Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

It's a fact that in the show they make Danny appear much more fragile than Flack, being the one whit a darkest past, more difficult to establish a relationship, a closed person, but that is while he is at work, at the lab or an scene.

Flack always looks more composed, ironic, and sometimes cinical, while he is working, but that is because he is working, and he gotta show people around who is in charge and who get the place without the help of his father.

In a relationship, both of them maybe inverse the roles, being Flack the one in need for ccnfort and Danny the one who needs to feel trusted by Flack. Thay both accept their pasts, the bad things and the good ones, and becomes what the other one can't fill himself alone. The roles, about the one in charge and the submisive may change in that relationship, being Danny the one who gives the steps and Flack the one that follows. And I'm with you, Top, trust for them became one of the most valuable thing in their relationship.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Elsie said:

But a human one, Kimmy, really? May I suggest Adam.

Paging Fay, paging Fay! :lol:
:devil: Am I the only one with the mental image of Adam in a collar? *wicked giggle* Oh, that could be fun. :lol:

I can see either of them having been with guys before, but frankly I don't know that they'd both be openly bisexual. I could also easily see neither of them having been with another man. It just depends on the story and how the author sets it up--if it's done well, I'm on board either way. :lol:

Of course, issues about sexuality can become one huge wankfest of a discussion (especially when we get the narrow-minded wankers in the fray), so that's for another place.
Heh, I doubt we've got the narrow-minded wankers in this ship. :lol: Open-minded wankers, maybe... ;) I'm just kidding. :)

The top vs. bottom debate is one that I go back and forth on. Typically, in fanfic, Flack is the top most of the time, and Danny being on top tends to be a rare thing (both in number of stories and in the plot for the stories themselves). I'm fine with this because I don't think it demeans Danny in any way to be the bottom. I don't like when he's feminized so-to-speak, but I don't like drastic changes in their characters to begin with. I don't think it would be out-of-character for Danny to top, either. Like with the 'have they been with other guys' situation, it's down to the author to sell it to me either way. I like the idea of them switching off, but maybe because of their on-screen dynamic and/or the sheer number of fanfics I've read (pretty much every one linked to on the D/F Archive), they might be less likely to do so than other ships. When it comes to D/F I tend to think of Danny as the bottom, but for Danny/Adam, I see Danny as more of the top--although I could easily see them switching off. And while I see Adam as more of the bottom with Danny, when it comes to Hawkes/Adam, I think they're an equal opportunity ship--who tops is just a matter of what's going on. :lol:

Yes, I'm a slash whore, why do you ask? :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:

I think they work together so well because they need each other as they are.

And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the main reason why I believe the Danny/Flack ship rocks so hard. :D There is nothing that annoys me about relationships as much as when people claim that relationships automatically change those who are in one. Especially, when that change is to the extreme! A good and long-lasting relationship should never be about changing yourself to fit the other person or vice versa. It's about loving one another for who they are, and sticking together for better or worse. Sure, improvement is always welcome, but never at the cost of trying to conform the other person into what you expect to be.

I think I'm going to quote Carpenters lyrics on this (yes, I know, Carpenters, but it's a relevant song!):

You've got to love me for what I am,
For simply being me,
Don't love me for what you intend,
Or hope that I will be ...
And if you're only using me
To feed your fantasy ...
You're really not in love, so let me go,
I must be free.

Hey, TPTB, are you reading this? :p

penguinpie said:

What does bug me about some slash is when the writer openly feminizes one of the guys, in this case, usually poor Danny. We complain about the "romance" with Lindsay distorting Danny's character, but some slash is guilty of the same sin. Character-driven p0rn is my favourite kind.

Very true, very true. It's not limited to just our fandom, though. I think every fandom in existence has writers who are guilty of over-feminization of one man in a pairing. It definitely applies to yaoi (that's the Japanese version of slash, but mostly about characters from comic books and animated shows), where the men are often depicted as appearing very thin and metrosexual and, well, feminine. :p (And by the way, if I am guilty of the Danny thing, do let me know. OOC-ness bugs me big time.)

poison_girl said:

Thay both accept their pasts, the bad things and the good ones, and becomes what the other one can't fill himself alone. The roles, about the one in charge and the submisive may change in that relationship, being Danny the one who gives the steps and Flack the one that follows. And I'm with you, Top, trust for them became one of the most valuable thing in their relationship.

Love the first line! :D And indeed, trust is right up there with love in what makes a relationship work well and last.

Faylinn said:

Am I the only one with the mental image of Adam in a collar? *wicked giggle* Oh, that could be fun.

Dude, I see the men of CSI:NY in leather collars all the time. :devil: Collars are hot.

Heh, I doubt we've got the narrow-minded wankers in this ship. :lol: Open-minded wankers, maybe... ;)

Well. Even if we wank, we always wank with the only the best toys. (British folk ought to get my drift. ;))

I'm fine with this because I don't think it demeans Danny in any way to be the bottom.

I feel it's just another stereotype about homosexuality that a man instantly becomes 'less' of a man when he becomes the bottom guy in a homosexual relationship. Haven't people ever heard of topping from the bottom before? ;) It's absolutely doable to be the one in control even when the person's the one, uh, getting it. :devil:

And hey, Flack will do anything for Danny. :lol: Just look at the puppy-eyed faces and pouts he aims at Danny! Nobody else has the privilege of seeing them!

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I love that picture, Kimmy! :D He's so adorable when he makes that face. *snorgles him*

Kimmychu said:
There is nothing that annoys me about relationships as much as when people claim that relationships automatically change those who are in one.
Oh, you and me both, sister. :rolleyes: I definitely like that D/F works because the two characters work together without having to alter who they are to make it plausible.

Dude, I see the men of CSI:NY in leather collars all the time. :devil: Collars are hot.
You're such a perv...and this is why I love you. :lol:

By the way, guys, it might interest you to know that the Brokeback Crimelab board has been revamped over the past 24 hours, and there are still a few goodies in store when I can get them finished. ;) Members should check out the new forums and threads, and non-members should become members. Why? Because I said so! Teh Fay has spoken. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
I feel it's just another stereotype about homosexuality that a man instantly becomes 'less' of a man when he becomes the bottom guy in a homosexual relationship. Haven't people ever heard of topping from the bottom before? ;) It's absolutely doable to be the one in control even when the person's the one, uh, getting it. :devil:

And hey, Flack will do anything for Danny. :lol:

And that's exactly how I see them. Flack might be the one on top, but Danny has Flack wrapped around his little finger. Flack adores Danny. I honestly think Flack would pretty much do anything for Danny. He's crazy about him. I don't see Danny as some wimpy little wispy thing who just lays down and passively lets Flack take him; I think Danny is a tease, a flirt and a wicked little siren in bed. I think Danny makes Flack work to get inside ;) and I think he loves seeing just how hard Flack will work for a taste of Kinkapoodle. ;) :devil:

As for Flack--the poor man is whipped. :lol: The way he looks at Danny says it all. I could go through all the examples, but I think we all know them by now. :lol: I don't think Flack being on top is debasing Danny at all. It's just the way they work, IMO.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yeah Flack may like to think he's in control butDanny knows so much better. He goes along with it because hell why wouldn't he.
I could see Danny being quite an animal in the bedroom. Flack I think would be much more caring and gentle whereas Danny would just be wild and passionate. If that makes sense.
They balance each other out and that's what makes the perfect for each other.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Oh, I can definitely see Flack being a tiger in the sack, too. :devil: But I can certainly see him being caring and gentle with Danny, especially because he knows how hard it is for Danny to trust people. I think the wild nights happen when Danny teases Flack and works him up ;) , but I think Flack is the one who would occasionally slow things down and set a gentler pace. He adores his Kinkapoodle, and I think he likes to show Danny in the bedroom that it isn't all about the hot sex. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

My vote is for Flack being the tiger in the sack, he seems to be more of that type then Danny, but who knows Danny might be the surpriser and be the one that goes for it :devil: But still vote for Flackie.

Soft sex - Danny.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Heheheh, I can see both men being freaks in bed. :devil: Flack has shown his ... naughty side once in a while on the show, so, hard-working homicide detective that he is, I'm sure he has to ... release all that pent-up energy inside him somewhere. ;) :lol: And Danny? That jumpy, I-bounce-off-walls-without-caffeine dude? If he and Flack could figure out a way to have no-gravity sex, they totally would do it.

And by the way, it's another common stererotype that just because somebody's had a lot of sexual partners, that they'd be automatically good at sex. *BBPP* Not true. :lol: I dunno why I felt like I should mention that, but I just had to.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

If he and Flack could figure out a way to have no-gravity sex, they totally would do it.
Heh, I am reminded of that AU thing I did with them in teh space stashunz. :lol: I always wanted to do zero-gravity smut for that... :lol:

I definitely think they could both be wild behind closed doors--and I think they could both be quite romantic as well. *wub* I think it would depend on how things went at work, since work seems to be the biggest part of their lives, poor boys. *pat pat*
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Even if we wank, we always wank with the only the best toys.
:eek: *blushes* You're too funny Kimmy. :lol:

Top41 said:
He adores his Kinkapoodle, and I think he likes to show Danny in the bedroom that it isn't all about the hot sex
Yeah, I have no doubt that the boys can be very kinky when they want to be, but it's not all hot sex all the time. I think there are some nights when even these boys are tired from working long, depressing shifts and just want to curl up together and snuggle.

As for the romance, Flack's a romantic at heart, and I'm not sure that Danny would always be that comfortable with it and probably teases him a bit, but deep down he loves all the little things that Flack does to show him how much he loves him. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Heh, I am reminded of that AU thing I did with them in teh space stashunz. :lol: I always wanted to do zero-gravity smut for that... :lol:

And why have you not written anything about that yet? :p *bap*

And Elsie, I knew you'd get the joke. ;) :lol:

Whee, I have another question for all of you: If you could transplant Danny and Flack into any movie you want, which one would it be and why? Doesn't matter what genre it is, though I have a feeling I'm gonna get lotsa romance movies for answers. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Heh, I must be a n00b, because I didn't get the joke about 'wanking with the best toys' until just now. :eek:

And why have you not written anything about that yet?
Honey, there are so many stories I never wrote... :lol:

If the guys were in "Brokeback Mountain," I'd have to demand that they change the ending. *whistles innocently*

I don't really care what movie they'd be in, so long as there is lotsa man-on-man lovin' and they have a happy ending. *is totally not demanding* :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Pretty Woman. Wouldn't Danny just rock those hooker boots? :lol: :devil:

I jest--I don't know. Honestly, I like Danny and Flack so much in the CSI: NY world. I just wish we got to see more of them. I think rather than a movie, I'd give them their own spin-off. Flack would probably want to bring Stella for moral support/advice when Danny got difficult, but otherwise, I think the boys would be just fine on their own. Lots and lots of sex would ensue. :lol:

I can't believe I forgot my other (half-joking) argument for Flack on top and Danny on the bottom. Danny still calls him mom "mommy," while Flack arrests people for swearing on their grandmothers. You tell me who the top is there! :lol: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
I can't believe I forgot my other (half-joking) argument for Flack on top and Danny on the bottom. Danny still calls him mom "mommy," while Flack arrests people for swearing on their grandmothers. You tell me who the top is there!

:lol: :lol: :lol: That's probably the best argument I've seen so far. I'll bet he was his mother's favourite growing up.

As for a movie for Danny and Flack: how about "Titanic"? No real reason, I just think it would be hysterically funny. And sex in the backseat of an old car. :p
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