapped around his pinky. :lol: ;) Or rather, how amusing and endearing their interaction is. :) Flack seriously stares (and I mean, stares) at Danny throughout the episode, and Danny is incredibly calm and smiley too. (Gosh, I miss Danny in suits. He looked so damn hot in them.)


So, here's Danny looking down a garbage chute with Flack looking on from behind him. (Anybody else thinking what I'm thinking? :devil:) That blur right above Danny's head is a bag of trash falling down from above, after getting chucked into the chute by some other resident of the building. (Not deliberately. What idiot deliberately throws trash at a cutie pie like Danny Messer? Well ... hmmm, unless Flack decides to have some random trash throwing fight in their kitchen. Or something. :p)


Danny manages to avoid it in the nick of time, but he's not looking too happy about it. He's got that, "WTF? That was so friggin' embarassin'! And right in front of Flack too!" look. :lol:


Flack, the silly boy, thinks it's quite amusing that Danny almost got clonked on the head by a bag of trash, and shows it on his face ...


But, of course, he quickly returns to his poker face when Danny shows him what he thinks of Flack's amusement. :lol: :D


Annnnd when Flack sincerely promises Danny he'll go to the upper floors and tell the residents to not chuck any more rubbish ... well, Danny shows his real feelings about Flack. Awww, the Kinka-poodle can't stay mad at his Jackhammer for long. ;) :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^ :lol: I loved that scene! Flack sure stopped laughing in a hurry when Danny turned around and gave him the sulky Kinkapoodle evil eye. I love how quickly Flack stopped laughing, like he knew he'd damn well better not laugh if he wanted to get any sex at all that night. :lol:

Did Flack really tell Danny he was going to go upstairs and tell the residents to stop throwing trash down? :eek: I forgot that part!!! Dude, could Flack be any more whipped??? He's going to go from apartment to apartment telling people not to toss their trash down the chute just so Danny doesn't get hit in the head with trash while looking for evidence???

Flack, man, you're a goner. Seriously. You said it, Kimmy--Danny has Flack wrapped around his little pinky. Flack even looks smitten when he's laughing! :lol: Good think he came up with the line about talking to the residents--Danny looked most displeased when he caught Flack laughing. :lol: But I think the Jackhammer managed to save himself a long, cold night on the couch, exiled from Kinkapoodle heaven, with that line. Flack is mighty quick on his feet. ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I think his line was something about 'posting uniforms' on the other floors--ooh, good one, Flackie, show Danny that you're in charge. :devil:

Seriously, I adore their interaction in that episode. I especially love Flack's staring--it's really obvious when Danny tells him that the shower curtain is missing...and the ever-observant detective doesn't even bother to look over and see for himself. :lol: I was hoping they'd both try to squeeze through the door at the same time and end up stuck--with Flack pushing Danny back against the door facing and making out with him, of course. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Whoops, yeah, I think Fay's right. :D I'm kinda remembering something about 'posting uniforms' too ... and you know what that means, right? It means Flack is SO wrapped around Danny's pinky that he even orders his men around to appease the Kinka-poodle! :lol: :lol: :lol: That's hilarious! And so sweet. Awwwwwwww. (Well, maybe those cops being ordered to tell people not to throw trash won't feel the same, but what the hey. :p)

Top41 said:
Flack even looks smitten when he's laughing!

*scrolls up to look at screencap* Why, you're right! :eek: Bwahahahah, his expression seems to be, "D'awwww, my Danny-baby almost got hit by a bag of trash." :lol: I bet Flack thinks everything about Danny is adorable. Uh ... except maybe when Danny throws him out of bed and makes him sleep on the couch. :p Once again, I remember why Blood, Sweat & Tears was the episode that turned me into the true blue Danny/Flack fan that I am today. :D

Faylinn said:
I especially love Flack's staring--it's really obvious when Danny tells him that the shower curtain is missing...and the ever-observant detective doesn't even bother to look over and see for himself. :lol: I was hoping they'd both try to squeeze through the door at the same time and end up stuck--with Flack pushing Danny back against the door facing and making out with him, of course. :D

OMG, I so want to watch BS&T now. Yeah, I loved the shower curtain bit! All Flack stared at all day was Danny. :lol: The part where Danny walks up to the bathroom door and Flack's behind him? Flack was definitely checking Danny out, from head to toe even!

And damnit, you just gave me another PWP. Now I'm stuck with all these porny plots and I still gotta finish this angst fest of a story first!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I was hoping they'd both try to squeeze through the door at the same time and end up stuck--with Flack pushing Danny back against the door facing and making out with him, of course.
Oh, Fay: I BET that actually happened, but TPTB was to mean to show it to us! :devil: They want to keep us waiting and anticipating!

Thanks Kimmy for the scene! It sort of cracked me up! :lol: But we can see through Danny's poker face: he wants Flack! :devil: Right there and then. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Wow...I haven't posted in here in ages. :(

Kimmy, I will be in Danny/Flack heaven if you ever get all the PWP fics you've been suggesting. BST was on Spike last Tuesday night. I watched it again and how much more obvious could Flack have been? :p

Fay's right, Flack did tell Danny he'd post uniforms on the other floors. Flack does not want a pouty kinkapoodle because a pouty kinkapoodle means no nookie for Flack and a night on the couch.

I know everybody sees Flack as the one who cooks but other than making the steak he talked about, I see Danny as being more domestic. I see Danny doing the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning...stuff like that and Flack being the rather sloppy one. I see Flack leaving clothes in the floor, dishes in the sink, and bath towels in the floor with Danny going behind him picking everything up and fussing at him.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

1CSIMfan said:
Kimmy, I will be in Danny/Flack heaven if you ever get all the PWP fics you've been suggesting.

After Roses and Thorns ... I might lump all the PWP ideas into one story. :devil: Mega-porny PWP! :devil:

I know everybody sees Flack as the one who cooks but other than making the steak he talked about, I see Danny as being more domestic. I see Danny doing the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning...stuff like that and Flack being the rather sloppy one. I see Flack leaving clothes in the floor, dishes in the sink, and bath towels in the floor with Danny going behind him picking everything up and fussing at him.

:lol: Ya know, it does make sense since Danny's the detail-obsessive CSI who has to be very careful with evidence and processing and such. And it's also yet another explanation why Flack always wears such mismatched clothes to work. He can never find the right combinations in time because his cupboard's a disorganized mess! :lol: :p

And speaking of food, can you guys imagine Danny and Flack doing that Lady in the Tramp scene? Ya know, the one where they're eating a giant plate of spaghetti and meatballs, and they end up eating the same strand of spaghetti that gets them kissing at the end? :D Bwahaah, I think that's funny!
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