Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

And Flack's expression in that scene boggles my poor slashy mind. I mean, why would he make a face like this


if he's just impressed with how Danny hassled the guy? *shifty eyes*

Let's have a few more lovely D/F screencaps while I have my Photobucket open, shall we? ;)





Have I mentioned that I love these two? :lol:

I love the idea of Flack sitting down with a nice, juicy steak and turning on the tv--only to have himself distracted by a certain naughty little kinkapoodle. I don't think I have to tell you which one I think Flack would go for first. Hehe. :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

me thinks that Flack would suggest to Danny that he tie him to the bed...then while Danny's all tied up, Flack will finish his steak and then attend to his kinkapoodle!

I mean, I'm sure Flack loves Danny, but he's not gonna let a good meal go to waste...Danny will just be dessert ;-)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^I can totally see Flack tying Danny up. :lol: And maybe he uses some of those fugly ties he has to do it. :devil: :devil: :devil:

I can definitely see Flack being a little...kinky. :devil: I think Danny brings it out in him. :devil:

Kimmychu said:
I love your mind. :devil: :D The Letterman thing with Flack is canon, which just makes it even better! Which makes me wonder ... what does Steak-on-Danny taste like? :lol: Must be one of Flack's secret recipes.

I suspect Flack has enjoyed many a meal--not to mention dessert!--off of Danny's sexy naked body. :devil:

Danny must be the ultimate tease. It's interesting that with all the other characters, he's been written to behave like he doesn't know how attractive he really is ... but with Flack - ;) Boy, Danny literally pulls out all the stops to keep Flack's attention on him, and him alone.

It is funny how innocent Danny can be, but then when Flack is around, suddenly Danny is coy and sexy and suggestive, telling Flack to slide pizza through a hole in the wall :devil: or complimenting Flack's choice of attire. Naughty, wicked little Danny.

Bending over to show off his toosh while he processes crime scenes, for one. :devil:

Oh, Danny just torments Flack with that, doesn't he? :devil: We all know how much Flack likes that ass. We even caught him checking it out in "Hung Out to Dry." ;)

Baiting Flack with sexually charged comments for another. :devil: Please to be branding the following onto your brains, D/F fans:

Danny: Ya like that?
Flack: Yeaaaaah.

There's absolutely no way to explain that scene apart from, "Hot damn, you two guys, why don't you just run back to Flack's car and make sweet smex in there?" :lol:

Yeah, talk about suggestive! The same dialogue would work just as well if Danny was, ahem, servicing the good detective. It sure doesn't take much to impress the usually calm and collected Flack--at least, it doesn't take much if it's Danny doing the impressing. ;) :devil:

Faylinn said:
And Flack's expression in that scene boggles my poor slashy mind. I mean, why would he make a face like this


if he's just impressed with how Danny hassled the guy? *shifty eyes*

Flack looks waaaaay happy in that pic, and waaaaaaaaaaaaay horny. :devil:

Let's have a few more lovely D/F screencaps while I have my Photobucket open, shall we? ;)



Look at the way Flack looks at Danny! Is it just me, or does he always have this expression on his face that says, "Let me just steal one kiss, baby" when he looks at Danny? Of course, we know Flack would want more than that... :devil: ;)



Just look at the way Flack stares at him!!!!!!!! He always seems to have this goofy, smitten look on his face. Flack is so whipped. :lol:

And look at the way Danny gazes up at Flack in those two pics. He just has this trusting expression on his face. He really listens to what Flack says, and just looks at Flack with this sweet expression on his face.

Have I mentioned that I love these two? :lol:

I love the idea of Flack sitting down with a nice, juicy steak and turning on the tv--only to have himself distracted by a certain naughty little kinkapoodle. I don't think I have to tell you which one I think Flack would go for first. Hehe. :devil:

Poor Flack. And then you know Danny would complain at three in the morning when Flack's stomach was growling rather noisily. And when Flack would protest that he *tried* to eat dinner, Danny would pout until Flack reiterated that of course, Danny was better than any steak dinner. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Fay, that screencap of Flack while he says, "Yeaaaah," is priceless! I didn't remember him looking that happy. :lol:

I really like the idea of Flack tying Danny up with his ties. :devil: It might very well explain why Flack has such bad ties for work. He keeps all the best ones for Danny! Danny ain't no frail widdle thing, ya know. He'll need excellent ties to keep him bound up. :p

Top41 said:

... telling Flack to slide pizza through a hole in the wall ...

Dang, I forgot about that! Talk about sexual innuendo right there! :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Fay, that screencap of Flack while he says, "Yeaaaah," is priceless! I didn't remember him looking that happy. :lol:

He definitely wasn't thinking clean thoughts. :lol: :devil:

I really like the idea of Flack tying Danny up with his ties. :devil: It might very well explain why Flack has such bad ties for work. He keeps all the best ones for Danny! Danny ain't no frail widdle thing, ya know. He'll need excellent ties to keep him bound up. :p

Yes, he will. :devil: Not to mention, Danny's probably a little snob about it. I bet he doesn't even let Flack use the fugly ones to tie him up! Only the finest ties for Flack's Kinkapoodle. :lol: Do you think Flack ever uses his handcuffs to restrain Danny? :devil:

Top41 said:

... telling Flack to slide pizza through a hole in the wall ...

Dang, I forgot about that! Talk about sexual innuendo right there! :devil: :lol:

And Flack's response? "That's no way to treat good pizza, Messer" was classic, too. Apparently Flack is careful about where he sticks his...pizza. :lol: And that hole certainly didn't look big enough for him! :eek: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Ceindreadh said:
me thinks that Flack would suggest to Danny that he tie him to the bed...then while Danny's all tied up, Flack will finish his steak and then attend to his kinkapoodle!

I mean, I'm sure Flack loves Danny, but he's not gonna let a good meal go to waste...Danny will just be dessert ;-)

You know it took me a few minutes to realize you actually meant food, and not something else :lol:

Ignore me, I'm crazy.

Can Danny be MY dessert?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Okay, this is gonna be one pervy question, but I have to ask! :devil: :lol: It's for ... research. Yeees, research.

Tell me, oh wise D/F fans.

How long and wide do you think Flack is?

:devil: :devil: :devil:

(Really, I'm curious to know what you guys think. I don't have to specify what I'm asking about, right? :p And if you really wanna know why I'm asking, please to be checking out posts above.)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

:lol: You're such a perv, Kimmy. :lol:

I'd say more than average, but not too much--let's go easy on Danny, you know? :lol:

Top41 said:
Not to mention, Danny's probably a little snob about it. I bet he doesn't even let Flack use the fugly ones to tie him up! Only the finest ties for Flack's Kinkapoodle.
Which would explain why Don only has fugly ties to wear to work. :lol:

(By the way, I added a link to BC back to my signature, in case you missed it. :p)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmy, you crack me up. :lol: :D

I think Flack is packing serious heat. ;) I mean, look at the way Danny waddles. The man can't walk properly. :devil: Flack is one seriously well-endowed man. I imagine the first time Danny saw "the Jackhammer" in person, he was a little intimidated. And a lot sore afterwards. ;)

And Fay, I think you're absolutely right. All of Flack's good ties are used for restraining his Kinkapoodle, so the fugly ones are all he has left to wear to work. After all, it's not like he could show up to a crime scene with a wrinkled tie and explain to Stella when she noticed it that it was what he used to tie Danny to his bed the night before. :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hey guys! I'm a fairly new D/F fan. I'm not fully converted yet though.
*Waves to everyone: Lynny, Top41, Faylinn*
I've always seen something in D/F and the terrible D/L crap just pushed me over the edge--so I'm here now! :lol: The finale got me seriously grossed out...
So hopefully, I'll be here often! :D How's everyone today?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Mwahahahah, I aim to crack. ;) :devil:

Top41 said:
I think Flack is packing serious heat. ;) I mean, look at the way Danny waddles. The man can't walk properly. :devil: Flack is one seriously well-endowed man. I imagine the first time Danny saw "the Jackhammer" in person, he was a little intimidated. And a lot sore afterwards. ;)

:lol: Ahh! I forgot about the waddle! *slaps forehead* How could I forget the Danny Waddle? I guess we can use it to measure how much ... fun Danny and Flack had the night before based on how wide Danny's legs are when he waddles, eh? :devil:

After all, it's not like he could show up to a crime scene with a wrinkled tie and explain to Stella when she noticed it that it was what he used to tie Danny to his bed the night before. :devil: ;)

Who knows, maybe he has said that to Stella before, just for shock value. :lol: Do you think she'd believe it instantly, or think Flack was just joking with her? Flack is the King of Snark and Poker Faces. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Do you think she'd believe it instantly, or think Flack was just joking with her? Flack is the King of Snark and Poker Faces.
Haha. I can imagine her gasping... then laughing. :) I bet she'd be happy though. (Or sad that the hottest men in the department are no longer available!) :lol: rofl

Hey guys, I was wondering if there is a D/F site anywhere? Or a board? (Sorry to be totally clueless!)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

kissmesweet!!!! :D Welcome to the D/F fandom!!! :D Glad to have you here! And yes...there absolutely is a site for the boys: Brokeback Crimelab. The link is in Fay's sig. :D

kissmesweet said:
Hey guys! I'm a fairly new D/F fan. I'm not fully converted yet though.
*Waves to everyone: Lynny, Top41, Faylinn*
I've always seen something in D/F and the terrible D/L crap just pushed me over the edge--so I'm here now! :lol: The finale got me seriously grossed out...
So hopefully, I'll be here often! :D How's everyone today?

I think Danny definitely walked out of the warehouse with the wrong person in the finale, but the show is young yet, and you know the hero/heroine--in this case, our favorite detective, Don Flack--has to watch the one he/she wants walk off with the wrong person at the midway point, only to win his/her true love in the end.

We really should get Kitson to make "Team Flack" and "Team Lindsay" shirts, lol.

Kimmychu said:
:lol: Ahh! I forgot about the waddle! *slaps forehead* How could I forget the Danny Waddle? I guess we can use it to measure how much ... fun Danny and Flack had the night before based on how wide Danny's legs are when he waddles, eh? :devil:

The waddle really says it all. :devil: Sometimes it's not as pronounced, and you know the night before Flack was gentle with his Kinkapoodle. And sometimes, Danny seems barely able to walk normally, so you know the evening before a certain detective got a little--or should I say a lot ;) --enthusiastic.

Who knows, maybe he has said that to Stella before, just for shock value. :lol: Do you think she'd believe it instantly, or think Flack was just joking with her? Flack is the King of Snark and Poker Faces. :D

She might laugh it off, until Danny waddles over to the crime scene and she looks from one guy to the other and realizes, "Oh my...." :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

(Argh! This is the third time I've had to type this post out--it's getting shorter and shorter each time. :mad:)

Y'all are so wicked to poor Danny! :lol: Flack doesn't have to be, ah, giganormous to get the job done. ;) "It's not the size of the boat" and all that. :p

I'd love it if Stella offered to join the guys sometime. :devil: Even if they passed in the end, you know they'd think about it--who wouldn't? I know I'd think about it! :lol: I wonder if she'd be joking or if she'd be serious about it? :devil:

kissmesweet said:
I've always seen something in D/F
Hehe, then you're in the right place. ;)

I was wondering if there is a D/F site anywhere? Or a board?
*points to the "Brokeback Crimelab" link in my signature* :p

ETA: And it took so long that my comment about BC is redundant. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^ Hey there! Thanks for the warm welcome! :D I'm glad that I'm in the right place. I got pulled into the D/F fandom after rewatching On the Job and seeing the chemistry there! :D This is actually the first CSI slash couple I ship. (I used to ship Alex/Marissa on the OC.)
I think Danny definitely walked out of the warehouse with the wrong person in the finale, but the show is young yet, and you know the hero/heroine--in this case, our favorite detective, Don Flack--has to watch the one he/she wants walk off with the wrong person at the midway point, only to win his/her true love in the end.
I sure hope so! Another moment of the sobfest that is D/L, I'm going to blow my brains out. :lol: Whereas D/F doesn't have that effect on me! :D
We really should get Kitson to make "Team Flack" and "Team Lindsay" shirts, lol.
Haha, Kitson should! I'll grab a Team Flack shirt for sure. :)
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