Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Why do you say that about Mac?? I dunno I just get the feeling that it's just father/son! I haven't really looked into it that much!

I did too, but then i started looking at things. I think Danny looks up to Mac a lot and i occassionally got the feeling that a lil crush may be developing nothing like unrequited love but just a little hero worship almost, like when he is talkign to Aiden about gettign the nod. Yes it could be perfectly innocent but i think there is more to it. In terms of mac, Danny is the lovable pain in the butt! why hire someone people have warned you against, its because you see something in them. Granted Danny has never called into question the integrity of the Lab but he has put himself and others in danger, gone against macs advice several times and lied (regarding the tanglewood boys) on occassions. I can understand why it could all be fatherly but i get the feeling that Danny tugs on Macs emotions that the others never do. Stella and mac are friends, lindsey and Mac are both totally about the science, Hawkes and mac a lot of respect both ways as i think is Flack and Mac. Danny and Mac?... its just something else. Danny can piss Mac off like no one else, can make him laugh, can wind him up, has given him more prblems than anyone else in the team yet he is still there! yes a father may still be there for his son but if my parents are anything to go by, i'd have been given a final warning to pull my socks up a long time ago... :lol:

I'm trying to think of specific things, and subtext as you know by now i love subtext. i guess the one thing that always got me was the time Mac said Danny may fall in love one day!! Mac kinda hoping?!?!

Again most of it is vibes... i guess perhaps this should be posted on another thread ... is there a mac and Danny thread? not that i would want them together i am a fully fledged fan of the adventures of Donnie & Danny.

I think flack is more leather that lycra though ;)

I'm about the same size as messer, i reckon it would be a fair fight! :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Ahh I see where you're coming from Sammy.
I love it. Mac is all about the science, tyou are all about the subtext!
I reckon you could take Messer and when you do I'll be there.
Flack could be like a ultimate fighter. Fighting for Danny's pride and integrity. Hehe! Now there's an episode of CSI:NY that's never going to be made.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I am definitely all about the subtext!!

Actually i have to get quite political and deep for a moment.

It is a shame that a prime time show wouldn't explore this relationship. Obviously it doens't have the teen appeal that perhaps D/L (don't start me on that!!!!) have but actually this would be one hell of an adult relationship and i don't mean in terms of the fact that it is a same sex partnership. The fact is i think it would be a more honest look at a same sex partnership, after all not all gay men are feminine nor are agy men excluded from Jobs like the police force, although i'm sure life for them can be made to be difficult.

I know CSI isn't a saop opera but surely it would be great medium to show a healthy relationship between to people that care alot about each other. Maybe its just me, but they wouldn't have to make it a big deal, just present it to us as a relationship as most relationships are?... i'd like to hope that we have moved on from the bigotted views that perhaps have influenced our viewing in past decades.

Thats just my view, hope it makes sense
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I absolutely think Mac wants himself some Danny--Danny is the only one who really gets his blood pumping. Remember when Mac smoked that cigarette in RSRD? That was an act of love if there ever was one.

Danny craves affection, so of course he wants Mac's love/attention. I think secretly he'd enjoy seeing Mac and Flack fight over him, but in the end I think it would upset him because he cares so much about them both.

None of that stops him from being a naughty little Kinkapoodle, though, and flirting shamelessly. ;) There are pics in the Locker Room of Danny crouched on all fours in an upcoming episode right in front of Hawkes! Flack would not be pleased. :mad: That's Danny's position for him and him alone. ;) :devil:

I'm on board with Fay's theory that they got together sometime around BST or soon after. I think it was a relatively new relationship in "On the Job," maybe one just at the point of turning serious. Danny reached out to the person he trusted most in the world to help him, and Flack rushed to be by his side. And he tried to help, but Danny had worked himself into such a state that nothing seemed to do any good. :( I bet Flack just wanted to hold his baby.

Faylinn said:
The two main D/F episodes as far as I can think at the moment would definitely be "Blood, Sweat and Tears" from season one and, of course, "Necrophilia Americana" in season two. :D "On the Job" has a great little D/F scene, and pretty much any episode that they're in together will provide some incriminating screencaps, especially of Flack (that man staaaaares sometimes, doesn't he? :devil:)

Speaking of "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and "Necrophilia Americana":







:devil: Have I ever mentioned that I love these two? :lol:

Look at how Flack just stares??? How can Danny not realize the man is completely head over heels in love with him??? The expression on Flack's face when Danny is around is practically dreamy. For a hard-nosed NY detective, Flack sure gets mushy around his Kinkapoodle. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Now you are all talking about the Mac/Danny thing I can start to see it. I think I was wrapped up in my own lil Danny/Flack world.
Those pics are fabulous. I love Flack and his staring. Poor Danny, he just seems oblivious.
Like Sammy said, even if they developed the friendship and then led it to something more. It doesn't have to be slap you in the face scenes but just subtle hints and comments here and there. I mean they are only friends at the moment and we've already figured out when they starting dating (BST) and when they fight (NA).
I saw the pics in the LR thread. If only Flack had been in the pics with Danny on all fours, all of our heads would have exploded.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Its just a vibe, once you are tuned in to it, it all stops being so innocent - loadsa tension in that lil' pairing.

He is just such a tease! He knows don is staring, he wouldn't wear such tight trousers if he didn't! :lol:

I saw that one... not in the LR thread though, can't remember where now. Flack won't be a happy bunny when he sees that, Sheldon better watch out!

Jealous Flack again!!! Danny will have to dig those Lycra hotpants out ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

He is a tease. He loves the attention.
all this talk about Danny and Flack in lycra has lead to some very questionable dreams. I'm not saying anymore!!
Those pictures in the LR and the Danny/Flack comments have cracked me up so much. What insight we have in their relationship!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Well he is the ultimate drama queen, if there is anyone who has a flare for the emotional and the dramatic its danny, he loves making himself the center of attention...

Something sprang to my mind the other night, after the whole "Get this to Jane Parsons in DNA... NOW!" the little smirk he does at the end, oh the fun i had with that little gesture... he is so thinking about flack! and the robospanker, trying to get aiden to test it out first before he takes it back to his apartment and flack makes him use it!!

Well Danny already wears very tight trousers, so the lycra isn't really that big of a step forward, its Flack the leather jacket from series on sort of points you in that direction, but he has smartened up his act, haircut, suit and tie... it would be hard to imagine the flack of now donning (no pun intended) his leather Jacket... or hotpants, but maybe if danny asked nicely (or if he had whip in hand - not so nicely) he would for his lil kinka!
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah Danny is the most over dramatic, emotional person. Flack must get so tired out having to deal with him all the time. They say true love conquers all though.
Didn't Eddie say the leather jacket and tie's he has to wear are a Flack kinda thing.
Yeah he wanted Aiden to try out the RoboSpanker to make sure Don didn't get hurt or rughed up too bad.
I'd quite like to see the CSI's go to a fancy dress party at the end of an episode. Danny and Flack dressed as cowboys or even somethng more horrific. (BrokeBack Mountain springs to mind).
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I'd quite like to see the CSI's go to a fancy dress party at the end of an episode. Danny and Flack dressed as cowboys or even somethng more horrific. (BrokeBack Mountain springs to mind).

oooh cowboys... sorry my mind wandered there for a mo.
They could do batman and robin :lol:

Yeah, from what i've read he isn't a fan of either. Not to say he disliked them.

Aaaaw lil' k'poo didn't want Donnie getting hurt bad... bless actually thats kinda cute
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

I would have loved Flack to have walked in on Danny looking all quizzical at the Robospanker. That would have been a dream come true.
Batman and Robin - oh my god. The images!!!
Or they could dress up as the turtles along with Hawkes and Mac.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Michelle , i'm still with my theory that they are the Romeo and Juliet of CSI:NY, their fueding families and undying love for each other... :D

Yeah, yousort of wish Flack had been in on that case instead of the other one. Especially with his sense of humour and the fact Danny was getting kinky (sorry i'm slow on the uptake - Kinky kinkapoodle - heehee!)the viewers could have been treated to some fabulous moments! I can't begin to imagine what Flack would have made of the "Party" for starters, although it probably would have got him as horny as hell and him and Danny would have had to visit the locker room for a while after, thats if Aiden hadn't of minded waiting to get in the car :devil:

Well i think Flack would be michealangelo (purely for the love of Pizza!!) and Danny would have to be Donatello (he was the one that was angry at the world right) :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

Yeah Donatello had issues with everyone and everything in the world. Sounds about right!
Flack on the bondage case. I would have died a happy lady. Even Danny looked shocked at the humans as furniture and all the toys available. I think he was just acting shocked! You know Flack and Danny have a RoboSpanker somewhere! Imagine Mac or Stella walking in on them messing around with the thing!
They truly are the Romeo and Juliet of CSI! The Messer's and Flack's are very trying families and I don't think their father's would understand their sons being in a relationship with another man, no matter how happy it made them.
I would love to see a film or episode with this storyline! Never going to happen though.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

MichelleK said:

I saw the pics in the LR thread. If only Flack had been in the pics with Danny on all fours, all of our heads would have exploded.

I think Flack would have exploded. :lol: I think it's safe to say that's probably his favorite position for his Kinkapoodle to be in. ;) :devil:

Ah, the Robospanker case...Danny acted all shocked, but I'm sure Flack made sure to procure those "toys" for them to play with after the case was done. How could Flack resist using the Robospanker on his naughty Kinkapoodle? :lol:

I do think Flack has something of a jealous streak. We've seen him get surly with Lindsay and Hawkes, two people who have gotten close to Danny recently. I would have loved to see him interact more with Mac in "On the Job." I bet he didn't appreciate Mac's harsh attitude towards Danny. Mac was much more gentle in RSRD and he even turned to Flack to watch over Danny when he was worried about Danny being in danger from the Tanglewood boys! I think Mac knows Flack's in love. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle..or do they?

hehe! The images of Danny and Flack with the Robospanker will always be etched into my memory.
I think Flack does have a jealous streak. He was abit harsh to Hawkes in one episode of season two and he harddy seems to like Lindsay at all.
I would imagine Danny playing on the jealous streak though to wind Don up and to see how he reacts and to see his loyalty. I think Mac and Flack would bump heads on how to treat and protect Danny. Mac firstly went for the tough love approach and finally let his guard down for Danny during RS,RD. Flack on the other hand protects Danny fiercely, almost wrapping him in cotton wool so he won't break. They are two very different approaches and I imagine Danny could get very annoyed and irritated about the fact that everyone walks around on egg shells around him.
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