Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I think Flack is insanely jealous! and i think we've said before Danny is a bit of a tease, so i can just imagine him playing on Don's Jealousy.

I do agree about Flack seems to wrap Danny in cotton wool but i do think that whilst he protects him from the outside world an all its possible low blows (as i think Flack feels Danny has suffered enough) he doesn't protect him from the truth, he'll tell him straight, a bit like "on the job", he upset Danny but he knew that Danny had to hear it, even if at that point he wasn't going to listen. I also think that Flack tries to protect Danny form himself and his insecurities alot.

I just had to spread the Danny/Flack love... - but they way they've edited and cut up scenes means there is one scene that we all know happened, we all know should have been shown in the season 2 finale but wasn't.

edited to remove link to video
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I've seen that video Sa,mmy! You know that's whgat really happened! Is it parts of RS,RD and COTP mixed together!

I agree about the whole Flack thing! I think he protects Danny to the point that he can but only until he has to tell the truth and be honest. On the otherhand I can see Danny being the keeper of secrets and only telling Flack stuff if its essential that he knows. I bet they have such a complex relationship where an argument will take days to blow over just because they two of them are as stubborn as each other.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^ When i found it last night i was like, this is sooo sweet. That reaction doesn't often happen to me. Yeah its bits of COTP and RS,RD. I also love "Chasing Cars" and it was perfect as the tune to play over!!

Yeah but i bet they spend one hell of a time making up! :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

That was actually a different video to the one I was originally thinking of! It was fab and I love how the most meaningful parts and scenes had their voices saying the words. Danny told Flack he loved him! yay!
Chasing Cars is one of my favourite songs ever so it fits perfectly.
I bet they have the best time making up. I can imagine them instigating aruguments just for the make up.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Its all foreplay to those two, whether they are laughing and joking bending over at crime scenes, making one another jealous or winding each other up... its all leading to one thing!! and thats the Danny bending over the bonnet!!

Sorry a little graphic but i reckon those too would happily do it out in the open if the mood took them.

(Apologies for the gutter mindedness of it, but its been one of those days at work!)

Yeah i bet Danny purposely gets bratty just to get the Robospanker... :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Sammy11 said:
I think Flack is insanely jealous! and i think we've said before Danny is a bit of a tease, so i can just imagine him playing on Don's Jealousy.

I do agree about Flack seems to wrap Danny in cotton wool but i do think that whilst he protects him from the outside world an all its possible low blows (as i think Flack feels Danny has suffered enough) he doesn't protect him from the truth, he'll tell him straight, a bit like "on the job", he upset Danny but he knew that Danny had to hear it, even if at that point he wasn't going to listen. I also think that Flack tries to protect Danny form himself and his insecurities alot.

I just had to spread the Danny/Flack love... - but they way they've edited and cut up scenes means there is one scene that we all know happened, we all know should have been shown in the season 2 finale but wasn't.

edited to remove link to video

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos. You can say where they are (YouTube), give search info, etc. but you can't link to them. Only CBS approved videos can be linked to.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah for sure Sammy, Danny plays on Flack's emotions. Just little things! I think he does it to make sure that Flack is watching and his full attention is on him. It's such a complex relationship.
It amazes me that although Danny and Flack have had barely much screen times in the past 3 seasons, we have som much to talk about and discuss. I can't even mention the D/L stuff. It makes my eyes bleed and my head want to explode. That means great acting by Eddie and Carmine.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^^ Oooops sorry. :)

^Yeah its weird... they don't get a lot of screen time together, but what they get is always significant, and all about the subtext :D

I think alot of it does go to Carmine/Eddie, they clearly have great chemistyr on screen and are both good actors (with a good healthy dose of comic ability and timing), plus the pretty looks help! But full credit to them for making the Friend/relationship (that we all see) that is supposed to be there that TPTB occassionally forget about and making it believable.

i just like that he turns up all moody to the crime scene in NA, i wanna know what irked him, but even though he is snappy he still finds time to compliment Donny! Aaaw! I heroes when him and flack are dicussing the Marines clothing and he finds the Lima bean, and Flack tells him it might be a major break in the case, Danny's face is so cute. I always feel that Don is breaking him out of his pain of Aiden in that scene and i'm glad they gave those two that.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah it's also the scene in Heroes when Danny explains he was meant to be having dinner with Adien that weekend. Flack lets him get his grief out but also knows how to sidetrack him back onto the case. I also love how when Danny says the toast to Aiden at the end, Flack is looking directly at him like there is no one else in the room.
The NA scene where they compliment each other is awesome. Danny can't stay in a bad mod for long.
The writers may forget that Danny and Flack are friends but long may these threads and the ship continue.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I noticed the other day when i watched heroes (i do watch other things too... sorta) that when Danny and Flack clink bottles they sorta knowingly nod at each other, and they are the last to chink each too. Its kinda sweet and special.

I like that Flack uses the same line that Moran uses on him int hat scene "Woah, they send in the big guns", its like a sign of respect and affection for Flack and to use it on danny, even as a tease is very cute.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Oooh, great topics! Let's see...

Flack protecting Danny--he really is fierce about it, isn't he? I honestly believe Flack would kill for Danny if Danny was ever in danger and the situation required it. But as tough as Flack is, I think Danny's his weak spot a bit--when Jerry was holding Danny hostage in "Trapped," it was Stella who fired at him, not Flack. I think seeing Danny in danger made Flack freeze up. Someone hurting his baby would totally gut Flack. That look he exchanged with Danny in RSRD when he said "We're not going anywhere" said it all.

Flack was just great with Danny in "Heroes." He did let him talk about Aiden, but he also steered him gently back towards the case and helped Danny focus. I think Danny would have resented that from anyone else, but Flack really knows how to handle him. I didn't notice that they were the last to clink glasses at the end, but that's adorable. :D I did notice Flack staring--he always looks at Danny like Danny is the only thing in the room. It's terribly romantic. :D

In NA, I have a theory that Flack had gotten himself in the doghouse somehow. Danny was very out of sorts and sulky, and Flack seemed to be trying to win his way back into Danny's good graces! Which he did, by the end. And Danny certainly seemed impressed when Flack read the suspect the riot act at the end of their case. Methinks the good detective was rewarded with a little Kinkapoodle that evening. ;)

Did Moran say "They sent in the big guns" to Flack? That's funny! Flack did say that to Danny in NA, and then Danny uses that same phrase to Mac and Peyton. That's adorable! Flack picked it up from his mentor and then his Kinkapoodle picked it up from him. :D

As for jealousy, well of course saucy Danny knows Flack is the jealous type and he likes to play on that. Danny likes to be reminded that Flack is totally smitten with him. ;) Poor Don! Danny is pretty high maintenance. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^^ Oooops sorry.
No problem. I loved it, I just had to delete it. It's over on the BC board (click my sig, then click "forums") for anyone interested, at the bottom of the page.
Did Moran say "They sent in the big guns" to Flack?
Yes, he did!! I watched The Fall a couple weeks ago and was like huh?, did Moran just say that?
Poor Don! Danny is pretty high maintenance.
Now that is true love and a lot of patience.
But as tough as Flack is, I think Danny's his weak spot a bit--when Jerry was holding Danny hostage in "Trapped," it was Stella who fired at him, not Flack. I think seeing Danny in danger made Flack freeze up.
Did you also noticed that when they were cuffing Jerry, Flack asked Danny if he was ok. Of course he was looking at Danny the entire time too. Poor Flack, after Danny being stuck in there all day, he has to get there to see Jerry holding a gun to Danny.
That look he exchanged with Danny in RSRD when he said "We're not going anywhere" said it all.
Did anyone else notice this: When Flack said "we're not going anywhere" after that it sounded like he said "I promise". I noticed it on the YouTube video I have to remove. I played it back a couple times and that's what it sounds like he's saying. I also loved that Danny kept his eyes on Flack almost the entire time, even though Mac and Lindsay were there.
I noticed the other day when i watched heroes (i do watch other things too... sorta) that when Danny and Flack clink bottles they sorta knowingly nod at each other, and they are the last to chink each too. Its kinda sweet and special.
I also noticed they were the only two with bottles. I love how they made a point to clink their bottles together. It was so sweet.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Aww I love me some Flack and Danny.
I agree on the Trapped thing! Flack kinda freezes when he sees Danny in that situation and if you look at his face he's stuck between fear and shock. His asking of if Danny is OK after is filled with love.

I never noticed that in Heroes but it makes sense. Those two were the only ones with bottles and I bet they both spent alot of time with Aiden outside of work.

I think the biggest moment when Flacks goes out on a limb is in On The Job. Flack's place is to protect the cops but when one badmouths Danny he is all up in thier face, leaving Mac standing on the spot. That should of been Mac's priority not Flack's. I think Danny needed someone on his side at that moment and that's probably why he called Flack later in the episode! He knew Flack was there and believed his story.

Someone mentioned the I promise thing in RS,RD. I swear I heard that too. I wasn't sure if I had heard it or it was just wishful thinking. At least I'm not going mad!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

^I love how Flack jumped to Danny's defense in "On the Job." Flack is absolutely Danny's white knight and the person he turns to (and who is always there for him) when he's in distress.

1CSIMfan said:
Did you also noticed that when they were cuffing Jerry, Flack asked Danny if he was ok. Of course he was looking at Danny the entire time too. Poor Flack, after Danny being stuck in there all day, he has to get there to see Jerry holding a gun to Danny.

I did notice that! Poor Flack, when Danny got home that night I bet he was all out of sorts. Trapped in a panic room, taken hostage, meeting up with his brother who he wasn't on great terms with--Flack probably got one emotional, upset Kinkapoodle that night. Good thing we know Flack knows exactly how to handle Danny when he's in that state. ;)

Did anyone else notice this: When Flack said "we're not going anywhere" after that it sounded like he said "I promise". I noticed it on the YouTube video I have to remove. I played it back a couple times and that's what it sounds like he's saying. I also loved that Danny kept his eyes on Flack almost the entire time, even though Mac and Lindsay were there.

Oooh, I'm going to have to go back and listen for the "I promise." That's pretty damn romantic, and that scene was already swoon-worthy. I might have to rewatch it this weekend! :D I did notice Danny met Flack's eyes and held his gaze the entire time--that was so romantic. That scene is hard evidence of how much these two care about each other.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I love how Danny never breaks Flack's gaze either! That scene and especially that look spoke volumes. I did re watch the scene and it does sound like Flack said I promise! even if he didn't, he did in my head!
So we have Sweet Sixteen in the UK tomorrow, hopefully some Danny/Flack interaction!!
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