Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
(Argh! This is the third time I've had to type this post out--it's getting shorter and shorter each time. :mad:)

Y'all are so wicked to poor Danny! :lol: Flack doesn't have to be, ah, giganormous to get the job done. ;) "It's not the size of the boat" and all that. :p

:lol: Well, he doesn't have to be, but I think Flack's pretty large. I bet he's hung like a horse. :devil: :lol: Have you seen the Danny waddle??? Trust me, Flack's packing. :lol:

I'd love it if Stella offered to join the guys sometime. :devil: Even if they passed in the end, you know they'd think about it--who wouldn't? I know I'd think about it! :lol: I wonder if she'd be joking or if she'd be serious about it? :devil:

Flack would be utterly shocked, get into a staring contest with her to see if she's serious and when she stared him down he'd say, "I don't share. Ever." And Stella would totally crack up.

kissmesweet said:
^^ Hey there! Thanks for the warm welcome! :D I'm glad that I'm in the right place. I got pulled into the D/F fandom after rewatching On the Job and seeing the chemistry there! :D This is actually the first CSI slash couple I ship. (I used to ship Alex/Marissa on the OC.)

I liked Alex and Marissa on The OC, too! But yeah, this is really the first slash couple I've ever shipped. I've never really seen much slash before beyond the "haha" innuendo stuff, but there's definite, actual heat between Danny and Flack. I think it's in the way Flack stares at Danny and Danny responds to the attention. Their bodies really say a lot without the boys having to verbalize (though they do sometimes... ;) ).

I sure hope so! Another moment of the sobfest that is D/L, I'm going to blow my brains out. :lol: Whereas D/F doesn't have that effect on me! :D

I think that's because Flack's so damn cool. Who can not root for the guy?

Haha, Kitson should! I'll grab a Team Flack shirt for sure. :)

I really want a Team Flack shirt!!!!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
Flack would be utterly shocked, get into a staring contest with her to see if she's serious and when she stared him down he'd say, "I don't share. Ever." And Stella would totally crack up.

:lol: That sure sounds like them! But ... what if the Kinka-poodle wants some Stella action added to the mix? :eek: Can the Jackhammer deny him?! :eek:

And hello, kissmesweet! I must admit I was surprised to see you posting here. :lol: Great to have newcomers to the beloved ship! Please to be abandoning all innocence and prim thoughts at the door, though. There are no such things here. :devil:

So! The opinion so far is that Flack is packing a huge package. ;) Perhaps the reason why Flack is always calm and collected is because he doesn't need anybody else to ... service him. If ya know what I mean. :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

*waves to kissmesweet* Welcome to the insanity! You couldn't have joined at a better time.

Who knows, maybe he has said that to Stella before, just for shock value. Do you think she'd believe it instantly, or think Flack was just joking with her? Flack is the King of Snark and Poker Faces.

Stella's a smart lady. I doubt she would be surprised by the revelation. She'd probably just laugh and offer her padded handcuffs as an alternative.

Please to be abandoning all innocence and prim thoughts at the door, though. There are no such things here.

What? Do you mean to say that discussions about bondage and the size of Flack's, um, equipment aren't highbrow? *Is confused*

The Danny Waddle!!! :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Welcome kissmesweet.

Faylinn said:
Flack doesn't have to be, ah, giganormous to get the job done. ;) "It's not the size of the boat" and all that. :p

I agree with you Fay although I think he's definately bigger than average. ;) Yeah, I'm not sure that Flack's quite as big as some of us think. Although I think that'll be the rumour around the lab, probably started by a certain teasing kinkapoodle one day ... :lol:

As for the 'Messer waddle', well these two can't keep their eyes off each other, but having to remain professional at work everyday will inevitably lead to there being two very horny guys when they finally get back to the bedroom. :devil: And I'm sure Flack's enthusiasm is usually matched by Danny's. :D

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
:lol: That sure sounds like them! But ... what if the Kinka-poodle wants some Stella action added to the mix? :eek: Can the Jackhammer deny him?! :eek:

I don't think there's much Flack would or could deny Danny, but a threesome might be his limit. :lol: I doubt Flack would even so much as take Danny to a cuddle party! Other people's hands on Flack's Kinkapoodle=Angry Flack.

So! The opinion so far is that Flack is packing a huge package. ;) Perhaps the reason why Flack is always calm and collected is because he doesn't need anybody else to ... service him. If ya know what I mean. :devil: :lol:

Flack just has a confidence to him that just suggests he's large and in charge. :lol:

Elsie said:
As for the 'Messer waddle', well these two can't keep their eyes off each other, but having to remain professional at work everyday will inevitably lead to there being two very horny guys when they finally get back to the bedroom. :devil: And I'm sure Flack's enthusiasm is usually matched by Danny's. :D


I'm sure Danny is every bit as enthusiastic (does anyone else here think Danny would just be noisy as all hell???), but no doubt he blames his waddle on Flack.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
I don't think there's much Flack would or could deny Danny, but a threesome might be his limit. :lol: I doubt Flack would even so much as take Danny to a cuddle party! Other people's hands on Flack's Kinkapoodle=Angry Flack.

*gasp* Cuddle paaaaaaaaaaaarty! :lol:

Danny: I don't cuddle.

Yeeeeah, riiight, Danny.

Oh. You mean you don't cuddle except with Flack. Of course, of course. :D

Hmmm. Do you think Flack might be tolerant of a personal cuddle party at Danny's apartment? As in ... just him, Danny, Stella, Hawkes ... Adam ... Mac - :p Okay, ya know what, I just can't see Mac in a cuddle pile. He'd probably be stiff as a board. And not in the nice, sproing! way either.

Say, do you think they wear each other's shoes? I've been told that it's not necessarily true that taller people will automatically have very big feet too. And who do you think cooks breakfast in the morning? :devil: Somehow, I just don't see Danny doing the cooking. Flack probably serves him and dotes him like a mother hen!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Their bodies really say a lot without the boys having to verbalize (though they do sometimes... ).
I like that about them too. :) D/F are not IN YOUR FACE or anything like that. They have easy, natural chemistry. ;)
I think that's because Flack's so damn cool. Who can not root for the guy?
That's true. Flack is too awesome of a guy for us to not root for him. He's kind of... like the Anti-Lindsay. He's calm, he's collected. He's strong and isn't a whiner or mean. Ahhh, I love Flack. :D

Penguinpie, Elsie: Thanks for the welcome! I love it here already. :D
Kimmychu: Thanks for the welcome as well! Yes (I'm surprised to see myself here too!) :D
But I just can't stay away from the D/F action. :devil:

As in ... just him, Danny, Stella, Hawkes ... Adam ... Mac - Okay, ya know what, I just can't see Mac in a cuddle pile. He'd probably be stiff as a board. And not in the nice, sproing! way either.
Haha, that comment just made my day. :) I definitely can't see Mac in a cuddle pile! I can imagine him frozen while everyone's cuddling. :lol:
Somehow, I just don't see Danny doing the cooking.
I have an image of Flack with an apron in the morning, making scrambled eggs and frying bacon or something. I can imagine Danny staring at Flack while he drinks his milk and waits for the breakfast to be cooked. :)

Oh and just because I'm bored and for pleasure:


Lynny: Where art thou?!?!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
does anyone else here think Danny would just be noisy as all hell???

Oh yeah, definately. :devil: And when they are both in a vocal mood, you'd better hope there are thick walls between them and the other apartments. :lol:

Kimmychu said:
Do you think Flack might be tolerant of a personal cuddle party at Danny's apartment? As in ... just him, Danny, Stella, Hawkes ... Adam ... Mac

*gasp* Now there's a cuddle party I'd like an invite to. :D But I think maybe Flack might entertain the idea for a couple of minutes, more fantasy than the reality of course, I think his kinkapoodle would quickly dismiss those ideas. Danny only cuddles Flack, and both of them are way too jealous to deal with all those other hands and bodies between them. :lol:

And who do you think cooks breakfast in the morning? Somehow, I just don't see Danny doing the cooking. Flack probably serves him and dotes him like a mother hen!

As kissmesweet has already suggested, Flack would look so right cooking up some scrambled eggs and frying some bacon whilst Danny would look on and watch him work. :lol: Flack loves to dote on his man, and I'm sure both of them love to eat, so mealtimes at the Messer/Flack residence would be very fun I think. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I definitely think Flack makes Danny breakfast in the morning. Breakfast in bed, probably. That way, when Danny is finished, he can thank Flack for making him breakfast the way Flack likes to be thanked. ;) :devil:

I'm with Elsie--Flack would contemplate the cuddle party idea for a few minutes and then he'd think about other people's hands on his Kinkapoodle and it would be a big fat NO WAY. :lol:

Oooh, Kimmy, the musing about the shoes brings a whole new meaning to that scene in the beginning of Necrophilia Americana! After Danny says "nice suit" to Flack, Flack responds with "nice shoes." Wouldn't it be cute if Danny was wearing Flack's shoes??? I could see Danny doing that. I bet he wears Flack's t-shirts to bed...well, if he wears anything at all to bed. :devil: ;)

kissmesweet, I love that t-shirt! I want one!!! :D Go TEAM FLACK!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
I definitely think Flack makes Danny breakfast in the morning. Breakfast in bed, probably. That way, when Danny is finished, he can thank Flack for making him breakfast the way Flack likes to be thanked. ;) :devil:

Oooh, Kimmy, the musing about the shoes brings a whole new meaning to that scene in the beginning of Necrophilia Americana! After Danny says "nice suit" to Flack, Flack responds with "nice shoes." Wouldn't it be cute if Danny was wearing Flack's shoes??? I could see Danny doing that. I bet he wears Flack's t-shirts to bed...well, if he wears anything at all to bed. :devil: ;)

... GRYAAAAAAAHHHH. Do you realize you've just put at least two new PWP plots into my head?! :p :lol: Man, I've always thought it's incredibly sexy for one partner to wearing the other's t-shirt. :devil: And Danny wearing Flack's t-shirts ... *mwaaar* Yes, I am sure Flack agrees that that's hot too!

Breakfast in bed, eh? I wonder what Pancakes-on-Danny taste like. ;) Maybe they sleep on leather because they make such a mess after every, uhm, session that they can't be bothered to clean sheets anymore, bwahahah!

About the shoes ... Yeeeees! It never occurred to me that might be what Flack was hinting at! Imagine the implications of Flack pointing out that Danny's looking hot because the guy's wearing his shoes! :lol:

And hey, Danny used to wear suits, right? I kinda remember the only time he had a tie on was in that crossover with CSI:Miami. Ya think maybe Danny stole all of Flack's nice ties at the time? (That would, uh, pretty much mean they've been an item even before CSI:NY began!)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Elsie - You stole my shopaholic! :lol: --

Cordy?? Is that really YOU?? *looks around* Wait..How'd you know I was here??

I can't really say this is my first slash ship, since I shipped Brian/Justin..but for CSI, yeah it probably is.. Except I ship Mac out everywhere.. *sighs* But DF catches my attention for the fact that their really great together and HOT :)

You know Kimmy -- Its very possible that Danny's been stealing Flackie's nice ties since the beginning ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:

... GRYAAAAAAAHHHH. Do you realize you've just put at least two new PWP plots into my head?! :p :lol: Man, I've always thought it's incredibly sexy for one partner to wearing the other's t-shirt. :devil: And Danny wearing Flack's t-shirts ... *mwaaar* Yes, I am sure Flack agrees that that's hot too!

Yay for putting PWP ideas in Kimmy's head! :devil: :D And oh hell yes, Danny wearing Flack's clothing is incredibly sexy! Can you imagine Flack coming home from a loooong day of work only to find his sexy Danny in nothing but one of his button down shirts and a tie? Or Danny in just one of his t-shirts? Flack's so much taller than Danny that you know his clothes would be a bit too big for Danny, which would just make the look all the sexier. :devil: Flack would be all over his Kinkapoodle!

Breakfast in bed, eh? I wonder what Pancakes-on-Danny taste like. ;) Maybe they sleep on leather because they make such a mess after every, uhm, session that they can't be bothered to clean sheets anymore, bwahahah!

Pancakes-on-Danny sounds delicious. :devil: I bet Flack licks the syrup out of his belly button. :lol: I can see Flack with a leather couch, but in the bed I imagine he's got to have the finest sheets for his Danny. Which means poor Flack's probably doing laundry all the time. :lol:

About the shoes ... Yeeeees! It never occurred to me that might be what Flack was hinting at! Imagine the implications of Flack pointing out that Danny's looking hot because the guy's wearing his shoes! :lol:

I love that thought. :D I bet Flack was all turned on by seeing his sexy--if somewhat surly (at least that day!) Kinkapoodle wearing his shoes. I can definitely see it. And I think Danny picked out Flack's suit for him (hence his comment). The boys are so cute! :D

And hey, Danny used to wear suits, right? I kinda remember the only time he had a tie on was in that crossover with CSI:Miami. Ya think maybe Danny stole all of Flack's nice ties at the time? (That would, uh, pretty much mean they've been an item even before CSI:NY began!)

Awww, I bet he did. I bet Flack loves to think of Danny wearing his things, and it makes Danny feel sexy to be in some article of clothing belonging to Flack.

Of course, at night when the boys are alone, those clothes come off awfully fast, because there's nothing Flack likes more than a naked Kinkapoodle... :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
Can you imagine Flack coming home from a loooong day of work only to find his sexy Danny in nothing but one of his button down shirts and a tie?

*Imagines* :devil: It's reminding me of the scene in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere gets back to the room to find Julia Roberts sat at the table wearing nothing but a tie. :lol: Flack would love to get back from work to find his kinkapoodle wearing nothing but a tie. :devil: An oversized shirt with only a couple of buttons done up would be seriously hot too. And it would smell just like Flack, which would undoubtedly be sending Danny wild with, er, anticipation or something... :D :p

I bet Flack loves to think of Danny wearing his things

LMAO! I first read that as 'thongs'. Which was wrong, but then made me think...you never know, and the boys will do/wear just about anything for each other. :lol:


Flack Are you wearing my underwear again?
Danny Ya like that, heh?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Elsie said:
*Imagines* :devil: It's reminding me of the scene in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere gets back to the room to find Julia Roberts sat at the table wearing nothing but a tie. :lol: Flack would love to get back from work to find his kinkapoodle wearing nothing but a tie. :devil: An oversized shirt with only a couple of buttons done up would be seriously hot too. And it would smell just like Flack, which would undoubtedly be sending Danny wild with, er, anticipation or something... :D :p

Ooooh, Flack would love that! :D Coming home, seeing his Kinkapoodle all hot and bothered and ready to go wearing practically nothing...Flack's fantasy, perhaps?

One thing I bet he'd definitely find hot would be Danny wearing a lab coat--with absolutely nothing underneath. Danny could unbutton the lab coat and let it fall to the floor--and make Flack a very happy man. ;) :devil:

LMAO! I first read that as 'thongs'. Which was wrong, but then made me think...you never know, and the boys will do/wear just about anything for each other. :lol:


Flack Are you wearing my underwear again?
Danny Ya like that, heh?

:lol: Flack would love that! He really does look like he's thinking about sex in that shot, doesn't he? He, uh, definitely doesn't have the expression of a man who is thinking about lab results and not, say, stripping Danny down and taking him in the lab. :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Elsie said:
It's reminding me of the scene in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere gets back to the room to find Julia Roberts sat at the table wearing nothing but a tie. :lol: Flack would love to get back from work to find his kinkapoodle wearing nothing but a tie. :devil: An oversized shirt with only a couple of buttons done up would be seriously hot too. And it would smell just like Flack, which would undoubtedly be sending Danny wild with, er, anticipation or something... :D :p

GAH, ANOTHER PWP PLOT BUUUUUUUUUUNNY. :eek: Man, Danny in nothing but a tie? :devil: HOT. :devil: That is so good, I am jotting it down. It's so perfect for the boys. Not only is it another great explanation for why Flack's ties at work are so awful, now we know who's been stealing them and what he's been using them for all this time! :lol: Nothing but an oversized buttoned shirt works very well too. Sexah. Indeedy, we D/F gals think alike. ;)


This picture (like all the other awesome D/F pics) is priceless! Flack's expression is literally saying, "Ooohhh, yeah, Danny, do ya feel me eye-f**kin' you, hmmm? Yeah, babe, 'cause I'm strippin' that coat off you, and then I'm gonna take off that shirt and bend you over in front of the computer and ..." :devil: :lol: ;)
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