Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Danny and Flack in a movie?? Of course in my favourite all time: Dirty Dancing :lol: :lol:

Just imagine Don with the open shirt of Johny, and Danny with Baby's dress... I think the story suits them, a love born in a time when that kind of relationship is some kind of forbidden. Just change the NYPD for an hotel and then you have the perfect scenario. Also Danny's family against Don because he isn't from the same social status as them...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Damn you, poison_girl, not only are the songs from that movie now stuck in my head, but I'm seeing the pair of them during that final dance sequence--I hope Don doesn't drop Danny like a ton of bricks. :lol:

"No one puts my kinkapoodle in the corner." *dies laughing*

You're wrong for that. Wrongwrongwrong. :lol:

(Shit, for some reason, writing 'wrong' made me think of "To Wong Foo" with Patrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes. *dies*)

Speaking of Patrick Swayze, don't even make me talk about "Ghost." *wibble*

And OMG, why did "Fifth Element" just pop into my head? Danny as Leeloo, yes? :lol: *pictures him in the little outfit made of strips of cloth* :lol: (That is one of my all-time favorite movies, by the way. :D)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything.

OMG, I admit it, I laughed so much while I watched that movie. :lol: Patrick Swayze was great as his character, as well as ... gah, I can't remember the actor's name. He was the one who actually had a young man fall in love with his character. Wesley Snipes' character cracked me up the most.

And geez, thinking about this movie just reminded me about my plot bunny of Danny and Flack going undercover as transvestites in an attempt to catch a serial killer targeting a popular cabaret group of tranvestites. :p I think Flack could look extremely pretty as a woman, what with those big, gorgeous eyes of his. Danny, on the other hand ... hmmmm. Yeah, a lot of waxing is in order for both of them. :lol:

And hey. We've already seen Danny in a red dress before! :p And a blonde wig. And a red lobster suit. And nothing but a surfboard ...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

The images of Danny and Flack in Dirty Dancing are just fabulous! Would love to see them perform the dance routine to I've Had The Time Of My Life like Baby and Johnny do!!
Noi one puts Danny in the corner! xx
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I'm glad you like my idea, but lets go furter...

Imagine the love scene between Danny and Don with the song Cry to me on the background, while they both dance and take off the shirts... I can see it like their first time, slowly and caring, they both discovering new feelings...

That's it, I don't think I can work this evening neither with those images in my head :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

These movie scenarios are great! :lol:

penguinpie said:
Top41 said:
I can't believe I forgot my other (half-joking) argument for Flack on top and Danny on the bottom. Danny still calls him mom "mommy," while Flack arrests people for swearing on their grandmothers. You tell me who the top is there!

:lol: :lol: :lol: That's probably the best argument I've seen so far. I'll bet he was his mother's favourite growing up.

Oh, you just know Danny was a mamma's boy! He probably got totally spoiled by his mother growing up. If it was just him and Louie, that means he was the youngest, so yes, I can definitely see that. :lol:

As for a movie for Danny and Flack: how about "Titanic"? No real reason, I just think it would be hysterically funny. And sex in the backseat of an old car. :p

Oooh, that sex scene would be hot. :devil: And we know Flack would totally do what Jack did and sacrifice himself to save his Danny. I'd be bawling my eyes out, though. :(
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Meh, you people need to post more.

I rewatched "Snow Day" and all I have to say is POOR FLACK!!!! Danny really just needs to give it up for Flack. I mean, seriously. The guy basically swoops in and saves the day and then has to watch his true love get carried off by some plain, dull cowpie from Montana.

POOR FLACK!!! He should have been enjoying the fruits of rescue sex. Danny should have given it up for Flack after Flack basically rescued his ass from those thugs. They were going to kill Danny! What thanks did Flack get??? BLUE BALLS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Not cool, people, not cool at all. Even Dannyknew it was not cool, given his guilt ridden look back at Flack.


That's all I'm saying. If Danny's going to put out on a pool table, it should at least be for the right person. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yeah I can totally see Flack being different in season 4 especially around Danny.
Danny is a big old slut and don't even get me start on the moose from Montana!

Whoever mention Danny and Flack in Ghost! OMG! I would die -that would be so heart wrenching! I'll actually fund the movie if they agree to do it and we can all work on the set!!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

*joins Top41 in the fray*

Top41 said:
I rewatched "Snow Day" and all I have to say is POOR FLACK!!!! Danny really just needs to give it up for Flack. I mean, seriously. The guy basically swoops in and saves the day and then has to watch his true love get carried off by some plain, dull cowpie from Montana.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, honey, I hoped you pressed the fast forward button at the right places. You've gotten yourself all worked up! *pat*

POOR FLACK!!! He should have been enjoying the fruits of rescue sex. Danny should have given it up for Flack after Flack basically rescued his ass from those thugs. They were going to kill Danny! What thanks did Flack get??? BLUE BALLS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Not cool, people, not cool at all. Even Dannyknew it was not cool, given his guilt ridden look back at Flack.

Okay, I confess, I laughed so hard at the mad faces. :lol: Hurray for passionate Top41! We need more Danny/Flack fans like this!!! Uhm, as much as I hate to say it, technically ... there's no such thing as blue balls. :p Girls (and boys), should a guy try to make you have sex with him with the excuse that he has blue balls and he can't make his erection go away without sex, give him a swift kick in the groin.

Now that always works!


That's all I'm saying. If Danny's going to put out on a pool table, it should at least be for the right person. ;)

YES, I SECOND THIS NOTION. :devil: :lol: They've probably done it on Danny's pool table AND the tables at Sullivan's ages ago. Gah, I am being nibbled on by this plot bunny 1csimfan told me once more. Imagine Danny and the cue stick and ... something that resembles ... something between a guy's legs. Yeah.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
Meh, you people need to post more.

I loved reading your post Top, it just sounded so very excited! But, poor Danny had just been through some serious pain, give the man some time to heal! :lol: Flack and his blue balls would just have to entertain themselves for a little while.

Not for long though, because Danny is one randy little kinkapoodle, and he wouldn't be able to resist Flack's charms for long. :devil: If anything, Flack would be the one getting Danny to wait... ;)

Kimmychu said:
should a guy try to make you have sex with him with the excuse that he has blue balls and he can't make his erection go away without sex, give him a swift kick in the groin.

Sound advice from Kimmy. *nods head approvingly*

Yeah, the pool table? Seriously, that has definately seen some hot action! But then, so have the chairs, tables, kitchen, bedroom, couch... you name it, and I bet the boys have christened it! :lol: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^ :lol: I bet they have! :devil:

Kimmychu said:
Okay, I confess, I laughed so hard at the mad faces. :lol: Hurray for passionate Top41! We need more Danny/Flack fans like this!!! Uhm, as much as I hate to say it, technically ... there's no such thing as blue balls. :p Girls (and boys), should a guy try to make you have sex with him with the excuse that he has blue balls and he can't make his erection go away without sex, give him a swift kick in the groin.

OK, well, still--you know Flack has probably pulled the blue balls card on Danny a time or two, because you know Danny is a horrendous little tease. :devil:

YES, I SECOND THIS NOTION. :devil: :lol: They've probably done it on Danny's pool table AND the tables at Sullivan's ages ago. Gah, I am being nibbled on by this plot bunny 1csimfan told me once more. Imagine Danny and the cue stick and ... something that resembles ... something between a guy's legs. Yeah.

Please write this story!!! :devil: And please tell me Flack gets to watch...and then participate. :devil:

Danny really should be giving it up on pool tables for Flack and only Flack. ;) Danny should have left the warehouse with Flack. Poor Don. :(
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^^Yes, please!! Write the story of the loving pool table to eliminate the secenes burned in fire that aired on tv :lol:

And about the blue balls, I think they both are teasers, so lots of times that was one very good reason to start a loving session... :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
OK, well, still--you know Flack has probably pulled the blue balls card on Danny a time or two, because you know Danny is a horrendous little tease. :devil:

Eh? I thought Flack always pulled out his wang because Danny is a horrendous little tease. :devil:

Hmmm, now that I think about it, there is a possibility of real blue balls. Honestly, Danny really shouldn't have tied that leather strap so tight around Flack's - ahem, yeah. :devil:

Please write this story!!! :devil: And please tell me Flack gets to watch...and then participate. :devil:

Mwahahahahah, did you mindmeld with 1csimfan for a while there? :D Of course Flack will be part of the coming. I mean, climax. I mean, procedure. Yes, that's right, procedure.

Oh, and hey, doesn't -> :p remind you of somebody licking a you-know-what?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Eh? I thought Flack always pulled out his wang because Danny is a horrendous little tease. :devil:

Indeed he does! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Danny's probably downright awful. I mean, look at the way he torments Flack on the job--coyly not looking at him, letting Flack get ohsoclose (like Flack really needed to stand practically on top of Danny to see that fingerprint! :devil: ;) ), flirting with him while they investigate scenes. I can only imagine he'd be that much worse in the bedroom. :devil:

I can see it now--Flack settles in to have a beer and watch Letterman and Danny, pouty because Flack is watching TV and not paying attention to him, wanders out of their bedroom wearing nothing at all. Let's just say, I bet Flack never gets to see Letterman's first guest. :lol: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
I can see it now--Flack settles in to have a beer and watch Letterman and Danny, pouty because Flack is watching TV and not paying attention to him, wanders out of their bedroom wearing nothing at all. Let's just say, I bet Flack never gets to see Letterman's first guest. :lol: :devil:

I love your mind. :devil: :D The Letterman thing with Flack is canon, which just makes it even better! Which makes me wonder ... what does Steak-on-Danny taste like? :lol: Must be one of Flack's secret recipes.

Danny must be the ultimate tease. It's interesting that with all the other characters, he's been written to behave like he doesn't know how attractive he really is ... but with Flack - ;) Boy, Danny literally pulls out all the stops to keep Flack's attention on him, and him alone.

Bending over to show off his toosh while he processes crime scenes, for one. :devil: Baiting Flack with sexually charged comments for another. :devil: Please to be branding the following onto your brains, D/F fans:

Danny: Ya like that?
Flack: Yeaaaaah.

There's absolutely no way to explain that scene apart from, "Hot damn, you two guys, why don't you just run back to Flack's car and make sweet smex in there?" :lol:
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